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WORKOUTS Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type t 4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. Brendard.... :38b 5-25 Impor Miss... :40 b 5-26Bistrita :40b 5-26 Kabo ....... 36h 5-17 Bluebeard .. :37 d 5-19 Little Van. .. :37h 5-24 Cold Turkey.. :38b 5-24 Late Date. . .. :41 b 5-26 Count Cotton :36h 5-26" Lucky Quest. :37h 5-26 Count Arthur :36h 5-23 Mount Echo.. :40b 5-24 Doran :38b 5-27 Mary Carman :37h 5-22 Edward J. K. :41 h 5-24 Motley :38b 5-24 Evergold .... :37 b 5-23 Maple Ricca. :38 h 5-24Foyot :38h 5-26 One Knot.... 36h 5-24 Forever Yrs :39b 5-26 Orlatta ...... :40b 5-5 First Class... :38b 5-26 Our Reigh... :36h 5-27 Grace C. A... :40 b 5-27 Royal Lerner. 38h 5-22Herbar ..... :40 b 5-26 Sir J. James :39b 5-25 Hour Zev. . .-. :40 b 5-26 Sarahmond .. :38b Hideho :38h 5-25 Winder :39h 5-18 Holdum Brn :41 b One-Half Mile. Balman :54 b Hat Check. :54 b 5-13 Bedight :55 b 5-22 Lemont :50h 5-26. Bold Lover... :52 b 5-26 Long Rifle. .. :50h 5-26 Baltimre Boy :51h 5-25 Malmaison .. :54 b Bonnie W.... :52b 5-26 Panicle :53b Brice :51h 5-26 Spirituelle . . :53b 5-25Cheerus .... :51 "b 5-21 Stout Heart.. :55 b 5-22CelIaigh .... :51d 5-22 Traitor :52b 5-26 Dihvin :50h Trumps :51h 5-13 Diane S . . :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Belleek l:04d 5-26 Lovely Lucy.l:074ib 5-25 Caw Caw. . . .l:07b 5-27 Kwamudi . . .1:08 b 5-28 Dulcimer ....l:04h 5-26 Navanod ...1:09 b 5-26 Gallaclay . . ..1:11 b 5-24 Noahs Pride.l:07b 5-27 Hi-Nelli l:06b 5-25 Rushaway ...1:05 h 5-26 Irish Image. .l:06b 5-24 Singing Hrt.l:04h 5-26 Inference ...l:07b 5-27 S. AIexander.l:10 h Identical ....1:09 b 5-25 Seven Pines.. 1:05 h 5-22 Judge Bonellilrll b 5-26 Wandrel ....1:10 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-26 Baby Sis.... 1:19 h 5-27 Impel 1:24 b 5-27 Flight of Goldl:22 b 5-22 Leadg Articlel:21b One Mile. 5-22 Be Mine 1:52 b 5-26 The Old Lady1:51 b One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-28Whiskolo ....2:01h Our Reigh and Count Arthur showed speed in the going. Belleek and Dulcimer showed a good effort in company. Cheerus accompanied Whiskolo the first half, and Gallaclay joined in the last five-eighths. LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-16Mtin Barton :38 h Sun Voter.. :41 b One-Half Mile. 4- 27 Fair Prospect :54 b 5-14 Sweet Girl. . :55b Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 15 Behemoth ..l:07b 5-19 Ridge Wise. 1:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-20Canteron ...1:25 b BETJLAH PARK. Weather drizzly; track fast , Three-Eighths Mile. 5-16 Continually. . :41h 5-12 Luke Connell :42 b 2-24 King Belgian 38b 5-26 Sun Lily.... :42 b 5-19Lemira .... 39h 5-15 Thunder Lou :40 h 5-27 Late News.. :39 b 5-25 Worm Glow. :37h One-Half Mile. 5-27Biltmore ... :51d Pelleray .... :50d 5-27 Domo Player :52 b 5-7 Rosa Dear. . :55b 5-10 Easter Natin :53h 5-18 Star Ballot.. :50h 5-25 Glory Dale.. :52h 5-27 Vinaha :51h 5-27 High Quality :50 d Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 All Upset. . .l:03h 5-27 Medias Goldl:04d 5-21 Fair Wanda. 