1st Mth, Daily Racing Form, 1952-06-18

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Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position Fair Mud Runner. X Good Mud Runner. 0 Superior Mud Runner. 6 FURLONGS out of chute. Vaudeville, July 13, 1948— 1:09%— 3— 107. Purse kiiL ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight. 122 lbs. Non-winners since May 16 i I* Si fyiin allowed 3 lbs.: since April 25, 5 lbs.; since March 28, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,500: if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000 Best time made at distance of race. Chart Book _ Todays j Chart Book Todays J index No Horse. Date Track Rec Wt Wt. Index No. Horse. Date Track Rec Wt Wt j 58485 Hay Mom May51 Bel 1114s 103 110 1 47005 Double Nip Sep51 Atl 1:11 117 111 577783 Great Whirl Dec51TrP1:12 116 115 58752 Blue Mirage Apr51 GS fc«K 105 117 i 60135 Fireagain 111 58752 Kalluki Sep51 Atl 1:12% 117 118 1 59845 Suptela Aug51 Atl 1:11*s 113 108 60508 Justa Tiger Sep51 Atl 1:11% 112 106, , 57387 Full Measure Jan51 TrP 1:10% 113 111] 54988 Jungle Feast Sep51 Atl 1:10% 110 111 | 338773*Jomac Jun51 Wat 1:13" s 116 104 57286 Manie Sep51 Atl 1:13% 111 110 1 586163 Coyote Aug51 Atl 1:11 114 115 28179 Indian Jewel May51GS1:14% 114 111 57190 Emergency Hour Mar52 GP 1.112: 116 115 t1950 Index 1 19721 Miss Tex-Ann 106 Hav Mom 1 1 0 B * A S Hayride-ldle Polly, by Sun Beau. nuy mum | | j Breeder D. OSullivan. , 1952 4 0 1 0 25 Owner. Lynn Farm. Trainer, L. Lee. ,500 1951 11 2 3 3 ,700 11 May28-522G.S 6f1:12%ft 11 119 12 |1| 43 105 MannW 4000 79 Tidehead 113 Ash Tray 108 Alexis 12 : May22-52*G.S 6f1:12%gd 12 111 3J 8*111 1213 MannWi2 5000 71 Zeeld112 JerrysBest112 Agrarian-U 12 • May14-523G.S 6f1:12%ft 15 110 2J 24 22 4h RichdCi2 400084 PisgahRd114 Alexis115 FlyingWther 12 May 7-522G.S 6 f 1:14 ft 2J *105 12 1J 24 23J SchabH3 3500 74 Dollargofastl 17 Convrt109 MmsChce 12 : Sep 4-51 2Aqu 3-4 1:13%ft 4-5 *117 2 2n 2i 2J ArcaroES 4000 78 SignHerel 10 Revenger! 10 RustyBrown 14 Aug20-514Sar 3-41:12%ft 9J 106* 2 4J 74J 6?i ColeS3 7500 75 FreshAir108 Galmpdrt113 TheSpaniel 14 Aug10-513Sar 3-41:13%m 9-5 *112* 2 14 14 24 ColeSiO 5000 75 Spanker 113 -Ardoch 116 Strike 13 June 12 Mth 1-2 gd :49h June 9 GS 5-8 ft 1:02%b May 6 Aqu 3-8 ft :36%hg Great Whirl X 1 1 C Ch. c, 4, by Whirlaway-Tierce, by St. Germans. vjreui TTinri • II 3 Breeder. Blenheim Farms 1952 14 0 3 1 ,350 1 Owner, Thorncliff Farm. Trainer, T. J. Kelly. 