7th A. P, Daily Racing Form, 1951-06-29

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3-4 MILE. Carrara Marble, June 20, 1 949-1 :09V5-4-104. "Purse ,500. 3-year-"T.l , " A p olds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of one race since May 14 or three races s /ill /.l in 1951 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since April 11, 6 lbs.; in 1951, 9 lbs. Claiming 9 price, 0,000. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays .s Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt. Index No. Horse. Date Track Rec. WL Wt L 32328 Heavenly Hash Jun51 Was 1:11% 106 106 32044 Mommy Jun51AP1:11% 111 115 5 323282 Recline Jun51 Bel 1:11% 118 120 32327 Ignition .- Oct50GS1:11% 113 120 31929 Bloody Step Jun51AP1:12% 113 120 32327 Officious Mar51GP1:11% 118 114 4 30824 Dry Run Mar51 GP 1:11 117 114 30824 Pensive Lady May51 Was 1:11% 106 112 2 32328 Hoosier Relic Dec50TrP 1:12%"" 119 111 Hpnvpnlv Hrmh X /S 1 HA r f 3* b Hash-Miss Cry Baby, by Pharamond II. nasn neaveniy | UO Breeder, B. Chiles and W. KM*. 1351 3 0 2 0 60 » Owner. B. Chiles and W. Kislin. Trainer, C. C. Norman. S10.000 1950 17 5 3 1 ,130 30 Jun21-517A.P 3-41:12 gd 4J 111 822 86 6» 54 JesopJD8 10000 77 LightMoon 116 Recline 120 AnnsFox 8 8 Jun 7-51 «Was 3-41:11%ft 43 106 2h IU 1| 1 CookWMS 8000 82 Nightmarish111 Docility110 InkyRacer 10 10 Jun 2-51 5Was 3-41:11 ft 11 109 24 23J U 2« CookWM2 7000 79 WellWrthlt112 InkyRacMU GdCry 9 9 Sep13-503Haw 3-41:16%hy 51 115 12 1« 2« 1"" ChurchKi 750065 BIkBid118 Nightmarish112 Gingerbd 10 •0 Sep 9-503Haw 3-41:11%ft 3J 115 43 32 25 3» RiveraAD5 7500 90 BrnSmke117 Nitmrish114 MahHns 12 Aug31-5fl3Was 3-41:13%m 3J 117*613 32 32J 2A RoserG" 8000 65 MightyFetchin 111 Tia 108 Minorome 10 n 0 Aug23-502Was 3-41:11%ft 5i 116 1" |1 5 77J PorchG" 8000 68 TigerScout 111 Euclid 111 BlackBid 12 un Aug 3-5Q5Was 5if1:04%ft 11 119 633 983 9i« 917 AdamsJ* 12000 67 MassOGoldl 10 AirRocketl 14 Blemish 9 9 Jly27-50«A.P 3-41:10%ft 24 116 Lost rider. BatchL? ScwS Flyamata113 HtyReqt113 Sleslme 14 14 Jly20-505A.P 5Jf1:09« m 9. 113 21 21 12 1«k BatchrL* Alw 67 M.MimJr.114 M.Canasta116 Rule-One 9 9 June 26 AP 3-8 ft :36%b - June 19 AP 3-4 ft 1:14%h June 16 Was 3-8 ft :36b Ro/-lino 1 On B. g, 3, by Revoked— Pet, by Pharamond II. Iecnne • U Breeder, H. P. Headley. 