1:02 d 5-25 Sweepingly l:06h 5-25Mutl Friendl:06h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-22Pangloss ...1:19 b 5-26 Red Grange. l:22b 5-21Purlie .....1:19 h One Mile. 5-26 Gold Thorn.l:47h Fair Wanda showed good speed. Gold Thorn went handily. Mechanics Gold was under" a hard drive. Pangloss was breezing. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile-. 5-20 Aerial Trpet 38h 5-22 Mavro :38 h 5-7 Alcove :40b 5-15 Mt. Wington :37b 5-16 Anna Adelia. :42 b 5-19 Nisia 37d 5-17 Bunty Ann. . :37b 5-1 Oelniklas ... :38h Classic Dcer :41b 5-20 Positive Prl :36 d 5-23 Dutchy :39 b 5-14 Persuader . . :37h Donpa 38h 5-22 Preferred ... :39 b 5-17 Dark Romer :42b 5-23 Philwex .... :37h 4- 29 El Cajon.... :38b 5-24 Sweep Like. :36 h 5- 12 Easy Flight. :43 b 4-29 Sweep Myth. :37b 5-23 Eager Belle. :40b 2-13 Transfix ... 39b 5-15 Gay Days... :37 h 4-30 Trotwood ... 38h 1-29 Hot Flash... :39 b 5-18 Vonnie :37 h Knowlton .. :41b 5-8 Wigrose ... :39 b One-Half Mile. 5-19 A La Carte. :56b Lady Olbala.. :53 d 5-18 Bob Weidcl.. :57 b 5-21 Lovers Chat. :53h 5-21 Creole Buty :52 h Mental Storm :51 h 5-24 Chrlie Dawn :51h 5-23 My lone.... :50 b 5-24Chemin .... :55 b 5-24 Rex Regent. :51 h Damon Lady 34b 5-21 Shoteur .... :50b Dozeless ... :51h 5-9 Swanky Miss :514h 5-20 Easy Bid.... :52 b 5-5 Servt Pride ;49h 5- 15 Flo. Along... :49d Swing Grass :53 h 6--10 Guinea Lady :52 h 5-16 Sweet Pearl. :49 b 5-24 Immutable . :49d 5-17 Twkle Queen :52d . 5-2 -Judge Urban. :49h 5-24 Woodlander.. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-16 Adrian l:08b 5-24 Herowin ...1:02 d 4- 28 Belle Delight.l:03 d 5-18 Meteoric ...l:08b 5- 22 Friend Tom.l.-03 h 5-22 Parties ,...l:05b 5-17 Fair Ken.... 1:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-22 Don Pablo. .1:15 d 5-21 Oaten l:20b 4- 29 Hyklas 1:18K 5-23 Six Bells. . . .l:23b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5- 20 Don: Tasker.131 h Don Tasker went evenly all the. way. Don Pablo was under a mild drive. Immutable was in company, with Belle Delight for half a mitei , LATONIA. Weather cloudy; track good; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 5-25 Archery .... :40 h 5-26 My Blaze... :37 h 5-26 Bobbys Son. :35h 5-27 Ms Grnock. :37 h 5-16Babeson ...:37h 5-23 Play Lady. .. :37h 5-21 Captn Henry 39h 5-23 Riff :38h 5-24 Conastanto . i40 h 5-5 Raymond .. :39h 5-18Exotude .... 37h 5-25 Respond .. . :38 h 5-27 Hilda Martha :40 h 5-15 Scout Azura. :36h Jane Newmn :3956b. 5-10 Smooth .... :37 h 5-19 Legality .. .. :40 h Tipover .... :37h 5-25 Lady Crade. :37h 5-7 Ti Green.... :40 h 4- 23 LadyThirtn :37h One-Half Mile. - 5-16 Briefcase ... :53h 5-11 Lky Amelia. :50 h 5- 27 Ballyhoo ... :50h . 