United Press International News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-07


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I j , - | I J j j I UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL . NEWS ■ BRIEFS NATIONAL: Second Snark Successfully Drops Warhead CAPE CANAVERAL, May 6.— The sec-r ond combat-type Snark missile sped 5,000 miles down the Atlantic Tracking Range early today and dropped its simulated hydrogen warhead. It was another successful flight of near intercontinental dis-; tance. The Snark, fired by Strategic Air Command troops who would launch it in combat, took about eight hours to com- plete its mission. Informed sources said the flight was successful, and this was interpreted to mean the Snark s nose cone landed on target. Will Oppose Repeal of Third Term Ban WASHINGTON. May 6. — Republican congressional leaders said after a conference today with President Eisenhower that Attorney General William P. Rogers will oppose repeal of the ban on presidential third terms. The Senate Judiciary Committee is considering repeal of the 22nd Amendment which limits a president to two terms. The GOP leaders said they expected Rogers to submit the formal Justice Department view to the committee shortly. Inland Seeks One-Year Wage Freeze NEW YORK, May 6.— Inland Steel Company, seventh ranked steel producer of the nation, called for a one -year wage freeze to help combat inflationary pressures in the economy. William G. Caples, Inland vice-president, told negotiators of the United Steelworkers Union that steel workers "are envied by workers all over the world, including those of other industries of the United States." Ask World Cooperation on Outer Space UNITED NATIONS, May 6.— The United States called today for world cooneration to solve problems of outer space through the United Nations. U. S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge gave the keynote speech at the first meeting of the U. N. committee on the peaceful uses of outer space. Warburg Praises Herter, Fulbright NEW YORK, May 6 —Financier James P. Warburg praised Secretary of State Christian A. Herter and Sen. J. W. Fulbright, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, today as talented men who could bring about a long overdue revision of our foreign policy. Warburg, an outspoken critic of the current foreign policy, aid that "rapidly changing circumstances demand fresh minds and new ideas." FOREIGN: End Any Tibetan Hope for Independence TOKYO, May 6.— Communist China ended today any Tibetan hope of independence or even self-government within the communist empire. It predicted total com-munization once the Tibetan Rebellion has ended. Peiping admitted the anti- communist uprising had spread to three mainland provinces stretching almost to Inner Mongolia, but said "in the main" the rebellion has been quashed. Russian Nuclear Explosions Far in Lead LONDON, May 6.— The Russian nuclear explosions in 1957 and 1958 exceeded the combined power of Britain and U. S. explosions in that period, according to the | British Defense Ministry. Figures made I public by the ministry last night showed the Russians had exploded nuclear devices I with energy yield of 21,000 kilotons compared to 19,000 kilotons for the United States and Britain. One kiloton is the equivalent of the explosive force of one mil-i lion tons of TNT. Criticize Russian Economy Shortcomings MOSCOW, May 6.— T h e Communist [Party newspaper Pravada today criticized "serious shortcomings" in the nations seven-year plan aimed at topping the American economy. The newspaper said the program was lagging in the construction field and some parts of industry. The quality of some of the newly erected buildings "can be greatly criticized," an editorial said. "The outstanding success achieved by workers in industry and in building cannot conceal the fact that in many economic areas there are still some undertakings and building sites which are lagging behind. Romania Lifts Non-Jewish Emigration Bars VIENNA, May 6.— The Communist Romanian regime in a surprise move has -lifted emigration bars for non -Jewish citizens. About 150 families already have received exit visas from the Romanian Ministry of the Inferior, reliable sources disclosed. The visas are limited to those Romanians who have close relatives in overseas countries, including the United States.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050701/drf1959050701_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1959050701_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800