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Fridays Late HAZEL PARK Charts THIRD RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS out of chute. Almenow, July 29, 19501:175114. Purse 1 d. 1 ,200. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winrters of two races. Weight, 118 lbs. Maidens OA U I O I allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Aug. 28-53 H.P Net value to winner ,370; second, 40; third, 20; fourth, 20; fifth, 0. f Mutuel Pool, 1,667. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Va Vz StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 98580 LADY SAMM wb 115 5. 5 54 11 12 12 R Lawless 4000 Mrs T C Christopher 5.80 98580 PEEKIN w110 1 1 31 21 23 231 D Holmes 4000 Mrs N M Mikel Z40 9893CH NIGHT CABLE wb113 6 6 4 3 33, 34 R L Baird 4000 Mrs G C White 2.80 98583 TRIP NORTH wb 105 3 10 73 61 42 4h C Varcarl 4000 Mrs W Zakoor 28.50 98010 POACHING wb113 2 2 S5 71 51 5J T Barrow 4000 Mrs L L Voigt Jr 4.70 R1DGEFLEET wb 113 4 9 91 91 71 62 L C Cook 4000 Ridgefields a80 98930 GRANDPA LOUIE wb115 7 3 121 41 61 72i B Mills 4000 Evelyn Leach 69.60 93000 DEE DEE BOOM w 105 9 8 10 10 81 82 G Karcher 4000 E F Collier 241.10 99112 CHRIS ALMO w113 10 7 6h 82 10 94 T Cafarelli 4000 Mrs J Klassner 242.70 90932 STREET SCENE w 118 8 4 21 51 91 10 N Bernardo 4000 R Y Gaines 10.70 tFiYe pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, 4:84 1:15, 1:21. Track fast. Mutuels Paid , Odds to , . , i n LADY SAMM 13.60 5.60 3.40 5.80 1.80 .70 M. utuel Pricesl peekin 2.60 .90 .30 .NIGHT CABLE 2.80 .40 Winner Ch. f, by Sammie Lady Rab, by Doublrab, trained by J. W. Camac; bred by Mrs. T. Christopher. , REACHED POST-4:37. OFF AT 4:37 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. LADY SAMM, forwardly placed from " the beginning, took command approaching the stretch and, after establishing a good lead, retained the advantage while under brisk handling. PEEKIN, away fast and never far back, held on well but was not good enough for LADY SAMM, although much the best of the others. NIGHT CABLE, blocked leaving the upper turn, was taken up and could not better his position when back in stride. TRIP NORTH began slowly. POACHING was never dangerous. RIDGEFLEET was far back throughout. GRANDPA LOUIE had early foot but failed to stay. DEE DEE BOOM showed nothing. CHRIS ALMO was through early. STREET SCENE displayed brief speed. Scratched 98930 Begonia, 110; 99112 Coalie; 110; 98580 Dixie Spy, 113; 98583 Heartless Lady, 110; 34773 Divertido, 113; 99112 Mama Maude, 110. Overweight Grandpa Louie, 2 pounds. Poaching claimed by Liberty Stable. Street Scene claimed by Mrs. W. Zakoor. FOURTH RACE 1 MILE. Royal Tulip, July 8, 1950 1:38 4 108. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and 1 O upward. Claiming. Non-winners since August 5. 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Oft U 1 O J- Non-winners since July 1 allowed 3 lbs.; since May 27, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Aug:. 28-53 H.P Net value to winner ,370; second, 40; third, 20; fourth, 20; fifth, 0. , Mutuel Pool,-3,303. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St, Va V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 99526 LOTOFTOWN wb8115 5 1 12 12 14 11 R Lillibge 2000 J H Miles 6.00 98931 PATMO w4111 6 7 41 41 23 22 221 R L Baird 20C0 Mrs G R Francis 4.10 94623 MARTHA PAULA wb 4 112 3 4 54 54 3 33 31 L C Cook 2000 M H VanBerg - 1.30 99527 JACKIES IDOL wb 4 109 2 5 8 8 7 63 41 R Lawless 2000 Paper City Stable 28.70 98751 HETHERS VIEWwb6117 4 6 61 61 51 41 52 W Coxt 2000 Mrs B Dickerman 1030 98348 THE DUTCHMAN w4109 1 2 31 34 41 54 6s D Holmes 2000 Mrs J W Camac 9.30 98937 REDEAL wb6111 8 3 2h 21 61 7 77i L Pafundi 2000 W A Johnson 5.80 98750 PLASTIC MISS wb 3 102 7 8 74 72 8 8 8 T ONeil 2000 G Conn 82.20 I tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :48, 1:13, 1:41. