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I BEL AIR BEL AIR, MD., THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1939.-Bel Air 3-4 mile. Second day. Harford County Fair Asso-ciation. Inc. Summer meeting of 10 days. Waite Gate used. Waite Camera. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Racing Commission, J. T. Wolfe. Stewards of Meeting, M. C. Shea and h.. M. Staylor. Judges, W. Bnnton, E. J. Brennan and J. Turner, Jr. Starter, I. Gregory. Racine s Secretary, E. J. Brennan. Racing starts i at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicatos apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 180 FEET MORE THAN 4 1-2 FURLONGS Bel Air Course. Purse 00. .79491 25earoIis- Maidens. Special weights. July-27-39-Blr Net vaue to w;nner 75; second 05; third g. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S.GRAND,WALTZ WBl13 5 4 3i 22 11 lPalumboS H D Massey 1510-100 77427TIME OWAR will 6 10 8 4h 22 2 ReillyJ A Riggs III 170-100 791722FAIR HAIRED wb113 10 1 1" 1 34 3h DivitoN D RehUl 320 100 78417 OSOFREE WB113 7 3 4 54 5 54 MachadoL J E Hughes 670-100 ""S ?I 9 6t 65 NertneyW Mrs M N Bond Slti ?SSS?55 W2? I S .E HackerB A C Baldwin 8250-100 77353 GROUCHY w113 3 6 7 84 8i 82 KirkC H B Lanirdnn W7mm ?5S;EE Wl13 2 5 51 7,1 9 92 VUX MrsB John" 1 0 22 77805 JULIE MACAW wb115 4 9 10 10 10 10 MillsJ Mrs M A Elwce 8540-100 , Time. :22, :47. :59. Track fast. PRAMn iiAi T7 TlfLMUTJIELS PJ4D OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD3 . Jim Satrfh 4-10 2S0 105-100 45-100 FAIR HAIRED 37Q gg qq WinsT01" 3 B f Grandace Etho1 Valo by Watervale trained by C. Massoy; bred by Mr. J. S. WENT TO POST 2:00. AT POST 6 minutes. 1 nfttvnw,aTT7SloW,,f0r 3,1 but Time War- Won driving; second and third the same. UKAiNU WALTZ, well up in the early running, rallied to wear down the pacemaker entering the stretch was kept under pressure and held TIME O WAR safe at the end. The latter, away poorlv, worked his way forward between horses to enter contention on the turn, made a stout bid midway of the stretch but tired ?"nM fe Si frT ,HS carIVffrts, AIR HAIRED Sct 3 SoA Paco but fa5Ied t0 withstand the first 1 fA? ? Z-S--1"1? fmal dnve- OSOFREE raced evenly. KIN MAG could not reach a forward position. DUNPORT tired after a half mile. GROUCHY was outrun. LADY MOWLEE had no misliaps. VaIeSStdln67Ed?a H113 RS 113 ?8365 FamaS Fay 113 5 Dawnslit- 116 76820 So Fong, 108; 78597 Overweignt Julie Macaw, 2 pounds. SECOND RACE 180 FEET MORE THAN 4 1-2 FURLONGS Bel Air Course Purse ,79492 fJS- ain,1 V,pwar1-, Claiming:. Non-winners of three races in July JuwS3mT 27 39-Blr S nyCar;idf. 114 lbs; older 119 lbs- Non-winners of two races in 1939, allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockey, Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 78189ELEGANT DAME w 5 106 38 lh ix ink ih BernhardtR v t K;nm, inn 78691 DOLLED UP w6108 5 4 Jft 4 4h 62 KhkC L B HouK 78450 NURSERY wb 3 106 6 10 5 5h ?4 ?i Sn yderW R C Watts K5 79170 BURSTING wb 5 103 10 1 8 8U 8 8 WitmerG EKH;Ln onniX 791703nviNKINGMOONw3103 8 7 93 93 93 92 ScottL S fS Sim 78450 WHITE SWEETS wb5112 9 9 10 10 10 10 SnanfcsJ W Ltont 3 S Time, M5. :48, :59. Track fast. IaTbyt D.AM.E.::: T 1F1F Fa TWunr"7B b. Princc f Wales-Refinement, by Sundari trained N. P by J. Fillman; bred by Mr R. L. Humphrey. Winner entered to be claimed for 00 WENT TO POST 2:35. AT POST 3 minutes, j Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ELEGANT DAME, going in her best form, gained a short lead early, was unable to get clear rallied gamely to a hard drive and outstayed SAIL BY approaching the finish. The latter was a s out conLnder from the start, rallied gamely m the closing stages and fought it out courageously HANDLEY badk " about m the early racing, finished stoutly in the last quarter mile. PRETTY PAL worked her frtvard messed gradually after meeUng with interference after the start. HONEYMAID was used up getting to way ?he leTders XlrE St S2f and B mtliSml 7D8ot ProL7s9,mParkins Tkket m 77729 Rod Wins 106 79170Hal Overweight Elegant Dame, 5 pounds ; Honeymaid. 