Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Arlington Park, Daily Racing Form, 1951-06-29


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SWEEPS GRADED HANDICAPS %S Designations for apprentice allowance claimed left of horses names are as follows: § three pounds; * five pounds; I seven pounds; "ten pounds. Arlington Park I ST RACE-7-8 MILE chute. Purse ,200. 2:00 P. M. ■ 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. PP. Horse. Prob.Jockey Wt Comment Prob.Odds. 9 DANCE BAND No boy 118 Should take it all 2-1 70NE ROSE A. Widman 111 Will give them a Uissle 8-1 6 MERRY ZAC No boy 112 May cut in for some 6-1 8 COMPARE H. Keene 118 Not for mine 8-1 10 MY DIVIDEND J. Chestnut 118 Will be choice of many 6-1 14 MISS NAP A. Skoronski 118 Could make it close 6-1 16 PERSIANA G. South 102 May prove dangerous 6-1 1 SHATTERED W. M. Cook 102 Hardly in here 10-1 2 PRIANA No boy 102 Best to pass this one 30-1 3 JIMMYS DOLL No boy 112 Showed some promise 10-1 4 WEE FOURS No boy 102 Goes well at times 10-1 5 FUN QUEST P.J.Bailey 118 Little chance here 15-1 II LITTLE SMUG A. Bassett 112 Just another longshot 30-1 t 12*0RCHESTRAL L. Williams 97 Hasnt what it takes 30-1 13 DOCEAN C. L. Martin 108 Only on best effort 20-1 15JREC0RD RUN A. Widman 95 Inconsistent sort; pass 20-1 RACE— 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Purse ,000. 2:30 P.M. 2ND 2-year-olds. Claiming. 3 MARIE EILEEN H. Keene 119 Rates the laurels 8-5 10 EM J.Adams 115 Best could get it all 5-1 4 BUSY INDIAN J. Westrope 115 Has fine money chance 5-1 1 SKY TIGER J. D. Jessop 111 Should better last few 15-1 2 ESPINOS QUEEN J. Adams 108 First time starter 10-1 5 CELERE E. J. Knapp 108 Nothing in lone start 20-1 6 CONDILIDA C. L. Martin 108 Would be an upset 20-1 7 CALLUNA R. L. Baird 108 Some other time 20-1 8 ISOMUR No boy 108 Must be considered 10-1 9IGALADEAR A. Widman 101 An also-ran 20-1 11 VICTORIA CROSS R. L. Baird 111 Merits attention 15-1 12 FIERY CHIEF No boy 111 Trailed in lone start 20-1 13 SUNNY DEUCE J. Boucher 111 Cant see much hope 20-1 14 MING TOI No boy 108 Another also-ran 20-1 15 JANES GAL No bey 108 Hardly a threat 20-1 16 SAMS BRIDE J. Adams 108 Best on the bottom 20-1 17 FROTH No boy 108 Chances are quite slim 15-1 18 MARCHIONESS H. Keene 108 Hardly a factor 20-1 RACE— ABOUT 2 MILES hurdles. Purse ,500. 3:00 P. M. 3RD 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 9 FOXY POISE A. A. Brown 165 7 STORM HOUR G. Allen 163 PP. Horse. Prob.Jockey. Wt Comment Prob.Odds. 3 MOOT No boy 148 1 STORM ON C. C. Jelke 160 2 BANNOCK LADDIE J Brandt, Jr. 160 4 BEAVER KILL W. Braemer 163 5 BOO-TIP G. Mayer 153 6 PRAIRIE IMP H.Oliver 163 8 LITTLE KEN D B. Harper 163 10 HIDDEN HAND P. Murphy 163 11 PERT H. Helgesen 155 JTH RACE-7-8 MILE chute. Purse ,200. 3:30 P. M. ■ 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 13 SHINING DEED No boy 118 In fine stride; choice 5-2 9 FIRST NIGHT J.Adams 118 A potent factor here 3-1 3 MISS BLACK E.J. Knapp 113 May show them the way 4-1 12 SIR DAVID H. Keene 114 Only if in running mood 8-1 L 1 BOLD KNOT A. Skoronski 1"14 Upset dope in last 4-1 2 AUTO MESSAGE J. D. Jessop 114 An also-ran 20-1 4SYALE A. Widman 107 Nothing to recommend 20-1 5 BILL TWIG No boy 114 Sort of in-and-outer 10-1 6 RAINTREE No boy 114 Can ramble; have care 10-1 7 DASHING DON W Garner 114- Chances are remote 20-1 8 FIGHTING CLOUD J. Bev 114 Chace to improve 20-1 10 MONTES ACE No boy 110 May press the leaders 10-1 11JCAILL0U ROUGE C Horning 111 Cant be taken lightly 15-1 14 FICKLE-MAN No boy 110 Not for mine 20-1 15 BRAVE LT. No boy 110 in a rough spot 10-1 RACE-1 MILE chute. Purse ,000. 