Ak-Sar-Ben Emphasizes Fan Comfort and Convenience for 1958 Meeting: Grandstand Gets Fresh Coat of Paint; New Skyline Plaza Provides Additional Space, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-02


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: ; New Skyline Plaza at Ak-Sar-Ben track, Omaha, Nebr. ■1 Ak-Sar-Ben Emphasizes Fan Comfort And Convenience for 1958 Meeting Grandstand Gets Fresh Coat Of Paint; New Skyline Plaza Provides Additional Space OMAHA, Neb., May 1.— A huge list of new improvements, all aimed at greater fan comfort and enjoyment, promises to ; make this years May 20 through July 5 Ak-Sar-Ben race meeting the greatest in the civic organizations history. And a purse distribution of 50,000, with a ,000 minimum, is certain to be equally attractive to horsemen, general manager J. J. Isaacson pointed out. Last year, Ak-Sar-Bens .chief innovation was the Grand Concourse, a span over the fields main thoroughfare that links the Grandstand with the Coliseum and provided more than double the previous room for wagering. The Concourse proved so successful that all Ak-Sar-Ben records tumbled. A total of 8,626,115 was handled in the 35 days for a daily average of 32,175: a single days record of 52,081 was established on closing day; total attendance was 377,218, for a daily average of 10,806, and a single day attendance record of 19,590 was set on Memorial Day. This year, the entire Grandstand will have a "New Look," accomplished by an all-around paint job in bright colors. Featured is the Skyline Plaza, a 40-foot extension of the Cop level of the Grandstand complete with rest rocms, refreshment stands and additional mutuel windows for persons who sit near the top of the Grandstand. With this newest improvement, Ak-Sar-Ben now has complete accommodations for its patrons on four different levels. Another addition to Ak-Sar-Ben Field is a new pedestrian underpass which leads to the east end of wthe Grandstand for the thousands of patrons who park in the centerfield area. This underpass is similar to one constructed several years ago at the west end of the centerfield parking lot. Clpsed-circuit TV, which proved exceedingly popular in its debut last year, will be expanded in the air-conditioned Paddock Buffet. It also will be installed in the north end of .he adjoining Coliseum for patrons seated there on busy days. -Mr. Isaacson also revealed that Ak-Sar-Ben during the winter built four steel trams to be connected to tractors which will enable patrons to ride from the parking lots to the Grandstand. This service, like the parking, is free to patrons, and has been termed the "Ak-Spress." , Also to be introduced is a mw format in racing programs. It will contain a vast amount of information such as jockey and trainer standing, winners by post positions, etc. Four pages have been added to the program to make room for this information. In order to meet the increased cost of production, the program price will be increased — for the first time in 25 years — to 25 cents. Racing secretary K. W. Mcintosh, who has been on the grounds the past month, expects the horse population, now at 300, to increase daily the next week. According to an agreement with the HBP A, Ak-Sar-Ben limits the number of horses on the grounds to 1,100 although it has facilities

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958050201/drf1958050201_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1958050201_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800