untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-05-30


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Yesterdays parlay: - Tuesdays parlay: CHILHEE, - - 5.60rWON KINGSBURY, 2.90, WON KIEVSON, 4.22, LOST DUST GIRL, $ 8.82, WON "DONT GAMBLE." Get on the RIGHT PATH of BEATING the racing game by DEALING with ONE WHO KNpWS. 0-, ODDS ANTICIPATED on TODAYS PARLAY, and" you can SEND IT IN TILL THE COWS COME HOME. CELEBRATE MEMORIAL DAY WITH TWO BIG WINNERS T Fr y DAILY. Out-of-towners, remit by wire and receive prompt reply. City players, call in per phone DEARBORN 3610-3629 and will rush parlay to you in plain sealed envelope no charge for - nger service. SAM CLARK, 127 North Dearborn St., Suite 1435-37, Chicago, HL T- WRITE1 FOR SAMPLE COPY OF MY TURF RATINGS 1 SYSTOLOGYl ; WONDER BOOK OF TURF SYSTEMS IT COSTS ONLY - o THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. Q. G. ," , 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago, 111.: Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . NAME....................... .. I ADDRESS. CITY............. STATE... ............ i...... mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Wednesdays Washington Parlay: lXtj-SSJjilCJ5ifcL RIDGE MOR, WwwmW m fwmn .64, won lnil3lIll GLITTERING, B Jfifl gl 11 m m M .66, won 30- STOP GUESSING! STOP HANDICAPPING! STOP LOSING! It Is NO SURPRISE when my PARLAY wins. Bemember, IM at the scene; of action and "KNOW WHATS WHAT! Dont try to PICK EM yourself. IT CANT BE DONE. You can BREAK, the Bank of England doing it. IT THURSDAY "SHOOT THE WORKS WIN ONLY ! ! w-"LIMIT" PARLAY TODAY AT WASHINGTON "I KNOW PLENTY" WMR. PLAYER ARE YOIT GOING TO WASHINGTON TODAY? STOP AT MY OFFICE AND LET ME MARK YOUR PROGRAM. YOULL HAVE THE MOST "THRILLING" AND "PROFITABLE" DAY YOU EVER SPENT AT A RACE TRACK. W OFFICE OPEN DECORATION DAY W DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DAILY! m City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! JACK FIELD, 85 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, HI. , . ? 19 AGAIN! V YESTERDAYS STANDOUT FIGURE HORSE: ; Mr GLITTERING; .66, won pb- ALSO SPANISH WAY AND BE A M. : AND DAY BEFORE, AND DAY BEFORE THAT - I W WINNERS GALORE EVERY DAY You Are Losing Money Daily by Not Graphically Charting Horses W- WITH CHART-A-RACE JUST ONE WINNER LIKE ! mr SEA EAGLE, 1.10 PB j , WOULD REPAY YOUR PURCHASE PRICE MANY TIMES OVER ; Tha human clement In calculating is eliminated when you use CHART-A-RACE. All calculations i have been tested and proven accurate. ACT! DONT LET THE OTHER FELLOW CASH IN WHILE , f YOU STAND BY WONDERING 1 j0 WILL PUT YOU ABOARD MANY A JjO GOOD-PRICED WINNER I k JT USE CHART-A-RACE IT MAKES RATING HORSES A PROFITABLE PASTIME W j " " SEND ALL REMITTANCES TO " li CHART-A-RACE DISTRIBUTORS Suite 1513431 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IlU U 4l r - - BACE .RATINGS KENTUCKY - Bred jfjffyiEtnf Method RVPiPPPrclLfl Choosing WINNERS lUjijliH Write today for particulars and proof of This KENTUCKY Method No Oblig. RACE RATINGS 805 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky. CHICAGO DAILY fl T ELEGRAPfl THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE, 10 CENTS THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES: J ETR0IT Rust-36-25-28. ROCKINGHAM Gray-32-33-29. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. .50 per Month by First. Class Mail .00 per Month . by Air Mail TODAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: 3RD ROCKINGHAM: Pork-Barley-Ham-Shark. 5TH ROCKINGHAM: Hay-Barley-TunaOats. To Decipher, See Page 21, June Post Time, ADDRESS. ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. TURF LIGHT M5c RATINGS SELECT WINNERS ANY RACE USE ISSUE OF JUNE 8TH FOR CODE: May New York: Artist-Abrpad-Astound-Alcove. . Bi-Monthly Card Code. Ask Dealer or Box 66; General Post Office, New York City. May ;i5th Card: 5th Race, New York 8-7-18-25: June 1st Card: 5th Race,. New York: 2-15-9-4. LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price, 15 Cents TODAYS CODE PARLAY: DETROIT Hudson-41-51. LATONIA Hudson-79-79. Pays Jor Parlay Code Card for Six Days. Todays Rockingham Clockers: ROCK. Green-278-258. 00 pays for Rockingham Clockers Code Card for balance of Rockingham meeting. LIVE WIRE PUB. CO.. 1819 Bway Suite 818. N. Y. WIN 0 PER WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the pecs we will put you next to a little trainers secret that should place you above want as long as you. live. No obligations. Just send your name and address to SECOR PUB. CO. AURORA, ILL 1 BELMONT PARK NOTES t i Omaha, the Belair Studs candidate for the Belmont Stakes, was given an easy trial at Aqueduct Tuesday afternoon. The big fellow raced along at a slow clip well in hand all the way and was easingup at the end after a mile and a quarter in 2:13. The fractions were ;48, 1:14, 1:27, 1:41, 1:58 and 2:13. . PLAY GOLD SEAL HORSES TODAY FREE TO NUMBER CODE MEN PLAY: PLAY: PLAY: No. 226 No. 299 No. 296 This system bought by Supreme Flash for 65,000 at private sale. GET THIS NEW ISSUE 35 CENTS Twenty-four pages setting the highest standard ol honor, integrity, ethics and fair dealings. The truth,; the whole truth and nothing but the truth. WW TODAYS NUMBER FREE CODE-6 6 7-li TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: - LATONIA Brown-1-64. WASHINGTON PARK Yellow-76-73. GOLD SEAL NUMBER PLAYS 14 WINNERS IN 18 HORSES Loweit-priced horse, .10; highest-priced horse, 4.60. Winners holders of number cards only are BIG WINNERS so far. Those who play more than , , win proportionately more; Send for Six Days Code Card It is not a small sheet. It contains several hundred horses fronv sixty-five stables best in the land. They win 80. per cent of all races. The scientists are back of this system. They got 65,000 of our money for these horses and we are satisfied and contented wjth our bargain. - Go to Western Union or Postal Telegraph, wire , and start waiting "for your daily pay-off from yotfr bookie. OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY DECORATION DAY, TODAY MAY 30TH "BE WITH THE" SMART SET" ? GOLD SEAL SYSTEM PLAYS Z CARE OF SUPREME FLASH , 799 Broadway, Suite 407 New York City "If You Havent Supreme Flash, You Have N Racing Weekly" "TYTVtv1- DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Forni PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR THURSDAY LATONIA E-16-19-2-26. WASHINGTON PAR K M-1 6-20-26-7. WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL1. SILVER "6" TURF WEEKLY 25 CENTS AT ALL STANDS 25 CENTS TODAYS CODE PARLAY: HARRY Brown-20-20. JAMES Black-32-38i Todays Free Code: MAN Wood-27-17. SILVER "6" 152 West 42nd St., Cor. Bway New York City wSv MAN O1 WAR "zs"1 FOR SALE At ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: LATONIA Stretch-34-35-12-12, TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ... , DETROIT Harry-49-63-53-63. ROCKINGHAM Harry-25-31-61-33. CAMERON and CO. PAYS FOB SIX DAYS SERVICE TODAYS ROCKINGHAM CODE PARLAY: CORPORAL 6-18-2-36. MAJOR 30-14-24-18. TODAYS WASHINGTON PARK CODE PARLAY: STALL 18-48-27-25. REINS 63-17-13-8, CAMERON and CO. Suite M 166 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicsgo, III,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935053001/drf1935053001_42_1
Local Identifier: drf1935053001_42_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800