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j : ; 5 ! j 1 s J 1 J 1 j 1 1 1 J 1 J J c c t HEARING ON LANTZ MEASURE Illinois House Sub-Committee Hears Proponents of Bill Which Would Substitute New Commission. Proponents of the Lantz bill, Illinois senate measure which would abolish the present Illinois Racing Commission and substitute a paid board of three members at annual salaries of ,000 each, were heard Saturday morning in the Chicago city council chamber by the house sub-committee of seven members. Attorney Charles J. Michal, who has represented J. D. Michel, Carlock, Illinois, turfman, who was ruled off for life in 1935 as a result of the My Bane case at Lincoln Fields, had the floor and held it for the duration of the hearing. He attacked the present commission and Christopher J. Fitzgerald, racing commission steward, and rehashed the Mikel case from end to end. The Lantz bill is, for the greater part, the result of Mikels long fight for reinstatement. It has been before the courts of Illinois almost constantly since the action of the commission. Peter C. Granata, of Chicago, is the chairman of the sub-committee. J. Ward Smith, of Ottawa, was the only member not present for the hearing. The others, in addition to Granata, were: Stanley E. Martynowski, James I. Adduci, Edward J. Yetlak, Arthur J. Quinn and Arthur T. Broche, all of Chicago. The meeting was adjourned without a definite date being set for the hearing of the opponents of the bill, which likely will be this Week.