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid" , Odds to y n LOTOFTOWN 14.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 2.50 1.00 Ml utuel Pncesl patmo 3.20 1.40 .ra v MARTHA PAULA 2.80 .40 i Winner Br. g, by Jamestown Lotof us, by John P. Grier, trained by J. Penrod; bred by L. B. Combs. REACHED POST 5:04. OFF AT 5:04 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good from stall gtae. Won driving; second and third the same. LOTOFTOWN," alertly handled, took command at once, set the pace to the stretch under steady rating, then responded well when set down in the drive and held PATMO sate. The latter, never far back but on the outside, made a bold bid nearing the stretch, but could not overtake the winner. MARTHA PAULA saved ground throughout, but failed to rally when set down through the stretch. JACKIES IDOL lacked early speed. HEATHERS VIEW was outrun. , THE DUTCHMAN could not keep up. REDEAL ,had early speed, but failed to stay. PLASTIC MISS showed V" nothing. Scratched 99675 Hoop Gano, 117; 99532 Mighty Mousse, 109. t Overweight Patmo, 2 pounds; Redeal, 2. FIFTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. Lookout Son, Aug. 5, 1950 1:1115 6 105. Purse ,200. 3-year-- fl A 1 . O 0,ds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners since U U 1 O. 5 August 5 allowed 3 lbs.; since July 1, 5 lbs.; since May 27, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Aug". 28-53 H.P Net value to winner ,370; second, 40; third, 20; fourth, 20; fifth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 00,579. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt 1A Vz StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 984113 ROYCE w6117 6 5 33 34 21 I" F Redmon 2000 C Farist 3J0 99311 LEAVEMEALONE w4110 3 6 41 41 31 21 D Holmes 2000 Mrs D J Ramsay 40 L 99675 BUBBLE GUM wb9115 4 8 74 63 52 3h H Craig 2000 Saginaw Stable 8.00 985813 AUGUST b 8 120 5 1 11 11 11 41 W Zakoor 2000 Mr and Mrs L Seafert 12.40 996813 SUN IDOL BOYElwb 6 115 7 4 23 221 41 52 B Mills 2000 A and Z Stable 8.10 998304 PADDY LANE wb 5 113 1 7 64 53 6 61 L Pafundi 2000 Tamarack Stable 21.00 98184 LITTLE XS w 8 108 2 2 51 74 7 7 L C Cook 2000 M H VanBerg 11.70 98411 ROBUST w5120 8 3 8 8 8 8 R L Baird 2000 D Posey. 2.00 , E Disqualified. Time, :23j :47, 1:14. Track fast , . Mutuels Paid, , Odds to , 1 ln . ROYCE 9.40 5.00 3.60 3.70 1.50 .80 . Mutuel Prrcesi leavemealone 5.20 4.20 1.60 1.10 2 C BUBBLE GUM 5.00 1.50 Winner B. g, by Unbreakable Lady Charlotte, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by H. H. Smith; bred by Wood-vale Farm. REACHED P0ST-5:32. OFF AT 5:321 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start goJd from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ROYCE, never far back, responded to strong handling when set down through the stretch and, disposing of AUGUST, held LEAVEMEALONE safe. LEAVEMEALONE, bothered at the first turn in the jam caused by SUN IDOL BOY, closed strongly but could not overtake ROYCE. A foul claim against ROYCE by LEAVENMEALONES rider was not allowed after the stewards O checked the film patrol pictures. BUBBLE GUM lacked early foot but finished fast. AUGUST took command at once, set the pace until inside the stretch, then faltered. SUN IDOL BOY came over on the field after the p start, caused a jam at the first turn which impeded LEAVEMEALONE and LITTLE XS, then failed to stay - after engaging AUGUST for a half mile. SUN IDOL BOY was disqualified from fifth and placed last for foul. PADDY LANE was outrun. LITTLE XS, forced to take up sharply when roughed at the initial turn, failed to C recover. ROBUST raced wide the entiretrip and pulled up quite lame, . : . r SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Sun Herod, Aug. 20, 19491:447128. St. Clair Shores Purse. 