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~ TRACK RECORDS AND COMPARATIVE TIMES Herewith are the comparative track records for the distances more frequently raced at the major tracks. The value of such information is apparent at a glance when considered in connection with best time of each horse appearing in the entries. 1-2 5-8 51-2 3-4 7-8 1 1 Mile 11-16 11-8 11-4 Track. Mile. Mile Furlongs Mile. Mile. Mile. 70 Yards Miles Miles. Miles. Aqueduct :59Vs 1:04% 1:10% 1:22% 1:42% 1:49 2:01% Arlington Park «... 58 1:04 1:09% 1:22 1:34% 1:42% 1:455 1:48% 2:01 Atlantic City :59% 1:03% 1:09 1:42% 1:48% 2:01% Bay Meadows :46% :58% 1:05% 1:09% .... 1:36 1:41% 1:42 1:49 2:04% tBel Air :58% 1:25% 1:38 *«% 1:44% 1:53% 2:07% Belmont Park :58% 1:04% 1:09% 1:22 1:34% 1:42% 1:47% ,2:00 Beulah Park :46% :59% 1:04% 1:10 1:36% 1:41% 1:43% 1:51 2:04 Blue Bonnets :48 59% 1:05% 1:11% 1:24% 1:36% 1:51% 2:04% Bowie :46% :59% 1:05% 1:10% 1:23% 1:39 1:43 1:44% 1:52% 2:07% Centennial Park 57 1:03% 1:09 1:36% .... 1:43% 1:50 2:05% tCharles Town :46% *1:00 *1:14% *1:23% .. .. 1:45 1:51% 2:05% Churchill Downs :46% :58% 1:04% 1:10 1:22% 1:35% 1.41% 1:43% 1:49% 2:01% Connaught Park 1:00% 1:05% 1:11% 1:29% 1:39 1:43 1:45% 1:52% 2:06% Cranwood Park 1:00% 1:13% 1:25% .. 1:50% 1:48% 1:54% 2:09 Dade Park :58% 1:05 1:10% 1:25% 1:37 .... 1:45 1:50% 2:04% Del Mar 1:00 1:03% 1.09% 1:35% 1:41% 1:48% 2:03% Delaware Park :58 t*ftt 109 .. .. 1:41% 1:42% 1:49 2:02 Detroit :58% 1:05% 1:09% ... 1:37 1:41% 1:43 1:49% 2:05 Fair Grounds :46% :59% 105 1:10% 1:24% 1:37% 1:41 1:43% 149% 2:04% Fairmount Park :47% 1:00 1:05 1:10% 1:38% 1:41% 1:43% 1:51% 2:03% Fort Erie :49 :59% l:J5% 1:10% 1:25% 1:37% 1:41% 1:43% 1:50% 2:02% Garden State Park :58% 1:05% 1.09% .... 1:37% 1:40% 1:42 1:48% 2:01% Golden Gate Fields :47 :57% 1:04% 1:08% 1:33% 1:41 1:46% 1:58% Gulfstream Park :46% 1:05% 1:09 1:22% 1:40% 1:42 1.48% 1:59% tHagerstwon MM . 1:48% 1:56% Hamilton. Ont :48 :59 1:05% 1:10% 1:24% 1:39% 1:41% 1:43% 1:50% 2:04 Havana :47 :59 1:05 1:10% 1:27 1:38 1:42% 1:41% 1.48% 2:02% Havre de Grace :46% :58% 1:04% 1-10% 1:38% 1:41% 1:42% 1:49% 2:05 Hawthorne :48 59 1:05% 1:09% 1:25% 1:37% 1:41% 1:42% 1:49% 2:01% Hazel Park 1:06% 1:11% 1:38% 1:44 1:52% . ... Hialeah Park 1:05% 1:09% 1:22 1:36% 1:43 1:47% 201 Hipodromo de Tijuana