Table of Comparative Track Records, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-02

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TABLE OF COMPARATIVE TRACK RECORDS Below are track records for distances more frequently raced at the major tracks. The comparative value of such information is apparent at a glance when considered in connection with best time of each horse appearing in the entries. ♦ 1-2 5-8 51-2 3-4 7-8 • I 1 Mils 11-15 11-3 11-4 Track. Mile. Mile. Furlongs. Miie. Mile. Mile. 70 Yards. Miles. Miles. Miles. Aqueduct 39y3 1:Q4?i 1:10V5 102 ... .. 1:42*5 1:49 2:01% Arlington Park : 58 1:03% 1:03% 12m 1:34Vs 1:424/3 1:45V5 1:48Vs 2:01 tAscot Park :4S 59/s 1:06% 1:12% 1:24% 1:40% 1:43% 1:45 1:531% 2:07% Atlantic City :59% l.-031s 139 1:2m 1:42% 1:47% 231% Balmoral formerly Lincoln Fields... ..T 38% 1:341* 1:10** 1:22?s 134% ... 1-43 150 2.-03% Bay Meadows :4E% 58% 1:04Vi 1:09 ... 135% 1:41% 1:40y5 1:47% 231% TBe: Air 58% 125% 1:38 1:42/3 1:43% 1:53% 2:07% §Belmont Park _58V5 1:04% 1:03% 1:21% 1:34% ... 1:41% 1:4714 239 Beulah Park :45% 5K4 1:04% 1:10 ... 1:36% 1:40% 1:42 .151 233% Bowie ........ :46% 58% 1:03iis 1:10% 1:22% 1:39 ♦ 1:43 1:42% 1:50% 2:05 iCahokia Downs :46% 58% 1:08V5 ... 1:24% 1:37% 1:41% 1:43 Centennial Race Track: 57 133 138% ... 1:35 ... 1:42% 1:43 233% TCharles Town :46% 1:00 ... *1:14 *124% ... ... 1:44 1:51% 235% Churchill Downs :46% 53% 1:04Vs 1:09% 1:22% 1:35 1:41% 1:43% 1:49% 2:31% TCramveoa Park .„..-..■ . :45?S ... ... 1:12% 1:24% 1:3S% ... ::45 1:52% ... Oel Mar 1:00 133% 1:034/5 ... 1:35 ... 1:40% 1:47 233% Delaware Park 59 134% 139 ... 1:37% 1:41 % 1:42% 1:48 2:X% Detroit Race Course ...... ... 58% 135% 139% .,. 1:36?s 1:41 1:42% *:43%. 232% Fair Grounds ,.„; 53?*= 135 1:10% 124Vs 1:374.3 1:41 1:43?5 1:43% 234% Fairmourrt Park 17% 59 1:05 1:101% ... 1:33% 1:41 1:42% 1:51% 233% Fort Erie :47% 53/5 1:04% 1:10% l:25Vs 1:37?3 1:41% 1.-43 1:50% 2:02»/s Fort Miami ASYa 59 iand 1:11% ... 1:38% 1:43 1:45% 152% 237% Garden State Park 53 135% 138% ... 126% 1:39% 1:42 1:47?% 231 Golden Gate Fields i :47 57% 134 1:08 .. 1:33% ... 1:41 1:46% 1:53% Gulfstream Park -.46% 59 133% .1:09- 1:22% ... 1:3ST5 1:41% 1:46% 159% tHagerstewn :. 133% V 1:43% 1564,l ... Havana i...... :. :47 59 1:04% 1:10ls 1:26 1:33 1:42% 1:41% 1:43% 232% Hawthorns :43 59 1:05% 139% 1:25% 1:37% 1:41% 1:42% 1:4214 2:00% THazel Park ASVs ... 136% 1:11% ... 127% ... 1:43% 1:51 Hiaieah Park 135% 1:09 1:22 1:36% ... 1:42% 1:47 2:01 Hipocrcmo de Tijuana formerly Agua Caliente :45 57% 133% 139% 123% 12E% 1:401% 1:42% l:48ii 132% Hollywood Park 561% 132% 136% 1:20 123% ... 