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■ — Ottkial Racing Charts 5 . JAMAICA jgg »— — — — — — -— CoDTrieht. 1953. bv Trlanrle Publications Inc. » JAMAICA, L I., N. Y., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1953— JAMAICA 1 MILE. Twenty-sixth day of thirty-day n meeting April 1 to May 5. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Automatic starting gate. Crowley-Jones Camera J Corp. Weather clear. _ Steward representing New York State Racing Commission, F P Dunne; The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy; - Metropolitan Jockey Club, H 0 Vosburgh; Invited Member of The Jockey Club. H F Guggenheim. Placing Judges, J. E. Kyle, F. H. Parks and William Constantine. Patrol Judges. W. J Mara, Austin McLaughlin, N. H. £ Sutcliffe and W. Mehtens. Paddock Judge, W. J. Mara. Assistant Paddock Judge, Austin McLaughlin. Clerk of 2 Scales, Calvin Rainey. Assistant Clerk of Scales, W. A. Murohy. Jr Starter. G B Cassidy Timer. J. E. OHara. c Racing Secretary and Handicapper. J. B. Campbell. Assistant Racing Secretary, J. G. Reeder. Assistant * Handicapper, F. E. Kilroe. Racing starts at 1:15 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1952, .34; current meeting, .40. Percentage of favorites in the money, .70. Daily Double, first and second races. 2 Entries and field horses run as one. Mutuel take, 15 per cent State 8, track 4, city or county 3 u § Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. • Five lbs claimed i Seven lbs. claimed. **« Ten lbs. claimed. £ W Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. * Complete finish of each race confirmed by Crowley-Jones Camera Corp. u FIRST RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sheilas Reward, July 5, 195O-1:092i-3-116. Purse ,500. 3-year- n Q C i C 1 °s a"d uPward- Maidens. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 120 lbs.; older, 126 lbs. Claiming j|0 J O O I price, ,000; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,500. _ April 30-53— Jam Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. J Mutuel Pool, 22,741. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St Va Vi Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to „ 848683 PUDDLER w 3 112 14 5 34 S 4 12 N Wall 5500 D Shaer 5.65 j 47691 ROYAL ADMIRALwb4 117 11 8 % 5 32 22 T Atkinson 4500 Cockfield Stable 20.20 J 84288 THRUST wb3115 9 11 7h 6* 5J 34 R DeStefV 6000 Sunny Acres f-15.30 5 81182 GLORIOUS EMMAwb 4 112 3 3 1* 2 J 25 4h S Cole 4500 J Ackerman 20.70 84943 TUSCANIA w 3 109 4 2 5« 71 61 54 B Green 5000 I Bieber 7.95 HASTY BOY wb3120 6 13 13« 11« 8 6 W Bolandt 6000 S Zaudener 45.50 845483 BOOTLET w311513 7 103 122 14 7"* W Lester" 6000 Angpet Stable 1.40 85021 COMPILE w3117 114 11h 10h 123 84 D Gorman 5500 Mrs M F Drinkhouse 4.30 85021 TOP ATTRACTINwb3117 12 10 4* 3« 42 9"" E Rodriguz 5500 Oakwood Farm f-15.30 85021 CATALPA wb3115 2 1 64 8410i 102 J Nichols 6000 C T Chenery 52.10 85018 RIVULETTE w 3 107 8 9 122 132 134 114 A Widman 4500 Warbern Stable f-15.30 669012 BLUE ERRARD w 3 120 10 4 2* 4* 9J W P Anderson 6000 E M OBrien 9.35 64914 CROWN MISS w 3 115 5 6 8 9 71133 I Hanfordt 6000 Mary G Christmas 58.90 70548 STEDY FREEDMwb 3 109 7 12 14 14 14 14 J Chester* 5000 Mrs J Schwartz 135.65 f-Mutuel field. tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :48%, 1:14%. Track fast. - Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to * , r • fPUDDLER 13.30 7.20 