formerly Agua Caliente :46% 58% 1:03% 1:10 1:23% 1:36% 1:41% 1:42% 1:49% 2:02% Hollywood Park :57% 1:04 1:09% 1:21% 1:35 1:41% 1:48 1:59% Jamaica 58 1:03% 1:09% 1:38% 1:40% 1:42% 1:49% 2:01% Keeneland *:45% 1:05% 1:10% 1:22% 1:42% 1:49% 2:03% Lansdowne Park :47% :59% 1:04% 1:10% 1:37% 1:42% 1:42% 1:49% 2:04% Laurel Park 59% 1:04% 1:09% 1:26% 1:37 1:41% t:42% 1:49% 2.02 tLincoln Downs 56% 1:25% 1:37% 1:42% 1:44 2:07% Lincoln Fields .59 1:04% 1:10% 1:22% 1:34% 1:43% 1:50 2:03% Long Branch 59 1:05 1:11 1:27 1:39% 1:41% 1:44% 1:51% 2:05% Longacres 58% 1:04 1:09 1:23% 1:35 1:42 1:41% 1:49% 2:03% tMexico City :45% 57% 1:03% 1:10% 1:24% 1:36% 1:43% 1:49% 2:05% Monmouth Park 58% 1:04% 1:09% .... 1:37% 1:42% 1:43% 1:50 2:01% Narragansett Park :47% 59 1:04% 1:10% . . 1:37 1:41 1:43% 1:49% 2:06% Oaklawn Park :46% 1:00% 1:04 1:10 1:25% 1:39 1:40% 1:42% 1:49% 2:04 Omaha :47% :58 1:04% 1.09% 1:26 1:37% 1:40% 1:43% 1:51% 2:05% Phoenix 57% 1:03% 1:10% 1:38% 1:41% 1:44% 1:51% 2:03% Pimlico :47% 59% 1:06 1:10% 1:26 1:37% 1:42% 1:42 1:50% 2:04% Portland Meadows :47 59 1:04% 1:10% .. 1:36% 1:44% 1:50% Randall Park ..... 58% 1:05% 1:10% 1:39 1:41% 1:43% 1:50 2:05% River Downs 58% 1:04% 1:09% 1:3Mb 1:40 1:42% 1:49 2:02 Rockingham Park 58% 1:04% 1:09% 1:26 1:37 1:43 1:49% 2:05 Santa Anita Park :46% 58% 1:04% 1:09 1:21 1:35% .... 1:41% 1:48% 2100 Saratoga :47% 57% 1:03% 1.09% 1:23 1:35% 1:43% 1:45% 1:50 2:01% ♦Sportsmans Park Chicago 1:00 1:26 1:46 1:47% 1:53% tSportsmans Park Phoenix 59% 1:26 1:45% 1:46% 1:53% Stamford Park 1:00 1.05% 1:10% 1:38% 1:42% 1:44% 1:52% 2KB Suffolk Downs :47 58% 1:04% 1:09% .. 1:36 1:41% 1:43% 1:48% 2:01% Sunshine Park :48 1.-02% 1:05 1:10% 1:40 1:43 1:44% 1:53 2:20 Tanforan 59% 1:06% 1:10% 1:39% 1:41% 1:42% 1:50% 2:02% Thistle Down Park :49 58% 1:06 1:U 1:37% 1:44% 1:43% 1:50% 2:04% Thorncliffe Park :48% 59% 1:06 1:10% 1:24% 1:38% 1:43 1:44% 1:50% 2:06% Tropical Park M :59 1:03% 1:09% 1:25 1:36% 1:40% 1:42% 1:48% ..... Washington Park 57% 1:03% 1:09% 1:21% 1:33% 1:40% 1:44 1:48% 2:00% ♦Wheeling Downs 1:00 1:48% 1:54% ..?. Woodbine Park 47 58% 1:03% 1:10% 1:26% 1:38 1:42 1:43% 1:50 2:04% •About distance, t Indicates less than one mile track. Widener Course— 44 furlongs. :49%, 5-8 milt, 95%; 5 furlongs. 1:01%, 6 furlongs, 1:08%; 8 furlongs, 1:14%; 7-8 mile, 1:1$.