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Break Ground Next Week For Puerto Rico Track Will Be Located About Five Miles From San Juan Business District BELMONT PARK, Elmont, L. X, N. Y., June 2. Sinclair Robinson, of New York City, and associates in a syndicate next week will break ground for the construction of a one mile race track near San Juan, Puerto Rico. The track will be located some five to six miles from the business center of San Juan and will cost approximately ,000,000. The plans for the track were drawn up by R. M. Little of Miami, Fla., who in the past decade or so has presented plans that were adopted by associations. The new venture will be modernistic in every respect and embrace something new in race track construction. The new departure is a shopping center adjoining the parking lot, and the better grade stores of that city of a population of 750,000 have signified a willingness to take space in the development. That plan is based on the cVinrmtncr nonfarc f Vi o f Viairo cnrnnrr ir ir New York and other areas in the past few years. The grandstand and clubhouse will seat 10,000 and the most modern gadgets, such as a starting gate, film patrol, camera finish, and other media developed in the past few years will be part of the overall picture. The track will be one mile in circumference and racing will be conducted on a yearly basis, three times per week, Wednesday, Saturdays and Sundays, or roughly 153 days per year. Gerald Brady, who resigned as general manager of Tropical Park last winter, will serve in an advisory capacity until a permanent appointee is. named and several New Yorkers have been queried on this score in the past "week. Stable accommodations will for the present include seven barns each with a capacity of 60 stalls and these will be added to later. - The track has been licensed by the Puerto Rican government and plans outlined call for a social organization fashioned along the lines of the Turf and Field Club here, the Post and Paddock at Arlington in Chicago to prevail in one section of the clubhouse. The latter structure will be fashioned along the lines of the famed one at Oriental Park, Havana, Cuba, which was voted one of the best of its type in the world. The program will be rushed to completion during the summer months and hopes are entertained that the opening day ceremonies can be presented early in December. This new development is a bid for the tourist traffic during the winter season, for it is within a few hours flight of Miami and non-stop from New York.