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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES MONMOUTH PARK Oceanport, New Jersey WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1953, .33; current percentage, .39. Percentage of favorites in the money, .68. Pnett Starting Gate. Crowley-Jones Camera Corp. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. Best Times Not Compiled on Tracks Less Than One Mile in Circumference. Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position Fair Mud Runner. X Good Mud Runner. Superior Mud Runner. Icfr KAli 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Macbeth, July 26, 19471:0412119. Purse ,000. 2-year- 91 IVlIll olds. Maidens. Special weights. Weight, 120 lbs. Best time made at distance of race. Chart Book Todays Chart Book -Todays Index No. Horse. Dale. Track Rec. Wt WL Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec WL WL 20727 War Waltz 120 213452 Flarespur 120 207272 Yarn 120 Sealed Book 120 213454 Pavion 120 19002 Quick Stream 120 21345 Junaluska 115 213453 Trajan 120 Devil Flyer 120 15229 Suspenders 120 21345 Paraphrase 115 Coupled: Sealed Book and Yarn. Thatsthetune 120 War VTOr WaltZ YTQITZ Ml tyJ 1 I J B Sj,2, Bd and Bad Last Waltz, by Port au Prince. Breeder, R. J. Schwartz. 1954.. 1 0 6 6 Owner, E. R. Moran. Trainer, E. R. Moran. Jim16-543Mth 5f :59 ft 24 120 44 Sty 51 57 FedezAJ2 Mdn 90 Bull X. 120 Yarn 120 Tocsin 8 June 24 Mth 5-8 9 1:06b June 12 Mth 5-8 ft 1:04b June 9 Mth 1-2 ft :50hg Yam urn fM 1 70 Br- c ?, by Mighty Story-Thea Dear, by Jack High. 1 mj Breeder, Mrs. H. C. Herndoti. 1954.. 1 9 1 6 00 Owner, High Tide Stable. Trainer, O. C. Rasch, Jr. Jtm16-543Mth 5f :59 ft 4-5e120 2i 2 U 2a JamesB Mdn 96 BullX.120 Tocsin120 HeavenlyDays 8 Jww 23 Mth 1-2 fl :51b Pnvinn YMV c 2 Pawtr-Artistic Rese, by Cha!kflfr II. ruYiuii mj I ZU Breeder, I. Drymen. 1964.. 1 0 0 75 Owner, R. N. Webster. Trainer, L Laurin. Jun21-54iMth 5f :59 ft 2 120 53J 44J 48 4S Hanfcrdl? Mdn 92 Tocsin120 FIarespur120 Trajan 11 June 25 Mth 3-8 ft :36b June 17- Aqu 1-2 ft :49h June 14 Aqu 1-2 m :51hg Ro- 2 b Ft Fiddle Branch by Teddy. Junaf JUnaiUSKO uclcn hA KM 11 R c Water, I 1 Breeder F. W. Janson. 1954.. 1 0 0 0 Owner, E. H. Woods. Trainer, J. L. Anderson. Jun21-54iMth 5f :59 ft 32 120 102 85 920 918 FedezAJ2 Mdn79 Tocsin120 Flarespur120 Trajan 11 June 24 Mth 3-8 gd :37hg June 20 Mth 3-8 ft :35h June 17 Mth 3-4 ft 1:1 6h Devil Fiver hA 1 Of Dk- k 9 2, by Devil Diver Neelia, by Sickle. mj jUCYM riyer 1 Z.V Breeder, Mill River Stable. 1954.. 0 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. Z. Cohen. Trainer, E. Yowell. June 23 Mth 1-2 ft :49hg June 19 Mth 3-8 ft :36h June 18 Mth 1-2 ft :49h Parnnhrnsp hA 1 1 K B- cj 2. b Burra Peg Helen Mac, by Rolls Royce. luiuyinube rv 113 Breeder, I. G. Schorsch. 1954.. 1 0 0 0 Owner. I. G. Schorsch. Trainer, T. H. Heard, Jr. Jun21-54Mth 5f :59 ft 117 115 912102010231019 KorteKH Mdn 78 Tocsin120 Flarespur120 Trajan 11 June 19 Mth 5-8 ft 1:05b June 12 Mth 1-2 ft :51b June 8 Mth 3-8 ft :37hg Thatsthetune iiiuiamerune hA 1 9fl B- 9 2, by Manor Lad Inotime. by Ariel. rv Breeder, F. J. Heller. 1954.. 0 0 0 0 Owner, Lester Manor Stable. Trainer, C. W. Serbin. June 23 Bel trt 5-8 sy 1:04h June 19 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:05b June 17 Bel trt 1-2 ft :50h FlareSDUr hA KM 1 OC B- cj 2j b Revoked Lady Flares, by Flares. riarebpur Breeder, W. E. Leach. 1954.. 6 0 1 1 ,450 Owner, Dickey Stable. Trainer, P. Roberts. Jun21-54iMth 5f :59 ft 15 120 33 33 3S 22 WillsWBi Mdn 95 Tocsin120 Trajan120 PavionH Jun14-542Mth 5f :58ft 4J 120 65 5? 5" 5? JamesB" Mdn 92 BoldC5md120 ChgHost120 WinrKing 12 May31-54G.S 5 f :59ft 47 118 21 34 33J 3iJ FiskB5 Mdn 92 BiscneBy113 WdsrKg118 0lpiaWiz12 May22-543G.S 5f1:01gd 11 118 53J 54 B 6i FiskBH Mdn 78 SirValjn118 RicoCasinp118 ChgHostH May14-545G.S 5f :59ft 78 118 75 B? 57 47JamesB2 Mdn 86 AdmIVee118 BiscneBy113 WdsrKg 11 Jan28-54iHia 3f :33ft 7Jf 115 13 12611" ScthnKi3 Mdn 84 Jovial 120 OurHero 120 DownHome 14 June 13 Mth 3-8 sy :39b June 10 Mth 5-8 ft 1:02h June 5 Mth 1-2 ft :49h Sealed Book M 1 20 I CZ.2 b WrAsianna, by Wise Counsellor x 1 1 "y Breeder, C. F. Morris. 1954.. 0 0 0 0 Owner, High Tide Stable. Trainer, 0. C. Rasch, Jr. June 23 Mth 1-2 ft :49y5hg June 19 Mth 1-2 ft :48h June 9 Mth 1-2 ft :50b Quick uiv.rv Stream Jiicuni M 1 ?fi Br- ct l b Eimelech Driven Snow, by Ariel. ivj z.J Breeder, Mereworth Farm. 1954.. 2 0 0 0 Owner, Clearwater Stable. Trainer, A. Pupino. May31-54iG.S 5f :59ft 98 118 7i 915 u6 SkellyJS Mdn 78 BiscneBy113 WindsrKg118 FlrspV 12 May22-543G.S 5f1:01gd 14e 118 10"101410141015 SmithGL Mdn 69SirValjn118 RicoCasino118 ChgHost11 June 23 Mth 1-2 ft :50b June 9 Mth 3-8 ft :39b June 5 Mth 3-8 ft :3Gh Trninn fM n 1 1 9fi B- c 2, by Roman Search Me. by Menow. iujuii j Breeder, Crown Crest Farm. 1354.. 1 0 0 1 5350 Owner, Green Dunes Farm. Trainer, T. J. Barry. Jun21-54iMth 5f :59 ft 12 120 24 2h 23 32 BouPtisS4 Mdn 95 Tocsin120 Flarespur120 Pavion 11 June 18 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03h June 14 Mth 5-8 gd 1:03h June 6 Mth 5-8 ft 1:04b SuSDenders 1 OCi B- c z bv Reaping Sickle Flo Sague, by Saguenay II. Z v. , Breeder, W. B. Keene. 1954.. 8 0 0 0 00 Owner, I. Black. Trainer, L. H. Hunt. Apr22-544G.P 4J f :55hy 28 113 2 42J 54J Si LaytonJR4 Alw79ShyPJg115 RmnSntr113 CcusPrde 11 Apr14-54SG.P 4i f :52ft "33 108 4 43 68 811 GodkinsKS Alw89ShyPeg113 Dogoon118 AthabaskalO Apr7-54G.P 4J f :54y5hy 15 107 5 6-5 9"1117 GdkinsKi ScwS73 Fierce113 CashSale113 ShyPegll Mar29-543G.P 4Jf:53ft 21 110 12 83J 54J 44J HeckmnJS Alw92Stack112 CashSale115 Royal Pate 12 Mar22-543G.P 4J f :53 ft 13 113.12 111310141012 ScthnKio Mdn 86 MyThesis118 CagyKnt118 FirstCabin 12 Feb10-54?Hia 3f :34Vft 8Je 116 2 2J 83i NelsonE7 ScwS87 Merriwolfl13 RoyalMse116 SilverRab 19 Jan22-54Hia 3f :34ft 2 115 4 32 53J NelsonE4 Mdn 85 BusyPhil 120 MyThesis120 DownHome 13 Jan19-54iHia 3f :34ft 37 "115 1 1h liitNelsonE2 Mdn 90 RoIPate120 DlysRippey120 LilShpie 14 tDisqualified and placed last June 21 Mth 3-8 ft :39y5hg June 16 Mth 1-2 ft :51b June 8 Mth 3-8 ft :38b 9nrl Juifti 1 1-8 MILES. First Aid, June 16 1954 1:4916 4 113. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds XillU Villi and upward. Claiming. Non-winners twice since May 18. Weight, 120 lbs. Non- winners since May 18 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 23, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL WL Index No. Horse. Dale. Track Rec WL Wt. 213522 Muzzle Aug53Atl1:53 120 114 21173 Tide Lands Aug53 Atl 1:56sy 113 109 21179 Annotated Mar54GP1:55 115 114 21179 Excise Tax Jun54 Mth 1:53 114 114 21179 Furry Friend Nov53 Bow 1:55 115 114 17615 Money Moon 114 211793 Sunnyman Jun54 Del 1:53 114 114 21086 Quick Imperial May54 Del 1:55 122 112 21005 Chief Loco 114 14413Ed-EIIs Gal Feb54 Hia 1:54 109 104 Muzzle 1 1 A Br- 9, 8, by Bull Dog Handcuff, by Whichcne. I t 1 Breeder, Brookmeade Stable 1354.. 10 0 4 0 ,025 Owner, D. Sorrentino, - Jr. Trainer, E. W. King. S3.000 1953.. 10 2 0 1 ,170 Jun21-54Mth 1and1:45ft 7 114 22 HJ 2h 23J CuimneJ5 3000 85 PtWindsor114 SctchBim109 TrtLre 11 May28-548Det 11:48 3 114 3J -321 53 4i PurserJ2 2000 65 EnggeMe106 HlyMac112 FrtileLnds 9 May20-544G.S 11-81:53gd 2i 114 78 813 817 816. CulmeJS 3500 58 Sails 112 FredR.115 RockyReef 8 May15-542G.S 1-701:45ft 5 113 42J 4li 5i 42i HanfordU 300075 LuyHarp117 Yardmasr115 Mr.Majty 10 May 8-542G.S 11:48 2J A112 57 44i 34 45 BoultisS? 3000 63 LkyHrp114 PrteNachrnl Rdrter 8 Apr30-548Bow 11:489-5116 64J 65J 42 2J BoultisS? 3500 77 BldWrrT1 14 Hcnrkel Butler 10 Mar23-54iLrl 1tV 1:47ft 6-5 M18 43 44 4 5 BourtisS 3500 70 Tscnia106 Coonmset116 BldWriorlO Mar 6-54G.P 1-70 1:46ft 9-5 115 W$ 31 2J 2" CuImneJ2 3500 70 WhirIgDough122 BrsfldUO HighMioH June 20 Mth 3-8 ft :38b June 17 Mth 1m ft 1:44h June 14 Mth 3-8 gd :38b " Annotated tu 11 A B- h 5 bv Valdina Orphan Loveday, by Petee-Wrack 1 1 Breeder, Helis Stock Farm. 1954..11 0 0 0 Owner, Dee and Gee Stable. Trainer, E. B. Doran. ,000 1953.. 