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, ,1 j LATEST DERBY PRICES . -A j With the near approach of Derby Day, only two weeks distant, it is quite difficult to select the probable favorite. At the present time Johnstown reigns as the choice, being quoted at 4 to 1. Next follows El Chico and Technician, each at 5 to 1. Challedon is another in great demand at 6 to 1. Porters Mite, 10 to 1; Xalapa Clown, 10 to 1; Ariel Toy, : 12 to 1; Third Degree, 12 to 1; Hash, 15 to 1, ; are among others well considered. These 5 prices were announced before Saturdays ! races, the result of which will bring a num- j ber of changes over the week-end. The fol- lowing are the lowest prices offered at 1 Saturday noon: Horse. Win. Horse. Win. s Affair .... 80 Lostagal 60 J American Byrd. . 80 Magic Key 100 1 Ariel Toy .12 Michigan Flyer. .300 J Atatime 200 Mordecai.... 200 Avesta 80 Nijinsky ... 200 1 Benefactor Out No Competition. . 30 j Black Bun 80 October Ale 300 1 Blue Trace 100 One by One 75 Book Plate 30 On Location 50 1 Boston Lad 60 Our Daniel 100 1 Bostwar 150 Our Laddie 400 J Brazado 200 Our Mat 40 Briery 300 Play Pence 300 Buddy Rogers. . .200 Porters Mite. ... 10 1 Buffalo Bill 100 Prince Saxon. .. .300 Busy Man 100 Race Riot 200 Calexico 40 Roll and Toss.". . . 30 Capulet 60 Rule All 100 J Challedon 6 Sabariel 60 J Challenge 40 Say Judge 500 c Chief Onaway...200 Scotch Trap 200 Chip In 200 Shambles 60 Counterpoise 100 Sidney Carton. . . 50 c Dark Watch 300 Silent Witness. .. 25 t Decatur 60 Sir Marlboro 80 Deil 30 Sleepy Tom 100 Detector 200 Smart Trick 50 Done Gone 200 Southland Gem.. 100 Drawstraws 400 Sports Writer. .. . 80 Easy Mon 40 Steel Heels 40 h Ebonita 100 Stockboard 80 El Chico 5 Substantial 150 Equestrian 30 Syracuse 60 Equilibrium 40 Tack Point 100 P False Lashes 60 Technician 5 J Fern Creek 100 Teddy Kerry. 150 f Flarion 100 Temulac 50 a at Float Away 200 Thellusson 100 0 Foxlane 200 Third Degree 12 t to Gala Hour 60 Time Alone 40 Get Off 100 Timeful 30 Giles County. 60 Time Sheet 100 Golden Clown 50 T. M. Dorsett. . . 20 Guyencourt 200 Tobacco Road... 100 Hants 100 Total Eclipse 75 L Hash 15 Touch and Go... 200 s Heather Broom. . 30 Up the Creek 40 e Hysterical 60 Veyo i200 c. Imperial Sir 100 Viscounty 50 " Impound 25 Volitation 60 Invader 40 Wapello 100 1 Jay Heart 100 Weisenheimer .. .200 Jay S 100 Worthy Matron. . 500 Joharie 150 Xalapa Clown... 10 J J. Johnstown 4 Yale o Nine 30 f Joy Boy, 100 Yankee Lad 500 fi Lightspur 40 tl