Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1955-05-05

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[Alphabetical Index to Entries A Abbe Dryad — 7th Lrl Ace Reporter — 3d G.S Ace Show — 6th Lrl Adar — 7th Spt Adearishe — 8th G.S Adolfo— 3d Lrl Advice — 4th Lrl Affius— 3d Lrl After Seven — 3d Lrl Aggravator — 6th Lrl Air Show— 1st G.S Alabay— 3d Lrl Alan K.— 4th Bel Alapocas — 7th G.S Alaric — 7th Spt Alcaide — 6th CD Alibhai Lashes — 7 th Bel Alies— 9th Suf Alladier— 6th G.S Amaze — 3d Bel Amulet— 3d Spt : Ancestor — 5th Bel Anchor Man — 8th Bel Ann Maria — 3d Suf Anuny One — 7th Spt Apres Moi — 3d G.S ARadac — 8th G.S .Ardan Lark — 1st Lrl Atomic Kiss — 1st Suf Atone — 8th CD Avis— 1st G.S B •Babs Boy— 2d Spt Baccala — 2d G.S Ballyhooley — 4th Bel Barbara L. — 4th Spt Battle Dance — 7th Bel Battle Run— 4th Bel ; Battle Shake— 9th Suf Beau Fond— 4th Bel Beckygale — 2d Bel Be-Gin — 1st Suf Beguile— 8th Lrl Belria — 2d Spt Berno— 2d Bel Bernmore — 3d Bel i Betsy Ann — 5 th Suf Betty Lou — 1st Spt "Between Us— 8th G.S Big Billie— 8th G.S -Big Money — 7th CD Big Step— 6th CD Bill Pac— 5th Spt •Bit o Sea— 2d Lrl Black Cobra — 2d Lrl , Black Mahmou — 3d Spt Black Main — 7th CD Blazing Count — 7th Lrl kBlue Fay— 4th Spt Blue Lane — 2d Lrl .Blue Mirage — 4th G.S Blue Now— 6th CD Blue Opal — 9th CD .Blue Sparkler— 7th G.S Bobbys Bull— 8th G.S Bobtail Willie— 9th CD Bof aye — 1st Spt Boiler Plate — 6th Spt Boiling Spring — 1st CD . Bold Incline — 3d Lrl • Bold John — 3d G.S Bonnie Gem— 5 th Lrl Book Match — 4th G.S Bootlet — 1st Bel Bossy Mary — 2d Bel Bounced — 2d Bel Bountiful Miss — 5th Lrl Boxer Duke— 8th G.S Brassy — 3d CD Bright Lark— 7th G.S Broadway "Jack — 7th Spt Brogue II. — 8th Bel Broken Shedrow— 8th CD Brown Smoke— 2d Spt Bubbling Gold— 1st Bel Buckeye Lane — 4th CD Buena Vista — 5 th G.S Bull OWoods— 8th CD Bunny Ears — 1st Suf Business Trip — 6th Lrl Burstin Bubble— 8th Spt Busy Indian — 2d Spt Butte — 1st Spt Button Shoes — 8th Lrl By Herself— 2d Bel C Calgary— 3d Bel Canary Island — 2d CD Canary Oaks — 6 th Lrl Candy Box — 3d Suf Cant Resist — 7th Spt Cedar Jungle — 1st Bel Certain Lady— 3d Bel Champ Sorter — 7th Suf Chano — 6th Suf Cheriful— 2d Spt Chervil — 2d Bel Ching Chow— 4th Suf Chombro— 3d CD Cindy Moran — 3d Suf Close Out— 5th Spt Cocoa Al — 4th Spt Colorado Fox — 8th Spt Columbus Bound — 1st CD Comanche — 2d G.S Command Post — 2d CD Condor II. — 5th Bel Copier — 1st Suf Count Cain — 8th