1951 .9250 ,275 75 Owner, H. P. Headley. Trainer, F. Barnett 0,000 1950 2 1 0 0 ,950 50 Jun21-51?A.P 3-41:12 gd 8-5 A120 44 44 43J 22J BatchrLi 10000 82 LightMnl 16 AnnsFox118 Nightmsh 8 8 Jun16-512Bel 3-4 1:10%ft 9-5 A118 62J 53| 53 43J BolndW2 12500 88 Ode 120 Easy Whirl 118 Spats 7 7 Jun 7-51 Bel 3-4 1:11%ft 8-5 A116 31 34 1h 1nk ArcaroE* Alw 88 Dictionary 116 Powwow 116 Eraser 12 12 May31-5HBeK 3-41:11%ft 2J 117 34 32 31 2 GuerinE Alw 88 VintX.F.117 LtleFalls117 WindsorPl 7 7 May16-517Bel 3-4 1:11%ft 7-5 A117 44 3« 23 43 JamesB* Alw 86 AwayAway120 LittleFalls117 Apsley 10 10 Apr30-51«5Jam 3-41:11%ft. 33 113 42J 3J 22 2 JamesB2 Alw 87 Heliowise 118 Mission 115 Inanabout 5 5 Apr20-515Jam 3-41:12%ft 1 114 21 2 1h 11 JamesB* Alw 84 Powwow 117 Auditing 109 SirGreek 9 9 Apr14-51AJam 3-41:12%ft 6 118 55 45 33 23 JamesBi Alw 83 Intent 118 HappyDevil 118 LtleFalls 6 6 Apr 6-51 * Jam 3-41:12 ft 5 114 3J 2* 2* 21 JamesB Alw 86 Intent 114 CombatBoots 120 Mazinga 7 i May17-50iandel wc4Jf :51%ft 31 A119 1 2* 1* 13 BolndWH 6000 99 Gasp 119 SamH. 113 FreddieBaum 25 25 May 9-50 Bel wc4Jf :52%ft 48 113 12 10"* 53 53 DodsonDi3 6000 94 CombatBts 119 Frendswd 122 Lilbon 17 17 June 27 AP 1-2 ft :48%b June 13 Bel 5-8 si 1:01 %h June 5 Bel 1-2 sy :50%b RI/ / 4» fon 1 *f Dk ch cT3, by Fighting Step— Blood Bank, by Burgoo King. DIOQay JTep I £3 Breeder, L. W. Roush and H. B. Reed. 1951 2 10 0 ,300 00 Owner, H. R. Reid and L. W. Roush. Trainer, Howard Wells. 0,000 1950 2 0 1 0 00 00 Jun18-515A.P 3-41:10 ft 12 113 9? 8?3 913 912 DodsonD4 Alw 83 VincentX.F.118 Robust114 SshineNell 9 9 May18-512C.D 6lf1:18%ft 6J 113 2h 4 14 14 DodsonD2 Mdn 88 BtsBest120 BazrQun105 BksFancy 8 8 Jly12-503A.P 5if1:04%ft 2 A118 33J V 74 85 RivraAD* Mdn 79 MassOGoldl 18 Comndtl 18 Vernacr 12 12 Apr21-503Kee a 1-2 :47%ft 41e 118 1 1h 2 2"" RiveraAD2 Mdn MahHeavns118 JryNashUB WarStim 12 12 June 26 AP 3-8 ft :35%h June 22 AP 1-2 sy :49b June 10 Was 3-8 si :40b rj«, D„m 1 1 A B- c, 3, by Sky Raider— Miss Joker, by On Watch. Wry lun I I *♦ Breeder. J. Welch. 1951.7 2 0 0 ,175 75 Owner, P. J. McMullen. Trainer, R. C. Adams. 0,000 1950-9 1 1 2 ,450 50 Jun 7-516Was 3-41:11%ft 6 114 104 9H 92 84 AdamsJ 8500 75 Ntmarish111 HvenlyHash106 Docility 10 10 May19-51AWas 3-41:10%ft 33 115 5A 5»i 5 62 PorchG4 Alw 74 ClearDay113 Cr*sRing112 ImpuveSam 9 9 Mar27-51«G.P 3-41:11 ft 27 117 41 2i 12 12 PorchG* Alw90 AIISable117 CoynesEdgar119 Hooked 9 9 Mar13-515G.P 7-81:28 sy 23 116 24 2h 42J 