2; White Sweets, 1. THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON FIRST AND SECOND RACES PAID 31.50 FOR ENTRIES RUN AS ONE HORSE NO FIELD HORSES. IU!rlD.RACi MOVT 2 M"ES-. Purse 5500. 4-year-olds and upward. Steeplechase 794 Allowances. Non-winners of 50 in 1939. 4-year-olds 141 lbs tvpar S JulSwH? I4? lb,S; lde.r 150 Ibs Non-winners in 1930 aHowed mkandlns tlhs July u ja Bir nuuaens, b IDs. Net va,ue tp winner 25. secQnd 0; M Q ; Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 8 12 16 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt SfPRATTLER vb7 145 3 8 52 515 36 lh MottTTJr T T Mott 100 78194DUN LUCKY ws5140 1 1 222 2 lh and BrooksN E Johnston ?S 78868:iTSAMAID w 7 138 7 4 4 33 U 38 nSsJ J C Clark g5 S 63157 JUSTA BUD w7140 8 3 3i 3 4 43 48 HelicusO S S Earlv mtc inn 768212QUAKERSTREET ws 9 1476 2 135 14 Xi 5 5 D B Barrows mm 341043ABENAK w9 147 4 6 6 6 Pulled up. PowersF G ?it nAmvrn I ? T BaHWE G W Stevcns Jr BBS-lOO 68678 68678 TAM OSHANTERwsb7147 2 7 Lost rider. HaleyJ H J ODonovan 2400-100 Time, 4:19. Track fast. Ti3MUTiII;LS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PR ATTi ro SSSnrtv -9 5F $ 2-70 95-100 55100 35100 ITSAMAID 3.eo 80100 land1STrGhbRSmUhCk CircUSPopCane Hurr 0n trai"cd by Judy Johnson; bred in Eng. WENT TO POST 3:05. AT POST minute. Start had and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PRATTLER, away badly and far out of contention for the first mile, gained steadily to enter contention Hearing the fourteenth fence, finished determinedly under punishment while coming wide in the final drive I and was up in the last strides in a stout finish. DUN LUCKY, saved back of the pacemaker for a mile I and a half, moved to the front when ready, stalled off a stout effort from ITSAMAID and fought it out gamely. His rider lost his right stirrup iron and could not do his mount full justice. ITSAMAID steadied off the pace, made a stout challenge at the fourteenth fence, then tired. JUSTA BUD tired after a mile QUA KERSTREET quit badly when caught. TAM OSHANTER was away badly and lost rider at the second jump. BAD HARVEY fell at the same fence. Scratched 65509 Gold Sweeper, 137; 76943 Suspect, 140; 20922 Toy Maker, 147. " Overweight Prattler, 3 pounds: Itsamaid, 1; Quakerstreet, 2; Bad Harvey, 3. Apprentice allowance waived Abenaki. FOURTH RACE 7-8 MILE. Purse S400. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners J.Q4. of 00 Uvice in 1939 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. Non-wiriners of fnviT7QRw U0Q in 1939 a,Iowcd 3 Ibs-J non-winners in 1939, 5 lbs. Claiming price, 00. July-Z7-39-Blr Net value to winner 75; secondt 5; third 5; forth S15 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St i V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77859 MILRAY w 4 107 3 6 6 6J 4 2 1 RootR L C Leith 4180-100 78943 WAY OUT w4109J 4 2 23 lh l ! 2 PalumboS Mrs H Horst 220-100 78449 SCOUTALLOW w 4 11310 5 5A 4h 3k 3i 3 HolIandR Miss V P Andrews 320-100 790942COLONY wb 5 107 9 3 lh 2 23 42 4h MachadoL H R Freck 490-100 7S0982WORTHOWNING wb4112 2 9 8 82 6 5 HackerB M C Hazen 3670-100 77582 GOANTELL wsn 8 107 5 7 V2 7h 5 5h 6 SnyWerW C E George 1410-100 78870 HAGERSTN BOY wsb4112 6 10 10 10 V2 71 7 NcrtneyW W Worthington 4015-100 755123JUDGES BID wsb3107 8 8 9 91 9 83 8 BernhardtR M B Goss 920-100 66802 FIRE MOUNTAIN wb6114 1 1 41 51 63 9 9 TreptorA W F Mackin 6170-100 780323DUNSANY wb 12 114 7 4 3h 3 Broke down.MunozF C Gribbons 625-100 Time, :ZZ, :48. 