83.500 1951 15 1 2 1 ,625 May21-522G.S 6f1:13%m 8i 113 2* H» 2h 34 Hanfordl2 3500 78 Convert 106 LastBrigade 105 StarZ. 12 May 9-525G.S 6f1:11%ft 5i 113 104 10131012 9? BoultisS3 400081 Gnu 115 Tidehead 113 Alexis 12 . May 2-523G.S 6f1:13%ft 4 113 25 22 14 2n HanfordM 3500 81 AshTy106 JohnsAdml 115 PreRsom || Apr24-524Lrl 6f 1:13%sy 8-5 A116 4* 44 3 22J Fneganjz 3500 75 Ula1 13 MasterShowman118 Moflame 8 ! Apr 7-525 Lrl 6f1:13%ft 2J *114 43J 35 44 5and1 FinganJ* 5000 75 Hilda 104 Alexis 117 Fighting Mad 9 Mar31-528Lrl 6f1:13%ft 8J 116 64 45 34J 2J FinganJ« 5000 79 SwordsTn116 Romntype116 Approval 11 Mar28-52«Lrl 6f1:13%m 25 116 42 34 63J 8*1 SkellyJ3 6000 74 Nerve109 AlaMowlee119 FleetArgo 12 June 13 Mth 5-8 ft 1:05b May 17 GS 1-2 ft :49%b April 30 GS 1-2 si 51%b Pirnnnin 111 B. h. 6. by Firethorn— Double Time, by Sir Gallahad III. i ncuyum 1 1 1 Bre€er_ Mereworth Farm. 1952 2 0 0 0 Owner, Ada C Stable. Trainer. A. Scotti. S3.000 1951 7 0 2 0 450 Jun11-52Bel 7f1:26%ft 67 109J 43 87 9*3 916 CalwaySi 3500 62 HelloPudgy113 Ecuador113 OurJester* 9 , May28-522Bel 7f1:26%ft 21 116 104118|127 12" BolandW? 3500 59 EInDeas107 MnteRealel 16 HereHels 13 Mar7-51iG.P 11:45%ft 7J 114 74 6? 73 7 4" ScurlckOz 3000 69 The0rphan117 LittleAudlH Beausyll Mar 2-51 9Hia 1A1:59%ft 27 114 78 22 4*1 27 ScurlckO? 3000 70 FrereJacs114 BeachBtyllO Poigncy 12 Feb27-516Hia 11-8 1:51-Hsft 42 111 74J 58J |tl 6j Scurlk07 5000 71 MasterBid 113 GoldGin 111 Fraternal 8 Feb2B-514Hia 12:00%ft 40 118 74111 2J 22 ScurlkOi 250069 ZuzieB.1 13 lnsultin120 SmartEddie 12 Feb 6-51 4Hia 12:06%hy 21 113*7516514* 4* WirskiJ" 2500 37 Reproductn118 Bernhvie118 Aristopr 11 June 10 Bel trt 3-8 sy :40b June 7 Bel 5-8 ft 1:03%b May 27 Bel 5-8 ft :35%hg I unfoln 1 ftfi Cn f 4 bv Supremus— Cartela, by Chicle. JU»"CIU • vO Breeder. OSullivan Farms. 