64 WagnerJ2 c7000 65 Bolog112 QueensChant114 MoneyLer 9 9 Mar 5-51 2G.P 3-41:11%ft 23 114 24 4 12 121 Wagnerjn 5500 88 Hotrock 112 Panade 108 Sveltos 12 12 Feb22-51«Hia 3-4 1:11 Vsft 120 122 84 812 81210** WagnerJi Alw 73 Safety 122 TheReef114 Zipper12 12 Feb17-51«Hia 7-8 1:24%ft 183 114 125J11«J11121012 WagnerJ* Alw 74 Platoon118 0ldRowley118 ArcticFlyer 12 12 Oct28-50iG.S 1-701:45%ft 93 108 3"k 44 V* 910 Batch*erL5 6750 71 WinMyWay111 Std0ff116 MtyWds 9 9 0ct25-502G.S 3-41:13 gd 71 115 53 54 54 54J BoultisSS 7000 77 LovelyHardie109 V3ldor112 SctieBoy 10 10 June 28 AP trt 3-8 ft :36h June 25 AP 3-4 gd 1:1 5%h June 21 AP trt 3-8 gd :37b UAA.;«. RolJ/" 1 1 1 Ch. c, 3, by War Relic— Latent, by Thundering. noosier iveiic | I | Breeder, A. B. Karle. 1951 2 0 0 0 _ Owner, J. Stelle. Trainer, D. Denham. 0,000 1950 14 1 4 0 ,240 40 Jun21-517A.P 3-41:12 gd 46 110 14 4 32 61 5 CookWM3 1000070 LightMoon 116 Recline120 AnnsFox 8 8 Jan 5-51 *TrP 3-41:11%ft 14 114 3i 55J 6«J 82 ChurchKS 7500 75 LadysDelt117 PgahR*d114 HamBone 8 8 Dec30-50*TrP 3-41:11%ft 43 116 32 753 88J1014 Culmoneja 7500 70 Classic Nitl 19 Midyear112 TeankFIh 12 12 Dec 9-505TrP 3-41:11%ft 12 119 2h 1i 2J 733 CulmoneJi Alw 83 lrishGame122 WhitWhiz119 Puckteer 10 10 Dec 4-50«TrP 3-41:13 ft 7J 115*21 5« 44 44 WilsonL5 Alw 73 Roman Ms1 17 WhitWhiz120 EchoRk 8 8 Nov30-50«TrP 51 f 1:06%ft 21 102* 621 633 74104 BurrC2 Alw 77 0gre108 LadysDelight107 JulietsNse 12 12 Nov 4-505C.D 3-41:15 m 18 119 1J 12 U 23 BarrowT Alw 71 BillBailey119 Penaway114 WhiteBoots 12 12 0ct28-50«C.D 1 1:36%ft 3e IIS 61112 910 918 WestJ* ScwS 77 PurSang 116 Bernwood 116 Mameluke 12 12 Sep9-50Haw 3 4 1:10%ft 22 115 1i 441213142* ChurchKS HcpS 68 Ruhe 115 Stop Gap 112 Spur On 14 14 Sep 2-HPWas 3-41:14%sy 6 118 44 412 54 4?1 ChurchK* AlwSfi AndyB.W. 118 Graham 118 Cajac 8 8 Aw21-503Was 5J f 1:05%ft 2-3eA118 1h 14 12 11 Ch*rchK» Mdn 80 Heliowise118 TrimBull 118 GayHnter 12 12 June 27 AP trt 5-8 ft 1:0» June 19 AP trt 5-8 ft 1K 1%k June 16 Was 3-8 ft :37b ■ 1 . j I I i . I I I I 9 1 I I I 9 3 , 3 j 3 7 7 7 1 8 3 ] 7 1 I 8 3 1 5 0 i i J 0 12 2 8 8 8 10 S 13 3 8 ° 14 4 14 4 13 3 I 0 5 3 10 0 12 2 10 0 2 7 7 MAinmv - 1 1 C Gr. f, 3, by Mnhmowd CaHant Aim, by Count Gaflafiad. lryiOmmy I I D Breeder. Mrs. J. Hertz. 1951.7 1 1 t OSI Owner, Dixiana. Trainer, J. C. Hodoins. 