1 s a Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of three races in 0 U 1 O 4 1953 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; one race, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for 0 Aug. 28-53 H.P ,500, allowed 3 lbs. 5 Net value to winner ,550; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 50; fifth, S50. Mutuel Pool, 11,346. ? Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V Vi StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 99529 MIDWEST wb115 6 6 31 21 12 1413 R L Baird 5000 L Rodriguez 20 G 995303 INTENTION wb115 3 2 21 3i 3h 21 2h C Varcrcel 5000 Helen Racovitis 8.40 Z 991173 PATIO PATTER w 112 7 1 1D 11 21 41 3h L C Cook 4500 M H VanBerg 6.00 a 991172 CRUEL SEA w 107 2 3 6? P 53 36 4 J Holmes 5000 Almar Stable 3.00 991174 NORAS WATCH W112 1 5 72 71 72 52 531 W Cox 5000 Mrs D Sukundo 9.40 98752 VICKI DIANA w 113 8 4 51 41 41 64 631 T Barrow 5000 G and G Stable 4.30 w 99117 HIGH LIVING w112 4 8 8 8 8 73 72 D Bowcut 5000 J R Morgan 25.60 f. 99117 ROCK DOZER wb114 5 7 4h 54 63 8 8 R Lawless 4500 Mrs J W Camac . 27.80 Time, :24, :48, 1:13, 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid , , Odds to- v klM. in MIDWEST 7.00 4.40 3.80 150 1.20 .90 - Mutuel Prices intention 6.60 5.00 2.30 1.50 u v PATIO PATTER 5.00 1.50 - Winner B. g, by Shannon II. Gala Event, by Chance Play, trained by L. Rodriguez; bred by R. W. Mcllvain. REACHED POST 6:11. OFF AT 6:111 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. -Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. MIDWEST, never far back, took command o from PATIO PATTER before entering the stretch, then drew clear to win with something left. INTENTION, forwardly placed from the outset, held on well in a sharp effort and had no excuse. PATIO PATTER went to the front at once, set the pace for five-eighths mile, then gave way when challenged by MIDWEST. CRUEL SEA made a mild bid in the early stretch, then faltered. NORAS WATCH was outrun. VICKI DIANA raced wide. HIGH LIVING was far back the entire trip. ROCK DOZER could not keep up after displaying early foot. Overweight Vicki Diana, 1 pound. Intention claimed by Mrs. L. Wolf. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE. Royal Tulip, July 8, 1950 1:38Vs-4-108. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds. i r Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since May 27 allowed 3 lbs.; Oa U I O D one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Aug. 28-53 H.P Net value to winner ,430; second, 60; third, 30; fourth, 30; fifth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 9,000. , Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 14 V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 984104 SUNNYBROOK SUE w 112 8 6 74 61 2h 13 13 L C Cook 2500 M H VanBerg 3.50 995313 LOVE BUG wb 107 6 3 31 31 32 21 24 H Craigt 2500 W A DeRose 6.20 97379 GINNY-SANDY w 107 7 8 8 8 51 42 32 D Holmes 2500 Mrs S H Sadacca Z90 99111 WlLKS LOSS wb111 1 5 61 21 1h 31 41 L Pafundi 2000 Triple R Stable 51.80 984103 OUR SUSAN w 