1952 6 0 0 0 00 , Owner. D. Shea. Trainer, D. Shea. ,000 1951 22 2 3 1 ,875 Jun 9-524Del Bf1:12Mft 15 112 85J 42 1 45 5* MannW 2500 84 GoldScript 114 Bullow110 Inaname 10 I May26-527Blr 7f1:34%hy 5 115 10»1 9* 95 |tf CrdzaGio 2000 35 Mamaloi115 MsC.O.D.112 TrigrMse 10 May23-522GS 6f1:12%ft 44 111 84 88J 7H |tl MannW2 3000 72 PrinceFavor111 Vinelnd111 LoisCheer 12 I May 1-521 Pirn 6f1:13%ft 24 109 45 43J 5*i 411 LynchJ* 250073 Jolirab 116 Kalluki 114 HelensStar 12 I Apr 5-521 Lrl 6f1:14%sy 15 115 107 891114119 MannWS 2500 67 HeddyB.117 RabtPoint117 GnasWar 12 , Mar22-52Lrl 6f1:14%ft 4*112 72J 52J 8" 771 MannW5 2500 66Slamring116 Balmoral 118 RaceTem 11 , Oct19-51Lrl 3-41:14%ft 19 117 6*16* 68J 64j MannW 3500 69 AlaMowlee118 Wondnt115 RissasSon 12 , May 28 Del 3-8 gd 36bg April 24 Lrl 1-2 sy :50%h April 19 Lrl 3-4 ft 1:20%b Pull Mancuro 111 Dk- b 9, 5, by Reaping Reward— Songburst, by Blenheim II. run measure I I I Breeder Coldstream Stud. Inc 1952 .10 0 0 Owner, Mrs. F. Frankel Trainer, W. S. Cotton. S3.000 1951 20 1 3 2 ,775 1 May16-52G.S 6f1:13%ft 15 114 52| 62J 5»i 5« HetgerG7 3000 73 MasrShmnl 10 EflGreat109 Corinth 12 I 0ct12-512G.S 3-41:12%sl 23 110 11» II1211171013 BatchrLS 3500 73 TitansMatch 115 Alexis114 Gnu 12 , Oct 4-512G.S 3-41:11%ft 9j 110 72j 751 45J 33J BatchrLi 2500 86 LocalBand 118 QuickBuck 115 Reward 12 , Sep20-512Atl 3-41:12%ft 3*112 42J 5* 43J 63J RobertsP3 2500 82 LadyLocks 111 CecilM. 119 Lotoftowo 12 , Aug23-512Sar 7-81:26 gd 4 118 42 1 23 310 HefgerG 2 3000 71 Landlord 118 Repeater 118 DearBoots 14 , Aug9-512Sar 7-81:27%sl 4J 114 83J 85 9*1 871 ArcaroE5 3500 67Secnav 116 HollyRidge 110 Dawty 10 I Jly31-51«Jam 3-41:13%ft 31 114 105 j 9* 95j 7«J HetgerG* 3500 70 Narviko 114 SevenPillars 114 MikeM. 13 I June 7 Mth 3-8 ft :37h May 23 GS 1m ft 1:45%b May 9 GS 3-4 ft 1 15%b tt 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 12 2 12 2 12 2 J ■ 11 I 11 • 7 * 13 f 14 I 8 8 12 13 1 j J I 8 ■ 8 ■ 9 I ■ 9 I I J ? J 6 S I . ; 9 J I , 9 bs ] J 9 , 7 , 6 1 i J j i 1 , | 1 11 : • : 1 l/m/ir 1 fA °* fc 9, 4, by Swinf and Sway— Tethys, by Swashbuckler. JO mac , I V*l Breeder. J. Fisher, Jr. 1951.11 1 S 2 801 Owner, Woodlyn Stable. Trainer, J. W. Camac. ,000 1950 4 0 1 0 50 Jly 2-517Wat 1-701:46 gd 4 119 23 23 24 331 StidhamG2 2000 77 Janella 105 Charing Prince 105 Teach 6 Jun26-5L« Wat 3-41:14%ft 3 114 32 43 41 33J StidhmG 2500 71 BlueWhill 109 MissSwingl 15 WeEgrt 5 Jun23-522Wat 3-41:15 gd 2i *118 3*J 24 24 25 StidhmG? 