3 1 0 0 650 Jun19-548Mth 1 1-42:05ft 133 1091213121711 t3H 12 SalvgToJz 3000 66 Peripose114 AirAttack114 Sunnyman 12 May19-541G.S 11:58ft 88 112 97 87 91 1 91 1 StidhmG3 3000 81 BrWrGst112 RyIFreedm109 B5boo10 May13-542G.S 1 1-42:06ft 95 113 95 918 gi7 715 StidmG7 3000 60 0neBck108 BrthrGhstHS ExciseFx 9 May 6-545G.S 1l2:00ft 55 112 811 822 823 822 stidhamG 3000 61 LikeHover112 Denny112 FlushingSam 8 Apr16-54iG.P 11-81:53ft 25 113111310110M 8" GreenFS 2500 65 FarTiber118 RWdomllS MasonCty 12 Apr10-54iG.P 11:47 31 110 8?J 88J 7i 71 GreenF3 2500 68 Frissnte108 Arthurltis116 GayGal!nt10 Apr5-54?G.P 1 1-4 2:06ft 26 1141017101? 817 815 GreenF3 2500 52SomeTrfic119 FarTiber119 ManCty 10 Mar31-54?G.P 1 1-4 2:05ft 26 117 10?i 917 718 821 PermeRU 250051 Practise112 LuyCodine117 RobCrusoe 12 May 27 GS 5-8 ft 1:06b Furrv Friend M 1 1 A Dl- br- 9 bv H9h Lea Furr Buckle, by Grand Time. I . 1 , 5 Breeder, Mrs. G. Brown, Jr. 1954., 5 0 1 0 60 ?w1enrrHM-LGB.rW Jr-Jra,e. J. V. Christmas. S3.000 1953.. 25 0 3 5 ,880 Jun1 9-548 Mth 1 1-4 2:05ft 12 114 88J 8H 8?l 9o GormanD5 3000 68 Peripose114 AirAttack114 Sunnyman 12 Jun15-548Mth 1 1:48. ft 6e 115 11 to 87$ 64 6i GormanDS 3000 85ToyFox110 Pinostres115 Yardmaster12 Hay24-548Pim tc1ft.1:47-!6fm 4 116 32J 1i 1h andh LasswIIG 3500 90WarDauber116 KeepTrg111 RolgBoy 9 May18-542Pim 6 f 1:13 ft 57 116 10? 812 813 7I LasswellG3 4000 79 DonJr.120 challaRock116 Sandvar12 May11-545Pim 6 f 1:15 ft 45 115 9121015 943 88 LasswIG 4000 KSeaAdmiral 115 Mission110 NoLien11 Dec 2-538Bow 1 1-8 1:55ft 3i A116 918 814 6" 5?i GormnDa 250073 Juldeel 13 TonyPatJr.113 SpringFever 12 Nov19-538Bow 1 1-8 1:55sft 6 113 98$ 87J 65 32 GormnD3 2500 85 Astronomical 108 Chan108 DutchKing 12 Nov 3-533Lrl 11-81:56 ft 7-5 A1 10 2 1h 32 33J StesonRL 3000 64 BoldWarVIIS KingPmp113 RollgBoy 8 June 13 Mth 3-8 sy :37h June 10 Mth 3-4 ft 1:19b June 4 GS 3-4 ft 1:17b Sunnvman duiiiiinun - 11J. Ro- S, 6, by War Relic Saratoga Chip, by Black ServanL Breeder. S.D.Riddlfc 1954.. 6 0 1 1 50 Owner, A. Bertrando. Trainer, A. Bertrando. ,000 1953.. 8 0 1 0 00 Jun19-548Mth 1 1-4 2:05ft 4i 114 43J 22 32J 34 CuImneJ3 3000 73 Peripose114 AirAttack114 ColonyPage 12 Jun 9-541 Del 11-81:53 ft H 114 8? 65 42 2" SmallS3 3000 75 EmgcyFree117 VivaBnes117 Rghsn 10 May13-542G.S 1 1-4 2:06ft 16 113 45. 612 613 512 BatchrL3 3000 63 OneBck108 BrthrGhst113 ExciseTx 9 MayB-544G.S 12.-01 ft 17 112 56 64 65 65J BurrCS 300075 FthrTibr117 ExceTx114 CletnMd 7 Apr14-54iBow 1 1:49. ft 4i 114 34 612 7141017 MadnDio 2500 59Twtone120 RozsFolIy107 WiIwHolw12 Apr3-54iLrl 1ft 1:48ft 15 116 6?i 32J 52i 64 HartckW7 29 0 B9 BellevueJoe 115 Zagging116 Lead0n12 Jly25-537Mth 1 1-22:36ft 23 105 V 7H 71? 820 MchIDDi 3000 59 BIueNorka105 Peripose110 BsyEvVg 8 Jly15-538Mth 1 1-42:07ft 14 110 22 8?i 910 912 TryonA2 300Q 56 Monmouth 115 ExciseTax 115 Ruxton 11 June 24 Mth 5-8 gd 1:04h . June 18 Mth 3-8 ft :36h June 15 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16b Chief LOCO 114 5- f hl Apache-Kestrel, by Wrack. i , J,1 Breeder, Claiborne Farm. 1954.. 5 0 0 0 75 Owner, n E. I. Cudahy. Trainer, P. L. Kelley. ,000 1953.. 16 1 3 1 ,980 Jun18-548Mth 1ft1:48ft 9 112 55J 78J 611 BatchrL 300079 Fanady116 GrandpasSue106 TripIeLie 12 May28-541G.S 1ft1:47ft 3i 113 2i 44J 45 "45J BouItisS3 3000 67NwHVn115 YrdmstrlH BbsBtsU May18-54iG.S 6f1:12ft 9i 113 1H010H1015 98 BatchrLS 3500 77 AtForty113 MityRoan113 LibtyAndy12 Hay14-54iG.S 6 f 1:13 ft 25 113 88J 65 53$ BatchrLi 3500 80 SirRarco120 Riddleton110 AtForly12 Hay6-54iG.S 6f1:13ft Si 114 98i11i2H9 FiskB? 3500 70 ScSqw103 MtyRoan113 Mr.MajorHy 12 Jly 2-535A.P 6 f 1:12 ft 57 114 10i 93 8 42 Wagner J4 750082 MarRed117 LittleJoifylll BrWner 10 Jun13-534Del 6 f 1:14 sy 10 119 71 78 6 61 RogersC Alw 69 MidStmltl DontArgue114 EternTSir 8 June 23 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03b June 13" Mth 3-8 sy :36b May 27 GS 1-2 ft :52b Tide Lands 1 09 9j 4 bjr War Re,fc Mad Bunnv b Ky Minstrel. r, . Breeder, Helis Stock Farm. 1954.. 4 0 0 0 Owner, B Beacon Stable. Trainer, G. S. Howell. S3.000 1953.. 11 1 2 0 200 Jun19-542Mth 6 f 1:12ft 24 116 10i 9J 94$ 95 GormanD? 350077 Jperscrperl 19 SndvrW WkedSsn 11 May 4-548Bow 1 1:48ft 49 114 54$ 910 918 924 MontroA7 3000 54 Bernroughl 17 RoyalAdl114 Reveille 9 Apr12-548Bow 1ft 1:49 ft 73 102J 2J 7 822 824 BrownA3 4000 52 Patois108 RrstNighter117 SamH. 8 Apr 1-545Lrl 6 f 1:14 gd 45 107J11iii11i11is- BrownA3 500058 Helen Maisel117 UpliftHO Play Toy 11 Sep14-53Atl tc 11:4836ft 16 117 31 53 65J 67J BurrC7 500071 TpNws113 HIcynChce117 ClfnMs 11 Aug26-538Atl 1ft1:45ft 17 122 420410i710i? WimsWB? 5500 64 JeUoy118- Elfkin112 RougeBulMO Aug17-533Atl 1 1-8 1:56 sy 6-5 A113 43$ 2h 1J 1J BoultisS? c4000 64 SomeTraffic121 Leenie103 YankeeBu 10 Jly27-534Mth 1ft1:47ft 4i 116 8o 42 33 22$ CulmneJi 500075 BlueSting 116 Posture 111 JackJay 8 June 24 Mth 3-8 gd :37b June 18 Mth 1-2 ft :48h June 15 Mth 5-8 ft 1:05b Excise Tax HA 1 Dk b- 7 by Market Wise Rare Bud. by Brown Bud. 7v eedr.JotaW.UIT. 1954..14 1 3 3 ,400 n Owner, E. YowelL n r Trainer, c E. v Yowell. ,000 1953. .27 2 4 3 JOO Jun19-548Mth 1 1-42.-05ft 3 109 5i 913 7 g? BlumWi 3000 69 Peripose114 AIrAttack114 Sunnyrnan12 Jun12-542Mth 11-81:53ft 4 114 9" 7 7?J 5i BoultisS4 3000 82 Rele1 17 SoakinWetlOS DelveAround 12 Hay13-542G 1 1-4 2tf6ft 4-5 A115 7"-4 35J 33$ BoultisSt 3000 72 OneBucMOB BrotherGhost113 Ascot 9 May 6-544G.S 12.-01 ft 9-5 M14 and 32J 23 2 BoultisS 3000 80 FatrTirlT? ColetnMd107 RoWdm 7 Apr24-54iBow 1-1-4 2:08sl 3i A120 53J 33$ 32 2"" BoulTisSio 2500 83 LeesBabyllO Hocolia115 Bemrough12 Apr7-548LrI 11-4l-05ft 4 114 5 4 5 47$ GomrtiRS 3500 73 Zop 114 Reproduction 116 Lead On 10 Mar29-54iLr! 11-81:55ft 2 A114 82 53$ 44 3$ GormanR 250071 TarportKidl 16 2op114 HalcyonDuke 12 Mar23-54iLrI 1ft1:47ft 7 117 9 5 5 45$ RyanF2 3000 70 TsCnialOS Cobnmset118 BldWriorlG June 8 Mth 3-4 ft 1:17fc June 2 6S 3-4 ft 1:19fc May 21 GS 5-8 ft 14t Money Moon 11 A B- h 7 b Defl Red Mom; by Burning Blaze. I I I Breeder, Helis Stock Farm. 1954. . 2 0 0 0 , Dorris M. Voltz. Trainer, A. Caccese. S3.000 1953. . 0 0 0 0 May18-54iPim 6f 1:133andft .85 118 10121U410141013 CivitloBio 250071 Chilog118 Gee113 CarltonMiss 12 Apr28-548Bow 11-81:56 ft 181 114 63122012301224 CivitlloB4 2500 58 Reighsign109 Milldale117 FlagReqst12 Jan31-52iS.P 6 f 1:14 ft 3 118 75J 42 32 31 DuffJto 1500 83 Manitowoc114 SecdAtmpt118 Thdr 10 Jan23-52iS.P 5Jf 1:07Vbft 4 118 8? 8" Gi 25 DuffJ2 1500 84 JeanneH.108 GrnThumb 113 G.Dutch 12 Aug13-517Ran 11-81:53ft. 5 118 21 42 6" 712 01ahL3 2500 61 GreatPlains118 Gamaun118 Omaberry 7 Jly28-517Ran 1 1:49 gd 14 119 43J 5i VI 7" 0lahL2 3000 56613119 LyRidgel 114 StGege 10 Jun25-517Wat lt 1:48sl 61 116 32 43J 423 45J 0lahL3 3500 69ByjaCopo119 Bullfield116 Plumelette 6 June 24 Mth 3-4 gd 1:1 8b June 17 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16h June 9 Mth 3-8 ft :37h yuic Oliick ImDerinl imperial 1 1 I 9 B- 9 4, by Quick Reward imperial Sally, by Distraction, Breeder. T. Young. 1954.. 7 1 0 0 ,100 Owner, G. W. Of futt III. Trainer, R. C. Waple. S3.000 1953 21 3 4 3 ,860 Jun19-54Del 11-81:53 ft 11 122 47 6J 8,B 9i WestpeJS 300064 Recluse 112 Delove122 DehraDun 10 Jun12-54Del 1 1-42:07ft 11 11113 2 24 JJ MchIDD 3000 59Chusco114 DehraDun116 BoldWarrior 8 Jun 8-548Del 11:47ft 33 119 78J 42 43i 45 CutswOio 300070 Delovel 16 SteadyAce116 SizzleThru12 May31-543Del 11-81:52ft 24 119 22 55J 63 64 MteiroA2 5000 62 Girder 122 Jet Joy 116 High Trend 6 May12-545Pim 11:49ft 16e 114 46 3 2 523 FordRE7 HcpO 61 BoneDry109 LittleGreg113 UnsinatuslO May 6-548Bow 11:47ft 31 115 -104J 84i 87 9?i ShukNio c3750 74 BasesLoaded112 Eland113 EgleSpeed 12 Apr29-545Bow 7f1:26ft 13 113 10? 44 21 11 HartkW3 300085AtForty113 Cloudburst113 Raybax12 May 25 Pirn 3-8 ft :39b May 5 Bow 3-8 ft :37b April 28 Bow 3-8 gd :38b Ed-Ells Gal 1 OA B- f 4 bv Gallahadion Sals Sister, by Abbots Nymph. L?u. . Breeder. .tMenaker. 1954.. 