115 3 2 21 41 61 52 5U A Monteiro 2500 Mrs B Weitzel 5.20 991114 STAR K. w112 5 4 52 5h 72 62 61 C Varcarl 2500 Mrs W Zakoor 7.30 987504 THEORDORE B. wb116 4 7 4h 73 8 74 V W Cox 2000 Aljax Stable 19.40 99678 ROMAN SQUIRE wb117 2 1 14 13 4h 8 8 R L Baird 2500 Donny Stable 4.60 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :49, 1:15, 1:42. Track fast. r Mutuels Paid- , Odds to , t. I n SUNNYBROOK SUE 9.00 5.E0 3.40 3.50 1.90 .70 M utuel Prices? love bug 7.00 4.40 2.50 1.20 l GINNY-SANDY 3.40 x .70 Winner Pr. f, by Halcyon Catalan Blue, by Catalan, trained by M. H.- VanBerg; bred by J. W. Stanley. REACHED P0ST-6:39. OFF AT 6:40 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third driving. SUNNYBROOK SUE, reserved to the last quarter mile, responded willingly when mildly urged during the stretch run and won going away. LOVE BUG, in hand while racing within striking distance of the leaders to the stretch, closed well under urging, but could not seriously threaten SUNNYBROOK SUE. GINNY-SANDY lacked early foot, but finished strongly. WlLKS LOSS tired during the drive. OUR SUSAN could not keep up after displaying" early speed. STAR K. was outrun. THEODORE B. was through early. ROMAN SQUIRE set the pace for five-eights mile, then gave way. Scratched 995312 Reno Red, 117; 976973 Fastener 11 3. Overweight Wilks Loss, 1 pound. Our Susan claimed by Mrs. H. M. Hale. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES out of chute. Airdrome, Aug. 29, 1951 1:52 5 119. Purse ,300. -I a. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since July 1. 3-year-U 0 1 O O olds, 112 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners since July 1 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, Aug:. 28-53 H.P ,250; if for ,000, allowed 2 lbs. Net value to winner ,430; second, 60; third, 30; fourth, 30; fifth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 7,027. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 14 Vi StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners- adds to 95322 HAPPY VICTOR wb 8 115 4 4 43 43 31 11 15 R L Baird 2000 Grandview Stable 2.40 987563 JANE FORST wb4112 7 1 13 13 15 23 24 L C Cook 2250 M H VanBerg 3.00 996744 HAPPY VERDICT wb 5 117 1 3 34 2t 22 32 31 L Pafundi 2250 Triple R Stable 7;10 977014 STEAMBOAT BILLW4115 5 2 22 33 42 42 42 D Holmes 2250 Cook and Clark 4.70 97859 SANDLOT wb712Q 3 6 64 54 55 52 51 W Zakoor 2250 D Zakoor 4.60 99533 WAIT UP wb.4113 2 5 51 64 65 63 631 C Varcacel 2000 Helen Racovitis .11.40 97858 KASLICK wb8115 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 N Bernardo 2000 Evans and Benoit 22.10 Time, :24, :48, 1:14, 1:41., 1:54. Track fast. r Mutuels Paid , Odds to - in f HAPPY VICTOR ..,.......... 6.80 3.40 2.60 2.40 .70 .30 M, UfUel PriCeSi JANE FORST 3.60 2.80 .SO .40 V HAPPY VERDICT 4.80 1.40. Winner B. g, by Happy, Argo Iva Mae, by Peace Chance, trained by E. E. Russell; bred by J. L Friedman. REACHED POST 7:08. OFF AT 7:081 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. HAPPY VICTOR, reserved to the last three-eighths mile, took command entering the stretch and drew clear, winning with speed in reserve. JANE FORST began fast, established a long lead during the run to the upper turn, thandn was unable to stay with HAPPY VICTOR, although much the best of the others. HAPPY VERDICT could not keep up after showing early speed. STEAMBOAT BILL had brief speed but failed to stay. SANDLOT was never dangerous. WAIT UP showed nothing. KASLICK began slowly and was far back the entire trip. Attendance, 11,303; Total Mutuel Pool, 12,589.