2000 67 DonaldYng118 Teachl 18 GlaBlenhm 8 Jun 5-51 2Wat 3-41:13%ft 2 118 65| 63 3442 StidhmG* 225078 ZlaBelle113 GaltDoma110 DdYoung 10 Jun 1-51 2Wat 3-41:13%ft 9-5 *116 4* 48 324 14 St5dhmG2 2000 80 Anagazandral 12 SkyAir111 Violation 10 May29-517Wat 1-701:50%hy 3j 110 34J 7M 77 720 MafaleM5 2000 39 VivsBest114 GalaBlhm111 Hesprus 7 May24-512Wat 3-41:18 si 3-2*114 2J 9" 2 2J MafaleM 2006 56 MissSwing 113 Beats 114 Timeboy 7 June 17 Mth 1-2 ft 49%hg June 13 Mth 1-2 ft :54b June 7 GS 5-8 ft 1:04%b fnvnf-A 5k 1 1 r B g, 7. by Case Ace— Elizabeth Singleton, by Gainsborough. wuyuie *r* 113 8reeder Josepn M Roebling. 1952 3 0 0 1 00 i Owner, Mrs. S. G. Steckler. Trainer. E. W. King. ,500 1951 24 4 4 4 0,975 May29-525G.S 6f1:12%ft 15 112 4«| 2| 24 32 HanfordM 4000 86 Corinth111 BlueFedora115 H:tChckGl 10 May23-524G.S 6 f 1:13 ft 6 113 42 V 62 6? BoultisS? 3500 74 Corinth113 BlueFdra112 Pas deClais 11 May 2-524G.S 6f1:14%ft 21 117 671 7 83 78J BoultisSS 4000 66 HatChkGirl 111 DyNuisce103 Crinth 10 Nov17-512Bow 3-41:13%ga 16 123 971 87J 912 912 CtshwOi 2 5000 72 Midst 120 Mongoose 120 AlaMowlee 12 Nov 3-513G.S 3-41:12%sy 7i 115 t2»i11»|11»3 78J BoulmisSS 4500 74 Apsley115 Halmahera110 MasterMind 12 Oct25-515G.S 3-41:12%gd 2*119 32 35 34 2« BoultisS4 4000 84 P-ceRYm119 EflGt112 ExcitbleMy 8 June 17 Mth 3-8 ft :38b June 12 Mth 1-2 gd :51h June 8 GS 3-8 ft :36h EmerriPnrv Hour nuur 1 1 * B • * 5 b Hoopw*.— Emergency Aid, by Man 0 War. tmcrgcnty | 1 3 Breeder D R Cassen 1952 7 1 0 1 ,250 Owner, Gloria J Stable. Trainer, L. Murray. ,500 1951 18 4 1 1 ,787 May14-523G.S 6f1:12%ft 61 117 87J111412181112 KirkldA? 4000 72 PisgahR"d114 Alexis115 FlyingWther 12 May 6-525G.S 6f1:121/sft 6 117 971 911 84 7*i CulmeJ7 5000 80 CurtainTime115 Delong103 FernGold 12 Apr12-524G.P 6f1:11%ft 17 115 42143 42 J 32 RogersCS 5750 86 HappyGander105 Norwest115 Delphy 10 Apr 5-525G.P 7f1:25%ft 15 115 21 |1 2J 531 RogersC" 5500 82 Leestown112 Pilaya103 MarseGeorge 12 Mar26-528G.P 11:43%ft 71 119 24 35 5" 7* RodezE 6250 76 Bennington110 AlysHome110 EchoRk 12 Mar10-525G.P 6f1:10%ft 6i 116 74 651 53J 84j Skellyjs 7000 88 DirectMister109 DryRun115 BrdCross 12 fcb26-523Hia 6f1:13%ft 31 121 2 V 12 13 SketlyJ? 500081 EternalGrtlpa FernGoldl 11 FtgMad 12 June 15 Mth 3-8 ft :36y5h May 29 GS 1-2 ft :49%h May 9 GS 1-2 ft :5C%b Mice rviISS TPY-Ann lexMnn KA 1 rt/! Ok. b. m, 5. by Islam-Thais Mine, by Phalaros. IV VO Breeder, B. F Lundy. 