5-25 Onalark .... :504ih Barita :51 h Rose Stem.. :52K 5-22Erech :51h 5-26 Sycorax .... :52rT 5-11 Hal Ray.... :54h 5-28 Sourdin ... :52h 5-26 Insomnia ... :52h 5-24 Tenace .... :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Asyouwere .1:06 h 5-23 Ldy of Gcel:06h 5-24 Billbo 1:11 h 5-26 Laura Kiev.. 1:04 h Baby Vivianl:ll h 5-17 Mary Seibt.l:04h 3- 21 Disaster ...1:04 h 5-26 Marks Girl. .1:04 h 5-16 Eddy Lee.... l:06h 4-24 Ruths Hope. 1:12 h 5-26 Hill Jimmy. .l:06J,h 5-12 Star Bud... 1:07 h 5-26 Jack W....l:07 h 5-,27 Stjensund ..1:06 h 5-26 Knee Action.l:07 h 5-25 Tact l:04h 5-26 King Henry.l:ll h Three-Quarterr Mile. 5-22 Bring Back.. 1:24 h 5-23 Rgedy Pants1:18h 5-22 Fiji 1:24 d 5-23 Summit Hill.l:19 h 5-28 Irene T l:21h 5-26 Yenoc 1:20 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-28Nasslyn ....l:33h One Mile. Don Romiro.i:48 h 5-11 Lady Fldersl:50 h 5-24 First Entry. 1:50 h 5-28 Scarp ...... l:44h 5-27 High Diver. .1:55 h 5-1 Santon ....1:50 h 5-27Jawapa ....l:44andh One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-20 McCarthy ..1:58 h Scarp and Jawapa worked together handily. Bobbys Son showed speed. McCarthy wore blinkers. His fractions were: :24, :50, 1:17, 1:44, 1:58. All works were around the "dogs." HAGERSTOWN. Weather clear; track fast One-Quarter Mile. Esclohon . . . :25b Rock Spray." :25 b 5-28 Good Jaz... :26h 5-22 Sir Khan... :24b 5-25 Jinnee ..... :25h Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Big Dipper. . :40 h Stool Pigeon :35b 5-23 Last Laugh. :38h 4-18 Small Chage :42 - h One-Half Mile. Miss Parade. :50h 4-3 The Gen.... :51b 5-28Maxise .... :54h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-23 Inscription .1:21 b 4-26 Pencader ...1:21 b CHARLES T.OWN. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-9 Ado :36h Lady Cirek. . :37 d 4- 18Barna Pete. :38 b Poison Cup. :39 b Chey Point. 37 h One-Half Mile. Auburndale.. :52 b Portrait .... :51 d Evelyn Hunt :51 h Washout ... :52 d Five-Eighths Mile. Topsie H...l.-04h Three-Quarters Mile. Bss Her Htl:18 h Notion 1:17 h Occoquiuon .1:15 d OMAHA. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 5- 18 Adelia A 38 b 5-5 Lamporte ... 38b 5-8 Carbs Comet :40 b 4-14 Lorraine S.. 37 h 5-16 Carbon 38 b 5-21 My Empress. :36h 4- 29 Dnna McGee 36h 5-16 Marylitch ... 39 b 5- 18 Englebert ... 38 h 5-10 Poly Royal.. 39 b 5-1 Galhad Maid 37 h Sally Keyste 38b 5-12 Golden Tip.. 38 h 5-24 Toppling ... :36h 3-2 Hildur Prince 38 h 4-19 Talvores .... 36h Just Reward. :38b One-Half Mile. 5-13 Amscray ... :54 b 5-13 Light Zephyr :50V6h 5-27 Benedict T.. :50h 5-15 Loncll :50 h 5-15 Coil ":51h 5-8 Little Reigh. :49h 5-13 Congenial ... :50h Lanation ... :53 h 5-27 Chromium .. :54 h Nutwood .... :52 h 5-13Clothtop .... :50h 5-13 No Doubt... :54 b 5-14 Dustanna ... :50h 5-13 Prince Ballot :52 b 4- 16 Eskimo :54b 4-29 Polvos Pride. :57- b 5- 17 Fair Joan... :51h 5-6 Playsickle ... :51h Irish Girl... :56 h 3-20 Stealthy Step :52 b 5-2 Indian Boy..:51h 4-13 Sholad ..... :50h 5-7 Jib Boom.... :514ih Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Bill Andy. . . .l:02h Jerry C 1:06 h Bess Cot.... 1:04 d 4-26 Let Her Playl:05 b 4- 27Coalizer ....l:02h 5-9 Pharenough .1.-05 b Catch On.... 1:07 b 5-8 Ruth Jelinekl:04b 5- 12 Dono l:06h 2-23 Storm 1:03 h 5-12 Fair Duchess1:02h 5-12 Valise l:08b 5-27Imlay 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 1-5 Busy Storm.l:20b 5-28 Runy Bean.. 1:20 b 5-18 Mpheys Lk1:16h Seven Eighths Mile. 5-8 Texas Moon.l:33h Runy Bean was only breezing. Fair Duchess showed plenty early, speed. Toppling and Talvores were in company. Murpheys Luck showed improvement. Bill Aridy was well in hand. Chromium showed speed. Sally Keystone worked from the gate. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. . 5-27Beaunada... 35h 5-10 Ned Reiglu. 35h 5-15Carlesta :36h 5-24 Nautch .... 37 h 5-9 Cristate .... 36h 5-27 Postage Due 35h 5-27 Good Omen. :35h 5-27 Semaphore. ., 35 d 4- 27 High: Favor. 37h 5-6 Shephd Boy 38 h 5- 27 Lady Sage.. 37 h 5-27Singg Wood :35 h One-Half Mile. 5-22 Black Caesar :51 h 5-26 Head Play.. :49h 5-7 Couleedam.. :50h 5-16 Irish Play.. :49h 5-27 Discovery... :W5h 5-25 King Saxon. :48h 5-24Galsac ..... :47h 5-25 Maxine F... :49 h 5-22 Hunterdon . :51 h s 5-25 Sylvan Song :47d Five-Eighths Mile. 5-19 Bulwark ...l:02h 5-24 Identify ....1:01 h 5-24 Coldstream .l:03y5h 5-9 Monedy ,...l:03h 5-27Gleeman ...1:03 h 5-26 Qn Elizabthl:07 b Three-Quarters Mile, 5-26 Cbinier JI... 1:18 h 5-27 Polycletus . .VA5h Dartle 1:18 h 5-25 Rosebloom .1:19 b 3- 16 Dean Swift. .l:16h 5-23 Rosemont ..1:16 e 4- 26Dodgson ...1:18 h 5-25 Sastar 1:16 h 5- 24 Legume ....1:20 b One Mile. 5-25 Bird Flowerl:42h 5-26 Hindu Queen1:41 d 5-22 Chancery ..l:45h 5-26 Sun Arena.. 1:42 h 5-26 Finance ...,l:41h 5-23 War Glory. .l:41h 5-25 Gay Dog.... 1:43 h One and One-Quarter Miles. 5-25 Clean Out. .2:11 h 5-25 Guiding Star2:10 h 5-26 Good Gamble2:05b 5-25 Squeeze 2:13 h One and One-Half Miles. 5-27 Firethorn ..239h JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Burnt Wood :40 b 5-27 Sweetbroom. :38 b 5-21 Kathleen F. 39 b One-Half Mile. Abts Trick. :53b 5-18 So Sorry.... :50 b 5-27 Fractious .. :51 b 5-27 Velvet Mask :53 b Mary Vicria :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-22 All Scarlet. .l:07b 5-18 Senator D...l:07b 5-4 Chancell ...1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-26 Chattcrdoo .l:18h 5-26 Sophiscated l:19b 5-24 Sgt. Byrne. l:18b 5-27 Tudor Queenl:19b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Thdertone l:29h AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Gift Magic... 39 h 4-22 Snark :40 b 5-16 Small Devil. :37 h One-Half Mile. 5-27 Bellum :51h 5-27 Psey Begone :52 h Briar Thorn. :53 h 5-13 Patriotic ... :50 h Clap Hand.. :55 b 5-24 Royal Fox... :51 h 5:27 Flagmaster . :51h 5-15 Vera Cruz... :55 b 5-22 Golden Time. :55 b 5-22 Valse :51 b 5-24McKinley ... :50h . " Five-Eighths Mile. 5-22 Philippi Boy.l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-26 Blue Bubble.l:20 b 5-27 Faireno 1:21 b 5-14 Briarlube ...l:18h 5-27 Stickemup ..1:16?h 5-26 Buster Boy.. 1:20 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-7 Machilla ...l:32h One Mile. 5-24Frk Ormontl:43d 5-24 Mickeys Manl:43d ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-25 Boocap 39 h 5-19 Mathias .... 36h 5-23 Cash Book.; . :36h 5-26 Pryor :37h 5-27 Crazy Jane. . :37h 5-20 Photography. :Z8h 5-26 Erin Lad.... 38 h 5-26 Revonah ... 