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M man man MM lying flat flat on on 1 ON THE BROADWAY SCENE ByBurtBoyar _ _ .. — « i SHOW Dii/itii wmv. FOLK: Tnla Lola WcKiov Fisher of nf "Lady "Tnriv" NMW YORK. N. Y.. May 13. THE CEL- | KBRIGADE: Greer Gai-on making a rainbow at Sardis in red hair, white mink and ureenbacks. . .* . Rex Harrison arriving at the t h e I t r | i n his hauffeuredgray Cadi-vertible with the top down. ... Hal March. at the Hospital For Joint Diseases, being scolded by a nurse because all Other staffers keep I hiding reasons to peel into the stars room. "You know," lec-luied the nurse to the his lis back. back. "Youre "Youre causing causing man man MM lying flat flat on on 1 his lis back. back. "Youre "Youre causing causing a terrible disturbance around here." . . . Hcnny Youngman walkinr. around town telling people what Abe Lincoln said to his wife from his deathbed. "You and your dMMMd theatre parties!" M • » INVASION OF PRIVACY: Ror. Russells Newsweek cover photo took six hours to re-touch. . . . Mr. Si Oliver I BillycV wants six months back alimony or its courting-time. . . . Eddie Bracken and Kartha Kitt took salary cuts to help keep "Shinbone" breathing. . . . Sinatra lost a bundle on Rays first Fullmer fight but made it back double on the second. . . . New Yorks top cafe owner lost Ten Big Ones on Fullmer. . . . Johnny Ray risked money for prestige when he took the Waldorf ■taking. Took a low guarantee plus the cover charges, but may still come out ahead. Business is good, there. _ _ .. — « i JOKE: Its Jack E. Leonards: Tonto and the Lone Ranger are ambushed by Indians in Grand Canyon. There are 20.000 Apaches to the right of em. and 30,000 Sioux to their left. Tensely the Lone Ranger says, "Tonto. were in terrible trouble." Tonto looks at the Lone Ranker and says. "White man— where dya get that WE stuff?" a « » SHUBERT ALLEY: The Ziegfollies and "Shinbone Alley** are expected to post the two weeks notice to the cast this Monday night . . . "Visit to a Small Planet" producers are whispering about Noel Coward heading the London company . . . "The Potting Shed" Wednesday matinee was a bedlam. The theater is next door to the old Lincoln Hotel. As the curtain rose the rat-tat-tat riveting next door began and not a word could be heard from the stage. They lowered the curtain. Ten minutes later tliey tried again, but once more the curtain had to be brought down. The shows mgr. went next door to negotiate. They made it on the third try . . . The "Fair Lady" casts backstage menageries: four dogs, two cats and two hamsters. Not to mention all the fillies. • ■ » THE MYSTERY GUEST: The very big TV star who wants to be loved by everyone and is driven to despair if just one person shows a lack of affection, or if he reads just one negative news item about himself. The poor fellow should be reminded that the last time FDR ran for of-I fice 22,000,000 people voted against him. SHOW Dii/itii wmv. FOLK: Tnla Lola WcKiov Fisher of nf "Lady "Tnriv" may let chaser Bill Bruce of Chicago; catch her . . . The other girls in the cast approve. Hes rich andlends them all his limousine to go shopping in . . . Arthur Godfrey will make a swing of the horse show circuit this summer . . . Beldon Kat-leman, Vegas El Ranchowner, is at the Hampshire House . . . Gleason even has a memory like an elephant. Hes giving TV jobs to all the old-timers he can find who knew him "when" . . . The Catskills Raleigh Hotel named a new building "The Sammy Davis Jr. Lodge." The owner is George Gilbert who co-produced "Mr. Wonderful" . . . Paramount Pictures big reel, Don McGuire, caught Morty Guntys night club act. Rushed backstage to tell him how hilarious he was. Told him he had just the spot for him in a new movie. A straight dramatic role! • t » TABLE HOPPING: Cyd Charisse will arrive with Tony Martin for his next Thurz Copaning . . . The Savannah Club, in the Village, offers R "Wanda, doing the lewdest strip act I have EVER seen . . . Dorothy Shay opens at the Persian Room May 14. Lord Lance, of Le Cupidon, didnt waste a minute. He has a calypsong — "Who Shot Costello?" . . . Saw Celeste Holm at the Cotillion Room. As her act stands now and it doesnt it would seem that as far as cafes are concerned, be they ever so humble, theres no place for Holm. Her material or lack of it is such a bore that it is embarrassing. However, one thing about the Cotillion Room: No matter how bad the show — you can see it!