1951 0 0 0 0 Owner. S. Serpico and W. J. Zupkus. Trainer, W. J. Zupkus. ,000 1950 5 0 0 0 Nov 1-502G.S 3-4 1:12%ft 155 108 12aOl2»12»111» HsmanLS 300065 Joshua122 BrightPlayerl 15 Sophocles 12 0ct17-502G.S 3-41:121/sft 82 108 l2t*12»12M12» BerardiL3 3500 71 SirSweep114 Withastar122 MarkHigh 12 Aug 7-505 Mth 11:48 ft 73 112 12141124H29H37 McGonH3 Mdn 39 FigngCloud113 TrysCanel Ightam 12 May23-507G.S 1,1:46%ft195 106 104102*10341034 McMnG2 4500 50 Woodsidel 10 NoR"wVd109 GrgeCrmp 10 May 9-505G.S 3-4 1:12%ft 304 104 1frrr2i4l2"1224 McMnG2 4500 59 Gertie sLstl 12 Surps111 Exprimtm 12 DnnhlA Nir 111 Br 9- 5, by Double Scotch— Gertrude Brown, by The Scout. l/uu»"c ,» III Breeder. Edward A. Hurd. 1951 12 2 0 1 ,850 Owner. P. A. Sullivan. Trainer, Pat Brady. ,000 1950 20 3 6 3 0,250 Oct20-513Lrl 3-41:13%ft 4 122 32 63 1 9* 9» MannW? 350070 LoisCheer 108 CountSteel 115 Jolirab 9 Sr29-513Af 3-4 1:11%ft 4| 117 M 1h 21 531 MannW2 Alw 85 BroadCrs119 HelnsStar111 SkyWld 8 Sep20-514Atl 3-41:11%ft 9J 117 2J 2 21 3 MannWS Alw 89 Fre ad Eq1110 ApeTr1119 DmdHd 8 Sep13-512Atl 3-41:11 ft 4i *117 1h 1h ij ih MannWS 3000 92 lnMyBones117 Dby dAV119 JyGosh 9 Aug28-5MAtl 3-41:11%ft 13 114 2h M |S 1"" MannWS 2500 88 In My Bones 119 Spindle 122 Will I 11 Aug22-512Atl 3-41:12%gd 11 111 63| 8i |f| P% MannW4 2500 74 Prickly 119 DanaDel 118 KingsLady 8 June 14 Mth 1-2 ft :49%hg June 12 Mth 3-8 gd :37%h May 7 Pirn 1-2 ft :49hg RIiip Mirnnf 1 1 7 Dk f 4- bv Isolater— Blues Singer, by Bull Dog oiue mirage 11/ Breeder. J. G. Henderson. 1952 2 10 0 ,800 Owner, Mrs. A. Cannuli. Trainer, W. Manzi. ,500 1951 10 2 1 1 ,050 May30-522G.S 6f1:12%ft 10 108 44 I" 14 I] BurrC" 3000 84 Lotoftown115 PoGaim Headstreamll May24-522G.S 6 f 1:12%ft 4J 110 113 918 91* 94 WilnHB-* c3000 71 JimyGosh113 Suppr"sor113 MomsChe 12 Sep 3-515Nar 3-41:13 gd 15 111 4J M 9 M0M CatanoA5 5000 68 DghterC.106 lnR-dins120 PetesVigil 10 Aug28-514Nar 3-41:12%ft 5 108 3 34 53J 951 GardrDS 5000 7i QnsTaste111 DghfrC.107 CVyMeBk 9 Jly18-513Jam 3-4 1:13%ft 5J 115 62 8?i 87| 781 GardrDS 6000 70 OurGay 111 Overload 120 BlueGallant 8 Jun28-51«Mth 3-4 1:13%gd 4 113 68 57J 58J 68 VasilA* 7000 73 Sky Prince 109 Inanaboutm Seltzer b June 7 GS 5-8 ft 1:03Vfcb May 29 GS 3-8 ft :37h May 21 GS 3-8 m :37%b kn rvu,,URJ 1 1 n Li 1 1 Q B g. 4, by Tintagel— Best Blister, by War Admiral. I • O Breeder. Duntreath