7 1 0 0 ,925 Owner, E. Sobelman. Trainer, J. W. Camac. S3.000 1953 16 2 3 0 ,760 Apr 8-547rl 11:47ft 17 111 54J 12 12 12 RegoJAU 3500 78 Patoisl 14 Zevette111 SquareDancer 12 Apr 2-542Lrl 6f1:15gd 30 111 65J 34 43 44 RegtoJAi 3500 67 FlickaStar111 Carmelette114 HeureuxlO Mar24-542Lrl 6f1:13ft 71 112 12911112 916 912 MadnDS 5000 69 Mahoon118 Damion116 SchemgWorld 12 Feb 4-544Hia 11-81:52ft 10 109 75 89 910 AtksonT2 3500 62 WiserYet110 BusyNow112 Bundlrab12 Jan25-544Hia 11:59ft 3 107 31 2h 65J 810 WdheH5 3500 72 Attentively To LFront112 BlueGrse 12 Jan18-54iHia 11-81:55ft 20 111 53 2h 433 BrooksS 350053Cee-Yuma111 Unbending114 BusyNow12 Jan13-542TrP 6f 1:12Vbft 15 113 8J 98 12H1215 BrooksSi2 4500 71 Pomposity112 Correct112 GinChamp12 June 25 Mth 3-4 ft 1:18b June 20 Mth 5-8 ft 1:04b June 15 Mth 5-8 ft 1:06b 1 1-8 MILES. First Aid, June 16, 1954-1 :49Vs 4 1 13. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Q-J kylf-Li Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since May 11 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; OlU lYirn two races, 5 lbs.; one race, 7 lbs. Claiming price, j,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt WL 21003 Hi-Rock 117 210043 Valley King v 111 210044 Repel 115 21174 Foster Son Feb54Hia1:56 113 111 19988Prefer Dan Feb54 Hia 1:52 111 112 204823Sea Tale Jan54 Hia 1:52 114 110 Hi-Rork 111 iwur. 117 Br. g, 3, by Sir Damion No Break, by Unbreakable. 11 Breeder, J. L Cleveland. 1954 . 4 1 0 1 ,175 Owner, Castle Rock Farm. Trainer, A. J. Bardaro. ,500 1953 16 1 3 4 ,380 Jun18-54Mth 11:44ft 14 113 74 6" 53 616 JamesB? Alw80StoneyTar116 Helioscope122 Dairchee 11 May22-548G.S 11:46ft 5J 114 43 21 4 13 BatchrL4 7500 78 SeaTalel 14 Sary110 HotPilot 10 May13-54G.S 6f1:12ft 24 115 78J 53J 35 34 JamesB2 7500 83 Is Yours 112 Pass 117 Maurepas 9 May 8-544G.S 6f1:13m 66 110 11? 10? 107 10.5 BatchrL 8000 75 MikeOHerron114 Immense113 Helfast 12 Nov13-536G.S 1-701:46gd 5 112 72 75J 32 23 GodkinsK? 6500 69 AImdaKid105 BlueScp119 GddRktU Nov 5-534G.S 1-701:46ft 8 113 6i 44J 31 J 323 JamesB4 6500 70 PunkinVine105 AlamdaKid104 Benzel 12 0ct23-535G.S 6f1:13ft 91 115 10?i andi 57J 55 CulmneJ2 6500 76 TmblgAfter112 LySlor107 All inOne 11 June 24 Mth 3-8 gd :39b June 14 Mth 7-8 gd 1:30h June 10 Mth 1-2 ft :50h Rpnpl c 1 1 K B- c 3; by Revoked Pella, by Pharamond III. I U Breeder, Mrs. P. H. Green. 1954.. 8 0 0 0 25 Owner, H. Husman. Trainer, L. Phillips. S7.500 1953.. 7 1 0 1 ,350 Jun18-547Mth 11:44ft 23 116 23 33 44 45 HartckW? 7500 88 MissBenz114 lronGuy112 ValleyKing 7 May24-54G.S 11:46ft 8e 111 8 53 45 34 CarrionW3 Alw75 0peraLht122 StmyPetrM 116 Blimey H May21-545G.S 6f1:12sy 22 113 42 541 68 53 CarrionW Alw78Ezio 117 Immense 113 StormyPetrel 9 May13-54G.S 6f1:12ft 5 115 42143 4 54 BoulisS4 c7500 81 Is Yours 112 Pass 117 Hi-Rock 9 May 1-543G.S 6 f 1:113andft 11 114 24 34 42 43 Hanfordl? 8000 87 MarmFon 116 Pass 111 DottieDear12 Apr13-545Jam 6 f 1:13 ft 53e 117 10911 11410831083 StuartK Alw 73 MdelBher115 S.-Stylt117 EasnGIw14 Apr 8-547Jam 6f1:12sy 64 115 413 46 8H 9 StuartK2 Alw 68 Catspaw116 Palm Tree118 BrisuetH June 16 Mth 1m ft 1:42h June 12 Mth 7-8 ft 1:28h May 31 GS 3-8 ft :39b Prefer Dan 11 9 Br- 9; 3 bv Bus K. Prefer Lady, by Preferred, rreier iun I Breeder. Mr. and Mrs. C. TroutL 1954.. 13 2 3 3 ,445 Owner, Mrs. G. Seabo. Trainer, G. Seabo. - S7.50O 1953 12 3 3 2 ,530 Jun10-547Bel 1tV 1:45ft 9-5 A115 43 43 45 4?3 CangieJs 7500 76 Flapper 110 IronGuy 115 RicoMamzel 5 Jun 3-548Bel 11-8 1:53Vbft 2i 116 2J 22 35 3?i WilsonR4 7000 65 Flambeaul 15 lronGuy111 Sentiment 7 May29-548Bel 11-81:53 ft 3 117 3nk Vi 13J 16 CangieJ4 5500 74 Binscarth 114 Cochito122 BigClown 8 May24-544Bel 7f1:27ft 3 120 83310 121H093 GormnD? 6500 63 FlygRebl 115 SorYityMsllS Flapper 12 May11-547Bel 11:47V6gd 73 119 88 88 612 616 GormnD 10000 59 DnGidgs118 Altrntive113 LftyLgn 8 Apr13-548Jam 11:47V6ft 9-5 A120 43i 31 32 3 GormnD2 05000 73 Binscarth106 Perman114 Benzel 7 Mar23-545G.P 7 f 1:25 ft 33 112 8J 55J 64 32J SmithFA Alw 85ShfTom117 MikeOHrn117 DdlyDyIO Mar16-545G.P 11:45ft 9 109 42 2r 1h 2"" SmithFA? 10000 83 Blimey111 BrassRing108 Polemos 7 June 24 Mth 1-2 gd :49h May 28 Bel trt 3-8 ft :37h May 22 Bel 1-2 sy :49h Vnllov kinn 111 B. c, 3, by Shannon II Grand Flame, by Grand Time. Tuuey rvuiy 1 1 1 Breeder, Brookmeade Stable. 1954..12 1 0 4 JC0 Owner, Canhuli and Moore. Trainer, W. Manzi. ,010 1953 15 0 0 0 90 Jun18-547Mth llysft 14 112 57 43333 BatcherL 7000 90 MissBenz114 lronGuy112 Repel 7 Jun15-547Mth td 1:511sfm 6i 114 21 32J 2h 34 BatchrL3 625058 Mr.Grayl 11 AlFahey113 Brge oSighs 7 May29-542G.S 1and1:48ft 2 A117 88 7?3 65 333 FiskBS c5000 64Quicklmp112 YngColny115 CircusGl 9 May22-548G.S lt 1:46ft 61 116 54 59 5" 5H StevnRL 7500 64 Hi-Rock 114 SeaTale114 SarylO May14-548G 11:47ft 63 117 22 34 45 31 JamesB4 7500 72 Searsie 108 Miss Benz 112 Dapper 9 Apr12-545G.P 6f1:10ft 10 113 55 6?i 6i 45J JamesBi Alw 85 NoReturn112 Reb-Misha112 Swivet 8 Apr 8-547G.P 6f1:14V6sy 16 114 5 58 58J 553 JamesB Alw 68 TopAgain106 Sorb114 LaurelSprings 8 May 1 GS 1-2 ft :52b April 18 GP 1-2 ft :49b Pncfor Cnn 1 1 1 B- g, 3, by Junior Atlas Rockmin, by Rockminister. TOSrer aon Breeder. E. Heubeck. Jr. 1954 . 6 0 0 0 Owner, D and H Stable. Trainer, H. L. Fontaine. ,000 1953 23 3 1 2 1,350 Jun19-543Mth 1-fe1:44Vft 27 115 2h 513 518 520 StoneA3 Alw76 NightBakr115 WingCnt115 OpraLt 5 May22-543Pim 6f1:12ft 43 120 712 710 673 67 SnyderJi Alw80Udd120 SenorCoati113 MajorPomp 7 Mar 4-544G.P 7 f 1:26, ft 24 105118 10? 10H1013 RotzJL 1200070 Dapper 108 Buff 113 0rnum11 Feb19-54?Hia 1 1-8 1:53y5ft 30 11311731110119 1114 CoyAi 12000 56 Rare Art 116 PreferDan111 Polemos 12 Feb 8-54Hia 11:44Vfeft 39 113 65i 711 717 718 CoteroE4 Alw 76 KopesBaby110 PtgStar110 SamBrt 7 Jan25-54Hia 7f1:23ft 67 116 111411151117 913 AdamsJ4 Alw 79 Goyamo 119 Maharajah 108 Oclirock 11 Nov11-53G.S 1tV1:46sI 21 116 87J 97310131016 PerezSi Alw 60 Passembud122 CtalLit116 RedHgan iO June 23 Mth 5-8 ft 1:C4h June 15 Mth 5-8 ft 1:04b- June 8 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03b Cort Tno 1 1 0 B- ci 3, by War Admiral Belle Histoire, by Blue Larkspur, aea laie U Breeder. Wheatley Stable. 1954.. 13 0 3 3 ,925 Owner, A. H. Bowen. Trainer, A. H. Bowen. S7.500 1953 18 1 1 0 ,505 Jun14-547Mth 11:45 ft 4 113 78 59 511 38 LeBlancR4 Alw 84 IronHeel 118 Swivet 118 Montagnais 7 May22-548G.S 1 1:46ft 4 AW 8io 44 45 23J CulmeJ2 c7500 74 Hi-Rock 114 Sary110 HotPilot 10 May14-548G.S 11:47ft 2i A115 6?! 83 6J m StouUi 7000 71 Searsie 108 MissBenz 112 ValleyKing 9 May 1-545G.S 6f1:11ft 76 113 121712151212 77 ChoqtteJ Alw 84 Helioscope119 WarTune117 IQue12 Mar27-545G.P 11:45 ft 53 111 76 743 54 333 BatchrLs 10000 81 Polemos117 BossJohn109 BrassRing 9 Mar23-546G.P 1-701:43ft 17 116 98J101O1093 8?1 StuartKio Alw 77 JohnB.P. 112 Blimey 120 SteadyJet12 Mar2-54Hia 11-81:53gd 14 113 105J 97J 8?i 7?J MaddnDi2 Alw57WinngCount113 B.ofPrey110 RareArt12 Feb24-549Hia 1 1-8 1:52sy 63 117 93 753 57 50 McCiryC Alw 64 PotgStar114 Tble-Home117 Notable 10 June 25 Mth 3-8 ft :37b June 21 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16h June 12 Mth 5-8 ft 1:02h 1 1-8 MILES. First Aid, June 16, 1 954 1 :49V5 4 1 1 3. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds ALL. kAt-1 and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since June 4 allowed 3 lbs.; since Hill lYirn May 18, 5 lbs.; since May 1, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt 208623 Great Fun Jan54 Hia.1:50 110 111 214784 Ready to Wear Mar53 Hia 1:52 113 113 17667 HoIandes Feb54 Hia 1:52 121 119 21179iPeripose Apr53 Bow 1:52sl 116 111 21616 Mr. Doit Jun54 Mth V.SSVs 114 111 215814 Classy Chance Mar53 GP .1:51 111 111 20311 Juldee Jun54 Mth 1:54 110 106 203172 Reproduction Aug53 Atl 1:51 119 117 Cirpnt Fun 1 1 1 B. g, 9, by Milkman Gala Moment, by Sir Gallahad III. vjicui ru" 1 1 1 Br.. Mrs: W. Plunket Stewart and.W.F.Hitt 1954 16 1 4 2 ,550 Owner, P. L. Kelley. Trainer, P. L. Kelley. ,000 1953 30 5 3 2 4,980 Jun17-543Mth 1and 1:45ft 3i 116 V 57J 3 32J BatchrL4 4000 86AtForty122 Ready toWearl 12 Pliant 7 May24-548G.S 1V 1:47 ft 33 113 781 843 73 53J BatcherL7 450071 JerrysBest120 HVngue108 DnaBrse 9 May19-548G.S 1V1:46ft 8 113 612 57 43 2" BatchrLi 4500 78 Stalk 115 Seer 113 Rusty 8 May15-548G.S 11:46ft 71 111 68 45 45 543 BatclerL3 4500 74 FightingFleetl 15 Tubulcain! 