1:15?, 1:28. Track fast. , MUIUELS PAID . . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MILRAY 5.60 2.00 $ 7.80 4180100 1000100 290100 WAY OUT 4.10 2.90 105100 45100 SCOUTALLOW 3.10 55100 Winner Br. f, by Milkman Ex Ray, by Ambassador IV. trained by L. C. Leith; bred by Mrs. M. A. Ramsev. Winner entered to be chimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:38. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MILRAY, outrun for five-eighths, worked her way to the leaders nearing the stretch, wore down WAY OUT inside the final eighth and was under severe pressure at the end. WAY OUT sct a good pace, stalled off stout contention from COLONY and fought it out gamely. SCOUTALLOW was well up from the beginning, saved ground in the late stages and held on well while finishing lame. COLONY forced a steady pace after losing command, but tired badly in the stretch. WORTHOWNING finished with good energy. GOANTELL could not threaten. FIRE MOUNTAIN quit. DUNSANY broke down and was pulled up. Scratched 77726 Bright Brian, 109; 76426 Three Grand, 109; 74872 Arachne, 112; 79170 By Surprise, 107.; 76758 Soupcon, 107; 76765 Tuft Hunter. 112. Overweight Way Out, 2 pounds; Scoutallow, 4; Fire Mountain, 2. Apprentice allowance waived Dunsany. . Continued on eighteenth page. BEL AIR Continued from ninth page. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of 00 since F7Ck ACkK. 20. Weight, 115 lbs. Non-winners since May 20 allowed S lbs.; maid- ,4 kJLxJ D ens, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 July-27-39-Blr to 00. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 11 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 61435 FACULTY wl02 9 6 6 5 3 l1 l VcsseliA.. -H M Gilbert 1755-100 78033 PRAIRIE MAN wb114 5 5 7" 72 7h 3h 2 ObertW B A Hall , 570-100 78696 "BUBBLEWORTH wb108 8 4 3J4. 2h 2 2J 3l AHgaicrH . Mrs C H Sprague 575-100 791713ALICE DODGE wb106J 3 2 4h 61 6h 5J 4$ PeckJ A L Lcith 410-100 77853 COUNORA wb107 6 7 5J 4 5l 4 51 RootR E Samaha 265-100 65327 MARTHAS QUEEN w 106 1 8 8 9 93 93 6 KirkC A R Cremen 2630-1C0 79095 WHITTLE PETE wb 112 2 1 1 p$ H 6 7" Romainell M R Waugh 5280-100 79095 WALLI wb!09 7 3 2h 3 41 "nk 82 PalumboS Mrs G.Hutchins 545-100 76424 AUTUMN ECHO wsb 107 4 10 10 8 8i 84 92 SnyderW R C Watts 2670-100 .75651 ENGLES LAD w 115 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 MillsJ Mrs S P Peacock 1995-100 Time, :23. :48?s, 1:15, 1:27?. Track fast. MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FACULTY i 7.10 4.80 1.80 1755100 640100 490100 PRAIRIE MAN 7.80 5.50 290-100 175-100 BUBBLEWORTH 5.20 160100 Winner Br. f, by Swift and Sure Talented, by Chicle trained by H. M. Gilbert; bred by Mr. A. Pons. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:06. AT POST 6 minutes. , Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ...... FACULTY moved up fast after going five eighths to reach the leaders, -raced to the front when straight- - . cned in the stretch, then held on stubbornly to outstay PRAIRIE MAN. The latter, lacking early speed, settled in stride after five-eighths and finished full of. run in the closing drive. BUBBLEWORTH was close up from the start, made strong challenges and held on gamely. ALICE DODGE, allowed to drop back after the first three-eighths, made a wide turn into the stretch, then came gamely under punishment. COUNORA raced well for the entire trip. MARTHAS QUEEN was unable to menace. WALLI quit badly. AUTUMN ECHO can do better. Scratched 78941:Golden Mayne, 107; 77731 Land of Smiles, 112; 76645 Remolcc, 110; 68902 Cleo C-105; 76645 Nugget. 