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X jA HARNESS RACING NIGHTLY [jNTvE-r-T Jg—rr=TrL yftvluyfXiJn g y Bfl Kfl A ne raccs everY weekday night no racing Sundays through June 1st. 1 V viff~ itfr~Y ■ Ur JmjM ~ V VMMB Pari-Mutuels, Daily Double, Stoke Races. Finest horses competing Yy Jl — nMf ....,-/ 1_ m andM IuSl/ " ~* 1 HPnS WB on e wests fastest track. Post time 8:40 p. m. Admission PrT-M/liW.-. ,W f7~m i ■ — ~~~ IM HmAlS Sl.OO Grandstand. .50 Clubhouse, tax included. Easy to reach I i if • I V- rf*i~I II ?-/• - BrOfiUB P* y cor us or ,imousne- • / D tt N; V/ * " ™JBJP|P NORTH AVENUE ,1600 North and RIVER ROAD 186OO West. ollb/e —fi 1 PLENTY PARKING TRACKSIDE. DAILY DOUBLE CLOSES 8:30 P.M. J******4 PAJ/Afi/7l/£tS F0R RESERVATI0NS CALL MAnsfield 6-4816 Faster Track + Finest Horses * Feature Race Nightly