0,000 1950 3 1 0 0 ,430 ; Jun19-51*AP 3-41:11%sy 83 111 4 4 12 14 AdamsJ* Alw 88 LilyLark115 WellWthltlH TheGhizeh 9* Apr25-514Kee 3-41:13 ft 6-118 55J 54 34 V AdamsJ? Alw 75 BootAI1 118 JennieLee 118 FifthFleet 9 Mar 6-515G.P 7-81:24%ft 3 114 431 3* 5? 5« ScurlTcV Alw 80 OurJester105 BullMiss115 Gtoriette12 Feb24-514Hia 7-81:25%ft 61 113* 1h 13 13 24 BurrCi Alw 8tSignal 118 ColonyMiss 118 HowBonnie 11 Feb17-51«Hia 7-81:24%ft 11 104*52 62J 84 7« BurrC2 Alw 78 Platoonl 18 OldRowleyl 18 ArcticFlyer 12 Feb 8-51 3Hia 3-41:11%ft 61 117 2h 42144 543 ScurlW Alw 84 Discreet117 NeHsBoy122 TimlyRewd 12 Jan26-51*Hia 3-41:12%ft 8 117 M 1h || 33J MadnD2 Alw 80 GrdEgypn113 ColyMiss117 NewWer 12 0ct12-5O*Kee 3-41:124ft 5 110 24 6" 612 MadnDi Alw 74 TillyRose107 ShiftyDora108 SunTnGl 11 Sep27-503Haw 3-4 1:12V%ft 2 A116 U 11 14 13 MaddnDi Mdn 86 PcsPrim116 TheGzeh116 Ly ofTime 12 Sep21-502Haw 3-41:14%sy 51 116 11131114 71s 720 MadnD" Mdn 54 TillyRose116 GypsGd116 PrincsPrim 12 June 14 Was 5-8 ft 1:02%b June 11 Was 1-2 ft :50b June 5 Was 3-8 ft :37b Isinifi/Mi 1 OH B. c, 3, by Lochinvar— Gay Jilted, by Lancegaye. igniTIOn , | ZU Breeder, P. Jay. 1951 3 2 0 0 ,800 Owner, P. L. Kelley. Trainer, P. L. Kelley. 0,000 1950 12 4 2 0 ,350 Jun21-51*A.P 3-41:11%gd 11 112 7» 67 7» 58i Batch L4 Alw 79 Stop Gap 116 Spur0n112 Grass Fire 7 May23-514G.S 3-4 1:12%sy 8-5 M17 14 13 14 14 BatchrLH Alw 84 UnificafrTt17 Kg0kapi117 WinMyWy 11 May 8-514G.S 3-41:11%ft 33 115 12 13 1H 14 WallN2 c7500 88 Tempting110 Seltzer115 Dollargofast 10 Nov14-505Jam 3-41:12 ft 83 122 33 32155 711 WallN4 Alw 76 WhoDini 116 Tenure 116 CraftyAdml 7 Nov 9-505Jam 51 f 1:06 ft 2J 118 12 15 15 12 WallN* Alw 88 Motoristl 18 TipperaryTiml 18 Irritate 9 Nov 6-502Jam 3-41:12%ft 3 A115J 11 1* 1h 43 PicouJ2 10000 84 Ma je 112 MissTopic 109 WhitWhiz 12 Oct30-505Jam 3-41:12%ft 6J 115 11 43 43J 5* WallNi Alw 80 lamarelic 118 WhoDini 112 AirRocket 9 0ct21-502G.S 3-41:11%ft 21*113 34 23 22 2» FdezAJio 7500 89 Euclid113 Maid ofHts110 DauterC. 12 0ct10-503G.S 3-41:12%gd l 111 32 2* 12 12 LbergH4 5000 85 Roadstown122 Bluefin116 MahHvens12 June 26 AP 3-8 ft :35h May 29 GS 1-2 m :48%h May 18 GS 5-8 ft 1:01%h Offirinnc 1 1 A Blk- 9, 3, by Pry— Elcinap, by Display. UTTICIOUS ||4 Breeder, F. W. Hooper. 1951 7 2 0 1 ,300 Owner, F. W. Hooper. Trainer, I. H. Parke. 