1:39 1:46% 153% Jamaica ... 53 133% 1:09% ... 1:38% 1:40% 1:42 1:4814 231% James C Ellis Park " " formerly Dade Park ..v 53% 1:05 1:10% 1:25% 1:37 1:45 1:50% 234% Keeneland ... ... 135% 139 1:22% - -1:4214 1:47% 233% Lansdowne Park t :45% 53% 134 1:10 ... 1:36% 1:40% 1:42% 1:43*4 2:04% Laurel Park 55% 134% 139% 1:26% 1:37 1:41% 1:42% 1:43% 232 tLincoln Downs :47% 53% ... ... 1:25% 1:37% 1:42% 1:44 ... 236% Long Branch 53 135 1:10% -127 129% 1:41% 1:44% 1:51% 2:05% Longacres ..„.. 57?% 133% 138% 1:23% 1:34?S .1:42 1:41% 1:4794 233 IMexico City :45V4 57% 1:034 1:1014 i:2V,% 1:35% ... 1:43 1:49% 235% Monmouth Park ...... ......... „. 53 13394 133% ... 124% 1:4214 1:41 1:43% £01% Narragansett Park -47%. 59. 1:04% 1:03% ... 1:37 1:41 1:42% 1:43% 135% OaklawnPark 4. :45% 130% 134 13314 1:25% 1:35 1:40 1:41% 1:4914 231 Omaha :4S% 57% 134 1:09% 1:26 1:37% 1:40% 1:42 151% 135% Phoenix.... „•„...• 5754 133% 1:10% ... 126% 1:41% 1:42% 151% 232% Pimlico Ws 59% 13414 1:10 1:25 1:37% 1:4114 1:42 150% 134% Portland Meadows :47 53% 131% 1:10% ... 1:36% ... 1:43% 1:50% ... Randall Park ■. 58% 131 133% ... 1:39 1:40% 1:42% 1:47% 133% River Downs ... 5394.134% 139% ... 12E14 1:40 1:42% 1.-49 232 Rockingham Park :47% . 5814 134% 139% 125. 1:35% 1:41% 1:42% 1:43% 105 Santa Anita Park :46% 58% 1:0414 139 120% 1:3414 ... 1:4014 1:4614 159% Saratoga :47% 5714 13394 139% 1:23 1:35% 1:43% 1:45% 1:49% 231% Scarborough Downs 13514 1:11% "1:43% 1:45% 152% 226 tSportsmans Park Chicago R4 ... — 1:12% ... 1:3814 ... 1:45 1:51% ... Suffolk Downs .-47 58%- 134% 133% ... 12594 1:41 1.-43% 1:48% 231 Sunshine Park „ :43 1:0254 1:04% 1:10 ... 1:40 1:4114-1:41 152 239 Tanforan 53% 1:06% 133% ... 129 1:40% 1:42% 1:4714 222% ThistleDown :4S 5894 1:0314 1:10 ... 127% 1:44% 1:43 1:43 23394 tTtacnium .n 13094 ... .... 1:27% ... .... 1:5094 157 Tropcal Park ....! ; :4S 59 4:03 1:09 . 1:25 125% 1:40% 1:42 1:43% ... Turf Paradise :45 56% 13394 133% ... 126% ... 1:4194 -1:48% 10494 Washington Park .: ... 57% 13294 1:09 1:21 1:33% 1:40% 1:44 1:43% 13094 Waterfora Park .... 58% 13594 1:10% 1:42 1:43% 150 105 tWheeling Downs .-. 5394 ... ... ... 1:4594 154 Woodbine new 53% 1:05% 1:10% 122% ... 1:41% 1:43 -* 150% 231% Woodbine Park , ... ,.. ... 1:2494 1:36% ... 1:45 1:50% 234% •About distance, tlndicates less than one mile-track. §Widaner C-rse— 4 furlongs, :491s; 5 furlongs, 5514; 5 furlongs, 131%; 6 furlongs, 1:3714; 6 furlongs, 1:1494- ■

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