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: - - - m : . i WORKOUTS I Date at left of horses name is last workout. j I Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; j I h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. j j Fastest time at Each Distance Shown in BLACK FACE Type j THURSDAY, JULY 27 ARLINGTON PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7-22Crushccn ... :36h 6-27 Ona Boy.... :37b 7-22 Easy Mon... :38 b 7-25 Olncy :36b 7:20 Mars Shield.. :36 b 7-25 Prosaic ..... :38 b 725 Magic Key.. :36 h 7-25 Thirty Four. :37 h One-Hal Mile. 7-23 Antholocry .. :52b 7-19 Marbold .... :48 h 7-24 Chinese Red. :47d 7-20 Mnln Ridge. :52 b 7-9 Irenes Bob.. :51 b 7-20 Miss Bl Dog :52b 7-24 Life Guard.. :49h 7-24 Seeulatcr ... :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-21 Lady 0 l:05h 7-23 Russl McGeel:04 h 6- 26Melva Jane.1:03h 7-24 Whichaway .l:06b Three-Quarter Mile. 7- 24 Belle High..l:15b 7-24 Strait Lead.1:14b 7-24 Connie Ann.. 1:19 b 7-22 Valdina Vixnl:17 b 7-23Diavolo Boy.l:19b 7-20 Wise Will...l:15h 7-23 Kissem l:15b 7-25 Yantis l:15h 7-25 Rule All 1:15 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-25 Melodist ....l:27h One Mile. 7-26 Sun Lover... 1:44 b 7-23 Viscounty ..1:50 b Chinese Red worked from the gate. Marbold showed a good effort. Belle High and Kissem worked in company. Strajghf: Lead was under good restraint throughout his three-quarters preparation. Sun Lover had an easy mile trial. ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7-24Athalie .... :36 h 7-24 Estrellita .. :37h 7-19 Al Au Feu.. :39 b 7-19 Individual .. :38h 7-20 Blue Flyer.. :37h 7-19 Monon Lad.. :37 h 7-11 Busy Lutcia :37b 7-22 Maurice K.. :36h 7-18 Calexico . . . :33b 7-24 Martha Joan :37 h 7-23 Car-Rou . . . :38 h 7-15 Milln Bucks :39 h 7-14 Cling Spgs :36 b 7-10 Macawlee .. :37 h 7-12Copr Lad.. :39b 7-23 Nana Kate.. :36h 7-24 Duck Stans. :39 b 7-14 Ruby Falls. :37h 3-5 Displaver .. :37h 7-24 Star Struck. :36 h 7-22 Dissembler. :36h 7-23 Wcisenhmr :37 b One-Half Mile. 7-2lBarn Hter :50 b 7-7 Polycletus .. :49h 7-23 Fred Brenr :50d 7-24 Predicate . . :484ih 7-4 Galt Stroke :50h 7-12 Rh Dimond :55b 7-23 Irish Soap. . :50h 7-22 Sweepogan . :48h 7-19 Miss Ptypat :524ih 7-24 West Wicta :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-10 Bombastic .l:03d 7-20 Miss Balko.l:04h 7-15Blueneld ...1:02 h 7-22 Rhett 1:01 d 7-12 Brt Land...l:061ib 7-20 The Boxer.. 1:07 b 7-25 Floragina ..l:03h 7-26 The Object. .1:04 h 7-23 Flying Lill. .1:01 b 7-26 Wowo l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-21 Amos l:lh 7-22 Fanfern ....l:17h 7-22 Chatterfol ..1:23 b 7-19 Lyngate ...l:17h 7-23 Dixie Girl ..1:15h 7-15 Torch Stick.l:22 b One Mile. 7-23 Flip Flap. . .l:49b 7-25 Park City. . .l:46h 7-20 Her Reign .1:44h 7-21 Utica l:49b 7-24 iAIalmaison .l:49b Sweepogan showed good speed, as did Predicate. Flying Lill continues to show good speed. Rhett was under pressure and appeared