Farm. 1952 6 12 1 ,650 Owner, Stemar Stable. Trainer, B. P. Pond. ,000 1951 17 4 3 1 ,075 May30-522G.S 6f1:12%ft 21*120 3 3"* 6* I* StoutJS 3000 74 BlueMirage108 Lotoftown115 PoGaMI May17-521G.S 6f1:12%ft 71 108 2 J 24 2J 13 HansnLO 2500 86 Crew-Cut1 14 HeadStrearr,113 ItGirl 12 May 1-521 Pirn 6f1:13%ft 3| 114 11 1h 24 V DruryR2 2500 77 Jolirab 116 HelensStar 109 Suptela12 Apr29-521LH 6f1:14%m 31 120 12 13 ih 35| DruryR? 350070 Aim 122 DorothysMiss 115 TrimBull 9 Apr21-524Lrl 6 f 1:13%ft 7-5 *120 22 22 24 2* DruryR5 2500 74 BillsBest 115 Trusted 122 Clydestown 12 Mar31-52iLrl 6f1:13%ft 7i 111* 32J 5411091 98J McGoniR7 3500 69 Marengo 118 Salient 113 Timein 12 June 13 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03%h June 8 Mth 5-8 ft 1:02%h May 27 GS 1-2 si :49%h lncfn Tinor 1 Cit*. B- 1§ *~by Tiger— Magic Fate, by Chance Shot. JUiiu iigcr I WO Breeder. J. A. Goodwin. 1952 8 0 1 0 50 Owner, Mrs. A. Poland. Trainer, H. M. Goldstine. ,000 1951 20 3 0 2 ,650 Jun14-52iMth 11-81:57 ft 13 109 21 67J WW* GreenB2 250048 Blenlin109 Super-Sales"n1 14 CountOff 12 May29-522G.S 6f1:11%ft 8J 108 5J 44 5 60 BurrC2 3500 80 Stag 113 JohnsAdml 108 TitnsMtch 12 May15-523G.S 6f1:13%ft 4J 108 2£ 3"k 32 54 PermeR* 3250 78 BoloRaway113 JohnsAdm1108 Librab 12 May 9-522G.S 6f1:12%ft 71 110 54 3"k 2h 2" BurrC2 3000 86 HeadStream111 Crew-Cut115 Marchn 11 Apr18-52iG.P 6f1:13%ft 16 113 Ih 2* U 44 KirkldAS 2500 77 Easy Al 120 Wingy 115 Boisterous 12 Apr 8-522G.P 6f1:12%ft 6 106* 3J 3=i 52J 541 WidmanA3 2500 76 FairAuthor 113 PoGal 117 Debmcde 12 Mar31-521G.P 6f1:12%ft 7J 111 1h 22 54J 64i Culmejs 250078 Presc:t113 On t.Aisle115 AlabamaBle 12 June 7 GS 1m ft 1:44%b June 3 GS 1m gd MMft May 23 GS 5-8 ft 1:02%b iunnlp F«fl t 111 Cn- 9, 7, by Okapi— Eight OCIock, by Pompey. junyie rcuai | | | Breeder Brookmeade "Stable. 1952 6 0 0 0 I Owner, Rae Janet Stable. Trainer, M. A. Buxton. ,000 1951 24 2 7 7 ,825 Apr14-521G.P 7 f 1:27 ft 24 109*12 93 941012 BdwinRi2 2500 66 FrankieD.109 MsureUp112 Kingarvie 12 Mar24-52G.P 6f1:12%ft 30 113* 3J 32 42 851 StevnRLi 2500 77 Azure 113 Slumberland 113 Specific 12 Mar11-521G.P 7f1:25%ft : 114 42 P1|1111" CampRS 300075 RoyalBones 114 DanceBd 109 Rectify 12 Feb 6-521 Hia 1l-81:55%gd 27 122 2* 58J 613 77 GonzMN2 3000 43 PlayReqt117 BosnGray115 PrfrsGd 12 Jan23-522Hia 11:58%ft 37 108*4 »10«411«» WilderMS 3000 69 Sunny man 109 Chagin115 LoisCheer 12 Jan 4-523TrP 6f1:11%ft 25 116 711 83 82 82 DeLuciaJS 3500 79 ElPacho 114 Ula 114 Alexis 8 Dec29-513TrP 3-4 1:11 ft 41 110 100101210121113 DeLuciaJ? 