At the Ringside, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-02


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. •■LLaHaflLV i ,. — — ■ AT THE RINGSIDE By Barney Nagler Cl ,? LOUISVILLE, May 1.— In his way, Archie Moore, who is fighting here tomorrow night, is the Silky Sullivan of swat. . Not Not a a three-year-old, three-year-old. Not Not a a three-year-old, three-year-old. i to be sure, but much like the California colt in ,his ability to come from behind. Fighting younger ones, he has flattened them in the. stretch. Yolande Pom-pey and Harold Johnson were victimized when they were "winging to the wire. It may happen again to Willie Willie Besmanoff Besmanoff in in i •■LLaHaflLV i Willie Willie Besmanoff Besmanoff in in i the Louisville Fair Fair Grounds ring. Moore has only ten rounds in which to dawdle. His lightheavyweight championship is not involved and he may come in weighing as much as 200 pounds, 25 over the -class limit. He came in at 201 seven weeks ago, when he knocked out Bob Alright in Vancouver in seven rounds. The Derby Saturday is at level weights of 126. Moore does not. have to worry about this. He will not be riding. However, some of the cowboys might take a cue from him when it comes to weightmaking. He has shed as many as 30 pounds in a month or so, while fight writers were growing fat sitting around wondering how he accomplishes this purpose. AAA Moore says he learned the secret of reducing not from Slenderella but from an Australian aborigine he came across in the Pristine bush of the island continent. When he is pressed for details, he smiles and says, "this is my secret. Im going to write a book about it." The truth is that Moores secret is not as- obscure as he would want others to believe. He takes weight off simply, by training hard, eating little and foregoing liquids. I Once, it is recalled, he was training at New Providence, N. J., for a championship, defense, probably the one against Johnson, and he was caught swigging a liquid from a canteen he carried with him at all times. "Whats that?" a reporter asked. "Goose juice." "Goose juice? Never heard of the stuff." "Its a secret concoction," Moore said. He dropped the subject. If he had dropped the canteen instead he would-have spilled the beef broth carried therein. Fighters have been drinking beef broth for years by way of revitalizing themselves after arduous training sessions. Only Moore, however, has added enchantment as an ingredient. Moores bout in the beautiful Fair Grounds building is not going to take the play away from the Derby. It will be seen nationally on television, but around here there is not much interest in the event because all the talk is concerned with Silky Sullivan and Tim Tam and Jewels Reward. AAA Last Derby Eve, one of Archies old friends and collaborators, Joey Maxim, was in the Fair Grounds ring. Joey Maxim boxed Eddie Machen through ten dreary rounds and the audience was a tribute to .the discernment of the visiting horse lovers. Perhaps a thousand persons turned up to see the dreary fisticuffs. Moore will have to atone for Maxims, peace movement. The 42-or 49-year-old1 pugilist does not know how to put up aj bad fight. His every movement is colorful I and he can punch hard enough to take an opponent out of misery at any turn. | There was a time when Moore used to put the audience to sleep. When he finally was acknowledged as a superior fighter, i he discarded his slip-and-slap style and, became a cute brawler. He still is not hit easily. He still runs a fight much as he pleases, conserving Jiis energy for the stretch. He still can knock a man out with 1 a punch. | The one with Besmanoff will be the 200th of his career, according to some1 counts, but-Moore is as exciting a brawler, as he was when he began punching people I around in Louisville 23- years ago. His Continued on Page Forty I I AT THE RINGSIDE Br BASNET NAGLEB Continued from Page Two career- has spanned the activity of many champions. He was boxing when Joe Louis was being knocked out by Max Schmeling. He was trying to break into the big time even after World War H. Archie is an improbable athlete. Not good enough to wipe Silky off the front pages here, but good enough to be remembered for many years.. Hes the best bet in Louisville this week. Or any other week, for that matter.

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