untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-05-30


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t 7. Time brings CHANGES Prior to the year 1906 The American Racing Manual was published under the title of "The American Sporting Manual" and J embraced pugilistic, billiard and other records. As far as Ameri- 3 . 1 can breeding and racing was concerned, there was no apparent demand for anything save that pertaining to the turf. Conse- .. fluently, since 1906 The American Racing Manual has been : devoted exclusively to racing. From a small volume in 1906 of 171 pages, The American Racing Manual has grown into the "Wonder Book" of the Ameri- , : can turf, the 193and edition embracing 964 pages. .The same precise care that was exercised in compiling the early editions of this great turf publication is still maintained, even to a greater extent and despite the enormous burden placed upon the statistical department because of the great expansion of racing throughout the country. Many new and important additions have been made to The V xican Racing Manual, until how it is recognized as a historical turf document of inestimable value1 and has the unique distinction of being the only book of its kind published in the entire world. Naturally each year finds a greater demand for this book and as the edition is limited, it behooves all who desire a copy of the 1935 edition to order immediately. For your convenience the following order blank is provided: DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. .. Enclosed find $ .for which .send me copy of THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1935 in PAPER .50 SPECIAL .00 DE LUXE .50 Please Specify Kind of Binding Desired. . .. NAME . . . . .v . . . i ........... i i .... . ... ................ . .vy . . v. r. STREET AND NUMBER. . i . v. . w ................v........ POST OFFICE AND STATE. j. . .Please PRINT Name and Address Plainly. V . . , For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7Q0Q

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935053001/drf1935053001_39_2
Local Identifier: drf1935053001_39_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800