to be doing his best. Dixie Girl showed a good effort. Fanfern accompanied Her Reigh for three-quarters. Flip Flap and Utica were in company. WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7-7 Our Teddy... :39b 6-22 Traicioncro . :40 b 7-24TotiIIa :40 b One-Half Mile. 7-24 Gdmas Boy :50h 7-25 Lyner :55 b 7-25 Gold Mesh... :52 h 7-23 Scotch Muff . :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 6- 24 All Time Hi.l:054ib 7-21 Gale Way. ,.1:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 5- 25 Colonel Joe. .1:22 b 7-24 Patan 1:21 b -15 Motn Pictre1:l9h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7- 24 Ron 1:33 b One Mile. 7-24 Panalong ...1:47 b Gold Mesh was sore after her work. Gale Way worked evenly throughout his move. LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 7-21 Als Pride... :38h 7-25 Perplex .... :38 h Bess Cot.... :39 h 7-21 Qun Regnant 9h 7-3 Guinea Law.. :41h 7-22 Toast .. :39 h 7-19 Justa Slave.. :40h One-Half Mile. 7-20 Boycott :504ih 7-20 Loudoun ... :53h 7-24 Bull Market. :52 h 7-25 Jane W :54h 7-8 High Fire... :53h 7-24 Muggins ... . :54h 7-21 Hit and Run. :53 b 7-22 Trip After. . :52h 7-22 Jay D :54h 6-30 Waltz :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-21 Coo Boo....l:04h 7-24 Linter 1:03h 7-25 Lake Shore. .l:044ih 7-20 Naughty Sisrl:031d Three-Quarters Mile. 7-24 Crack Boy.. .1:20 h 7-22 Saint l:204ih I 7-22 Real Sport. .1:17h 7-20 Wild Love. ..l:18h Real Sport seems to like the going. Linter showed improvement in her trial. Boycott seems to be rounding to his best form. I LATONIA. Weather cloudy; track sloppy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 7-20Arianna :39 b 7-21 Isarunncr . .. :364ih 7-22 Bookman ... :39b 7-21 Just Buck... :40 b 6- 28 Blind Star... :41 b 7-26 Little Joan.. :38 b 7- 25Blackmn Jr. :38b 7-24 Miss Wise... :40 b 7-22 Big Squaw.. :38b 7-24 Queen Echo., :44b 7-24 Dr. Hawcs.. :43 b 7-16 Rolg Wheels :42 b 7-18 Grey Advice. :3Gh 7-23 Sky Ball :39 b One-Half Mile. 7-24 Bronze Bugle :56b 7-19 Heel Up :56 b 7-21 Cynic King. . :53 b 7-21 Lady Lucille. :52b 7-23 City Talk. . . . :55b 7-23 Miss Sarah. .. :57b 7-7 Chloltc Dear :51h 7-24 Tyr , :49 h 7-22 Helen Mac... :51h Five-Eighths Mile, 7-21 Butch l:06b 7-23 Linger Awhilel:04 b 7-23 Black Buddy.l:07 b 7-16 Polly Chilla.. 1:07 b 7-22 Jack W l:03h 7-22 Squaw Lady.l:04 b 7-16 Little Jack. .l:03h 7-22 Spd to Burn.l:09b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-23 Driftg Homcl:21 b 7-22 Scrappy Missl:20 b 7-23 Henry l:21b 7-25 Vantryst ...1:26 b 7-21 Our Sammy. .l:20b Grey Advice displayed good speed. Isarunncr worked evenly. Tyr continues to train well. Helen Mac and Charlotte Dear accomplished a good work around the "dogs" together. Squaw Lady and Linger Awhile breezed nicely together. Jack W. and Little Jack worked creditably in company. THISTLE DOWN. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 7-2 Ajaygee :41 b 7-24 Little Duke. . :39 h 7-24 Bad Roll.... :44 b 7-25 Mine Host... :41h 6- 29 Depend :40h 7-25 Mostly ...... :39h 7- 23Dustless .... :39h 7-19 Rcgisterite .. :39h 7-21Hi-Cce :38h 7-23 Time Please. :37 h 7-25 Lop Along... :37h One-Half Mile. 7-18 Credulous .. :55 h 7-20 Mad Money.. :53 b 7-9 Chanceful .. :57 b 7-24 Mo :53h 7-19 Domanio . . .. :54h Mac Son :53h 7-24 Grace D :55 b 7-15 Peggys Sun. :51 h 7-25 Hodgie :51 h 6-27 Renoggaw . .. :50h 5- 25 King Rib.... :50d 7-3 R6veries Son :51h Five-Eighths Mil 7-23 Anxiety ....1:05 b 7-23 Matchless ...l:08b 7-17 Dream Boat.1:02h 7-25 Mingling ...l:0Sh Gamblg Boyl:07h Supreme Sir.l:05b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-23 Bachr Dinr.1:21 b 7-6 Litigation ..l:21b Time Please worked a handy three furlongs. Mad Money was going easliy. Anxiety was snugged throughout her trial. Dream Boat appeared to like the muddy going in her excellent five furlongs move. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather cloudy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. Algate :42 b 7-22 Nopsa Peace :41h 7-24 Dustbox .... :42 b 7-23 Pines Art.... :41 b 7-26 Forest Pine. :41 b 7-22 Prince Reno :41 b 7-16 Flush :39 b 7-19 The Nile :41 b . 7-20 Nopalosa Red :42 b 7-24 Twinkle Feet. :40b One-Half Mile. 7-26 Ann Blossom :56 b 7-10 Imperl Carol :56 b 7-24 Cortics John. :54 b 3-26 Pargo :55b 7-9 C. by Chance :54b 6-29 Sly Kitty. ... :54 b 7-26 Imperial Lu :54b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-2 Dixie Torch. 1:08 b 7-2 True Enough1:07h 7-21 Old Pete....l:llb Three-Quarters Mile. 7-26 Billabong . . .1:29 b 6-25 San Ardo. . . .l:27b 6- 25Parrish Rchl:27h True Enough worked very handily. Nopalosa Peace and Nopalosa Red were in company. San Ardo and Parrish Roach were only breezing. Pines Art and Forest Pine were together. Due to a heavy fog no horses were timed until after eight oclock. ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7- 13 Athanasian . :36h 7-15 Pharaboy .. :40 b 6-25 Blk Raptre :36hl 7-21 Proph :39 b 6- 10 Burgoo Trail :38V5h River Broom :38h 7- 12 Buzz Me.... :37h 5-20 Rctlaw .... :37h 7-21 Blind Eagle. :37 h Rol Wanton :36h 6- 28-Bonviant . . :39h 7-12 Rcga Badn :40 b 2-22 Clocks :37h 7-10 Real Money. :38h 7- 22 Dk Palatine :36h 7-20 Satin Rolls.. :39h 7-13Drccl :37h 7-4 Star Loom.. :39b 7-10 Duval Sun.. :38y5h Saving Pomp :42b 7-19 Ellen H :38h 7-20 Sagacious .. :38h 7-18 Jungle Jack :40 b 7-19 The Serf. . . . :40 b 7-25 Jim Mike... :37 h 7-23 Vict ry Morn :38b 7-24 Knitctta . . . :37b Violet Reigh :38h 7-16 Must Be.... :38h 7-8 Woodsaw .. :38b Mdow Gold :36h 7-11 Whooper ... :39b 7-20 Mtro Sascha :38h 7-25 Wesgot .... :38b 7-12 Not High... :42b 7-2 Wcebag .... :39b 7-16 Old Maid... :38h 7-25Xanthcin .. :39 b One-Half Mile. 7-23 Benjam :52h 7-23 Merrymood :49 h 7-23 Boston Pal.. :50 h 7-16 Miss Michn :50 h 7-24 Circus Night :53 h 7-23 Many Moons :50h 4-29 Choice Gem. :52h 7-8 Posterity .. :504ih 7-18 Drift Along. :50 h 7-21 Regal Sun.. :52b 7-16 Fight