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9 saanrriver NorhAve .Trolley Bus, Bluebd PO reservations; 1 V Vl 50 i-- 735 iv. Austin t Madison.. 7-00 to 8-00 Pit bus schedule; IVVVO" hi V l5p1M tr. towrente t Winthrop 6.-30 to 7:15 PJW. 11 information fVI tbe Loop I -j NORTH SIDE lv. Irving-lintoIn-Demen 7:00 to 7:25 PJi. PHONEi M o W30mioute?fSoportb,8600ve I p " AM lv. Irving-Ckero-Milwoukee. ..7:10 to 7:5rPM. MAnsfield FoMnformation, dining and tv.Mrd i Cottage Grove 6:30 to 7:15 PJi.