4000 77 PollysDelay110 Rampallion111 Alexis 12 June 17 Mth 1-2 ft :52Vsb June 13 Mth 1-2 ft :50%h June 7 GS 1-2 ft :50b KAnnitt 1 1 H Oh. f, 4, by Warlock— Mamanie, by Mahmoud. /Yiume 1 1 j Breeder, J. Bromley. 1952 10 0 0 t Owner, Ham Mar Stable. Trainer, J. V. OConnor. ,500 1951 6 0 0 0 May15-523G.S 6f1:13%ft113 111 108|122112221218 WagnerJs 3500 62 EoloRaway113 JohnsAdm "1108 Librab 12 Nov14-51iPim 3-41:13%ft 27 112 7*1 7*1 881 91 BrmanCio 2500 65 BluePathHI HundPr-f112 RollYrOn 11 |Sep21-514Atl 3-41:12%ft 25 111 74J 82 8* i*? BmanC4 2500 68 QuickBuck115 Indicatedl 13 BlueJack11 Sep12-514Atl 3-41:114/5ft 15 111 32 8*1 88J 8i BVmanCS 3000 79 JustaTiger112 Indicated115 Bellanoch 11 Sep 3-51 5Atl 3-4 1:12Vsm 12 110 21 54J 612 715 BrmanC" 4500 71 PeterW. 112 Calater 115 Bellanoch 11 Aug23-515Atl 3-41:12%ft 4J 108 1rj 42 881 851 BoultisSS 5500 79 CollegeQueen 114 SkyWorld 108 Stag 8 Jly 2-51 4Del 3-41:12%ft 21 115 2 63J 83 813 NashRS Alw 70 PsychicDrm111 BazrQn113 QzSong 8 June 15 Mth 5-8 ft 1:04%b June 9 GS 1-2 ft :49%b June 3 GS 3-8 gd :38%b Inrlinn JpwpI 111 Or. g. 6, by Bahram— War Jewel, by War Whoop ,nu,u" *■■■■ I I I Breeder. Robert C. WinmiH. 1951 2 0 0 0 I Owner. Mrs A. Caccese Trainer, N. J. Meran. ,500 19ZO 7 0 0 0 20 May 9-518G.S 1T1*1:46%ft 46 115 78 112411221120 jemasN* 3000 64 Dayround118 SaracenMs110 Monmth 12 May3-5MG.S 3-41:12%ft 45 114 10310i5 95 910 JemasN? 300073 InMyBones1 12 MomsCce108 Arthrian 12 Sep13-50Atl 11-81:551/5m 17 115 57 IO12 915 815 Richardjs 3000 53 RoyalHelio108 MtesPdel 14 Sty-Sn 12 Sep 8-507Atl 11-4 2:06%ft 4| 115 44 7* 67J 6*| BatchrL* 2500-68 GraymrRoyl 115 Adlpha118 GdCopy 9 Aug25-505Atl 11-81:52%ft 8 115 63 712 6it 5 »1 McGunHi 4000 74 M.0Behan116 Eva "sToy118 PrcsGala 8 Aug19-509Atl tc 4 1:52 ft 13 116 3* 38 47t 6*J McGnH2 4000 SeaWolf119 MadgesTt114 LdCalvert 1* June 17 Mth 3-8 ft :36fth June 6 GS 1-2 ft :52%b May 24 GS 5-8 ft 1:02b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1952061801/drf1952061801_28_2
Local Identifier: drf1952061801_28_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800