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YOU WH.L FIND TH€ I ANSWERS TO YOUR I TURF QUESTIONS IN I ■ American Racing Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS "~| PART I. Leading Breeders of 1951, Fractional Times of American Raccs Won Records Re*Uw Remw o» »f 1951 l»»l Koces Ror« || Leading Breeders of 1951, Fastest Races at One Mile PART II. Money Origin of Individual Racing Breeders of Imported H. Silks Bet Horses of the Year Annual Daily Racing Form Poll PART VH. Tract? OwnptoM of the Yew Yearling Sales, Total and Average Times at All Track* Bargain Yearlings PART XlY. BBS SBnaSjf SL SL."g-J»P North American Stake, Roc, Annual Distribution, Number High -Priced Yearlings, Annually tLra . No"f*t!rte* _ _ Nortk American Stakes and E1"* p rSSK- S-E c-»~ Record Pr,ces for YeoHm«8 Feature Races, 1951 D.SoTf,Meetmgs PART VIII. ExpWion of Bruce Uw. SmlSiglriS-lihil Am4erica?J-«dina Sire* History of Important Events •Tft l952Expenmenhil Amiua«y Dbcontinued Stakes Events Handicap We»g*ts Leading American Stres, 1951 Match Races of American Turf Americas Oldest Stoke Events Complete Records of Sires Record of Watk-Overs PART IV. Leading Sires of Juveniles Transportation of Horses by Air I ! . Sires of Juvenile Winners Races Rocked in Order of j 11/. Winners or Mokes end Leading Broodmare Sires Importance Feature Races, 1951 Trend of Racing in 1951 Leading Money-Winning Revenue to States by Years B PART „ w%# XV. , Hy**s4.AlHt**y . Racing Days, Attendance, Leading Money-Winning Leaving Meaey-wmnmg by States Hones n .JfegL1*1 Pari-Mutuel Turnover, Leading Money-Winning Horses Wmnmg clflAft« SW,000 or Revenue to States Horses of the Worid More in 1951 Leading Two-Year-OW fAKl PART IX I A. Leading Horjes Money-Winning " ■ Wmners, Annuolty Longest-Priced Winners, Types of Racing Plates Leading Two-Year-OM Annually Highest-Priced Race Horses. Fillies, Annually Longest-Priced Winners, 1951 American j "ftZJh* "** Shortest-Priced Winners, Ree.f Outstanding Horses j LeaaSTsTeeplechase Winner,, Ann-oily tJSESk* American, English Annually Shortest-Priced Winners, 1951 | PARTV Longest-Priced Daily Double, PART XVI. . , _ . Annually Explanation of Pari-Mutuel I Complete M Records of Horses, Longest-Priced Daily Double, Betting | _ lf5] , _ . Tracks Betting Percentage Table Records of Divisional Leaders, Longest-Priced Doily Doubles, Pari-Mutuel Take and 1951 . - . .. 1951 Breakage M Number of Starters, Annually Rccer J pflri.Mutuel Odds Conformation of Horse PART VI. Record of Disqualifications Weight of Horse and Its ,.,. . Record of Dead-Heats, Distribution Leading Money-Winning Annually Feeding the Thoroughbred Owners, Annually Record of Dead-Heats, 1951 Ailments of Thoroughbreds j Leading Money-Winning Best Times of Year at All Color and Marking of Horse Owners, 1951 Distances Running Gait of Horse, Plate ! Records of Trainers PART Y Running Gait Explained ™ *" Naming a Thoroughbred Leading Trainers, Annually _. , Obituary of Turf, 1951 Jockeys, Ages, Birthplaces 1 a- t • t losi Trainers of 1951, Leading Thoroughbred Deaths Steeplechase Riders, Ages, Wmners Birthplaces Leading Trainers of 1951, pRJ XI. Remarkable Riding Feats TraSaddling 10 or More Summary of 1951 Turf New, The J™* Art Winners in 1951 pART XU. PART XVII. Records of Leading Riders ... m „ll j » j- c Farms Leading Riders, Annually Origin of the Thoroughbred Thoroughbred Breeding Leading Stakes-Winning Outline of Racing in America Owners of Breeding Farms Locations of Stallion, Riders, Annuolty Rules of Racing Leading Riders of 1951, Money Scale of Weights Thoroughbred Foal Leading Riders of 1951 National Racing Organizations Registrations Winners * cing Commissions Breeders of Winners of fer""* *«iisr -*" "" tSRsffru Ri*j?Wk..R.J..I0.,M.r. ••*«*-** slTl-»~n ., S100.000 TiTrBfrTtir .•-—*■ Lifetime Records . Track Diagrams, Records, pART Xym Leading Steeplechase Riders, Best Times - Annually Feet Per Second, Time, - Steeplechase and Hunt ; Steeplechase Riders of 1951 Distance StatistKrs Apprentices Riding First f*fi** 2tSTSL-r— PART XIX. Winner Locations of North Amencen Leading Amerkon Breeders Tracks, Map Foreign Track Wagroms. Leading Breeders, Winners, Fastest Records in Racing u.R5coirdps °™ S*akf Annually Wor,d Records Highest-Priced Foreign Now on Sale MORE THAN MAIL TH,S coupon today ! ;| Triangle Publications, Inc., 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, 111. ;j j 7 Kin PA*F*% Enclosed find .50 check or money order which includes | ,1W rMVJtJ ;, 00543 «,„,«» send me one copy of the NEW 1952 j! AMERICAN RACING MANUAL | # i Name m ♦♦• [ij i| Address * ij j! !J # tOU :| cay...: j; I P/cf|ainiH I Zone Stal* S