Back. :50h 7-3 Sister Reigh :5Ch 7-23G. W. Rks :52h Stock Girl.. :52 h 7-19 Guild ...... :51h 7-22 Secrt Serve :51h 7-23 Griewrack .. :52b 7-16 Toby Tyler. :50h 7-21 Hh Treason :52 h 5-20 Wisedalc ... :52 h 7-19 Malayan ... :53 h 7-5 Wdlander . :54-b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-21 Chancer ...l:12h 6-29 Legcrdcmn l:034ih 7-20Cardell ....l:03h 7-16 Maestrung .1:04 h 7-18 Chief Nadi..l:04 h Whiskdale ..1:07 h 7-25 Hobby l:07h 6-29 Wantarun ..l:07h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-9 Abrasion .1:14 h 7-19 Sea Gull.... 1:25 h 7-21 Dodger ....l-24h 7-23 Silt Witnessl:23 b 6- 14 Free Again. l:18h 7-23 Suznc Peckl:17h 7- 20 Good Odds..l:19h 7-19 Stage Bcautyl:16h 7-9 Ghost Trainl:19h 7-19 Time Interl 1:18 h 7-21 Kg Pramdl:igh 7-5 Truworthy 1:21 b 7-20Libria l:2Cli 7-21 Toddle 0n..l:214ih 7-23 Post Oak...l:20ysh 2-12 Westn Runl:17Jh Seven-Eighths Mill. 7-16 Moralist ...l:43b One Mile. 7-16 Beautiful ..- :49h 7-18 Nabob l:45d 7-17Busle Ann.. 1:50 d 7-25 Petlinc ....1:46 d 7-24 Daytonian .l:49h 7-18 Somali 1:45 h 7-17 Four Spot.. 1:46 h 7-20 Slump l:49h 7-23 Hypocrite ,.l:44h 7-24 Tall Story.. 1:45 h 7-23 Legal Light. l:Wsh 7-16 Up and Up.l:44h Up and Up was under a mild drive in the last quarter. Abrasion worked from the gate in good style. Daytonian and Slump worked in company. Toddle On was in hand throughout her trial. , EMPIRE CITY. . Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7-9 Brit Chance :37h 6-13 Sun "Victor. .. :39 b 7-25 Comncemerit :36d 7-24 Slave Charm. :38 b 7-23 Speed Limit.. :38 b 7-23 Salt Bay.... :37h 7-24 Silent Jim... :38 b 7-21 Tola Rose... :36 d One-Half Mile. 7-8 Alanfox .... :49d 7-25 Full Steam.. :50h 7-5 Broad Vision. -52 h 7-22 Gridine :52 b 7-25 Boston Fair. :50h 7-25 Germans :49 d 7-25 Briar Sharp. :48 d 7-23 Landlubber. . :52 b 7-17 Bill FWth :50h 7-22 Ponemah ... :52 b 7-25 Chronicle ... :48d 7 16 Ocean Roll.. :511: 6- 26 Cuckoo :50 b 7-25 Rex Flag. . . :49h 7- 17 Drawstraws . :50 d 7-22 Strolling By. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-24 Bass Wood. .1:08 b 6-30 Hunter L.. ..1:04 h 7-24 Bold a. Bad.1:03Jh 7-24 Melissa 1:05 b 7-4 Clap Pair.... 1:04 h 7-25 Rugged Rockl:04 h 7-24 Hermie Roy. .1:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-24 Irish Echo. .l:19b 6-26 Mon Reve. . .l:17h 7-24 Great Albert.1:15h 7-25 Nansemond .l:17h 7-21Kievex 1:22 b 7-22 Williamstownl:16h 7-20 Money Mdlc.l:18 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-25 Jay Jay l:28h One Mile. 7-23 Affair 1:44h 7-24 Knts Havnl:45 h 7-23 Invader .....1:45 h 7-20 Sickle T 1:45 h Tola Rose worked from the gate. Briar Sharp showed a nice turn of speed down the back stretch. Great Albert was under restraint. Affair worked evenly throughout his easy trial. Knights Haven accompanied Invader in his work. SARATOGA SPRINGS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7-24 Early Settler :37 b 7-24 Fogoso :36h One-Half Mile. 7-21Brazado .... :50h 7-25 Pompier .... :51 b 7-25 Burnt Brgcs :51 b 7-25 The Finest. .. :50h 6- 24 Irish Mirth.. :49h 7-14 Volitant .... :54 r. 7- 20 Last Call.... :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-28 Abyssinia ...1:08 b 7-25 Play House.. 