38h 5-22 Happy Knot. 36 b 4-11 Richstrike . . :40 h 5-14 Irish Hero.. :35 h 5-24 Skotchy .... :37h 5-17 Lulu Lite... :36h 5-14 Sandy Bill. . . :35d 5-20 My Boss.... :40 h 5-23 Thatch ..... :41 h 5-20 Mild Mnners :37h 5-27 Up and Up.. :35h 5-21Madwind ... :41h 5-23 Whizzaway . :41 h 5-24Mieletta .... :40 h 517 Wtys Dhess 35h 5-26Morpluck ... :351h 5-27 Yap 39 h One-Half Mile. 5-28 Ala Pride.... :55 h 5-26 Lost Vision.. :55 h 5-26 Aegis :54 h 5-18 My Purchase :49h 5-20 Absconder .. :48h 5-27 Mack Snnctt :51h 5-7 Blind Talk. . -53h 5-23 Molasses Bill :52 h Chissie :50h 5-10 Night Sprite. :55 h 5-18 Cvry Queen :50 h 5-25 Old Veteran. :50h 5-21 Fabius :47 h 5-25 Our Crest... :47h . 5-27 Falls City... :50h 5-21 Pharatime .. :49h 5-20 Golden Fate. :49h 5-27 Popo :53 h 5-22 Great Haste. :49h 5-24 Primute .... :48h 5-21 Hoops :48h Sweet Mollie :50h 5-26 Herkimer ... :53h 5-25 Spten Image :49h 5-27 Hawk Moth.. :51 h 5-24 Trujillo . . . . :49 h 5-23Idle Along... :52 h 5-25Wee Lad.... :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Broken Up. .lK3h Hackless Up.1.06 h 5-21 Bipartisan ..l:03h 5-25 Kris lK2h 5-22 Character ..1:03 h 5-22 Our Count . .1:01 h 5-22 Crack Flyer.l:02h 5-25 Proud Girl.. .1:02 h 5-26 Chimney ToplK3 h 5-22 Play Book.. ,l:03h Chilo Boy... 1:04 h 5-26 Some Knightl:03h 5-25 Dark War. . .l:04h 5-26 Star Fire. . . .l:02h 5-27Guapito ....l:02h 5-27 Their First. .l:03h 5-17 Howard ....l:07h 5-26 Uppercut ...1:03 h 5-26 Headin Homel:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-26 Ariel Cross. .1:17 h 5-25 Golden Vein.l:18h 5-19 Border King.l:18h 5-26 Muntain Elkl:16h 5-25 Flying Cadet.l:15h Rol Lineage 1:Uh 5-23 Flying Dere..l:17 h 5-26 Some Good. .l:15h . One Mile. 5-27 Agrarian 1:46 h . Prince Vava.l:51h 5-25 Fast Chance.l:44 h 5-27 Sanctity . . . .l:41h 5-25 Gallant Mac.l:46 h 5-22 Vicar ...... l:42h 5-28Hokuao 1:41 d DETROIT. Weather cloudy; track slow; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Adroit Adare. :38h Miss Premier. :36h 5-25 Aunt Flor . :36h 5-26 My Bane ... 39 h 5-15 Back Fence . :41 h 5-7 Marson :40h 5-2 Busy Prince :39h 5-16 Mottled :40 h 5-27 Chance Queen 39b 5-25 Metaurus . . . :40h .5-23 Capitalist .. :38h Make It .... :39h 5-28 Dcing Spirit. :39h Manny Mons 39"h 5-22 Eddie J 37h 5-16 Mden Dream 39 h 5-27 Flagg Porter. :40 h 5-27 Maylite .... 39 h 5-27 Foxes Folly . :40h Mighty Rich. 39h 5-26 Fairystreet . 39 h 5-26 Olepal :38h 5-25 Gin Buck .. :38h 5-26 Otterup .... :40 h Galandra ... :38h Pipson :40h 5-25 Govnor Bill :39h 5-26 Rough Lane. :39h 5-19 Imp. Elbee . 38h 5-24 Stall Man . . :38h 5-22Kilmore .... :38 h 5-25 Shake 37h 5-22 Luna Mica . :38h Sneeze 39h 5-25 Left Over ..39 h 5-20 Two Charm. 39h Miss Bender. :44h 5-24 Traggat . . . . :41 h Maystick ... 39 h 5-26 Wise Lee ... :44 h One-Half Mile. 5-25 All Time ... :50h 5-26 Dark Whisk. :51h 5-25 Bal Ele .... :56 b 4-25 Foolhardy .. :55 h 5-27 Bug Hunter :54h 4-18 Gold Step .. :52 h 5-24 Broadstep .. :53h 5-25 Homelike .. . :59 b 5-21 Bon Shot .. :52 h 5-27 House Afire. :514ih 5-26 Ceylon :51h 5-25 Imp. Bob .. :51h 5-24 Chiefs Pride. :51h 5-23 Jakovia .... :52h 5-24 Cold Spill .. :56 b 5-21 Levi Cooke . :52h 5-16 Crackle .... :52b 5-27 Lucy Dear . :52 h 5-25 Come On ...:56 b Lester P.... :57 h 5-24Corida ..... :53 h 5-17 Lugen Lgage 34 h 5-26 Double B.... :56b 5-22 Light Brook. :54b Marbite .... :52h 5-22 Racketeer .. :56 h 5-18 March King. :50h 5-24 Rip Van We :52b Mad Air .... :52h 5-25 Sunny Grsfl :52 h 5-1 Mymiss .... :52h 5-25 Sun Envoy . :58 b My Ponnie . :52h 5-25 Torch Maiden :52h 5-25 Nice Habits. :5346h 5-26 Tremolo .... :51h 5-25 Old Papa ... :59 b 5-17 Valeen 32h 5-25Polonian ... :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Atit .1:06 h 5-19 Geraldine M.l:06 h 5-10 Beau Bon ..1:09 h 5-26 Luxuro l.