Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1953-08-31

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Aqueduct ST RACE 6 FURLONGS; Purse ,500. 12:15 P.M. " 2-year-olds. Maidens. - Fillies. Claiming. " PP. Horse ProbJockey. Wt Comment Prob.Odds. 8 STAR MARQUE C. McCreary 119 Choice for top spot 4-1 2 TOURLANX E. Guerin 119 Out to take it all 5-1 9 LYNN KONY C. Erickson 114 Close in all tries 6-1 13WAILA O.Scurlock 119 Only effort good 8-1 14 RADI0LA W. Lane 114 The one to catch 6-1 a-NEAR HOME No boy 114 Threat if starred 8-1 5 SEA GLINT H.Moreno 114 Fits with these 4-1 6 MELODY AIR H.Woodhouse 119 Likes to go winging 5-1 10 AREEVA J.Nichols 114 Steady performer 10-1 11 SUMBURA No boy 114 May go well here 10-1 I LECOUNT No boy 114 Only try dull 15-1 3 YELLOW FLOWER A. Catalano 119 Due for good try 12-1 4JSH0RE LIGHTS - F. Labrecque 107 Dull sort 20-1 7 ADRISH O. Cutshaw 114 Stepping up here 20-1 12 HY-SUE No boy 114 Ran well last out 15-1 a-ALDEGREE G. Hettinger 114 Lets wait and see 20-1 a-JMARGARET H. J. Cangemie 107 Would be an upset 20-1 a-SAGGYS NOTION A. Ferraiuolo 114 Pass this one 20-1 a-JVEZELAY No boy 107 Not today 6-1 a-WILD RISK C. OBrien 112 Outsider in here 20-1 COUPLED Adrish and Aldegree; Lynn Kony and Vezelay. ND RACE-7 FURLONGS chute.Purse ,500. 12:45 P.M. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 2JGUN POINT No boy 107 All set. to score 3-1 II TO THE FRONT H. Moreno 109 The runner-up 5-1 a-B0NE CHINA C. OBrien 104 Best of the rest 5-1 12JYASHMAK W.Blum 107 Just-missed in last 8-1 7JTUSCANIA W. Blum 107 Speedy threat 8-1 5 BOOTS No boy 114 Last showed fitness 8-1 3GLINKA C. OBrien 104 Chance in here -12-1 13 INDICT A.Widman 114 Has early speed 8-1 14JLABR00K J.Mayer 107 Game challenger 10-1 10 BRUCE D.Gorman 114 Cuts in at times 10-1 1ROY PRINCE C. OBrien 114 Showing speed now 12-1 4 RUGGED ODDS N.Wall 114 Close at times 15-1 6 FIGHTING WISE A.Widman 114 Company bit rough 20-1., 8 LOWMOND B.Green 109 ln-andouter 15-1 9 BOOKMARK No boy 109 Due for improvement 20-1 a-CORRECT H.Woodhouse 114 In-and-outer 10-1 a-FENITY A. Catalano 114 Scored in last; danger 10-1 3RD RACE 6 FURLONGS. Purse ,000. - . 1:15 P.M. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special weights. 9DARCY C. OBrien 114 Has fine speed; choice 7-5 8 BLACK POPPY 0. Cutshaw 114 Knocking at the door 6-1 11 SHOEMAKER J.Westrope 119 Should share purse 12-1 4 CAPTAIN BYRNE C. Errico 119 Fits with these 8-1 13-SMALL APACHE A. Schmidl 119 Speedy for this 8-1 12 ROCKET LIGHT P. Anderson 119 Always a factor 12-1 5 WHITE HART A. Catalano 124 May do some running - 8-1 2 GREEK HOPE E. Campbell 124 Strong factor 10-1 1 BLACK SAINT No boy 119 Some tries fair 12-1 3JCABLET W. Blum 107 Tab for later on 20-1 6 QUICK SON H. Schab 119 Tab for later on 30-1 7 FREE RELIANCE H. Moreno 119 Spot too tough 20-1 10JCAPEAD0R R. DeStefano 112 More life needed 20-1 14 MAIN DISH A.Widman 119 Pass this one 30-1 a-LOVELY KAY No boy 114 Slow sort 30-1 a-RED AND YELLOW A. Catalano 124 May not get in 8-1 COUPLED White Hart and Red and Yellow; Quick Son and Lovely Kay. TH RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Purse ,000. 1:45 P.M. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 2WEST0VER C. OBrien 111 Gets top call 2-l 1 REMAND No boy 116 The one to down 3-1 7 RQYALE HASTE E. Guerin 116 Out to repeat last win 3-1 4 ST. TAMMANY O.Scurlock 116 Always a threat 5-1 8 REBEL COAT S.Cole 111 Ran well only out 15-1 5 ESSAYIST C. Errico 116 Early speed helps 10-1 3 W. WINCHELL No boy 111 Would be a surprise 12-1 6 PS AND QS No boy 111 Tab for later 20-1 RACE 6 FURLONGS. Purse ,000. 2:15 P.M. 5TH 3-year-olds. Allowances. 6 HILARIOUS No boy 114 In winning form 3-1 9 MR. MIDNIGHT O.Scurlock 114 Has class; danger 5-1 8 CHIEF FANELLI H.Woodhouse 114 Game contender 8-1 14 FIND No boy 110 Speedy for this 4-1 2 FULL BROTHER No boy 110 Good try expected 8-1 10 REPRIMAND No boy 110 Always close at finish 10-1 11 DR. STANLEY W. Lester 110 Strong threat 8-1 a-CLOSE SUPPORT No boy 110 Won last; danger 8-1 13IMPASSE No boy 105 Stout challenger 10-1 7 FRESH MEADOW No boy 114 Going well at present 12-1 1 CAESAR DID W. Lane 110 Some tries fair 10-1 3 COLD HEART A.Widman 109 Some other day 30-1 4 PIEDMONT LASS H. Moreno 109 Spot too tough 30-1 5 TINY REQUEST No boy 105 Early foot may help 15-1 12 COPPER KETTLE J.Snyder 114 Ran well with cheaper 15-1 a-KNOTTY PAUL B.Green 114 Can step along 12-1 a-REAL BROTHER No boy 118 Steady as they come 10-1 6TH RACE-1 1-16 MILES. 5,000 added. " 2:45 P.M. Forty-fourth running AQUEDUCT HANDICAP. 3-year-olds and upward. 5 ARCAVE O.Scurlock 119 Rates the laurels 3-1 12 TIMELY REWARD A.Widman 115 Fits with these 4-1 7 COMBAT BOOTS H.Woodhouse 117 Good for share 4-1 8 INDIAN LAND E. Guerin 116 May press top ones 8-1 1 ELIXIR No boy 113 Steady as they come 8-1 11 ANCESTOR No boy 109 Scored last trip 10-1 10 NULLIFY No boy 104 In light for this 12-1 " 9 FLAUNT S. Cole 112 Always close at finish 12-1 2 AGAIN II. No boy 112 Game contender 10-1 3 FIRST AID No boy 109 Likes to upset dope 15-1 4 ASSIGNMENT No boy 108 Spot too tough 20-1 6 SWELL G. Glassner 102 Would be an upset 20-1 7TH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Purse ,000. 3:15 P.M. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 5BLUE SHOCKER C. OBrien 115 Should go all the way 3-1 4 CAPTAIN BLOOD H. Moreno 120 Coming close to win 3-1 9 INFORMER No boy 120 Gets share in purse 6-1 31HEIRL00M R. DeStefano 110 May cut in here 6-1 8 SHANNY J.Nichols 116 Stout foe 8-1 6 THIRD COPY H. Moreno 116 Upset dope in last 8-1 7 MATINEE IDOL E. Guerin 117 Racing evenly now 10-1 1JSHEER WORTH J. Mayer 109 Never out of things 10-1 2 PROTAGONIST No boy 113 Usually a factor 10-1 8TH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Purse ,500. 3:45 P.M. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 11 ECUADOR H. Woodhouse 112 Fit and fast; choice 4-1 7 BASES LOADED E. Guerin 117 The runner-up 5-1 3MIGHTY SON C. OBrien 112 Speedy for this 5-1 9 QUICK FIRE H.Woodhouse 117 Chance off best 8-1 6 DOCEDOE 0. Cutshaw 112 Won last; threat 6-1 2 ALPHABETICAL No boy 117 Top try due 6-1 13JBUCKY C. No boy 103 Early speed helps 10-1 1 LIFTER A. Widman 114 Tab for later on 20-1 4 BENHADAR No boy 114 Some other day 20-1 5IBRASSF1ELD No boy 110 Never out of things 15-1 8 SCOTSTOUN S.Cole 114 Beat cheaper sort 15-1 10 BRUNSWICK A. Schmidl 110 Outsider in all 20-1 12 COLONY DATE No boy 117 Troublesome foe 15-1 a-Also eligible.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1953083101/drf1953083101_8_5
Local Identifier: drf1953083101_8_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800