Bel Counterclock — 2d Bel Crisset — 6th Bel Cross Ring — 6th Spt Cross View— 2d G.S Crystal Magic — 1st Lrl Cub Scout— 6th Lrl Curly Joe— 5th Bel D Dago Red — 1st Spt Dainty Dancer — 2d Suf DaUce Nsing — 7tht© JO -u c Dance-A-Bit— 1st Lrl c Danny O. — 7th G.S Dark Destroyer— 4th Lrl Debbie Ann— 6th CD Decathlon — 4th Suf Decompression — 3d Lrl Deductible You— 3d Suf Destroyer — 8th CD Devil Flyer— 3d G.S DikDik— 1st Bel Direct North— 9th CD Dispute — 6th Bel Docedoe — 1st Bel s Doctor F. P.— 5th Suf Doctor Tony — 1st G.S Doe Run — 3d Bel Dog War— 2d G.S Domage — 1st CD Don Buster— 6th Suf Dont Orest— 8th Spt Dont Look Now — 3d Lrl Dover Coast — 4th Lrl Drogheda — 2d Lrl Drop Kick — 7th Lrl Druids Lyrics — 2d Spt Duffin— 2d G.S Duke K.— 8th Bel E Eilcey — 1st Lrl Eljaka— 2d G.S Elkchester— 6th CD Ellens Best— 2d Lrl Ellens Spy— 7th G.S Elliotts Doll— 3d Bel Elrusa — 1st G.S Enchanted Road — 3d Suf Enterpriser— 1st Suf Epic King — 7th CD Eponacker — 2d Bel Errolford — 5 th Bel Esplendor— 8th Suf Eternal Fan — 8th Suf Eternal Mike — 4th Lrl Eternal Shock — 1st CD Even So— 1st Suf Evening Out — 6th Bel Ever Bright — 6th Bel Explosive. — 2d G.S F Fair Cleo — 5th Suf Fast Motion — 3d Spt Fenity— 4th G.S Fiddling — 2d Bel Fighting Barb — 8th CD Fighting Upset — 2d Lrl Fighting Wise — 1st Bel Fillequine — 7th Suf Fine Fettle— 8th Spt First Cadet — 4th Bel First Come — 5th Spt Flame Out — 7th Suf Flapper— 6th G.S Flight Admiral— 6th G.S * Flo D.— 2d Spt Floor Boss — 6th Suf Florida Belle— 8th Spt v Folderol— 4th Lrl - Freedom First — 2d Spt Fumeur — 5th CD Futile— 4th G.S G Galloping Gus — 2d G.S Gamblers Ace — 1st Suf Gay Dictation — 4th CD Gay Warbler — 6 th Lrl George Ardan — 8th Suf George Murphy — 1st Bel Georgian — 7th Bel Gigis Baby— 6th CD Gin Mint — 2d Lrl Gleaming Doll — 2d Spt Gold Box— 7th Bel Gold Medal— 8th CD Golden Aria — 1st Bel Goldnose — 5th CD Golly— 7th CD Good Times — 3d C.D Googin — 1st G.S Great Admiral — 2d CD Greens Folly— 5th Lrl H Hal Marbut— 4th CD Halter Lace-3d G.S Ham Hocks — 1st Bel Hampace — 5 th G.S Handsome Teddy — 1st Bel Hap Glaudi— 2d Spt Happy Bound — 1st Suf Happy Chap — 3d Bel Happy Queen — 5th Spt Hardwicke — 5th CD Harlem Square — 9th C.D Hartsville— 7th Bel Hasty Bee — 1st CD Hasty Scenes— 3d Lrl Haydon — 3d G.S Head for Home — 4th Spt Heart Flash— 6th Spt Hearts Content — 1st Spt Helen Maisel — 2d C.D Helentown — 7th Spt -Helgood— 5th G.S Hello Rita— 2d Bel Heltop— 1st Bel - Hen Pen— 8th