6.30 5.65 2.60 2.15 M. Utliel PriCeS? ROYAL ADMIRAL 15.70 9.5O 6.85 3.75 i THRUST f-Field 9.60 3.80 Winner— Dk. b. f, by Our Boots— Royce Lake, by Sun Briar, trained by E. A. Neloy; bred by Mrs. J..T. Maloney. REACHED P0ST-1:16. OFF AT 1:16J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. PUDDLER, a sharp factor from the beginning, went to the front before going a half mile and held sway thereafter under adept handling. ROYAL ADMIRAL responded gamely when set down for the drive and closed with good energy to easily best the others. THRUST failed to make up appreciable ground. GLORIOUS EMMA, much used early, had little left. TUSCANIA lacked the necessary rally. BOOTLET had no apparent mishap. COMPILE was outrun. BLUE ERRARD was unable to keep up. STEADY FREEDOM never threatened. Scratched— 84672 Ham Hocks. Ill; 84469* Merman, 111; 84943 Paramount Pete. 126; 849494 Rugged Odds, 114; 847282 Struttin High, 111; 84870 Sunshine Susie, 106. Overweight— Rivulette, 1 pound. Compile claimed by Rita L. Costello. Bootiet claimed by R. C. Thatcher. — ■— — — » SECOND RACE 5 FURLONGS. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— :58— 2— 106. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. «j s * Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Weight, 118 lbs. 8r J 5 O L Net value to winner ,600; second. 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. April 30-53— Jam Mutuel Pool, 82,716. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 842504 QUICK LUNCH w118 3 2 1«| 1«J 1«| 1* T Atkinson Wheatley Stable .70 INTERVAL w118 4 4 3» 3h 42 2 B Green Yolo Stable 25.40 84732 VAL w 118 5 3 23 22 22 3" I Hanford G Auerbach 11.00 849442 JUSTA BREAK wb118 2 5 8J 71 62 44 J Nichols Clara L Ostriker 5.40 DUSTY DRIVE w 118 8 7 73 53 31 5| D Gorman F H Bontecou 41.50 WAR DOINGS w 118 6 9 % 8* 74 and 0 Scurlock Circle M Farm 18.20 84732 HOBCAW SAGE wb118 11 5* 6 5* 73 E Rcdriguz Mrs E D Jacobs 20.60 CLARET wb118 9 8 44 4r 8* 83 J Westrope Rokeby Stable 4.65 84140 EASTERN GLOW wb118 7 6 6* 9J 9« 90 W Boland N I Asiel 118.20 84871 ETERNAL MIKE wb118 10 10 10 10 10 10 J Higley North Hill Stable 119.90 Time, :23%, :47%, :59%. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . kA . ■ n . /QUICK LUNCH 3.40 2.90 2.70 .70 .45 .35 Mutliel PriCeSi INTERVAL 13.70 9.00 5.85 3.50 I VAL 5.50 1.75 Winner— B. c, by Blenheim II— Picnic Lunch, by Requested, trained by J. Fitzsimmons; bred by Wheatley Stable. REACHED POST— 1:48. OFF AT 1:48 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. QUICK LUNCH assumed a clear lead immediately after the start, continued to increased the advantage without urging and won as if much the best. INTERVAL, within striking distance during the early running, was no match for the winner when hard ridden through the late stages. VAL shewed good speed from the beginning, but failed to rally when shaken. JUSTA BREAK caught tiring horses. DUSTY DRIVE and WAR DOINGS were never forward factors. HOBCAW SAGE tired. CLARET was through after three furlongs. ETERNAL MIKE showed nothing. Scratched— 85020 Foxolater, 118; 80491 Imp in Rompers, 118; Noble Risk, 118; Post Prandial, 118. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 0.00— Double Pool, 19,714. Official program numbers for Daily Double — 11 and 3. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— :58— 2— 106. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. j s «j Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of two races since March 25 allowed 4 lbs.; 8|- J J D J two races at any time, 7 lbs. Claiming price, 2,500; if for 0,000, allowed 4 lbs. April 30-53 — Jam Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third. 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 21,462. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St A % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 84547 ADVENTURESS wb 107 4 2 24 2* 2* 1n J Chester* 12500 J G Krams 7.65 837312 TIC0NDER0GA wb115 3 5 5h 3* 34 24 D Gorman 12500 0 Phipps 1.85 84670 LOBLOLLY wb115 1 1 3* 6* 1h 32J B Green 12500 R C Thatcher 4.20 84550 PARLOR PINK wb115 7 6 6* 4* 54 42 J 0 Scurlock 12500 A G Vanderbilt 8.10 84944 GAY SCOT w 115 2 3 11 1h 4* 54 1 Hanfcrd 12500 R N Webster 3.55 843343 OLD BAASKET wb112 5 4 4J 5J 65 62 H Wcodhse12500 I Bieber 5.50 84003 SILURIAN w 115 6 7 7 7 7 7 J Nichols 12500 C T Chenery 22.90 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:00. Track fast. S2 Mutuels Paid — - , Odds to , *i, in* /"ADVENTURESS 17.30 7.40 4.30 7.65 2.70 1.15 MUtUel rriCeS? TIC0NDEROGA 3.80 2.80 .90 .40 iLOBLOLLY 3.20 .60 Winner— B. f, by Seme Chance— Unquitable, by Unbreakable, trained by J. Hirsch; bred by D. M. Davis, Jr. REACHED POST— 2:19. OFF AT 2:19 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ADVENTURESS raced LOBLOLLY into defeat to take command between calls during the stretch run and in a long drive gamely withstood TICON-DEROGA. The latter steadily improved her position between horses to attain a contending position at the furlong marker, then finished resolutely, just missing. LOBLOLLY forged to the front when straightened for the final test, but faltered when subjected to pressure. PARLOR PINK was forced to take the complete overland route when making his belated bid. GAY SCOT quit. OLD BAASKET was through early. SILURIAN trailed throughout. FOURTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sheilas Reward, July 5, 1950-1:09% — 3 — 116. Purse ,000. 4-year- n / i olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 126 lbs. Non-winners of two races since March 25 8p J J O «r allowed 4 lbs.; one race since then or two races since January 15, 8 lbs.; one race in April 30-53 — Jam 1953, 12 lbs. Claiming price, 0,000. Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 61,452. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St Va ft Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 85200 DICTIONARY wb5 114 11 2J 3i 34 I"" J Higley 10000 H E Simpson 4 50 849453 THIS SIDE wb4114 7 7 42 22 22 2* D Gorman 10000 A H Smith 140 84945 WINSHIP w5109 5 2 12 1 1«i 33 B Greent 10000 R 0 J Streuber 960 849454 LUCKEY BULL w 4 117 9 3 6* 51 64 4h W Lester* 10000 Mrs C L Ostriker 3.15 84872 BERTRANDVILLE w4 118 10 10 10 8* 5* 54 0 Scurlcck 10000 J W Brown 48 60 83045 SOME LORD wb 4 118 3 8 8J 91 8J 6J I Hanford 10000 J Tucci 106 20 84071 COUNT BREEZE wb4122 2 5 5* 64 4h 7$ J Westrcpe 10000 V L Shea 1105 84945 HADASSAH wb 4 109 4 4 3* 44 71 84 T Atkinson 10000 Mrs E D Jacobs 9 30 77643 PRINCIPIO w4114 8 9 92J10 92 94 C Erickscn 10000 S A Peck 122 75 84007 DUSTY DARLIN w 4 117 6 6 73 7410 10 W Boland 10000 B F Whitaker 27.20 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :47%, 1:12%. Track fast. Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , k4..t..Al D.:rD,CTI0NARY 110° 45° 33° 4» 125 .65 Mutuel rrices? this side 3.10 2.60 55 30 iWINSHIP 4.50 1.25 Winner— B. h, by Questionnaire— Dog Blessed, by Bull Dog, trained by A. J. Abel; bred by C. Nuckols and Sons REACHED POST-2:51. OFF AT 2:51 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. DICTIONARY, reserved back of the pace during the early running, came out for the drive and was up in the concluding stride to gain the decision. THIS SIDE engaged WINSHIP to the stretch, reached even terms with the latter midway the fmal furlong, but wm unable to withstand the winner. WINSHIP held a clear lead when settled for the drive, then faltered. rontinued on Pone Thirty-Nine JAMAICA Continued from Page Ton LUCKEY BULL rallied too late to become an endangering factor. BERTRANDVILLE saved ground to no avail. COUNT BREEZE never was dangerous. HADASSAH retired steadily after flashing brief speed. DUSTY DARLIN failed to stay and drifted out during the late stages while tiring. Scratched-44945 Miss Meggy, 112. Corrected weight— Dusty Darlin, 117. FIFTH RACE 5 FURLONGS. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— : 58— 2— 106. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. «j * r Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Weight, 118 lbs. 8r J 5 O J Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. April 30-53— Jam Mutuel Pool, 65,890. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 850203 SUGAR DAD w118 8 2 1J 12 12 1 4 H Woodhse C V Whitney 1.10 PAMA w118 9 5 61 24 2-* 2*i C Errico P Provenzano 4.00 84560 ALTERNATIVE wb 118 10 7 54 3J 3* 34 D Gorman Wheatley Stable 54.75 MR. LOOKNOW w 118 5 3 3 4h 4* 4* B Green Maine Chance Farm 10.65 BERTIE w 118 2 8 8* 8 64 52 N Wall Christiana Stable 82.55 846702 SHADOW BOXING w 118 1 1 4 53 5* 64 T Atkinson W Ewing 4.95 846703 T0RNABU0NI wb118 4 4 2* 61 75 7« W Boland P Godfrey 21.95 BLUE MASTER w 118 6 9 9« 93 8* 8"* 0 Scurlock White Oak Stable 8.25 PLANETARY w11376 73 7h 93 95 W Lester* W Ziegler Jr 23.50 LOUGH REE wb118 3 10 10 10 10 10 J Westrope E D Weir 31.30 Time, :23%, :47, :59%. Track fart. r- Mutueh Paid— a , Odds to , r% • /SUGAR DAD 4.20 2.80 2.70 1.10 .40 .35 Ml utuel Prices] pama 4.10 3.60 1.05 .» ALTERNATIVE , 8.70 3.35 Winner— Dk. br. c, by Burg-El-Arab— Mother, by Mahmoud, trained by S. E. Vietch; bred by C. V. Whitney. REACHED POST— 3:22J. OFF AT 3:221 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third driving. SUGAR DAD made the pace to the stretch under steady rating and held sway thereafter under a mild hand ride. PAMA moved up with a rush on the far turn to attain a contending position, was unable to reach the leader during the drive, but convincingly held the others safe. ALTERNATIVE raced evenly through the final furlong without mishap. MR. LOOKNOW displayed brief early speed, then weakened. BERTIE was outrun. SHADOW BOXING dropped back immediately after the start. BLUE MASTER never was prominent. LOUGH REE trailed throughout. Scratched— 843313 Brisuet, 118; 850202 |r0n Heel, 118; Notable, 118; 841402 Remand, 118; 809224 St. Tammany, 118. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. One Hitter, July 8, 1950-1 :42%-4— 105. Herodias Purse. Purse 1 jL £L ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races of ,500 each. Weight, 8C J J O O 122 lbs. Non-winners of one race of ,500 at one mile or over in 1953 allowed 3 lbs.; April 30-53 — Jam one race of any value at one mile or over other than maiden or claiming at any time, 6 lbs.; one race of ,500 at any distance, 9 lbs. Net value to winner ,900; second, ,200; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 02,296. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1A Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 85199 MILSPAL wb112 1 2 8| 6* 5h 34 14 W Lester* W Schwab 24.15- 848002 DICTAR w 119 2 1 52 54 63 4h 2J B Green G Auerbach 1.90 84286 MODEST PETE wb 119 6 4 22 1h in -|r, J* h Woodhse Woodvale Farm 11.05 85024 SICKLES SOUND w119 5 10 10 10 7* 23 44 J Nichols Warbern Stable 6.90 84874 RESILIENT wb113 4 3 11 22J 24 51 52 S Cole Killian Farm 36.35 841152 HUESO wb119 10 6 7J 83 862 6J A Vasil R P Levy 4.75 84800 BROWN BOOTER w 116 3 9 95 94 9i 95 7 C McCreary Charfran Stable 19.15 845333 FLY WHEEL wb119 8 7 42 3J 32 82 8** D Gorman C V Whitney 2.30 84800 BROTHER FRIAR wb 113 9 5 32J 41 4h 7* 9« N Wall Sara C ha it 172.85 80129 FRESH MEADOW wb119 7 8 64 73 10 10 10 W Boland I Bieber 31.25 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:12%, 1:38%, 1:45%. Track fast. - Mutuels Paid— , , Odds to , kA . . n . /MILSPAL 50.30 14.90 7.50 24.15 6.45 2.75 Mutuel Prices] dictar .«* 4.00 3.00 1.00 .50 MODEST PETE 5.20 1.60 Winner— B. f, by Basileus II.— Playful Pal, by St. James, trained by E. Jacobs; bred by E. Jacobs. REACHED POST— 3:54. OFF AT 3:54 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. MILSPAL was taken back after the start, slipped through next the inside rail on the final turn, and after taking command nearing the furlong marker, maintained a clear advantage over DICTAR. The latter carried wide on the near turn when MODEST PETE drifted out, closed determinedly when clear and was getting to the winner. MODEST PETE raced wide on the upper turn when beginning to tire, then failed to respond to urging. SICKLES SOUND, sluggish to begin, made a game bid entering the stretch, but tired as a result of his efforts. RESILIENT was through after six furlongs. HUESO was outdistanced early. FLY WHEEL quit. FRESH MEADOW never was dangerous. SEVENTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sheilas Reward, July 5, 1950— 1:09%— 3— 116. Flushing Purse. Purse o * -j ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races other than maiden or 8C D i O / claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races of any value other than claiming April 30-53 — Jam since March 25 allowed 4 lbs.; one race of ,500 or two races of any value other than in 1952-53, 8 lbs. Net value to winner ,925; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 00,647. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 84249 LOTUS EATER w 112 3 2 4* 44 42J 12 T Atkinson Greentree Stable 2.95 83957 BELFASTER wb 116 6 5 3« 1J 1h 22 B Green E Potter Jr 2.55 84466 BEAR MARKET wb 112 10 4 1h 2 23 3"k H Woodhse A Levinson 46.35 84800 FULL BROTHER w 111 7 9 72J 52 5 43J W Lester* High Tide Stable 7.95 75525 ME wb111 S 10 10 82 8 5n W Boland Mrs C 0 Iselin 24.85 85132 TROPICAL wb 112 2 1 5 62J 6 62£ N Wall Valley Farm 41.80 84946 SUGARFOOT w 116 5 3 2J 3* 3* 74 J Nichols C T Chenery 24.65 84946 CARRY THE NEWSwb 111 8 6 9* 10 93 8r J Higley C V Whitney 41.50 849463 JIMMI NY BAXTERwb112 17 83 73 7J 94 0 Scurlock Wocdvale Farm 1.65 PARNASSUS wb113 4 8 6* 9J 10 10 I Hanford J S Phipps 77.50 Time, :23%, :47, 1:12%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid— , , Odds to — n • t LOTUS EATER 7.90 4.80 4.30 2.95 1.40 1.15 Ml UTUel PriCeS] BELFASTER 4.20 3.60 