12 Duff in 8 May 4-544G.S 11:467551 21 A113 69 44i 4 310 BatchrL4 4750 69 SaddleBags111 Tubulcain112 Caboose 7 June 14 Mth 7-8 gd 1:30h June 10 Mth 1-2 ft :52b May 23 GS 3-8 ft :38b Holandes 1 1 Q B- 9j 5, by Peterborough La Haya, by Rico. 1 1 Breeder, Francisco Vilacoba Argentina. 1954.. 10 2 1 1 550 Owner, Twin Oak Stable. Trainer, H. Paley. ,500 1953 .6 0 0 0 - May19-544Bel 1 1-2 2:34ft 21119 5" .21 12 15 ContrasJ2 4000 64 Chum114 Fayucano116- UncIeDon 6 Apr17-548G.P 1 3-4 2:59 ft 10 111 812 647 59J ContrsJ? HcpO 82 CapnGabel 16 Avella107 Merry Mount 9 Mar24-548G.P 11-22:311sft 6 110 1119 8" 67J 67J ContsJ" HcpO 86 BeautifulLass104 Avella105 Swadelle 12 Mar17-548G.P 13-8 2:16ft 3 A113 11"10H 910 810 ContrsJ7 HcpO 89 Captain Gabe 111 Swadelle 120 Avella 12 Mar10-548G.P 1 3-8 2:25m 51 114 743 44 44 35 ContrasJ4 Alw 51 PrceCst111 CpnGbe110 MidasTch 10 Mar 3-545Hia 11-22:31ft 16 118 7?3 61 5" ContrasJS 7000 77 Midyear121 DontAsk110 Protagonist 7 Feb 9-549Hia 1 1-81:50ft 33 121 96 9H 819 713 BatchrLi c600072 HarlmSqre122 Charles112 AppseNot 9 June 19 Bel 1-2 ft :52b June 14 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:05b May 26 Bel 5-8 ft 1:03h Mr itu. iun Doit 111 Br- 9 4 b Blue Pair Dusk Time, by Isaiah. I I I Breeder. J. L. Cleveland. 1954.. 6 0 0 0 Owner, T. R. McCarty. Trainer, C. V. Gribbin. ,000 1953. 8 1 0 0 275 Jun23-54iMth 1 1-8 1:51gd 105 114 9"1022 925 923 CovalliJ9 3000 64 AtForty120 PenningtonBoy114 Chum 10 Jun12-542Mth 1 1-8 1:53ft 40 114 Aand 1H312M1293 JemasNi 3000 73 Revlel 17 SoakinWetlOg DelveAround 12 May28-548G.S llysft 9J 113 5i 3 67J 5i JemasN4 3000 61 Reunionl 18 SoakinWet109 Roadrtnr 11 May20-544G.S 11-81:53gd 16 113 5? 45J 68i 69 SmallS3 3500 65 Sails 112 FredR.115 RockyReef 8 May15-548G.S 11:46ft 54 111 45J 57 8" 8" SmallS? 4500 68 FightingFleeftlS Tubulcain112 Duffin 8 May12-541G.S 6f1:13gd 50 108 11H111712141217 JemasN7 3500 64WarLover106 FlyingJet117 ln!etMiss12 Aug17-537Atl 1 1-8 1:55sy 19 117 8H10i310i 914 JemasNS 450053 Ready toWear 110-Boricua 116 Elfkin 10 Jly24-539Mth 11:48 ft 19 117 57J 710 76 712 LeBIcR9 4500 65 JeUoy 116 SuperLunar 110 Newberry 9 June 22 Mth 3-8 ft :37b June 18 Mth 1m ft 1:49b June 3 GS 5-8 ft 1:0754b I Jnlrlpp JUIC,ee 1 1 AA B. f, 4, by Se!albeda-Flip It, by Flymg Heels. WO Breeder, I. Silberman: 1954.. S 1 1 2 ,0K Owner, Country ClubFarm. Trainer, A. Caccese. ,000 1953.. 26 4 7 6 .. ,11J Jun12-542Mth 11-81:53ft 15 110 3 121411131181 ScthnKi2 3000 75 Revlel 17 SoakinWet109 DelveAround 12 May13-54Pim 11:49 ft 18 117 1010 64 55J 35 CivitloB3 3750 60 DonnaBoorse115 Gro-Up114 LoveLockU May 6-548Bow 11:47ft 53 112 521 721 643 6 CivitloBi2 400077 BasesLoaded112 Eland113 EgleSpeed 12 Apr30-547Bow 11:48ft 31 A110 11 n 78J 69J 812 DruryRi c3000 68 Robert112 FultonMarket112 Reunion 11 Apr23-548Bow 1 1-8 1:54sy 10 111 912 45 321 DruryR2 4000 86 DoverDam116 BasesLded112 Appval 12 Apr14-547Bow 11:48ft 29 107J11131073 83 41 StaufrH" 3500 76Zevette113 DaBoorse114 MoIlieFagn 12 Apr 6-548LH 11:46 ft 91 112 1012 911 781 48J HartckWS 4000 75 FirstNighter116 Tumbler116 SirChter 12 June 19 Mth 5-8 ft 1:02h June 10 Mth 3-8 ft :38b Jilne 3 Mth 1-2 ft :50h Readv to tu Wear YTeur n "5 B. g, 4, by Brookfield Cannikfnby Pompey. rveuuy t 10 Breeder. H. H. Hecht 1954.. 5 0 1 0 7i Owner, L. J. Stephan. Trainer, L. J. Stephan. ,250 1953 .20 3 2 1 5 Jun22-547Mth tc11:475fm 19 111 78J 55. 431 453 BlumW5 5000 76 SideSaddle114 JerrysBest119 FatBy Jun17-543Mth 11:45ft 19 112 65J 24 23 22 BouPtisS? 3500 87AtForty122 GreatFun116 Pliant 7 May26-548G.S 11:46ft 77 113 55 8" 8H 8i GilbertW7 4000 60Seascape108 lnltMiss115 Hrry-Skry May14-544G.S 1 1:46ft 50 114 5 815 919 922 GilbertW2 4000 56 NwHvn108 PrtWindsr108 SolarBid May 6-542G.S 6f 1:12ft 112 113 10811093 914 8" GilbertWS 4000 75 JrysBstl 19 TifnsMch117 LyCria12 0ct29-534G.S 11:48 sy 11 109 44 9121014 912 WmsWB? 4000 58 MissGretchen109 SideSdle111 TipOff 1C June 14 Mth 1m gd 1:44h June 10 Mth 3-4 ft 1:15h June 1 GS 3-4 ft 1:17b Pprinncp 111 B- 9, 5, by Pericles Prepossessing, by Jacopo. renpose III Breeder. L J. Mantel. 1954.. 8 1 1 0 ,00 Owner, L. Mantel. Trainer, E. S. Brumfield. ,000 1953.. 11 0 3 1 5 Jun19-548Mth 1 1-42:05ft 5 114 11113314 14 BatchrL 3000 78 AirAttk114 Sunyman114 ColonyPage 12 Jun12-54iMth 1 1-81:51ft 24 114 1011 41 35 2 BatcherL 3000 85 AtForty120 0neBuck120 PengtonBoy 11 May28-54iG.S 11:47ft 76 106J11t 912 gn 883 BrfieldDZ 3000 64 NwHvn115 Yrdmstr117 BbsBtsU May 5-548Bow 1 1-8 1:55 ft 12e 114 IIWOM 881 712 HowellRio 3000 75 RoughCkie117 Milldale117 Reighsign 12 Apr23-545Bow 6f 1:13sy 124 121 11t1120ioii10t5 RegtoJAB Alw 69 PiltesGid119 0neinamiln114 DdNd 11 Apr 7-548Lrl 1 1-42:05ft 19 116 1026 916 917 921 RegtoJA2 3500 60 Zop 114 Reproduction 116 Lead On 1C Mar29-548Lrl 1 1-8 1:54 ft 11 116 915 8?3 5i 47 SmithGLto 250071 NobIeSun116 RghCookie122 Twintone 11 June 25 Mth 1-2 ft :51b June 7 Mth 7-8 ft 1:31h June 5 Mth 1-2 ft :51b Plnccv v-ngnce Chnnro 111 B. h, 5, by Economical Cushlamacree. by Mr. Bones. III Breeder. H. L Donovan. 1954.. 6 0 0 0 5C Owner, G. W. Offutt III. Trainer, R. C. Waple. ,000 1953.. 24 4 5 3 3,64S Jun23-548Del 1 1-22:36 ft 4 114 812 523 42J 431 Cutshw06 300071 Sam H. 120 Ascot 109 Chusco Jun18-548Del 11:45ft 63 113 915 8" 541 51 WestpeJ4 3500 77 Chilog122 Excursion113 BrnhmWood May29-544Del 4 1-81:51ft 93 114 610 711 713 716 MontroA2 6500 67 Gloriette104 Heirloom119 SaddleBags 7 May12-547Pim 11:46ft 49 112 814 7" 715 7" McKeeC3 Alw65SprgGrove112 WarCmd114 Potporri Apr22-545Bow 11:475ft 8-5 A116 773 791 74 715 HartkW2 c7000 70 Girder114 TapeReader116 FlyingAway 7 Apr17-547Bow 6f1:11sy 35 113 8 816 816 6" CutshwOS 9000 83 AmnPluck117 JessLinm117 CoverOff a Nov18-537Bow 1i:47ft 3 118 8" 8i 6 43 HartkW4 7500 82 Faraway 118 Laran 115 High Trend June 17 Del 3-8 si :38b June 12 Del 1m ft 1:44b May 28 Del 3-8 ft :36b ReDroducHon 117 Ch.g, 10, by Pilate Composure, by Ksar. rvepruuu.uun I 1 Breeder. Abram S. Hewitt 1954 . 8 3 3 0 ,175 Owner, Barclay Stable. Trainer, J. B. Campbell. ,500 1953. 25 4 4 3 3,520 Jun12-548Mth .11:45ft 41 120 36 32J 24 2" CulmneJ9 4500 90 VainPuritan114 FatBoy109 Seascape Jun 7-548Del 11:46ft 41 122 771 721 743 54 HatackW2 5000 76Caboose111 HighTrend 119 CharBoots 8 May20-548G.S 11:45sy 21 A118 56 671 8" 612 BoultisS4 600070 Bigdomel 16 LarryA.110 FatBoylO May 7-548G.S 11:46ft 31 118 531 21 11 14 BoultisSi 5500 78 FatBoy 112 LarkSun 117 Duffin 7 Apr26-548Bow 11:47 ft 21 A118 77 21 1h 14 NelsonE4 4500 86 KysChdn122 WhTgBt116 SdleBs 8 Apr17-548Bow 11:47sy 21 A112 44 14 16 110 NelsonE2 3500 85 DoverDam115 Apsley112 Hiya-Sailor 10 Apr 7-54BLrI 1 1-42:05ft 8-5 A116 13 14 15 22 CutshawOS 3500 79Zop114 Lead On 114 ExciseTaxlO June 25 Mth 1-2 ft :50b June 22 Mth 3-4 ft 1:17b June 2- Del 5-8 ft 1:02b 6 FURLONGS out of chute. Master Ace, June 12, 1954-1:09-5-106. Purse r.l iif.L - ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 115 lbs.; older, 124 lbs. Non-3Tll IVirn winners since May 14 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; one race, 7 lbs. Claiming price, 2,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each ,000 to 0,000. " Index No. Horse Rate. Track Rec. . Wt Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays 21001Aware Jun54 Mth 1:10ys 108 110 195083 Roman Fair Feb53 Hia 1:10 112 117 21176 Doctor Dick x Jun54 Mth 1:12 118 104 21001 Corfel Mar53GP1:10 112 108 210012 Fighting Cock Jun54 Mth 1:11 117 113 21477 Ace Var Dec53TrP1:12 119 108 21175 Kham Jun54 Mth 1:11 124 115 Axunra V 1 1 ft Br. g, 6, by Discovery Jackawake, by Jacopo ware I I U Breeder, A. G. Vanderbilt 1954.. 4 1 0 0 ,275 Owner, Mrs. W. E. Snell. Trainer, G. S. Howell. 0,000 1953.. 31 6 3 4 8,600 Jun18-544Mth 6f1:10ft ,11 108 751 66 21 13 KorteK2 9000 92 FightgCock117 Delibertuity108 Snga 9 Jun12-545Mth 6 f 1:1056ft 53 113 56 5?! 