Spt Henrob— 3d G.S Henrys Reward — 5th G.S Heratt — 2d Suf Heres Colina — 9th CD Heredity— 6th Spt Heres Jake— 8th C.D Heros Reward — 3d G.S Heutel— 6th Spt Hi Suzanne — 7th Spt Hideaway II. — 2d Lrl High Jackie— 3d Suf High Ore— 7th Suf Hoopdedont — 4th Spt Hy-Patch— 3d G.S Hypostyle — 1st Spt xHuhineEx2.a.Bfel ; t UV Idealist — 1st Suf Idle Platter— 6th Spt Ifallswell— 2d G.S In Clover — 7th CD Indemnify — 8th Suf . Indian Smoke — 8th Bel Indicative — 7th Lrl Insulation — 3d Suf • . Intention — 8th Lrl * r Irish Sea— 5th G.S Is Yours — 5th Spt Its No Use— 6th Suf J Jakapine— 8th Spt Jer-O-Lee — 1st G.S Jillion Barels — 7th Suf Jimminetty — 6th G.S JoePaglina — 2d CD Joes Best — 4th CD Johns Admiral — 4th Lrl Jolie Boy — 1st Bel Josteeva — 3d Lrl Judy Darling — 2d Bel Justa Break — 1st Bel K Kaw Maid— 2d Bel Keelhaul — 1st G.S Keenson — 3d G.S King Commander — 5th Bel King Jolie — 8th Bel King-Ak — 2d Spt Kissena — 2d Bel L Lady Alibi— 6th CD Lady Phil— 2d Bel Lady Priam — 3d G.S Lanky John— 2d Spt Laran— 8th Lrl Le Sabre— 3d CD LeaRondi — 1st Bel Lead Pad — 3d CD Left Hand— 4th Suf Light Bonnet— 1st Lrl Light Step — 6th G.S Lil Forst— 9th Suf Lilo— 5th Suf Little Colleen — 1st Suf Little Cub— 1st CD Little Dell— 7th Bel Little Doge — 3dG.S Little Don G. — 4th Spt Little Fishook — 5th G.S Little Queen — 1st Lrl Live~Bait — 7th Spt Living High — 3d Lrl Locks — 2d CD * Long Lake — 3d Bel Long Row — 3d Bel Long Stretch — 7th Bel Lbri-Jane — 7 th CD Lost Scarf— 3d Spt Lou Adams — 8th Spt Lucky William — 7th CD Lynndiane — 9th C.D M Magic Motion — 8th Spt Magnate — 2d Suf Mailei— 5th G.S Major Event — 6th Suf Major Fitz — 1st CD Mandingo — 8th Bel March Lark — 4th Spt Marsam — 1st Lrl Martial Song — 2d Spt Mary H.— 7th CD Match Play— 4th Lrl Maxs Reward — 1st Lrl Merry — 2d Bel Metier— 3d Bel Metopia — 1st Bel Midas Touch— 8th Spt Midland Trail— 9th CD Mighty Gal— 2d Suf Mike The Crier— 8th C.D Milady Mowlee4th Lrl MilitantMiss — 6th G.S Mimada — 4th Lrl Miss Ada — 7th Suf Miss Jeronimo — 2d Bel Miss Ken— 5th G.S Miss Kirk — 1st CD Miss Pleasure — 8th CD Miss Shadow — 2d G.S Miss Weesie — 6th Bel Mister C.L.