-02h 5-25 Big Torch .1:14 b 5-25 Miss Certifel:09 h 5-23 Brown Msesl:04h 5-2 Nedvivc ....1:05 h 5-24 Cross Ruff .1:02 h 5-21 Rock X 1:02 h 5-23 Candescent .1:07 b Running Wrl:07 h 5-24 Epi Witch ..l:03h 5-24 Spling Rosel:06 h 5-24 Ed B. Moss .l:06h 5-28 Smoky Mtnl:06h 5-25 Gay World .1:05 b 5-28 Sakuntala ..1:06 h 5-25 Gay Joe ...1:09 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-22 All Bays ...1:22 b 5-25 Gaillardia ..1:20 b 5-7 Big Charley.l:19 h 5-26 Jodie K....152 h 5-25 Charlotte W.l:19 h 5-26 Judge Lders1:17h 5-22 Easy 1:23 h 5-25 Liqueur ....1:24 b 5-25 Even Up ...l:21b 5-13 Speed Queenl:21 h 5-25 Flabbergast .1:20 h 5-24 Sun Portlandl:20 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-2lLadfieId ....139 b One Mile. 5-27 Divide 1:49 h 5-26 Rare Ben ..1:51 h Aunt Flor had speed. Rip Van Winkle and Lucy Dear were together. Ceylon and Tremolo went handily together. Rock X. and Cross Ruff worked well in company. Candescent was breezing. - Luxuro worked well. Flabbergast acts well. Sun Portland worked well in hand: Ladfield worked handily. Judge Lueders seemed to like the adversi track. THORNCLIFFE PARK. Weather clear; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. Danford ... 37 h Sainbo . :40 h 5-26 Engage Rg. 39h 5-27 Spring Moon. 39 h Filana :41 b 5-23 Sachem :40 h 5-20 Little Sargent :39h 5-27 War Haste. . . 37 h 5-28 Royal Bird... 39 h One-Half Mile. 5-27 Aneroid 31 h 5-27 Lady Much. . :52h 5-26 Boscobel .... :52h Lossie Mouth :51 h Calchas :51 h 5-18 Maetico :55 b Glanford .... :51 h 5-26 Quickly ..... :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-23 Rightfoot ...1:05 h 5-23 Fedl Reservel:09 h 5-14 Frd Charley.l:12 b 5-24 Lofty Lady. .1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-9 Gay Sympthyl:28 b 5-27 Sang Gee. . ..1:22 h 5-25 Justa Peak. .1:19 h 5-15 Sally Fuller.. 1:28 b 5-24 Mindreader .1:25 b 5-25 Uvira 1:18h 5-19 Plain Ben... 1:26 b One Mile. 5-27 Bethankful ..1:47 b Aneroid likes the going. Bethankful was breezing. Glanford and Lossie Mouth went handily together. Lofty Lady went handily. Sally Fuller and Gay Sympathy breezed together. BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. Abitibi :39b Tee Off ;39b 5-27 Chaste Morn :39b 5-25 Wrackell ... :41b 5-23 Penurious .. :40b One-Half Mile. 5-9 Air King.... :53b 5-24 Marie Freda. :54b 5-23 Butterfly ... :54b 5-23 My Paa :55b Cud Amour.. :54h 5-27 Optical :53b Jug of Gold. :54b 5-23 Refused .... :54h Lison ...... :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-15Cassada ....1:07 b 5-27 Fleur Savgel:08h Cudchic ....1:08 b 5-28 Goggles ...,VMh Three-Quarters Mile. 5-27 Shady Girl..l:19b One Mile. 5-27 Baimwawa .l:47h Fleur Savage went from the barrier.