791 761 LeBlancRS 8000 88 PipgAms110Dlibtty110FImgPrce 11 May18-546G.S 6f1:11ft 10 103S 761 7?1 771 661 BrownAS 10000 83 HiBillee118 Yama116 FightingCock 8 May11-545G.S 6f1:12sl 11 111 69 68 691 6?! KorteK3 1200079 Hi Billee 114 Corfel 111 Yama 6 Dec 5-535Bow 6 f 1:11 ft 15 110 74 861 79 76 SmalISS Alw 92 Expletive109 RushPrince115 LrryEllis 8 Nov28-537Bow. 6f1:11gd 81 110 87 10310i2107i BlumWB Alw 88 Brazen Bt1 19 JktheGrt115 LryEllislO Nov21-535Bow 6f1:11ft 3 106 53 33 2h 14 KorteK6 Alw 96 Resilient 117 Corfel 115 BlazingHome 8 June 17 Mth 1-2 ft :49b Jun? 8 Mth 3-4 ft 1:15h June 5 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16h Dor for Dick 1 ftA B-c, 3, by The Doge Belcrest, by Hash. LOCTOr UlQK "1" Breeder. P. L. Clements, Jr. 1954.. 3 0 0 0 Owner. L. G. Robinson. Trainer. A. Swenke. 0,000 1953.. 16 1 1 2-r- ,990 Jun19-545Mth 6f1:11ft 20 118 431 431 541 641 ShukNS - 9000 84lfabody118 WarPoinr11ff IndnSmokelO May29-545G.S 6f1:11ft 40 112 431 44 591 873 GodkinsKS Alw 83TroyWt117 Bertie112 RomanMirage 8 May17-545G.S 6 f 1:12 ft 20 119 86 10" 92 981 SmithGL7 Alw79TroyWeight113 IUp 122 Eponbush12 0ct15-534G.S 6f1:12ft 9 115 751 8?3 521 2 SmithGL2 Alw 85TraiImaster112 ColonelFru111 Bertie 12 Oct10-533G.S 6 f 1:13 ft 10 117 6?! 771 561 44 SmithGL4 Alw 81 RareMusic114 QuietMan117 Bertie 8 Oct 1-535AU 7f1:26ft 12 120 44 78 7" 781 BurrCS Alw 73 CstILight120 BssJhn120 Tilmsfr 9 Sep26-535Atl -7f1:25ft 21 119 31 54 331 733 BurrCS Alw 83 Bill H. Jr. 108 Astute 119 Gaidar 12 Sep19-535Atl 6f1:12ft -11 119 42i 723 31 .321 BurrC6 Alw 60 Ladd 113. Thither 122 BillH.Jr.11 June 24 Mth 1-2 gd :49h June 15 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03b June 10 Mth 1-2 ft :49hg Finhtinn Cnre 11? Br- c b? War Admiral Bird Hawk, by-Sir Gallahad III. - 1 vutR. lyimiiy 1 1 Breeder. Greentree Stud. Inc. 1954. .11 1 2 1 ,950 Owner, Mrs. Zelda Cohen. Trainer, E. Yowell. 0,000 1953.18 4 1 2 3,000 Jun18-544Mth 6fi:10ft 33 Ai 17 531 55 631 23 BoultisS4 10000 89 Aware 108 Delibertuity 108 Senga 9 May18-546G.S 6f1:11ft 17 110 661 66 67 35 BouItisS4 10000 84 HiBilIee118 Yama116 TruePattern 8 May 1-548G.S 11:46 fl 41 116 44 551 67 651 BoultisSS 1000075 BeeArrl 19 StarsShine117 Neversink 7 Apr28-545Bow 6f1:12ft 3 117 67 66 641 41 BoulisSi 10000 91 Docteur112 JessLinthm117 DukeAur 6 Apr 5-546Lrl 11:45ft 12 107 11 54 710 7" NelsonE? Alw 75 LotusEar119 StarsSne114 BesesBu 8 Mar25-547Lrl 6f 1:12sy 9-5 A116 33 37 59 49 HartackW5 Alw 77 LuyBul1 104 BrnPrise116 CoIdCmd 6 Mar20-544Lrl 6 f 1:13 gd 5 116 33 23 21 12 BoulisSi 10000 82 JessLithm118 AmnPIk115 LoeFIsh 8 Mar 5-548G.P 6f1:11ft 14 112 34 33 441 24 StouUi 10000 86CircusClown111 BrMrket114 ThaxterlO June 24 Mth 3-8 gd :37b June 17 Mth 1-2 ft :50b - June 14 Mth 1-2 gd :52b Khnn -1 1 K B- c 4. bv Bimelech Kharessa, by Challenger II. x,,u" 1 1 Breeder. Wheatley Stable. 1954.. 5 0 0 0 Owner, Ridge Stable. Trainer, J. C. Howe. 1,000 1953.. 22 2 1 6 0,450 Jun19-544Mth 1 1:44ft 7 113 22 .34 653 671 JamesB2 Alw 87 MyGge113 BrknPrmise116 Cntnre 6 Jun14-545Mth 6f1:10ft 20 124 773 77 67 523 CulmoneJ4 Alw 88 LtStep107 BIzgHome112 Pomposity 7 Jun 5-547Del 11:45ft 61 103 31 721 88 791 GlssnW HcpO 75 CldCmd122 Mr.Pdise111 SpgGrve 8 May31-546Del 11;43ft 61 107 961 891 913 916 G-dkinsK8 HcpS78 CldCmnd 116 FstAid 113 BttrGds 10 May27-547G.S 11:45ft 18 113 331 31 71b. 815 CulmoneJ2 Alw 66 Loridale119 Rm 0122 MrkdGme 8 Jly22-538Mth 11:46ft 91 122 88 42 461 54 StoutJ5 Alw79 RideMCy117 GoaBit105 CountCVr 8 Jly13-537Mth 1-1:46ft 61 106 45J 43 541 441 BurrCi Alw 81 JoeyBoy12T MardGame115 Prptness 8 June 25 Mth 3-8 ft :36b June 10 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16h May 25 GS 3-8 ft :37bg Roman iuiiiuii Fair ruir s X 11 7 B- h 6 by Roman Fairday, by Fair Play. Breeder, Elmendorf Farm. 1954.. 4 0 1 1 ,500 Owner, W. G. Helis, Jr. Trainer, H. Hausner. 2,000 1953 19 1 0 6 ,295 Jun 5-544Del 6f1:11ft 4i 113 21 24 34 33 BouIisS2 15000 83 Iswasl 14 Maabrookm PlusFours 7 May24-547G.S 6f1:11ft 31 112 971 961 751 661 Stouts Alw 84 Huntsville 112 Lillal 108 New Dream 10 May17-547G.S 6f1:11ft 31 111 633 31 21 21 StoiiUS -Alw 89 Algasir119 SweetVermth119 Mrs.G.R. 9 May 7-547G.S 6 f1:11ft 23 111 881 911 9J 3 86 BoultisSio Alw 83 Maabrk111 SvtVermthUg SetubalU 0ct27-537G.S 6f1:11ft 61 112 741 773 671 45 WilsonHB9 Alw 86 StVmth116 PcificOcan110 NwDm 10 Oct 3-534Atl if 1:24 ft 8-5 A1 17 461 36 441 32J CulmoneJ2 Alw 90 BrazenBrat114 Faga-La114 Imalright 6 Sep15-537Atl 7f1:23ft 31 118 751 87 76 631 WstrpeJ9 Alw 93 Adopt 112 Banta118 FourChances 12 June 25 Mth 3-8 ft :36b - June 22 Mth 5-8 ft 1:02h June 18 Mth 1-2 ft :50b. Corfel X 1 OR B- 9 5 h Suster Corindy, by Port au Prince. 1 wo Breeder. Agriculture Remount Service. 1954.13 0 2 3 75 Owner. Wayne Ranch. Trainer. V. Arthur. 0,000 1953. 22 3 5 5 6,275 Jun1 8-544 Mth 6f1:10ft 43 117 2h 1h 54 98 SkelIyJ6 10000 84 Aware108 FightingCk117 Delibertuity 9 May18-546G.S 6f1:11ft 53 116 531 431 431 561 StoutJ7 12000 83 HiBillee118 Yama116 FightingCock 8 May11-545G.S 6f1:12sl 16 111 34 31 23 24 Blocks 12000 85 Hi Billee 114 Yama 116 Luck Penny 6 May 7-547G.S 6f1:11ft 25 108 451 431 56 1113 KorteK3 Alw76 Maabrk111 SwtVermth119 Setubal 11 Apr17-546G.P 51 f 1:05ft 3-2 A109 2h ,11 1h 22 KorteKi Alw89CloseSupt114 SkyMaidUO BritShoes 9 Apr10-546G.P 6f1:10ft 83 113 11 11 1h 321 ChurchKS Alw 88 Avion108 Belluno113 MainBout 10 Apr 3-544G.P 6 f 1:12 gd .63 115 321 32 44 541 RotzJL6 Alw 81 RIBrother113 BearMarkt113 ElliotL. 10 Mar16-546G.P 6f1:10ft 41 108 331 34 34 451 MtinGRi 15000 87 TruePattern113 BiddyBid104 PassBon 8 June 24 Mth 3-8 gd :39b June 17 Mth 1-2 ft :52b June 9 Mth 5-8 ft 1:01h Ace Var 1 llR Dk- br- c 3, by Lochinvar Little Shifter, by Sceneshifter. . , UO Breeder. Mrs. M, Erlanger. 1954.. 9 1 0 0 ,900 Owner, P. L. Kelley. Trainer, P. L. Kelley. 1,000 1953.. 12 2 1 2 ,600 Jun22-546Mth 6f l:10ft 54 110 631 851 783 8H BatchrL3 Alw 81 RomnMirge112 Hanwar110 Woodlds 11 May31-544G.S 6f1:12ft 31 A114 43 33 34 1" ShoerW9 10000 87 Rejane 108 King Beau 116 Rare Music 9 May22-545G.S 6f1:13gd 41,10911 2h 31 5H LeBIncR7 10000 78 HoopRing114 Bbldlmp112 - Swivet 7 May 1-545G.S 6f1:11ft 19e 113 633 76 88 66 BatchrLii Alw 85 Staffordshire! 12 0ldGlendle105 Ladd 8 Apr 7-54Lrl 6f1:11ft 50 113 33 753 713 8U Hanford3 Alw 77 Turf Pic 112 Swivet 116 Heorterll Feb22-544Hia 6f1:11ft 21 A116 721 853 76 751 SmhGL6 c10000 84 Helioscope119 WarTune117 IQue12 Feb10-545iia 7 f 1:25 ft 61 119 421 42 743 551 AtksonT2 Alw 79 DdlyDbylM SirChris116 BhsAdml 12 June 25 Mth 3-8 ft :37y5b June 21 Mth 3-8 ft :40b June 16 Mth 3-4 ft 1:17b Afk klfli 1 1-16 MILES. Reveille, July 1, 1950 1:43 4 112. Ninth running THE MOLLY Orii JYirn PITCHER HANDICAP. 5,000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and bares. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt 214764 Shady Tune Apr54 Lrl 1:44 112 105 213493 Faga-U Jun54 Mth 1:44 107 102 198752 Spinning Top Jun54 Bel 1:43 112 112 214763 Granule Jun54 Mth 1:45 106 101 214762 Intencion Jun54 Mth 1:44 112 109 211753 Centenaire Jun54 Mth 1:44 109 106 20481 Miss Joanne Jly53 Nar1:44 108 107 211773 Winning Stride Mar54GP1:44 115 111 21476 Atalanta Mar54GP1:43 122 124 Shady Tune - rtttfMy oti , OwiwvCarelyB K StaWe. Train; N.L Byer. -1313.. 315 5 3 3,935 Jw22-545Mth 11:44 ft 91113 - 52 46 48 4? JamesB? Alw 86 Atalania118 lntencion112 Granule 7 Jon18-545Mth Ic 1 1:39V6fm 11 113 1083 97i10ilU5 jamesB4 AIW75 lcebergll.118 BobsAlibi109 GoingAwy 12 fey22-546Pim tc1 1:4556fm 3 113 24 2 2 21 ShakerW Alw 101WarCWd114 BlueVolt121 AmnPIuck 6 Apr26-54Bow 11:47 ft 3 111 U 2 2 Ink HartackW7 Alw 86 G.R.Petersen124 MyNell 108 BsssBu 7 Apr13-547Bow 11:46 ft 2 113 -32 24 35J 3i Madden D5 Alw 85 WarComd109 BeaMarnyW BlueVolt 8 Apr.7-547Lrl 1 1:44V6ft 8-5 112 14 1i 14 13 HartkW3 10000 93 LebanonLad110 GoBetween116 Tosca 7 June 17 Mth 3-8 ft :36h June 14 Mth 1-2 gd :50b June 8 Mth 1m ft 1:43h Spinnina TOD 1 1 1 1 9 Br- f 4 by Buil Lea Whirlabout, by Pompey. 8B , Breeder. J. S. Phipps. 1954.. 3 0 1 2 S5,9C0 Owner, J. S. Phipps. Trainer. M. Hirsch. 