1.10 .80 I R1AR MARKET 8.20 3.10 Winner— B. c, by Devil Diver— Hare Bloom, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by J. M. Gaver; bred by Greentree Stud, Inc. REACHED POST— 4:27. OFF AT 4:27| EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Wen ridden out; second and third driving. LOTUS EATER, unhurried when outrun early, responded to pressuie during the stretch run, and after disposing of BELFASTER, won drawing away when ridden out. BELFASTER drifted out on the final turn, forged to the front at the furlong marker, but under brisk urging failed to withstand the winner. BEAR MARKET alternated in setting and pressing the early pace, began to shorten s.ricie inside the stretch, but lasted to outgame FULL BROTHER. The latter made up some ground during the late stages. ME began sluggishly. SUGARFOOT quit. JIMMINY BAXTER never threatened. PARNASSUS was Overweight — Parnassus, 1 pound. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Bryan G., Oct. 27, 1951— 1:49V%-4— 117. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds -j s q and upward. Claiming. Weight, 123 lbs. Non-winners of two races at one mile or over 8r 0 J O O since March 25 allowed 3 lbs.; one such race since then, 6 lbs.; one race at any distance April 30-53 — Jam since J-nnary 15, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,275; secrnd, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 72,736. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jjj 16 % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 84801 FIRST WING w41?0 1 1 43 34 43 1 4 12J H Woodhse 3500 S Messana 4.90 84735 ONCE IN LOVE wb4 115 5 t 5» 5» 34 9* 2i E Rodriguz 3500 T Shillick 4.25 84337 BRASSFIELD w4 117 2 2 14 12 14 34 33J C Errico 3500 Mrs G Sea bo 1.90 84796 PRACTISE wb4 115 8 3 22 22 2h 4* 42J J Chester* 3500 A J Mesler 2.30 84948 FACES EAST w5112 6 7 6* 6 51 5* 5*1 W Lester* 3500 Mrs S W Renick 7.10 83883 BEIRUT wb6117 7 6 8 7h 64 715 6" A Widman 3500 Nanuet Farm 32.40 85025 CONSTANT SUSANw 4 111 4 5 V 8 7* 6* 720 A Ferraiolo 35C0 Mrs J Smallwood 62.90 84462 GRAY CHARGER wb 5 104 3 4 33 4h 8 8 8 J CanmieA 3500 M Berk 153.30 Time, :24, :49, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:53%. Track fast. r-S2 Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to , n • fFIRST WING 11.80 5.50 3.40 4.90 1.75 .70 Ml uruel Prices] once in love 4.90 3.20 1.45 .60 IBRAS5FIELD 2.90 .45 Winner— B. g, by Grey Winq— Fanars Lady, by Danger Point, trained by F. Martin; bred by J. D. Norris. REACHED P0ST-4:58. OFF AT 4:58 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. FIRST WING, always within striking distance, secured ample racing room along the rail to take the lead with a rush at the furlong marker and steadily drew clear. ONCE IN LOVE came to the outside to reach near even terms with BRASSFIELD when straightened for the drive, failed to respond to pressure and was unable to cope with the top one. BRASSFIELD raced PRACTISE into defeat after six furlongs, tired rapidly when shaken and was unable to maintain his early advantage. PRACTISE, much used early, had nothing left. FACES EAST was unable to keep up. CONSTANT SUSAN was never a forward factor. GRAY CHARGER was not unduly persevered with when hopelessly beaten. Scratched— 83737 Handwyck, 115; 85025 Blue Grouse, 115. Overweight — Constant Susan. 2 pounds. Brassfield claimed by Mrs. E. Konoski. Attendance, 20,126; Total Mutuel Pool. ,049,654.