4:00 P. M. 5TH 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Fixed weights. 9 BOLD FOX C. L. Martin 112 Should top these 5-2 3 DEAL ME IN W. M. Cook 112 Conditions may suit 4-1 10 HONEST INJUN D. Dodson 112 Chances are quite remote-5-1 ■ 4 CONTRIVE J. Westrope 112 Will make them hustle 8-1 j 6 COMMANDANT No boy 112 Could upset the dope 8-1 8 BELC0N No boy 112 Some may like chances 8-1 1 FLAGS FLYING No boy 107 Can -make it interesting 8-1 2 SURPASS0R No boy 112 Safe to pass here 20-1 5 ARIS BRIG C. Parke 112 Not with these 20-1 7 BOLDNESS E. J. Knapp 107 An also-ran 20-1 RACE-3-4 MILE. Purse ,000. 4:30 P. M. 6TH 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 3 EMERGENCY HOUR C. Parke 116 Choice in here 5-2 8 THE GHIZEH E. J. Knapp 103 Capable of taking all 3-1 2 SCREEMIN JACK No boy 112 Can go with these 8-1 UFRENABILBEPA H. Radford 104 Will be there trying 8-1 PP. Horse. Prob.Jockey. Wt Comment Prob.Odds. 4 PARTY REQUEST D. Dodson 116 Will give them a tussle 8-1 5 TRIUMPHO W. M. Cook 106 Could lead them home 8-1 6 HERE ME No boy 108 Will make a race of it 8-1 7 LYLES FIRST J.Adams 108 Not out of things 10-1 -TTH RACE-3-4 MILE. Purse ,500. 5:00 P. M. ■ 3-year-olds. Claiming. 2 RECLINE No boy 120 Best should take it all 2-1 6 MOMMY J.Adams 115 May be good for another 5-1 1 HEAVENLY HASH J. D. Jessop 106 A strong contender 5-1 7 IGNITION No boy 120 Will prove troublesome 8-1 8 OFFICIOUS C. Parke 114 Must be given chance 8-1 9 PENSIVE LADY P. J. Bailey 112 Will put on a good show 8-1 3 BLOODY STEP D. Dodson 120 Not out of this 10-1 4 DRY RUN No boy 114 Has shown some speed 10-1 5 H00SIER RELIC W.M.Cook 111 Not on recent form 20-1 8TH RACE-1 MILE chute. Purse ,400. 5:30 P. M. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 11 OPEN WAY H. Keene 117 Colt holds the edge 4-1 5 LIKE YOU No boy 115 The runner-up 5-1 8 KENTUCKY TOWN C. Parke 117 Ready and willing 6-1 2 GAIL R. E.J. Knapp 105 Figures to be close 8-1 3 SEE TOP No boy 113 May cut in for some 8-1 6 FAST BREAK C.Swain 110* May fit in here 8-1 7 NORCAL No boy 113 Some efforts fine 8-1 14 TWIRLING GIRL A. Bassett 105 Will make a race of it 6-1 16 VIRGINIA DUKE J. Bev 110 May do some running 6-1 1 HARVEST POINT No boy 110 Would be a surprise 20-1 4 JUNIOR C. Parke 113 Not for mine 15-1 9 HI-CHROME R. L. Baird 113 An also-ran 20-1 10 FLARETO No boy 114 Cant see much hope 20-1 12 MIN0R0ME No boy 108 Sort of in-and-outer 15-1 13 DOUBLE BARREL J. Adams 110 Merits attention 10-1 15 BLUEBONNET GAL No boy 105 Little chance here 15-1 RACE— 1 MILE chute. Purse ,000. 6:00 P. M. 9TH 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 CUTTY HUNK D. Dodson 120 Choice in the nightcap 2-1 3IRODRIGO H. Schauta 107 Has fine ability 4-1 10 ROSE BEAM No boy 116 Third call today 6-1 5 FLEET FACTOR J. Adams 113 Will be supported 8-1 6 ENERGETIC J. Westrope 120 Rates hot and cold 8-1 2 FUTURESQUE No boy 117 Tab for later 15-1 4 THE REAPER J. Boucher 110 Only if in running mood 10-1 7 CHARIOT WHEELS H. Keene 116 Nothing to encourage 15-1 8 BOO BOO SHOO No boy 116 In a tough spot 15-1 9 FUGITIVE D. Dodson 116 Not to be disregarded 10-1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951062901/drf1951062901_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1951062901_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800