1953. .16 2 0 0 5,525 Jun 9-54Bel 11:43ft lOf .112 7 77 42 2" BoIdWU HcpS 94 SshineN1125 LaCVdra125 MbsCce 15 JunJ"el 6n:12sft 2i 112 3344 42 3 MorenoH Alw84MsWsie112 MbsChce109 Cry thNs 6 W"fei 6 f 1:12Vft 9 112 44 57 32J WdheHS Alw 86 MWsie112 Candina120 TinyRqust 6 ,ov1l"-S 1:45sl 13e 112 53 65 88 88 CoxNii HcpS 75 Mi-Mgd109 SshineNl 121 ArbActs 14 NovJJam 1iV1:45V6ft 49 109 8H 8" 58 443 GlassrG HcpS 81 LaCorrdra122 Canadna116ArabActs 11 Sep19-53Aqu 11-8 1:5216ft 9Je 115 85311 1812251223 MornoH4 HcpS 61 Atalanta121 MissTrfirtOe LaCodora12 Sep12-53Aqu 7 f 1:24ft 14e 114 12io 812 818 88 NichIsJio HcpS 78 Home-Made114 Atatanta123 Aesthete 14 June 24 Mth 1-2 gd :50h June 20 Bel 1-2 ft :48h June 17 Bel 1-2 ft :51b Intencion 1 HQ Ch. m, 5, by Liceneioso fntrigulis, by Negrero. , Breeder, Francisco Vial F. Chile. 1954.. 8 0 1 2 ,250 Eligible for racing purposes only. 1953.. 3 0 0 0 - Owner, W. A. Hanger. Trainer, H. A. Luro. Jun22-545Mth 1 1:44 ft 4e 112 34 2 21 2 ContrasJ5 Alw 96 Atalanta118 Granule106 ShadyTune 7 Jun 9-54Bel 11:43ft 11 112 13310H110104 ContrsJZ HcpS 88 SshineNil125 SpingTpl 12 LaCdra 15 May17-546Bel 6 f 1:12 ft 34 112 8?i 83 7? 85 GlassrG3 HcpO 82 BrnBrat122 SuneNl 126 WingStride 9 MarJZ"5?3P 1143ft 2e107 84J 424 24 32 GlassrG2 HcpS 90 Atalanta122 LavnderHiMIO EmardeelO Mar13-547G.P J 1-4 2;025ft BOf 103 111 43 3 3 GlasrG2 HcpS 84 WiseMargin106. Ruhel 14 CombatBoots 13 War 3-547Hia tc 1 2:2816hd 23e105 10b gsj 99 gio McCryC2 HcpS 90 Picador106 RoyalVale126 Parnassus 12 June 21 Bel trt 1-2 ft :49h June 17 Bel 7-8 ft 1:30b May 30 Bel 5-8 ft 1:01 h Miss Joanne 1 fi7 Br- fi 4 bv Challenge Me Jobelle, by Jock. , . Breeder. W. L Nutter and Son. 1954.. 7 1 0 0 ,375 n Owner, J. M. Grieve. Trainer, J. M. Grieve. 1953.. 15 5 1 1 3 475 Jun14-54Mth 6 f 1:1016ft 52 118 98 7o 71 712 WillsWBIo Alw 82 Cinda118 BlueRhymer113 Centenaire 10 Wa3i1ul 1-70 1:41ft 3 111 6H 62 3i 12J SmithVa Alw.97TopSpring113 GoGoGo113 RuthHson 8 ii 1-"Z;1:41 ft 3-2115 V 47 454 48i StuartK7 Alw 93 LryEllis120 TmysMmy115 TpSpg 7 W5f? 6M:1iy5ft 11 109 84652 5442 StuartKS HcpO 87 LittleStep112 NochEins119 Receipt 8 J,anHi1 1 1-8 1:51ft 7 111 8984 54 HI McLlinR HcpO 86 Bugledrums110 Roedna112 Futursque 9 Jan16-547F.G Ve1:45ft 8i 109 78 7and 3-JtPoparaA HcpO 85 Raintree114 Pipe ofPce116 Futurque 10 tDisquahfied and placed fourth. Jan 7-547F.G 11:45 ft 2J 107 712 712 S6J 46J PoparaA Alw 87 Raintree112 HIramJr.115 Bugledrums June 25 Mth 1-2 ft :48h June 22 Mth 1m ft 1:40h June 19 Mth 7-8 ft 1:3Cb AtalantQ X 1 OA Cn- m 6 fay Count Fleet Omayya, by Sir Gallahad III. 1 Breeder, Brookmeade Stable. 1954.. 10 2 0 2 6,700 ?wr?.r.b Dan ,Farm- m Train. -J. Long. .1953. .21 8 3 1 17,450 Jun22-545Mth 11:44 ft 4-5 1 18 1i 1J 11 11 WilsonHB3 Alw 97 lntenciontl2- Granule106 ShadyTune 7 Jun 9-54Bel 11:43ft 14 126 8? 87i108JH6j WilnHB3 HcpS 87 SshineN11125 SpingTpl 12 LaCdra 15 May31-547G.S 6f 1:1116ft 16 125 13"1312 910 87J WonHBH HcpS 84 Lillal 113 Emardee114 SpeedyWave15 May26-54G.S 6f1:11ft 3i 121 43J 57 4? 41 WilsonHB- Alw 86 St"perUpper114 Outsmrt115 Mrs.G.R. 7 Apr 3-547G.P 11:46 gd 2 118 32 64 6J 61 WilnHB7 HcpO 71 Go aBit109 Abbezac112 CombatBoots 8 Mar17-547G.P 11i43ft 2 122 2i U 1i 12i WilnHB7 HcpS 92 UvndrHillHO Intencion107 Emardee 10 June 19 Mth 1m ft 1:425h June 15 Mth 3-8 ft :3h May 24 GS 1-2 ft :49b Faaa-La 1 fi9 Ch. m, 5, by Ocean Wave Parabola, by Infinite. . Breeder, M. B. Goff. 1954.. 12 0 1 2 ,875 Owner, Puckety Farm. - Trainer, H. J. Goff. 1953.. 16 0 2 0 650 Jun21-545Mth 11:45 ft 3 105 35 33 33J 3U LeBlancR3 Alw 91 MyTrlyFr109 Whnce110 BsiesBeau 6 Jun15-544Mth 11:445ft 4 10724 22 22 24 BlumVV Alw 94 Expltive118 MyTrlyFr113 BsiesBu 5 May29.543Del 11:43ft 10 112 Lost rider. ShukN2 Alw Ble of Inkl 13 Mr.Paise122 Centenaire 9 May18-547G.S -.1 1:4516ft 33 107 5J 5i 47 . 35J SmithGLf Alw 78 RmnRckt112 Ram oWY122 Alrtd 8 May8-54G.S 11:45m 28 109 38 6io 610 61 1 HettgerG3 Alw 72 Bassanio109 Abbezac122 Nostrebor 8 Apr16-54G.P 11:45 ft 19 105 8" 77J 7I 68 RotzJLa Alw 77 Sampan 119 Rebus 115 Impulsivo 9 Apr 5-547G.P 11:43ft 21 103 641101510241023 ONeilT? Alw 68 MyGeorge115 ltsNoUse115 GayjetIO June 10 Mth 1m ft 1:41h May 26 GS 3-8 ft :37b j May 20 GS 5-8 ft 1:03b Granule 1 HI B- f3i bv slicIe Rule Granheart, by Granville. . ,UI Breeder, Meadowview Farms, Inc. 1954.. 6 0 0 5 ,925 Owner, Mrs. F. W. Armstrong. Trainer, T. P. Harroway. " 1953.. 10 1 1 3 ,160 Jun22-545Mth 11:44 ft 13 106 2 3U 35 37 BlumWi Alw 90 Atalanta118 lntencion112 ShadyTune 7 Jun17-545Mth 6f1:11V6ft 3i 111 43 34 34 32 SkellyJ4 Alw 86 MissTacro109 ClearDwn118 DwnHp 7 May28-547G.S 1-701:44 ft 10 106 3 2 32 33 SmallS2 Alw 81 PunkinVine104 NhtBkr117 JhnB.P. 8 May21-543G.S 1-70 1:46V5sy 8-5 110 1" ;13 14 1"ktBrberRL5 Alw 73 Dawn Hop 110 Fifty Carat 116 Caillou 8 tDisqualified and placed third. May12-547G.S 6 f 1:12gd 13f 112 121110 91210B SkellyJM ScwS 76 OnYourOwn114 Jenjay121 Parlo 16 May 6-547G.S 6f1:12ft 39 112 43 31 3 32J SkellyJ7 Alw 83 Sinister106 Romaneen109 WolfGal 7 June 25 Mth 3-8 ft :37b June 12 Mth 7-8 ft 1:31b June 9 Mth 1-2 ft :52b Centenaire eiiienuire 1 Br. f, 4, 6y Yong Lor-Centenary, by Ksar. WO Breeder, Plain Dealing Stud. 1954. .13 1 0 5 X50 Owner. Mrs. E. Kendall Weil Trainer. M. M. Weil. 1953. ,21 2 6 4 2 155 Jun19-544Mlh 11:44ft 3J 106 44 55 43J 3 ConlonR3 Alw 94 MyGge113 BrknPrm.He BIzgHme 6 Jun14-54Mth 6 f 1:1016ft 52 107 43 34 34 33 SmithFAS Alw90 CindallS BlueRhymeril3 WngStridelO May29-543Del 1 1:43ft 38 117 1 33 34 37 VasilA3 Alw 85 Ble oflnk113 Mr.Paise122 BrnPrise 9 May 8-54Pim tc 1 1:41 fm 38 109 1 12 1 in VasilA2 Alw 100 TheSpaniel 122 MyNell 108 BsiesBu 7 Ap.-13-547Bow 11:46 ft 21 107 43 814 71 6i GcrmanR Alw75WarComd109 BeaMary117 ShyTune 8 Mar31-54Lrl 11:46 gd 3 105 45 45 44 48 BlumW2 Alw 76 BeaMaryUS WarComd115 ShyTune 6 Mar17-547G.P 11:43ft 33 109 94J 83 7? 68J Batches HcpS 83 Atalanta122 LavndrHillllO Intencion 10 June 11 Del 3-8 ft :36b June 7 Del 5-8 ft 1:011sh June 3 Del 3-8 ft :37b Winnina YY inning Jrriae Sfridle 111 III Br- m 5- b Unbreakable Fast Stride, by Display. Breeder, Mereworth Farm. 1954..16 1 2 2 ,425 Owner, W. M. Wickham. Trainer. T. Root. 1953 16 3 2 5 9,125 Jun19-54Mth 6f1:10ft "18 112 82 53 44 3 Hanfrdis HcpS 91 BrazenBrat124 Cinda124 BlueRhymer 8 Jun14-54Mth 6 f 1:1016ft 13 112 77 63 57 44 BoultisSS Alw 89 Cinda148 BlueRhymer113 Centenaire 10 May26-544Bel 6f 1:12V6ft 9-5 112 67 6J 6o 65 AtksonT2 Alw 83 MsWsieH2 Carfdina120 SpinngTp 6 May17-54Bel 6 f 1:12 ft 8 110 74J 73 34 31 AtksnT HcpO 88 BrnBrat122 SunseNell 126 Emardee 9 May11-545Bel E f 1:12 gd 4 112 7 87J 813 8J AtksonT Alw 80 Petal 108 SpeedvWave109 Hadassah 9 Apr30-545Bel 1 1:37Vsft 2i 111 33 33 21 2" AtksonT? Alw 85 Home-Made115 Valadm114 Hadassah 7 Apr23-546Jam B f 1:1156ft 7 114 52 53J 63J 52 ArcaroEt HcpO 85 SunshineNell 126 Petal 112 Slippy 7 June 25 Mth 1-2 ft :49b June 11 Mth 1-2 ft :52b June 1 Jafri 1-2 ft :493sb 1 1-16 MILES. Reveille, July 1, 19501:43 4 112. Purse ,500. 3- and 4-year-Tfrti kAftn 0,ds Al,owances- Non-winners of two races. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 123 lbs. I X 11 fYlin Non-winners of one race other than claiming at one mile or over allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 7 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Hcrse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt. Index-No. Horse. Date. Track Rec Wt WU 21309 Near Shore Jun54 Aqu 1:4816 117 112 19009 Hot Pilot May54GS1:47 112 109 214734 Lightspeed 109 183614 Appian Way 109 20725 Atomic Hero Apr54GP 1:48 111 116 20732 Mouche Jun54 Mth 1:46 113 103 20726 IMiss Flosilda 108 204822 Swivet Jun54"Mth 1:46 118 109 neur KJpnr jiiure rinrp 1 1 0 Br- 9 3, by Coastal Traffic Pharalass, by Pharamond II. 11a. Breeder, E. D. Levinson. 1954.. 3 1 0 0 ,800 Owner, Lester Manor Stable. Trainer, C. W. Serbin. Jun21-545Aqu 11:47 ft 3i 117 75i 7?i 8 65J FordB? Alw 73 EqIStrife117 Counterfeits HillRose 8 Jun12-543Bel 11:39 ft 2 116 4222 2h 12 FordB Mdn 79 Chechessee 116 Foe 122 Mazinga14 Jun 8-544Bel 6 f 1:13 ft 27 118 11 88 7and 43 FordB2 Mdn 80 F1nical118 Performce118 CdinalSong 14 June 24 Bel 1-2 sy :50b June 19 Bel 7-8 ft 1:28b June 17 Bel trt 1-2 ft :51b I inhtcnppff 1 HQ Ch. c, 3, by Stardust Crepe Suzette, by Dastur. LignT5peea IU7 Breeder, C. J. Ryan. . 