United Press News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-02


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UNITED PRESS , NEWS — BRIEFS NATIONAL: v CED Advocates Temporary Income Tax Cut WASHINGTON, May 1.— The Committee for Economic Development told Congress, today it should plan now for a temporary 20 per cent cut in income taxes if there are no "clear" signs of business improvement this month. The CED, a private research organization of businessmen and economists, said the tax cut should be simple enough to assure passage without lengthy committee hearings. It said it should also carry an automatic termination date of March 31, 1959. Shoemaker Lashes Out at Governors | NEW YORK, May 1.— Perry M. Shoe-! maker, president of the Lackawanna Railroad, today lashed out at the governors of New .York and New Jersey for not supporting proposals which would help the financially depressed railroad industry. Striking Pilots, Ship Owners to Meet Striking pilots and ship owners have agreed to meet today in Montreal in an effort to end a shipping strike that has affected most major Great Lakes ports. I Adlai Optimistic Over Economic Future [ Adlai E. Stevenson is optimistic over the nations economic future. Stevenson said yesterday he believed the current recession will "soon level off and improve." He termed a tax cut now a "last measure," and said he wished anti-recession measures "had been taken much sooner." West Essentially Defenseless | AMHERST, Mass., May 1.— Atomic Energy Commissioner Willard F. Libby has I indicated the West is now "essentially defenseless" against Soviet H-bombers and [missiles, except for the threat of retaliation. He said that "we must have further j tests" to perfect nuclear defenses which are lagging far behind development of I Hydrogen-tipped missiles and other offen-j siveweapons. Marine Commandment Protests Ikes Plan WASHINGTON, May 1.— The commandant of the Marine Corps protested today that President Eisenhowers defense reorganization plan might open the way for giving the marines "the bums rush," Gen. Randolph McC. Pate told the House Armed Services Committee he felt "real apprehension" that language of the proposed bill might permit a future defense secretary to "rationalize the Marine Corps out of a job." FOREIGN: - Release of Funds Gives Nasser Advantage CAIRO, Majr 1. — The United States decision to release blocked Egyptian funds today will give President Gamal Abdel Nasser a political advantage in his Moscow Cl talks, informed observers reported. The United States froze 6,000,000 in Egyptian funds when Nasser nationalized ,? the Suez Canal in July, 1956, and is releasing them while Nasser is in Moscow for talks with Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Observers here said the American action increased the chances that Nasser would hold to a politically neutral line during his Moscow talks and that relations between the United States and United Arab Republic probably would improve. Scandinavian Countries End Passport Rules COPENHAGEN, May 1.— The Scandinavian countries abolished passport regulations for tourists effective today. Tourists may now travel through Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway without hav-, ing to show passports at border points. Sense of Urgency — Hammarskjold UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., May 1.— Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold said today there is a "sense of urgency" that demands agreement upon disarmament lest "human impatience or human failure" may lead to war. Frondizi Sworn in as Argentina President BUENOS AIRES, May 1.— Arturo Frondizi was sworn in today as president of Argentina at a glittering joint session of Congress. But U. S: Vice-President Richard Nixon, who traveled all the way from Washington, missed the actual oath-taking ceremony. Nixon and representatives of 57 other nations were in Buenos Aires to see Frondizi and Vice-President Alejandro Gomez take over control of the government following their victory in Argentinas first completely free presidential election in 30 years. Rebel Bombers Blast Island of Ambon SINGAPORE, May 1. — Indonesian rebel bombers blasted the island of Ambon yesterday for the second time this week, killing 12 of the 26 crewmen of a Panamanian freighter caught in the area. Rebel sources said oil installations on the East Indonesian island were "completely destroyed" in the attack.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958050201/drf1958050201_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1958050201_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800