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[ i — Oiifcial Racing Charts , Pimlico Race Course §§| Coovritht. 1957. bv Trianalf Publications. Inc. "~~~ ■ BALTIMORE. MO.. MONDAY. MAY 13. 1957— PIMLICO RACE COURSE 1 MILE. Seventh day of twelve-day meeting May 6 to May 18. Maryland Jockey Club. American Totalisator. United Starting Gate. Film Patrol. Teletimer. Automatic Timing. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Racing Commission. J. F. Flanagan. Stewards, S. B. Wing and W. C. Brinton. Placing Judges and Patrol Judges. M. Mackln. E. T. McLean. C. McCartney, H. Erickson. M. MacNeille. L. Eilken and G. Cock. Paddock Judges. W. Jennings and W OConnor. Clerk of Scales, N. J. Hyland. Starter.. E. R. Blind. Racing Secretary and Handicapper. J. F. Colwill. Assistant Racing Secretary and Handicapper. M. Mackin. 4 Racing starts at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1956. .29: current meeting. .27. Percentage of favorites in the money. 67. Daily Double, first and second, races. No entries or field horses in Daily Double races. Mutuel take. 12 per cent. State 5, plus daily license fee. traekj Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Confirmation Photos, Inc. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 950 feet. FIRST RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. I Salute. Nov. 10, 1954—1:10—4—106. Purse S2.500~ 1A 7 * 3-year-olds. Fillies. Claiming. Weight. 120 lbs. Non-winners of three races at any ** U A time allowed 3 lbs.; two races. 6 lbs.; maidens, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. May 13-57 — Pirn Net value to winner S1.625; second. 00; thirds, 87.50 each. Mutuel Pool. 1.460. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V2~Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners 0dds~to~ 01348 GREEK DEB w 111 2 6 5 5 4* 11 JRuane 2500 W Adams * 4TfjO 13297 NORTH CUPE wb106 1 5 23 1 13 2J C GamdlaS 2500 North Hill Farm 42.50 13294 SMART SET M wb117 3 12 111J 7J 5* 3 J Culmone 2500 P Vischer 3.00 14263 CAMP OUT [dh wb114 9 4 3J 3i 3J 3J G Cardoza 2500 Mrs H S Brown 5.50 11688 EDSPET w 112 6 9 6J 2» 2 5* W Balzetti 2500 Mrs W G Christmas 3.50 1306S3 SHIP TO SHORE w 1G9~ 10 7 9 8 J 6 6° T R» Roots 2500 Magnolia Farm 6.80 11356 DOUBLE QUEST w111 12 8 1 6 1* 73 A Catalanot 2500 G and R Stable 37.50 13973 MEL0GIN w 112 11 11 10»- 9h » 8 J S Palumbo 2500 W Kendrick 294.00 04160 SWISH TAIL w 112 4 10 12 103 9J M V Busht 2500 I Prickett 43.80 13295 ALIKE wb114 5 1 4J 113 1QJ 10 J A RMbuto 2500 A T Taylor 37 .CO 07795 SUSIE J. wb117 7 3 8112 12 115 E Nelsont 2500 F McGovern 2.70 14263_BLESSED TIMES w 113 8 2 1h 4* - 112J12 N Cox 2500 Mrs J Hurchalla 211.10 iDHj Dead-heat. tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time. :22*5. :47%. 1:15%. Track fast. • Official Program Numbers. - Mutuels Paid — * r- Odds to , ri • t 2-GREEK DEB 85.20 28 60 11.40 41.60 13.30 4.70 Ml utuel Prices? i-north cupe 50.40 15.20 24.20 660 i 3-SMART SET Dead-heat 2.80 .40 9-CAMP OUT Dead-heat 3.00 .50 Winner— B. f. by Greetc Ship— Malcontent, by Star Beacon, trained by B A. Hall. Sr.; bred by Brookmeade Sta. IN GATE— 2:02. OFF AT 2:02 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and thirds the same. GREEK DEB improved her position along the inside and wore down NORTH CUPE. The latter raced BL5SSED TIMES into defeat to attain a clear lead on the turr. then was unable to hold sway while drifting wide. SMART SET closed wit,h a rush to earn a dcad-heat with CAMP OUT. The latter lacked a late response. EDSPET rallied insufficiently. SUSIE J. showed nothing. BLESSED TIMES stopped to a walk. Scratched— 13848 Bridal Wreath. Ill: 95927 Linda Lazarus. 