— 7th G.S Mon Baiser — 1st Spt Mon Homme — 8th G.S Monte— 8th Lrl Moon Mate — 4th G.S Moondog— 5th Spt More Apps — 1st G.S Mouche — 5th Lrl Movie Queen — 1st Lrl Mr. Grove — 4th C.D Mr. Neal— 9th CD Mr. Poise — 9 th C.D Mr. Stach— 2d G.S Mr. Wiggins — 2d CD Mrs. Mac — 4th G.S Mt. Olympus — 3d G.S Music — 2d C.D My Dancer— 2d CD My Lovely — 6th Spt My Red Gef len— 8th Spt N Nags Head — 1st CD Nainavah — 5th G.S Naval Affaire— 5tlVLrl Near Shore — 8th Bel Nearways Flash — 2d Suf Neversink — 4th G.S New Type— 5th G.S Nickies Boy— 6th Spt Nida Hand— 4th Lrl Night Bell— 7th Lrl Uight Mission — 8th Lrl Night Owl— 2d Suf Nika— 2d Suf Nile Prince — 1st Spt 3 Noble Dreamt— 8d Lrlv -- % nt -Noble Sun— 4th Lrl Nothirdchance — 8th Bel Nymphs Pride— 6th Spt .0 O. G. Whiskers— 1st G.S Ocean Hop — 1st G.S Oh Johnny — 4th Bel Oiseau Bleu— 3d Bel Our Pleasure — 4th Suf Our Secret— 5th G.S Ournav — 7th G.S P Pannies Rose — 3d Lrl Party King— 7th Spt Party Special— 8th Suf Pashpie — 4th Lrl Pastoral— 8th CD Peachtree Lass — 4th CD PerlerB.— 2d Lrl Petee — 4th Suf Philnor — 1st Spt Phoebes Girl— 2d Bel Picked— 1st Bel Pilots Lark— 1st G.S Pinuhta— 3d Bel Pita— 1st G.S Platter Scout— 2d CD Playful Day— 2d Suf Polar Region — 1st Lrl Policeman Day — 7th Lrl Pollys Jet— 4th Bel Polychrest— 9 th CD Popadaris — 2d G.S Powder Cap— 1st G.S Prexy Mac— 2d G.S Prince Consort — 9th CD Prince Glorieux — 5th Bel Prince Reward— 4th Suf Princetonian — 8th Lrl Prissy Missy — 6th Suf Pulsator— 6th G.S Pvt. Sam— 8th CD Q Quick Town — 7th Bel R Rabu— 1st Lrl Ramvelo — 2d Suf Rare Music— 6th Spt Razzberry— 8th Lrl Reba K.— 4th G.S Rebounder — 4th Spt Red Perfume — 7th Suf Red Sultan— 1st CD Reddy Teddy— 5th CD Reta Run — 3d G.S Rico Mandy — 5th Lrl Riff Song— 8th Lrl River Jordan — 5th Bel Roberta-Win — 1st Suf Romandale — 2d G.S Romp and Play — 8th C.D Rowena — 3d Bel Royal Doo — 2d Suf Royal Morse — 7th Lrl Royce— 2d CD Runner-up— 6th G.S Rural Gravure — 3d Spt Russess TS — 2d Spt Rustum — 4th Spt S Saint Nicholas — 4th Spt Sambouk — 4th Spt Sans Egal — 4th Lrl Sara Kate— 1st G.S Saremm — 7th Bel Sassy Josey — 2d Suf Say-Belle— 7th Spt Scandia— 8th G.S Scattershot— 5th Suf Script Bar — 1st Spt Second Avenue — 7th CD Sergeant Spook— 8th CD Seventh Tribe — 3d CD Shaitani— 5th CD Sharp Mark— 2d CD Sharp Sword — 4th Suf Sheila Susan — 2d Suf Sherry L. — 4th Lrl Shiny Knight— 9th Suf Shoe Tree — 2d Bel Short Bit— 2d Lrl Short Skirts — 3d Bel Sidara— 5th CD Silk Scarf— 2d Suf Silver K.— 5th Spt Sincerity — 9th Suf Sir Chatter— 6th Suf Sir Country — 1st CD Sir Sidney — 1st Bel Six-Three-Four — 9th CD Sky Capers — 8th CD Sky Princess — 4th Spt Skyride— 3d Lrl Slugger Cain— 1st Suf Soakin Wet— 2d G.S Sonora Girl — 2d Bel • Sbnosicuro— 1st Bel Sowega— 5th G.S Specific— 1st Spt Speedy Foot— 8th CD Spice Round — 4th Suf Spicy Belle — 1st CD Spool — 1st Suf Spoony— 8th G.S Sport of Kings — 3d Lrl Spring Perfume — 2d Bel Stans Helen— 9th Suf Star Actor--3d CD Star Rover — 7th Suf StarZ.