1954.. 4 1 Q 0 ,100- Owner, J. L. McKnight. Trainer, W. P. Mitchell. 1953.. 1 0 5 0 Jun22-542Mth 6f 1:12V6ft 1 115 5 81 1 711 43 BlumW5 c4000 80SonraBell112 FrdsGift114 PrxyMc 10 Jun18-54iMth 6 f 1:1116ft 33 109 33 34 23 1J BlumW3 3500 86 Ms Smith106 ShtHnd114 AdmsFly 12 Jun 3-544 Del 6f1:114ft 35e 412 52J 77 714 6" LesterW3 Alw75 MjrPp119 SnrCtilll BlmtBrze 8 May 7-544Bel 6f1:12ft 81 117 78121811181021 RodezEH Mdn 65 CrashDive124 PrinceHill 117 LeeCee14 Oct10-533Bel wc 6 f 1:08ft 33e 113 6 121212M1420 OBrienCis Mdn 79 MisterGus118 QunsOwn118 Ashndn 23 June 24 Mth 5-8 gd 1:03hg June 10 Mth 3-8 ft :37b May 30 Del 5-8 sy 1:02b Atomic Momic Hero nero fM 1 1 Ch. g, 4, by Air Hero-Watch Una, by On Watch. ivi o Breeder, P. H. Faulconer. 1954.. 9 0 0 0 Owner, B. Hajduk. Trainer, J. A. Russell. Jun16-54iMth 6 f 1:1116ft 115 116 11 1 71 1 221 12 1 H is GrossoMi 400071 LadyRdrsllO OfeParty115 TitnsMh 11 May12-54iG.S 6f1:13gd109 110 1215121911131114 WillsWBfi 3500 67 WarLover106 FlyingJet117 InletMiss 12 Apr20-54?G.P 1 1-8 1:54ft 55 1137? 5 43 87J BarnettR 2500 64 LeasBest113 MarnsTip118 WrkPlay 12 Apr16-54G.P 11:46ft 51 105101211 1311 15101 BarnettR 3000 60 Lockedln112 BetsyBell104 Marcato 12 APr10-544G.P 11:46ft 47 1111 1h 43 67J BarnettR2 3500 70 Cee-Ya112 BallHawk112 CastleBellll. 7 Apr7-549G.P 11:49hy 43 115 4 514 615 721 MooreE3 3500 42 BlenSand 118 RebelSpy 106 Mr.Jones 8 Mar30-54G.P 11:47 ft 40 116 81311201126H25 MooreE7 3000 50 RosePoll 116 Rdrunner116 DncgJdy 11 mi Miss 1 Fiosiida lUiiiuu 1- 1 1 0R UO Ch- f 4 by Jakaiones Flo. Sague, by Saguenay II; Breeder, W. B. Keene and Son. 1954.. 2 0 0 0 Owner, E. A. Cline. Trainer, J. W. Sceusa. 1953.7 10 0 800 Jun16-542Mth 6f 1:1116ft 87 108 83 8H-8H 8io LaMnteJ 4000 79Rolli,kgLad115 LordJeff122 Kam-Pei 9 May10-544G.S 6f1:13m 93 111 1212121512161219 StevnRL? 5000 62 ElyLightl 11 HyRabbitHI WiseCrt12 Sep15-53Atl 11:46ft 102 108S 91 928 0tdistd.LaMonteJ2 Alw BknPrmise118 ThePse113 RkPign 9 Aug21-537Atl 7f 1:25V6ft 291 115 12812t6i223i225 DiMroS4 Alw 66 T.Trooper120 LdyTicco110 AirCourier12 Aug11-53iAtl 1 1:46ft 57 109 1h 9131023112 stevnRL 3000 53 Wylaml 10 GrandpasSue107 Menawa12 Jly31-534Rkm Ef1:12ft 40 109 85 913 716 KnappEJS 4000 71 HayHeartlll Ocy-Pass109 Olivianna 10 May28-534Suf Ef1:145sy 10 115 6 6" 5i 5i KnappEja 5000 66 EarHour115 DandyWag120 Ocy-Pass 7 June 25 Mth 1-2 ft :48h June 22 Mth 1m ft 1:43h June 15 Mth 3-8 ft :36h nui Hot Pilot 1 HQ Ch- 3 bv Jel Pilot Darling, by Pompey. Breeder. Claiborne Farm. 1954. .15 0 0 3 ,500 Owner, R. E. Cudahy. Trainer. P. L. Kelley. 1953.. 7 1 2 0 ,025 May31-548G.S 11:46ft 17 115 43 88 813 813 WimsWB3 7500 64 MissBenz112 EasterPrince113 Dapper 8 May22-548G.S 11:46ft 40 112-1 3 32 45J WmsWBS 725072 Hi-Rock 114 SeaTale114 SarylO May19-544G.S E f 1:1296ft 58 110 43 68 67 6? WmsWBS 7500 77 SprtnQn111 RoyIBrigde107 Mrmn 10 May13-54G.S 6f1:12ft 7 115 32 7 7? 68 WilsnHB? 7500 77 Is Yours 112 Pass 117 Hi-Rock 9 May 5-544G.S 6f 1:1216ft 11 119 2 42 7H.812 Hanfordl? Alw75Garstara114 DawnHopHO Oalo12 Uay 1-545G.S 6,f1:11ft 19e 113 43 43 7 12?3 BurrC3 Alw 81 Helioscope119 WarTune117 IQue 12 Jtm If Mlh 1m ft 1:42h June 13 Mth 1-2 sy :48Hi May 28 GS 3-4 ft 1:16h ! , " A a C ,f O , "at t . ..1 1, , t i ! appian , T7ljr Mito4MW.fwmand? 1954 . 2 1 0 ,458 Owner, G. D. WMewr.-1 Traiwr..J..Creevy. " 1913. . 2 J May25-54G.S 6 f 1:12 ft .9 119 85 48 5?14 Hnford5 Alw 82 WhiteLight119 Pen-in-Hand117 I Up 11 May1T-54iG-S. 6f1:13sl 9i 110 55 31 13 If StouU? Mdn 81 LordChad:ne110 GoodTuhe112 Ringold 11 Oct10-533Bef wc 6f1:08ft 37 118 23 23i?22282227 SchmIAio Mdn 72 MisterGus118 Quns0wn118 Ashndn 23 Sep3Q-534Bel wc 6 f 1:10ft 8 118 18 18? 15?317io SchmidlA? Mdn 78 PineCone 118 Goyamo118 HalfShell 25 June 23 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16b June 19 Mth 1m ft 1:43b June 17 Mtjt 5-8 ft 1:04b Mouche t N.c 1 CVX Br f 3, by Easlon Moo, by Gallant Fox. I w3 Breeder, Mrs. R. De V. Frelinghuysen. 1954 .2 1 0 0 ,275 Owner, T. J. Frelinghuysen. Trainer, W. J. Sacco. Jun16-548Mth 11:46ft 5 113 43J 1h 11 12 HartckW3 Mdn 84 SndysChnce118 HiyaBbe113 Ringld 9 May27-542G.S 6 f 1:1356ft 16 115 98 911 6 6t CulmneJ? 5000 73SwmpRebel116 AIISnt115 AirCoIonel 12 May 9 Lrl 3-8 ft :40b SWlYet 1 HQ B- 3 3, by Revoked Laatokka, by Pharamond II. V , "t: Breeder, H. P. Headley. 1954.. 18 0 2 4 ,575 n Owner, Kencal .ctJr Stud Farm. -r Trainer, L. Phillips. 1953.. 4 1 0 1 000 Jun14-547Mth 11:45 ft 12 118 42 25 2 27 CarrionW3 Alw 85 lronHeel118 SeaTale113 Montagnais 7 May31-544G.S 6 f 1:1216ft 53 114 54 5H 5 55J CaronW3 1000082 Ace Var 114 Rejane108 King Beau 9 May22-545G.S 6f1:13gd 16 114 65 62J 42 31 CarrnW5 10000 78 HoopRing114 Boldlmp112 SecondBrel 7 May 8-544G.S 6f1:13m 19 113 85 8 9 65J BurrCS 1000Q76 MikeOHerron114 Imr.ense113 Helfasti2 May 5-544G.S 6f1:12V6ft 3e 119 72310a 913 913 BurrCi2 Alw 74 Garstara 114 DawnHopHO Oalo12 Apr12-545G.P 6f1:10Kft 2 112 31 32 22 34 BurrC Alw 87 NoReturn112 Reb-Misha1l2 ValleyKg 8 Mar31-545G.P 6f1:imft, 6 112 42 513. 43 44 BurrC2 Alw 82 LseRock112 RoanStripe112 NextBest 9 Mar29-545G.P 7 f 1:25ft 5 112 1h 31 53 533 BurrC Alw 82Sampan120 BumtChild112 ColonelFru 10 June 25 Mth 1-2 ft :49y5b May 25 GS 3-8 ft :38b May 1 GS 1-2 ft :52b Of L kyifU 1 1-8 MILES. First Aid, June 16, 1 954-1 :49V6-4-1 13. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds Ulll IVHII and upward. Claiming. Non-winners twice since May 18. Weight, 120 lbs. Non- winners since May 18 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 23, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Cnart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt 21616 Soakin Wet Jun54 Mth 1:53V6 109 109 21616 Central City Jly53 Mth 1:56 115 114 211794Colony Page Feb53 Hia 1:52 120 115 18475 Meg March Feb54 Hia 1:52 114 109 213524Trout Lure Aug53 Atl 1:51 105 109 216164 Jet Command May53 Bel 1:53 115 114 20604 Tony Pat, Jr; Oct53 GS 1:55m113 114 21352 Dayround Aug53 Atl 1:53 118 120 213523Scotch Bim May54 GS 1:5516 113 109 21616 Reveille Jun54 Mth 1:5316 117 120 Soakin Wet 1 HQ B- f 4 bv an Wave Casemer, by Case Ace. . V I , Breeder. P. G. Maxwell. 1954. .11 0 2 0 ,450 Owner, A. De Sabato. Trainer, J. F. Piarulli. S3.000 1953.. 20 2 0 1 54.430 Jun23-54iMth 1 1-8 1:5156gd 5 109 68 614 71? 8.1 BatchrLS 3000 68AtForty120 PenningtonBoy114 Chum 10 Jun12-542Mth 1 1-8 1:53ft ,5 109 1115 813 57 2h BatchrL 3000 83 Reveille117 DlveAround114 BattleAce 12 May28-548G.S 11:48ft 73 109 913 5? 4 24 BatchrLa 3000 65 Reunion118 Roadrunner112 Rzzbrryll May25-548G.S 1-70 1:4516ft 14 1051 1 111 i3iois 913 GreenFio 3250 65 LdyRdrs107 MyRtrt111 WkdSsn 12 May14-542G.S 1 1:4756ft 33 105 65 643 543 413 GreenFS 3000 69 Wardril 113 Sails108 Bamboo 12 May 7-544G.S 6 f 1:1256ft 58 105 77 67 710 683 GreenF3 3500 75 HappyRabbitHO SirRarco120 Puppet 9 Apr19-54G.P 1 1-16 1:46 ft 7 113 21 43 68 73 JamesB2 2500 67 RyWdmlOg YllwDt113 LkyLdy 10 Apr14-542G.P 7f1:24ft 47 109 4i 5i 65 51 1 GreenFS 3000 79 RebelSpy114 LateReturn114 SirTint 12 June 19 Mth 1-2 ft :50b June 9 Mth 1m ft 1:42h June 3 GS 1-2 ft :50b Colon V Paae 11 Dk b c 4 bv Co0" Boy Fair Wig, by Constitution. wuiwij uSb Breeder. Mrs. M. W. Perkins. 1954.. 8 1 0 1 ,175 Owner, F. Baldi. Trainer, W. J. Sacco. ,000 1953. .16 4 1 2 ,480 Jun19-548Mth 1 1-4 2:05ft 19 117 63 67 57 4s StevnRL? 3000 69Peripose1l4 AirAttack114 Sunnyman 12 Jun12-542Mth 11-81:53ft 24 120 78J 58 67 84 StevnRL2 3000 81 Revle117 SoakinWetlOg DelveAround 12 May26-542pim 1 1:4856ft 22 11.4 10.M 67 1h ink BalztiWi 2500 66 FultnMkt 114 ClnBrm! 17 KgPmp 12 May18-548Pim 12:02ft 28 114 743 88 77J 67 NeIsonE2 2500 59ToyHunt114 RoughCookie118 Cepheus 12 May 4-544Bow 11:48ft 14 112 12i1211i 84 ValentiJ? 3000 66 TroutFly117 VernaLee109 BldWarrior 12 Mar2:-548Lrl 11-81:54 ft 4J 109 753 633 67 58 BlumWB 2500 69NobleSun116 RghCookie122 Twintone 11 Mar25-548Lrl 1 1:49ssy 3 116 61 6J 4 37 ShukN4 2500 60 Bernrough116 AppearancellO Quirinus 10 , Mar20-548Lrl 11:50V5gd 5 114 57 53 43 43 LesterW 2500 60 LittleGreg116 Juldee109 KingPomp S June 5 Mth 1m ft 1:47b May 16 Lr 1m ft 1:47b May 11 Lrl 3-4 ft 1:17b TrOUt Lure u c 1 1 flQ Ch- New World-Trout Stream, by Paul Weidel. U7 Breeder. Mrs. W. C. Byron. 