1:06 b 6- 2 Bolingbrook .VMh 7-25 Piquet l:01h Beauty Flag.. 1:04 b 7-23 Pilot Biscuitl:03 h 7- 25 Blanket 1:05 b 7-26 Pontius .. 1:03 h 7-25 Ballast Reef.l:03 h 4-23 Phara Tatllerl:03h 7-25 Druco Sysko. 1:03 h Progress ... .1:01 h 7-23 Enthrall ....1:03 h 7-23 Pircda l:02h 7-18 Glad Eye. . . .l:01li 7-9 Pixey Dell. . .l:03h 7-25 Genl Mangrl:02 h 7-11 Pagliacci ...1:04 b 7-25 Golden Voicel:03 h 7-20 Spanish Mainl:06 b 7-21 In Charge... 1:03 h .7-25 Scotch Breadl:04 h 7-25Jacamar ...1:02 h 6-27 Solatium ...1:04 h 7-25 Jessie Gladysl:08 b 7-23 Triumvirate .1:03 h 7-16 La Sombra.. 1:02 h 7-19 Tradition .. .l:03h 7-25 Noon Step.. .1:06 b 7-25 Well Read. ..l:01h 7-23 Noodles ....1:03 h 7-23 Wink la 1:04 b 7-22 Pirata ; 1:02 h 7-24 Yellow Dust.l:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-10 Bonny Imp.. l:16h 6-26 Maeline 1:16 h 7-22 Bulwark . . . .l:19b 7-24 Miss Gino. . .1:16 h 7-24 Bracing . . . .1:16 h 7-21 Pernio l:14h 7-26 Dungeon ...1:15 h 7-24 Red Eye. .. .l:12h 7-26 Epitaph ....1:15 h 7-24 Rosetown ...l:16h 7-22Endymion ..1:17 h 7-25 Roulan 1:16 h 7-20 Flamg High. l:14h 7-22 Sun Suplettcl:15 h 5 5 Gencralis ...l:16h 6-29 Strawberry .1:16 h 7-23 Ginobi 1:15 h 7-23 Short Distcel:17 b 6-29 Lets Dine... l:16h 7-20 Wtr Crackrl:14 h Missaphnsnl:17h 6-26 Your Chancel:16 h 6- 28 Miss Brief... 1:15 h 7-24 Yes or No. ..1:14 h i Seven-Eighths Mile. 7- 4 Bull Whip... 1:30 h 7-24 Maeda l:29h 7-25 Black Bread.1:28h One Mile. 7-18 Beacon Rock.l:47b 7-23 Knickbocr l:40h 7-25 Eight Thirty. 1:40 h 7-24 Nit ro 1:42 h 7-25 Get Off I:46b 7-23 Rodin l:40h One and One-Quarter Miles. 7-24 Jolly Tar.... 2:17 b SARATOGA. Oklahoma Training Track. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Bright Blue. :42 b 7-9 Spillway .... :39 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-24 Chip In l:06h 7-24 Equestrian ..l:06h 7-21 Count Fitz.. 1:09 b Sitalite 1:10 b One-Half Mile. 6- 27 Bright Gray. :53h 7-3 Flying Lark.. :54 b 7- 24 Bn Prce III. :53 b 7-17 Surprise Box :54 b 7-24Fairflax :55 b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-13 Bailiwick ...1:24 b Hamlin 1:20 b 7-24Ciencia 1:17 h 7-10 Pomary ....1:21 b 7-24Farndale ....1:25 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6- 4 Brit Thorn. 1:36 b 7-25 Time Sheet 1:36 b BEL AIR. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Arrow Girl.. :37h 6-1 Nathan Hale. :38h 7- 24 Bet Wick... :39h 6-29 Red Wings.. :38 h 7-23 Boeralice ... :40 b Satin Royce. :38 h Luna Bright. :38h 7-16 Wcstvr Boy :39 h 7-10Molass Julia :37h One-Half Mile. 7-19Chessie :51h 6-16 Madfoot .... :49h 7-24 High Rose... :51h 7-25 Night Watch. :52 h 7-21 Lapis :52h 7-24 Waugh Pop. . :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-17 Hpy Miraclc.l:05 b 5-23 Romy Royal.1:04 h 7-25 Prosit 1:08 b 7-4 Trapshot ...l:05h 6- 19 Proteus ....1:06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 7- 17 Bright Brian.l:19 h 7-4 Royal Cross. 