— 2dG.S Stay Cool — 3d Spt Steve N Gail— 8th G.S Still Hoping — 1st Lrl Straga — 8th G.S Suave — 4th Suf Sugar Ham — 2d Bel Sumalee — 1st G.S Sun David— 7th CD Sunny Capri— 2d Spt Sunoloc — 1st Lrl Sunrise — 3d Bel Super Bee — 2d CD Super Bug — 8th Suf Super Built— 5th CD Super Sue — 3d Spt Sure Toss — 3d G.S Swanees Penny — 2d C.D Swing Shut— 8th Spt T Take Two — 3d Bel Tall Pine— 4th G.S Taras Hall— 2d Lrl Tarsus — 7th Suf Tarzan— 6th G.S Tattenham — 1st Spt Tattoo Kid— 8th CD Teddys Review— 3d Spt Tee Vee— 3d Suf Telegramma — 2d Suf Ten Lies— 6th C.D 3d Spt Ten-o -Two — Terry Mine — 7th Spt Tharbis— 2d Bel The Phoenix — 9 th Suf The Spy— 4th Spt Thistle War— 1st Spt Tiger Cat — 3d CD Tiger Dancer— 4th Suf k,. Tiger Flame— 9th CD 4 Tiger Trip-3aVSpt Tigger Harris — 1st Spt Timely Lass — 2d Bel Timus— 9th Suf Tishie — 3d Suf To Challenge — 1st Bel 0 Tocsin — 7th Bel Tonga Prince — 3d Bel J= Tony Pat Jr.— 9th CD - Top-Lation— 4th Lrl y. Tortilla— 4LhLrl Tosca — 5th Lrl Q Toy Hunt— 6th Suf Z Trico— 4th CD - Trigaza — 2d Bel m . Triple Bells— 6th Lrl O Trisong— 6th Bel 5 Truedall — 2d Suf - Trycalling — 2d CD - Tunshen— 8th G.S I Twenty-Five— 3d Spt £ U £ Ulna— 2dLrl P Ultimatum — 7th Spt - Ultra Smart — 6th Lrl Umbrella Man— 6th Spt £ Una Whilly— 2d Suf Uristic— 8th Spt K V ri Val— 1st Bel - Valtist-lst Lrl i£ Vandanell— 1st C.D . Vanhill— 5th Suf Veracity— 2d Bel Verna Lee — 8th Lrl ■ Vierra — 3d Bel Viking Victory — 4th Bel Virginia Queen — 2d Lrl : - -Virginius — 5th Bel W Wagon Drill— 7th Lrl War Hour— 5th G.S War King— 6th Spt War Phar— 6th G.S War Secretary — 1st CD Warmed Over— 6th G.S Wars History— 5th G.S Wastrel— 5th G.S Watch Ho— 2d Lrl : Watch It Now— 1st Suf ... Water Dog— 1st G.S Weber J.— 8th Lrl . .,-Wee Dip— 2d Lrl Wee Wah— 8th Lrl Wellfleet8th Suf Wheeln Deal— 4th Spt . - Where Are We— 6th Bel Whiffs— 6th G.S • Whirling Fleet— 2d Lrl White Light— 6th G.S Whits Rose— 3d Spt Windsor King— 7th G.S Wisenheimer — 7th Spt Wohneda— 9th Suf Wood Run— 1st Spt Woodview Ace — 1st Spt Worry Manana — 3d Bel Worthy Option— 2d Spt Y Yearn— 5th Suf You Say — 1st CD Z Zealot — 5th G.S Zelda Fay— 3d G.S Ziggling— 7th G.S

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Local Identifier: drf1955050501_47_1
Library of Congress Record: