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Commission Rulings Reported to Daily Racing Form THISTLEDOWN, North Randall, Ohio, June 12. The Ohio State Racing: Commission which held a meeting: Saturday morning: at ThistleDown issued the following: rulings: "In view of a possible unequal treatment of tracks not yet granted 1954 permits to race, and due to the taking: effect of new rule 41, the eight-race-per-day rule in the middle of the season, it is moved by commissioner Crowley, and seconded by commissioner Elliott, and unanimously passed, that in all permits granted to commercial tracks during: 1954, a ninth race be permitted on Wednesdays as well as Saturdays. "An indefinite suspension was handed out by the commissioners to owner and trainer T. J. Wade of Russell Springs, Kentucky, as a result of a positive saliva analysis of Pilot Wol-ley, winner of the sixth race at Beulah Park on May 25. The drug: found was procaine." LINCOLN, Nebr., June 12. The Nebraska State Racing: Commission issued the following- ruling today: "Upon written request made by owner R. B. Heckman, Sr., the Horse Rebel Raider is on this day placed in good standing and in the care of trainer R. E. Stewart."