1:17?h 7-25 Did She 1:18 h 7-16 Roman Ladyl:22 h 7-22Herlero 1:19 h 5-18 Sandy Belle.. 1:18 h 7-24 Mgie Wrackl:21 h 7-3 Tuleyries Ladl:22 b 7-24Prismoid ...1:22 b 6-13 Turkeys Run.l:20 h One Mile. 4-10 Capt. Jerry. .1:48 h Madfoot worked well in hand and is ready for a good effort. Royal Cross worked under wraps and is still in good form. Romney Royal showed speed and is on edge. MOUNT ROYAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Throe-Eighths Mile. 7-20 Brown Hat.. :38b 7-16 Fidele :39b 7-25 Army Game. :37b 7-3 Josette :39 b 6- 26 Battle Plane. :374ib 7-14 Logwood .... :40 b 7- 25 Blond Jester. :40 h 6-24 Miss Trycom :38 b 6- 17Culajoe :38b 7-4 Shoteur .... :37 b 7- 19Dorsays .... :38b One-Half Mile. 7-22 Cherry Boy. . :54 b 7-24 Sergeant Al.. :52 b 7-16 Hi Ben :52b 7-15 Whisk K.... :53 b 7-22 Peanut Boy. . :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-8 James DVId1:06 b 7-19 Old Dominionl:09 b 7-5 Lyons Night.l:08andb 7-5 Polite Ford.. 1:07 b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-19 Doncliff ....1:18 b 7-25 Monocle ....1:20 b One Mile. 6- 30 Contermarch 1:42 h i Centermarch worked one of the best miles ever witnessed on the Province of Quebec Racing Associations tracks. Monocle was hard held. HAMILTON. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7- 25Dagrs Dran :38b 6-30 Lingster .... :37 h 4- 23GalIare ..... :38 b Light Joe.... :37h 7-22Heydona ... :38 h 7-22 Rock Bound. :36 h 7-16 Indignant .. :39 b 7-3 Suntack .... :58 b 7-3 Kings Crest. :36d 7-23 Sun Paprice. :36 h One-Half Mile. 7-21 Brown Lion.. :49d 7-8 Rudo :51 h 5- 30 Cashew :49?h 7-7 Red Pirate.. :55 b 7-22 Hasty Triph. :51 h 7-16 Rural Mail. .. :51 b. Listycoat ... :50h 7-12 Sping Bell... :51 d 7-25L3ghtful .... :494h 7-10 Wee Prcss. :53 b 5- 28 Making Hay. :49h 7-23 Zcvwee 1 . . . . :49h 6- 19 Orphan Lass. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 7- 9 Brass Bottle. 1:04 h 7-23 Goln Silence.l:06?sb 7-23 Diabroom ...1:06 h 7-24 Jelwell l:05b 7-16 Giggling Girl.l:04 h 7-25 Wise King. ..1:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-21 Chlorisonnc .1:23 h 7-22 Richie l:17h 7-23 Danarco . . . .l:17h 7-24 "Spring Moon.l:17h 7-10 Gentle Knit.l:15d 7-16 Star Beam. ..l:16h 6- 28Monocacy ..1:25 h 7-22 Traffic Light1:13h 7- 22 Merc Frolic. .1:23 h 7-24 Worthy Dukcl:18b One Mile. 7-22 Bomber l:43d 7-21 Fore Isus.... 1:48 h 7-21 Dark Revue. 1:48 h 7-22 Tdy Haslaml:43d Bomber and Teddy Haslam worked in company. Traffic Light showe da high turn of speed from the barrier. Dark Revue was under restraint. Fore Isus worked handily. Gentle Knight showed a good move. Making Hay and Lightful worked evenly in company. Rural Mail was breezing. Listycoat worked handily. Spring Moon is rounding to form,