105; Cardinette, 105. Overweight Alice Dodge, 1 pounds; Marthas Queen, 4; Englcs Lad, 3. SIXTH RACE 6T2 FURLONGS. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of 00 since June 15. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. Non-, , Fr,. winners since June 15 allowed 3 lbs.; since May 20, 5 lbs. Claiming price, July-27-39-Blr ,000; if for 00, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner -25; second, 100; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 790102SMALL CHANGE ws 9 114 6 3 1 l l2 14. MachadoL B Bond 405-100 79173 MISS DOLLY KAY wb 4 112 3 8 9s 6 3J 22 Romainell E Nelson 610-100 779493NAY NAY wb 8 112 2 1 4l 4h 44 3$ PalumboS E Johnston 485-100 78692 SCHLEY BUCK wb4114 7 10 8J 83 62 4 HollandR R A Bowman Jr 665-100 78867SLADY BUCK wb 8107 8 5 3" 3 2h 5 BcrnhardtR VV Royle 645-100 790962VERITAS w 8 109 5 7 6 7 5h 63 DivitoN C Beal . 845-100 790953GROUCHNEUR w 3 109 9 4 2i 2 7 7 SnyderW S G Bailey 3770-100 762353LULA KHAYYAM wb 4 107J.10 9 51 5" 8 8 AHgaicrH H Massey 605-100 773243LATERAL PASS wb5107 4 6 10 10 9 93 ReillyJ A Riggs III 2100-100 65615 MABEL BEYOND w 8 109 1 2 7 93 10 10 BonwillE Mrs F A Bennett 6840-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:15, 1:21. Track fast. MUIUZLS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKIKQ ODD8 SMALL CHANGE 0.10 $ 4.60 $ 3.60 405100 130100 80100 MISS DOLLY KAY 6.30 4.00 215100 100100 NAY NAY 4.70 135100 Winner B. g, by Aromatic Petty Cash, by The Finn trained by B. Bond; bred by Mr. M. N. Bond, Jr.. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:40. AT POST 1 minutes. - Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 1 SMALL CHANGE was hurried to the front, met a stout effort from GROUCHNEUR nearing the final turn, saved ground to draw clear midway of the stretch, but had to be kept under stout urging to the end MISS DOLLY KAY, away in a tangle and in trouble at the first turn, improved her position swiftly on the outside, then finished wearing the winner down at the close. NAY NAY was in the first flight all the way and held on well. SCHLEY BUCK made up ground steadilv. LADY BUCK was done after racing forwardly for five-eighths. VERITAS raced evenly. GROUCHNEUR quit badly. LULA KHAYYAM showed early speed. MABEL BEYOND pulled up lame. Scratched 77947Hiblaze, 114; 79007 Chessie, 109; 77265Night Play, 111; 71176sBromide, 109; 77471 Carrie Grand. 107; 78193 Balkancse, 114. , Overweight Lula Khayyam. 3j pounds; Mabel Beyond, 5. Corrected weight Veritas, 109. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, TQlQrr 112 lbs- older 116 lbs- Non-winners since July 4 allowed 3 lbs.; since , June 20 5 lbs- Claiming price, 00. July-27-39-Blr Net vaIue to wjnner 5275; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockey Owners EquiTOdds Strt 79097 SCOUT ROSE w 4 106 6 8 7 6" 44. H 14 BernhardtR W Royle 300-100 78528 BELLTHORN ws 5 113 9 5 14. l"k 2 3 2" NcrtneyW Mrs H W Wageley 2400-100 78944TROSTAR wb5116 1 1 63 5 64 42 3 MachadoL E G Davis 590-100 784503CLYMENE w5 106 7 3 2" 2 14. 24. 43 RootR G F Cook 470-100 789442MACAM wb 3.103 2 7 4J 34. 3 5i 54; CardozaG J Cugliotta 3220-100 79098 PRINCE PETTIE wsb 7 116 4 4 3 41 54. 6 61 SnyderW R C Watts 505-100 78945NATIONAL wb 4 111 8 6 83 85 86 7 71 AHgaicrH Mrs J Arthur 655-100 786023MAD DASH wb6106 3 2 52 72 7h 8 8 PeckJ W Kendrick 1200-100 79097 MISS ENGADINE wb 3 104 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 DivitoN H J Molir 8360-100 77173 GOLD DOR wb 6 113 10 Wheeled. VcsseliA Mrs V P Noyes 1000-100 Time, :24. :48$, 1:16, 1:41. Track fast. S3 MUTUELS TA1V , OFFICLAI BOOKING ODDS s SCOUT ROSE $ 8.00 $ 4.20 $ 2.80 300100 110100 40100 BELLTHORN 13.80 8.00 690100 300100 TROSTAR 5.00 150100 Winner B. f, by-The Scout Raynham Rose, by Stimulus trained by W. Royle; bred by Mr. C. A. Stone. Winner entered to be claimed tor 00. WENT. TQ POST 5:11. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Gold dOr. Won driving; second and third the same. SCOUT ROSE; permitted to settle in. her stride after lacking early speed, improved her position on the outside when moving forward, wore down CLYMENE midway of the stretch, then came out gradually. BELLTHORN had good speed while setting the pace and was unable to shake off CLYMENE, but Continued couragfously to the finish. TROSTAR finished with good speed while saving ground in the late stages. CLYMENE was used up racing with BELLTHORN and failed to stay after getting into a short lead. JACAM had no excuses. PRINCE PETTIE bore over and caused some crowding after the start, then tired badly. NATIONAL was outrun and lost irround. MAD DASH showed nothine. GOLD DOR wheeled. Scratched 79O09Sir Isaac, 116; 79013 Bocralicc, 106; 77826 Tuneful, 106; 78603 Cora Kay, 106: 78119 Channing, 111; 79012 Gesture, 104. Overweight Bellthorn, 2 pounds; Jacam, 1; Miss Engadinc, 2s. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since July 10. 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-Winners since June f .VP 20 allowed 3 lhs- since May 20, 5 lbs. Claiming price, 00. July-27-39-BIr Net value t0 v;inner j275; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi Vz Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 791753THE SWAGMAN wb 6 110 8 9 6 62 ll V- 1 Allgaierll A L Lcith 230-100 77810 PENCADER wsb 10 118 4 6 2 24. 2 22 2 PalumboS Mrs J B Bond 290-100 78945 CHAMPFLEURY wsb 6 118 6 8 51 4h 4h 3 35 SarnoM R L Pearson 760-100 79098 FLEET WIND wb 5 113 1 2 V2 92 74 5l 4l RootR E A Roast Jr 5125-100 790983LIGHT ACTION w 9 108 9 7 3 5 61 6 54. CardozaG Miss E Reefer 1240-100 77430 SALBURNE w 4 1094 5 4 H 1 32 4i 6 McDmtP Miss M Utz 820-100 79098ABBOTS LAST wb 8 108 2 3 10 10 10 7 73 HcrnndezU Mrs G O Russell 6565-100 79176 JIMMY D. w 11 115 7 5 9 8 8J4 81 83 TreptorA W R Kirkpatrick 1040-100 78946 BRIGHT LIGHT wb6115 10 10 84. 3h 51 92 9 NcrtneyW H B Estcp 805-100 78371 EARLY CALL wn 6 113 3 1 4h 7h 9i 10 10 HollandR Mrs I C Mourar 3980-100 Time, :25, :50i, 1:17, 1:44, 1:55. Track fast. , J2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS- s THE SWAGMAN ...60 .10 $ 2.70 230100 55100 35100 PENCADER 3.50 3.10 75100 55100 CHAMPFLEURY 4.20 110100 Winner Ch. g, by Display Toddle, by Celt trained by A. L. Leith; bred by Mcreworth Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:41. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. THE SWAGMAN moved up strongly after going five-eighths, reached the lead on the final turn, saved ground and rallied to a hard drive approaching the finish. PENCADER raced in his best form, was a stout contender in the early racing and fought it out stoutly while under severe punishment. CHAMPFLEURY was prominent from the beginning and held on determinedly when placed to a hard, drive. FLEET WIND, shuffled back early, closed with good speed when clear. LIGHT ACTION finished gamely. SALBURNE tired after three-quarters. BRIGHT LIGHT broke poorly, was rushed off his feet, then flattened out. EARLY CALL fell back when his rider lost his stirrup irons. Scratched 78946 Bosopi. 118; 791763Famotis Clayton, 118; 79176 Stcpee, 1TJ8 ; 79098 Roaming Lady, 108;. 781203 Which Blond, 103; 78945 Spotless, 110. Overweight Salburne, 14. pounds. Apprentice allowance waived Salburne.