Between Races: Derby Strategy of Silky Outlined Teeth Floated, Solves Wind Problem it Can Sustain Burst, Will Win Derby, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-02


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. __fl» i 1 Between Races By .Oscar Oth Derby Strategy of Silky Outlined Teeth Floated, Solves Wind Problem If Can Sustain Burst, Will Win Derby CHURCHILL DOWNS. Louisville, Ky., May 1.— The most spectacular horse in the whole history of the Kentucky Derby, stretch running Silky Sullivan, goes . postward postward Saturday Saturday as as the the senti- postward postward Saturday Saturday as as the the senti- sentimental choice of millions. Trainer Reggie Cornell, commenting on his chances, says, "Well, before his race last Saturday nobody in Kentucky gave us much of a chance and some even felt sorry for us the way he had worked. But hes got some of those scoffers talking to themselves since he made up about 29 lengths. Frankly, whether or not he is a really really good good horse, horse, I I dont- dont- know. know. __fl» i 1 really really good good horse, horse, I I dont- dont- know. know. But he must have something to run some of those fractions the way he does. As. for Derby strategy, there isnt any. My instructions to Shoemaker will be ride him as if you owned him." And Shoemaker added, "The stories that I let the horse do the running are not true. I let the horse know when I want him to start moving and so far he always has responded. He will trail early, as per custom,, how far back, I wouldnt know for that depends on the race. How good he is, I dont know either but no doubt the Derby will give us some answer. He will be taking the /worst of it running the way he does in a big Derby field, but one "cant tinker at this stage with a, strategy, or pattern, which won him the Santa Anita Derby by a decisive margin." Rates Special TV Camera Silky Sullivan is the first horse in Derby history to have a special TV camera assigned especially to him. So far as can be determined, he stays further out of ■ it in the early part of a race than any horse in Derby history. And his run is every bit as dramatic, if not more so, than Whirlaways. Silky Sullivan came to Kentucky from the West with only cautious and reserved estimates of the turf experts, the hurrahs were from the public. Reggie Cornell is frank to pass along some of the credit for the success of the horse, if making up 29 lengths in a 7 furlongs race and racing . in about 1:23 over a non-fast track, out a mile in 1:36 and some change, can be called success to California veterinarian Dr. Jock Jocoy, who lias been in constant attendance to prevent the colt from getting what Cornell fears the most, a cold or chilL It can be revealed .that some of the earlier works of Silky Sulli- • van were not impressive because a tooth was ailing, and the ailment .caused him to turn his head sidewards, which interfered with his breathing; and which in turn compounded a slight roaring. Dr. Jocoy,. floated the offending molars, and careful observers immediately noticed, that he began to train/ and race, straight. That tooth-floating job could make the difference between Derby victory or lack of it. Jocoy has even taken his turn in the 24-hour watch which Cornell has had on duty ever since his arrival in Kentucky. Churchill Downs officials are frank to admit, that Silky has had a lot to do with the unprecedented demand for reserved seats, and for the first time hi modern Derby history, people from Europe are coming over, not just to see the Derby, but to see Silky Sullivan race in the Derby. Advises my good friend George Blackwell, London representative of Paddy Harbords Curragh Bloodstock Agency, "I have read an awful lot of stuff in the European press ahout Silky Sullivan ever since his Santa Anita Derby victory, and he is quite famous over here. In fact, not so long ago they showed the running of the Santa Anita Derby on our television network." Dr. Roberts Starrs at the Beginning Dr.-and Mrs.-Riley H. Roberts, of Pasadena, breeders of Silky Sullivan, are to be here for their first-Derby, and the dentist tells me, "One mare Lady N Silk is enough to have lots of fun and not too many worries. We feel fortunate to ovvn such a fine broodmare, and we must give the late Doctor Upton credit for recognizing her as a good broodmare prospect both as to conformation and pedigree. Bill Peel, a fine horseman, was the person who suggested Sullivan as a fine sire prospect. William Reavis. farm manager at Merryman, helped convince us of Sullivans merits. Luck played a part in our success with Silky Sullivan, plus the good care he received at Merryman where he foaled, the individual attention he received while at our home place; before he was weaned, and the expert care he received, after weaning, at Three Rings Ranch from the staff of Bill Phegley. Jack Lynaugh and Dale Hector. Then of course Silky was lucky to get the right owners, Klipstein and Ross, who had the patience to wait for him to develop, a very good trainer, Cornell, and others who have worked Silky and the extra plus. Shoemaker. If Silky goes east for the Preakness, ,we may go too." , As for Silkys run, the comment most often encountered is, "I wouldnt believe it unless I saw it for myself." It is a most tremendous burst. Many observers feel if he can sustain that run for three-eighths of a mile, not just a quarter, he will have a real Derby chance. Cornell has trained his horse to perfection, with perfect timing. When the rains ended at Golden Gate, he had a short horse and lie knew it. Silky wont be short Saturday, and if he is beaten, it wont be from lack of condition even though Silky is not on a diet. Asked his daily ration, Cornell replied, "I really dont know, because we feed him all he wants. But Id say not less than 16 quarts of oats a day, and perhaps as. many as 20. Normal for a horse in training is 12". I let my horses eat all they wish, and my bookkeeper in California tells me my feed, bills average a dollar or more per day per horse over the average bill out home." There is further evidence of the stretch-runners great popularity from Cornell who says "Silky, incidentally, has been getting fan mail at an average of about 10 letters a day. A surprisingly large percentage, are from youngsters. I havent been up to answering all the letters, because Ive been too busy, but Ill get around to that chore when r can. As for mud in the Derby, it might hot help him but neither will it harm his chances a bit. He is at home on any kind of a track in any kind of going. Once again, I dont really know how good he is. A champ or just an unusual liorse.

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