untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1953-05-01


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Yours for the Asking! fr* ji THIS 20-PAGE BOOKLET explains the I * lcd£inffj3fafVrffl0i meaning of every symbol, abbreviation X- M*i ■ - :A and figure in Daily Racing Forms supe-i rior past performances. The most complete analysis ever compiled on these subjects. Yours by return mail for only [ .-——.■i:-... ■■*- » -..fl five cents in stamps do not send coins to cover mailing and handling. Pill In J HwloRead g coupon bel_0 flURl! jDACT II !~DAILY RACING FORM. "1 I ] lil;llllk3£jra I 111 i I 731 Plymouth Ct.. Chicago 5. Hi. 1 I nnnflAnif I ITtfinn slip bend 1 Please send me your booklet "How rr H n tm IS H J i to Read charu and past perform- 1 Dill Vlllllrtill/lJkJ for I | p|jp ances." I am enclosing five cents I ,,, „ fcand£ n ! n stamps. * I Name Today ; Addres, L_ — -— -iT . ... -.,;,;■» .w ,- aaa J City Zone No.... State....

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1953050101/drf1953050101_43_1
Local Identifier: drf1953050101_43_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800