0,000 1350 .8310 ,475 Jun21-51*A.P 3-41:11%gd 23 116 43 44J 54 6» ParkeC Alw 79 Stop Gap 116 Spur On 112 Grass Fire 7 Mar 7-517G.P 3-41:10%ft 21*118 63i2154 451 Wd*eHi2 HcpO 88 BlueSpeed 112 Loridale 115 Alerted 12 Feb12-51*Hia 3-4 1:11%ft 3-2 A116 11 13 12 13 ClarkS2 Alw 88 Platoonl 11 BobConsidinel 19 Fixation 8 Feb 6-51 ?Hia 3-41:13%hy 6 116 2h 1h 7h 44 ClarkSi Alw 73 FoxeyLad 113 TeaneckFlash 110 Ogre 9 Jan26-514Hia tc 11:46 ft J4 116 I* 1k 3ft fl ClarkSS Alw Thee and Me 116 Elixir107 Platoon 6 Jan20-515Hia 3-41:12 ft 21 114 14 14 14 14 ClarkS* Alw 85 TeaneckFlash114 Fiddler114 Kadir 9 Jan 9-51 HrP 3-41:12%ft 31 122 44 34 33 531 ClarkS* Alw 80 Ogre 117 Badger 122 Elixir 9 Dec 6-50*TrP 3-41:11%ft 23 116 22 21 12 V ClarkSS Alw 87 SailingHigh116 lnTaste119 Fiddler 8 0ct24-505Jam 3-41:12%sy 10 118 43 3« 24 23ft ClarkS? Alw82FoxeyLad118 Basically118 BlueHelet 9 Oct2O-505Jam 3-41:12%ft 91 113 64 5* 653 451 ClarkS5 Alw 79 Valadm109 WhoDini109 RunningSeas S June 27 AP 5-8 ft 1:02b June 20 AP 3-8 sy :36%b June 17 AP 3-4 ft 1:12h Tensive PoncivA I nAv 1 1 O Ch. f, 3, by Pensive— Lady Charlotte, by Sir Gallahad III. uaay | | Z Breeder. Woodvale Farm. 1951.15 2 2 3 ,740 Owner, J. Emery. Trainer, J. Emery. 0,000 1951. 12 2 2 3 ,740 Jun 7-51*Was 3-41:11%ft 34*111 V 8* 2 7»4 641 Bailey PJ» 8500 79 NtmarisM 11 HvenlyHash106 Docility 10 Jun 4-51 *Was 3-41:11%ft 9 108*63132144 75 LeggioA5 Alw 79 ShneeSqw118 Flterthan118 Lyceum 8 May30-515Was 3-41:12%gd 5 111 714 781 3ft 24 BaileyPJ5 8500 78 AnnsFoxl 14 lnkyRacer111 CceCloud 8 May23-517Was 3-41:13%hy 53 1064*7« 5* 451 3«1 LeggioA* Alw 65 NativeValor113 Flerthan115 SeFrnd 9 May16-51«Was 3-41:11%ft 81 106*24 1ft 1h 2" MooreP4 8000 82 WellWorthltlli lnkyRcr114 OpnWy 7 May12-51*Spt 7-81:30%gd 71 105 1ft 12 2* 324 MullinsP* Alw WHIYouDcelOS 0penWay118 InkyRer 8 May 8-51 5SPt 5 81:01%ft 12 109 64 64 44 43 OliveraG? Alw InkyRacer 112 Kissable 110 Reticule 10 Apr21-515G.P 3-41:13 hy 73 113 2ft 2* 14 13 RogersC* 5000 80 MahHvens1 14 GayLeader114 Bluefin 3 Apr12-51*G.P 3-41:13%gd 13 112 42332 34 43fttRogersC2 4000 72 BonaEtl 112 DonnieLeel 12 Exemplar 8 tPlaced third through disqualification. Apr 3-51 5G.P 3-41:13 ft 16 110 42 53ft 64 9«1 JemasNio 450072 Tidehead 111 Exemplar111 DonaEtal W June 28 AP 3-8 gd :36%b May 28 Was 3-8 m :39b May 22 Was 3-8 gd :37%b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951062901/drf1951062901_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1951062901_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800