1954.. 2 0 0 0 50 Owner, Jumping Brook Farm. Trainer, T. H. Heard, Jr. S3.000 1953.. 12 2 1 1 ,510 Jun21-548Mth 11:45ft 23 109 75 57 4 4U KorteKH 3000 78 PortWindsr114 Muzzle114 SctchBim 11 Jan 4-548TrP 11:45ft 15 116 54 43 53 42 StevonRL Alw 83 Charier 110 ShadyTune.108 YoullDo 7 ,Nov14-538G.S 11:46y5ft 3Je 113 1h 2 34 57 KorteK 7500 69 Tipll. 119 Topside 114 DontAsk ll 0ct31-538G.S 1 1:47.16ft 17e 110 54J 5H 52 6WmsWB. 8000 68 Tipll. 117 Go Between 110 Ardoch 11 0ct17-534G.S 1 1:4656ft 7 119 6 55 55 5i KorteK3 8000 70 Pensava 114 Thee andMe 110 Seer 8 Oct 9-53G.S 11:47ft 8 111 33 33 2 13 KorteKi 7500 73 Pensava 114 AppeaseNot 103 Rusty 9 Oct 1-537AU 11-81:52ft 43 108 3 34 21 13 KorteK? 6500 82 Irritate118 AppeaseNot115 GayCount 7 June 18 Mth 7-8 ft 1:30h June 11 Mth 3-4 ft 1:15h June 5 Mth 5-8 ft 1:02h Tonv Pat Jr ji, KA 1 1 A B- c 4, by Heather Broom Grit, by Bull Dog. i.ui, yrij I Breeder, Point-A-View Stud Farm. , 1954.. 5 0 0 0 Owner, Bertrando Brothers. Trainer, A. Bertrando. S3.000 1953.. 6 0 1 1 50 Jun15-543Mth 11:46 ft 21 115 108J 9754 54 HartckW 3000 86ToyFox110 Pinostres115 YardmasterIZ May 6-548G.S 1-70 1:44ft 83 10712121112101310U BlockH? 3500 70 Rawarl 13 NewHaven107 PortWindsor 12 Apr28-548 Bow 1 1-8 1:56 ft 14 113 733 77 81 1 81 1 MontroA? 2500 71 Reighsign109 Milldale117 FlagReqst12 Apr12-548Bow 11:49 ft 52 109 53 54 612 6" CafellaM4 4000 65 Patois108 FirstNighter117 SamH. 8 Apr 9-542LH 6f1:13ft 12 118 117 10H 84 6? CafllaMU Mdn 70 AttentionFans115 Sezl113 Erudition 11 Dec 2-538Bow 1 1-8 1:5556ft 8J 113 35 13 13 2"k BalztiWi i 2500 83 Juldeel 13 SprigFever106 Jackadandy 12 Noy18-533Bow 1 1-4 2:06ft 44 108 57 6 7" 714 WidmanA4 3000 89Frivolity 107 Zop 116 Reunion 12 Nov 3-532G.S 1-701:48 ft 6 116 54 5i 46 34 WmsWBi 3500 62 Prom 106 GrayNight112 Reflectionist 10 June 22 Mth 3-8 ft :385b June 11 Mth 1m ft 1:45b June 6 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16J6h Scotch Bim wim 1 HQ B- k 9, by Blue Larkspur or Bimelech Clonaslee, by OrpimenL i U7 Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm C. 1954.. 6 0 0 1 00 Owner, R. A Connell. Trainer, J. W. Camac. S3.000 1953.. 22 4 5 2 1,030 Jun21-548Mth 11:45ft 17 109 65 34 34 3? BlumWa 3000 81 PortWindsor114 Muzzle114 TrUure 11 May20-544G.S 11-81:53gd 16 113 45 5 47 57 JamesB2 3500 66 Sails 112 FredR.115 RockyReef 8 May14-542G.S. 1 1:4756ft 6 108 98 8?J 812 7" BIockHio 3000 60 Wardrjl 113 Sails108 Bamboo 12 May 6-545G.S 12:00ft 26 107 43 35 65 65 BlockH4 3000 77 LikeHover112 Denny112 FlushingSam 8 Apr 2-548LM 11:49 gd 14 114 8o 914 820 814 RegtoJA 2500 55 Reveille114 RedCap112 HalcyonDuke 11 Mar23-548Lrl 11:47ft 31 118 11 1311 tani7iii3 RegtoJAS 3500 63KaysChildrn118 PublicityMs113 Spa 11 Dec 5-532 Bow 1 1-4 2:0916ft g 116 68 815 917 gi BrecknsJ3 2500 71 Fr,dlyFrnk116 BoldWarr113 Jac.Brr 12 Nov20-538Bow 1 J:48 ft 4 112 6 14 13 12 RotzJn 2500 81 RedSam 114 Futile 108 Roadrunner12 June 17 Mth 3-8 ft :38b June 12 Mth 1m ft 1:47b May 1 Lrl 5-8 ft 1:07b Dk- b- h 5 by Challenge Me-Baflot, by V-enrrai Central Citv liy 1 I 1-1 14 Baffling. Breeder, G. R. Smith. 1954.. 2 0 0 0 Owner, Summers and Wymer. Trainer. E. W. King. S3.000 1953.. 3 0 1 0 00 Jun23-54iMth 11-81:5iy5gd 66 114 54 92010261025 BoultisSS 3000 62 AtForty120 PenningtonBoy114 Chum 10 Jun12-54iMth 11-8 1:5156ft 23 114 2 57 83 8 BoultisSio 3000 75 AtForty 120 Peripose 114 OneBuckli Aug5-53iMth 1 1-8 1:52ft 9 114 33 683 817 817 JamesB5 3000 70 LuckStone109 Baccala114 Scotstoun H Jly24-53iMth 1 1:4916ft 7i 115 32 11 1 21 JamesBio 3000 70 JolisamllO SandRun115 StansHelen 12 Jly18-538Mth .1 1-81:54ft 29 115 23 43 43 553 StevnRL 3000 70BdWarrior117 Bletdo117 CceSymbl 10 Oct10-528G.S 11-81:54ft 26 113 32 91710271024 WilnHBi2 3000 45 Spa 113 BuzzABit116 Rebut 12 Sep27-523Atl 11:475ft 3e 120 32 97j 9151016 SmithGL3 3000 60 BkYsRdM16 RbCrsoe113 WeVVrcIO SeP25-528Atl tc 1 1:47ft 3 115 2and 24 5 883 RegtoJAS 3000 73BuzzABit114 Ruxton114 MusicHossJI June 22 Mth 3-8 ft :37b June 18 Mth 5-8 ft.1:03h June 10 Mth 5-8 ft 1:025 Mpa murcn Mnrch 1 1 fiQ y B- m 5 bv Rustom Sirdar Meggy, by Cherokee. meg Breeder. A. S. Hewitt 1954.. 5 0 0 0 75 Owner, J. L. McKnight. Trainer, W. R. Mitchell. S3, 000 1953 .30 6 7 3 7 230 May26-548G.S 1 1:4656ft 33 108 8715 68 67 ChoqtteJ3 4000 69 Seascapel08 lnltMiss115 Hrry-Skry 9 May15-543G.S 6 f 1:1216ft 68 108 93 9 78J 77 ChoqtteJS 4750 79 Whitlthr119 JeysBest118 HayRbit 10 Feb19-548Hia 11-81:52ft 5 1149i3.8o 7 6 MayerJ8 c5000 62 FourPfclver112 BfulLass117 Anukita 10 Feb11-548Hia 11-81:51ft 25 114 10" 53J 43i 44 StnRLio c5000 73 Evans Mountnl 16 Espedeco111 Nepal 12 Jan 1-548TrP 11-81:52 ft 53 115 34 673 511 713 Stev?nRLs 5000 68 FirstHeir116 BlueGrouse109 Brunswk 8 Dec21-538TrP 1 1:4916m 13 113 7232 1h ih StevnRLi 5000 66 Publick115 Charles116 GumptiouslO June 23 Mth 1-2 ft :53 June 19 Mth 3-4 ft 1:17b May 26 GS 3-8 ft :386b Jet jer Command v-ommunu 11 A 4 B- M Jel Plol-War Date, by War Admiral. Breeder. Maine Chance Farm. 1954.. 5 0 0 0 50 Owner, R. B. Carroll. Trainer, ,R. B. Carroll. 53,000 1953.. 22 1 2 4 590 Jun23-54iMth 11-81:5156gd 52 114 24 4H 43 415 HartckW7 3O0072AtForty120 PenningtonBoylH Chum 10 Jun19-548Mth 1 1-4 2:05ft 36 114 12 7? 9"1012 WmsWB 3000 66 Peripose114 AirAttack114 Sunnyman 12 Jun12-54iMth 1 1-81:5iy5ft 23 114 63 35 510 7i SkellyJ8 3000 75 AtForty 120 Perioose114 OneBuckH May26-541G.S 11:47ft 64 112 1218 910 812 911 SkellyJ? 3000 60 Dyrnd 112 Pr,ceNhtn112 M.Mirity 12 May17-54iG.S 6f1:12ft 103 112 1210121412141115 StVnRL" 4000 71 Monacoan116 EIJaka112 TitansMatch 12 0ct23-533G.S 11:48 ft 8 113 97 8" 7" 6" BrecknsJ2 4000 59 HugoYouGo111 OneBck113 M.Grchen 9 0ct20-538G.S 11:485ft 13 115 58 71 853 74 PermaneR2 5000 64 Boricua 119 TopNews115 OneBuck 9 0ct12-538G.S 11:48 ft 5i 114 83 7? 710 6 BatcherLS 5500 64 Excursion 109 Seascape 106 YoullDo 8 June 17 Mth 5-8 ft 1:01hg June 11 Mth 3-8 ft :36hg May 22 GS 1-2 m :51b DnvrnunH 1 9H Ch. h, 7, by Rounders Loveday, by Petee-Wrack. wayrouna ZU 8.. Helis Stock Farm. 1954.. 5 1 0 1 ,200 Owner, Circle L Ranch. Trainer, J. B. Lafayette. S3.000 1953. .22 3 2 1 260 Jun21-548Mth 11:45ft 43 1 20 93 67J545ii McKnaRS 3000 78 PortWindsrl 14 Muzzlel 14 SctchBim 11 Jun18-548Mth 11:46ft 7 11712171016 918 912 SalvgioJ? 350072 Fanady116 GrandpasSue106 TripleLie 12 May26-54iG:s. 1 1:4756ft 41.112 57 24 21 12 StevnRLi 300071 PrceNhtn112 M.Mjrity109 PinWs 12 May18-548G.S 11:47ft 6 1081013 98 108J 973 GreenFH 3500 64 Ruche113 FatherTIber120 MyRetort12 May 7-542G.S 6f 1:13 ft 24 1091013 914 510 34 GreenFS 3500 78Chanter118 NoCase110 ShortHills 12 Nov14-532G.S 11:48ft 10 111 6 24 33 433 FerVlaNi 3500 64 BasesLdd114 MyMt116 FultnMkt 11 Nov 3-538G.S 11:48 ft 36 109 64 53321 1" .GreenFio 300070 WrdMusic107 ScchBim114 RIFrdom 12 0ct28-532G.S 11:48m 10 107 6J 52J 75 78 MrtinGR 3000 59 MerryMnt112 Reaction105 SctchBim 11 June 17 Mth 1-2 ft :5lb June 3 GS 3-8 ft :395b May 25 GS 5-8 ft 1:04b Reveille iCYeiiie X 1 90 Cn- 9 8 by-Eight Thirty Tatanne, by St. James. I fcv Breeder. George D. Widener. 1954. .11 4 1 3 ,940 Owner, Mrs. W. B. Dietrich. Trainer. B. P. Bond. ,000 1953.. 11 1 2 2 ,800 Jun23-54iMth 11-81:515Sgd 8 120 32 37 311 617 StoutJ2 3000 70 AtForty120 PenningtonBoylH Chum 10 Jun12-542Mth 1 1-8 1:53ft 23 117 22 2 1h ih" stoutJS 3000 83 SoakinWetlOg DelveArdl 14 BtleAce 12 Jun 1-548Del 1 1:4656ft 2121 H 12 ih 33 HartckWe 300073SirChatr113 CharBoots118 DoverDam 8 May27-542Pim 1 1:47ft 4-5 120 54 3 3? 410 ShukN 3000 62Mouseway115 ShahJahan113 Jkaddy 12 May15-54iPim 11-81:53 ft 3 122 1 11, 1h 24 ShukN 3500 87 RoyalAdl 116 Reighsign114 SergtMk 8 May 8-542Pim 1 1-8 1:5656ft 21 118 11 f 1 13 ShukN7 300070 Gro-Up 111 SIrHelios 114 Delove 11 May 4-548Bow 11:48ft 1 120 2h 14 34 3 ShukN5 3000 72 Bernrough117 RoyalAdl 114 Jackady S June 22 Mlh 3-8 ft :37b June 19 Mth 3-4 ft 1:16b June 10 Mth 3-4 ft 1:18b