Late Results: Maumee Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-02

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Late Results MAUMEE DOWNS _ Wednesday. April 30, 1958 THIRD RACE 47389 — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. Three- and four-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. 7-GameBlue,114,K. Robertson $ 9.C0 .40 .40 2- Wish I May, 113, B. Sackett 4.00 2.40 4- 0ur Light, 104, W. Hubbard 80 Time, t.-Oftji. Off at 3:27 Eastern Standard Time. Also ran— Son George, To Betsy, Modem Music, Dare Menow.. FOURTH RACE 47390— 5 Furlongs; Purse 00. Feur-year-olds -and upward. Claiming price ,250. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. 5- Kingpoise, 119, A. Wolfe 0.28 5.00 $ 8.60 4-Abolition, 116, J. Pelaez 5.80 3.20 3- Lo-Lo Ann, 111, L, Hulslander 4.40 Time, 1:0414- Off at 3-2 Eastern Standard Time. Also ran— Radiant Fox, Bad News, Nigreeny, Skipping Tide, Sabre-Bim, Mucho White. FIFTH RACE 4739i-5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. Four-year-olds and upward.- Claiming price ,250. Net value to winner 25;* second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. 1-Mohawk Valley, 114, R. Venne 6.40 S 6.E0 $ 3.40 7-F. 0. Bee, 118, 6. Walker 3.60 Z40 4- Ultimatum, 113, K. Robertson 2,40 Time, 1.-09%. Off st 4:16 Eastern Standard Time. Also ran— Fictionarian, Youll Do, Jay-Bee-Jay, Terry Mine. SIXTH RACE 47392— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. Fcur-year-olds and upward. Claiming price ,000. Net value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth, 5. 1-Navy Shadow, 118, B. Buell $ 5.60 J 4.20 $ 3.80 6- KatSe Gee, 113. R. Frazer S.40 7/0 9-ASr Bunny, 113, R. Royston- 7.00 Time, V.W.i. Off at 4:42 Eastern Standard Time. Also- ran— Ward Bee, Shamrock Lad, Illimitable, De-lores T., Miralark, Midnight Sands. SEVENTH RACE. 47393— 6 Furlongs.. Purse 00. Four-year-olds and upward: Claiming price 250. Net t value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth, 5. 6-lnnisfail, 114, F. Sheaffer 1.20 5.40 $ 6.20 5- Fcot Secret, 119, J. Pelaez 14.80 6.00 3-Corner Lot, 114, R. Venne 3.00 Time, 1:15%. Off at 5:06 Eastern Standard Time. Also r3n— May Whirl, Bon- Zevial, .My Flame, Spring Fever. EIGHTH RACE 47394-6 Furlongs. Pnrse 00. Three-year-olds and upward: Allowances. Net value- to winner 25; second, 50; third, S1C0; fourth, 5. 1-Grecian Maid, 114, R- . Venne $ 9.20 $ 5.40 $ 3.60 3- Terry Wave, 116, P. Sage 15.20 5.40 4- Po-Ko, 115, P. Griffis 5.40 Time, 1:15%. "Off at 5301 Eastern Standard; Time. Also ran— Sweet Brand, Joes. Miss, Upper Echelon, Rio Valley. NINTH RACE 47395— 6 Furlongs. Purse $£00. Four-year-olds and upward. Claiming price ,000. Net value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth, 5. 10-Jiffy, 113, G. Walker $ 7.60 $ 4.80 $ 4.40 6- Kosmos Gal, 113, J. Robertson 9.00 5.E0 1-0ur Laura,-108, G. Kaighn. 4.C0 Time, 1:17%. Off at 5:54 Eastern .Standard* Time. Also ran— Siraaas, Lady. Alquest, Tasa, Old Gucrd, Game Dal, If You Vote, DukSe Boy. Attendance 4,018;. Total Mutuel P*ol, 98,039.

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