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National Open Qualifying lM Rounds to Begin Monday ijM NEW YORK, N. Y, May 31 UP.-B ifying trials for the National OpeiiH Championship will be staged Mondaf cities over the nation with 1.466 PH amateurs shooting for only 125 £Qj|| places in the big show coming up aH ingham, Mich., June 14-16. iH Odds against qualifying are theH in history, the U. S Golf AssociajH ported. Only one in every 12 willvH because the total entry list of 1,5|H the old record by 106. 1 Thirty-six players, headed by iH champion Ben Hogan, were exeif|H qualifying on the basis of past recH one other — Barrett Melvin, of HH qualified in Hawaii on May 21. .H starting field for the tournameB will H Detroits section drew the larH fying list, with 170 shooting forJH Horton Smith, Vic Ghezzi, GeorgH er, Chick Harbert, Sam Byrd anoVKH gol were among those entered there.