111: Clapper Rail, 111; 13923 Phillis Carol.. 117. Overweight— Edspet. 1 pound; Melogin, 1; Swish Tail. 1; Alike. 3; Blessed Times, 2. SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. I Salute. Nov. 10, 1954—1:10—4-106. Purse S3.000. a -j • -J-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Weight. 121 lbs. 1 I 4 / f U 5 Net value to winner ,950: second. S600: third. 00: fourth. 50. May 13-57 — Pirn Mutuel Pool. 3,438. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Va Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to BEAU PILOT w121 11 1 1» 1* 1« H E Phelps C M Kline 2.90 00653 KING KOCH w 121 6 5 5 3 2J 2? B Mitchellt I Prickett 37.40 12277 CHIMNEY wb 121 12 3 4 42 4»j 3 A Kirkland Llangollen Farm 6.90 84065 MAINE AVENUE wb116 8 2 2* 23 33 41; J RuaneS J Burrows 3.60 13972 CABLE-SLIP wb111 10 6" 6!, 6 55 53 T R Roots R DeStefano 33 40 12496 ALSAB KING wb 121 3 11 11= 102 82 6 V Bush Keystone Stable 9 60 12712 LATIN LANCER wb 121 19 8J 8J 72 ? * J Culmone .Mrs S M Pistorio 2.30 13179 PASSENGER wb 121 9 7 7 72 6« 83 A Russo Mrs G Paul 52.70 HIGH DEFENSE wb 121 7 8 9 93 93 9? N Ccx J Nechamkin 25.10 13295 CARBUMPER wb 121 4 10 10? 11* 103 10* S Palumbo Mrs I Ellis 171.90 13422 SPOILSPORT wb 121 2 12 12 12 12 VI* E Nelson J A Bayard 45.70 02199 EXPRESS wb 121 5 4 3* 5 112 12 J A Regto Mrs M W Carter 110.60 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time. :22*5 :47. 1:14V Track fast. Official Program Numbers — Mutuels Paid — , , — -Odds to i kA t w • / 11 -BEAU PILOT 7.80 6.00 4.20 2.90 2.00 1.10 Mutuel Prices? 6-king koch 21.20 10.40 9.60 4.20 112-CHIMNEY 3.80 .90 Winner— Ch. g. by Mr. Busher— Beau Jet. bv Jet Pilot, trained by M. H. Dixon, Sr.; bred by L. Combs II. IN GATE-2:34. OFF AT 2:34 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. BEAU PILOT set the pace under stout restraint and was roused to retain a commanding advantage. KING KOCH ws unable to menace the winner while responding. CHIMNEY lacked a rally. MAINE AVENUE weakened after having been much used in an effort to stay with the winner. LATIN LANCER appeared to have poor action. Scratched— 139724 Crack 0Dawn, 121; 95439 Archie My Boy. 121; 09652 Pimlico Prince. 121: 12425 Amslee Lass, 116. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 39.20 — Double Pool, 5,563. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS! Westward Ho. May 19. 1954— :59Vs— 2— 120. Purse ,000. 2-year- 7 f A °s- Foaled in Maryland. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 4 lbs. Claim-4 1a / U 4 ing price, ,000. Mav 13-57 — Pim Net value to winner ,950: second. 00. third. 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 2.909. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ■and 3,i Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 74264*~STARWARD BOUND w 112 10 1 |1J 13 1« 1* W Balzetti 5000 Mrs W G Christmas 4.00 11355 ROYAL SPAT w111 2 9 6J 3 J 33 22 J Ruane 5000 M P Blackburn 71.10 13180 MONTEGO BAY wb114 7 10 10 7h 5* V A Russo 5000 P Vischer 26 30 12071 ITS AN IMPULSE w 111 1 3 22 2 2 4U E Nelson 5000 Mrs L Fontaine 2.70 132S6 PIPING TIMES w 113 3 2 3J 4 4 5, 0 Cutshaw 5000 Xanatl Farm 2.50 14241* GRAY GAMBLER w 114 11 6 8h 6. 7+ 6, F Burrows 5000 Auburn Farm 6.50 13974 FRI2NDLY ELLEN wb111 4 7 7h 52 6 7 A Catalano 5000 J Nechamkin 13.40 10347 ANITAS FOLLY . wb111 5 11 11 11 9 P] E Phelps 5000 B L Pyle 64.80 BONNIE HEATON wb112 8 4 tP 9* 8i 93 V Bush 5000 Mrs A Feigenbaum 10.40 14242 GOLD MARKET. wb114 6 8 92* 8» 10* 10 J R Layton 5000 S Wolf 54.20 10886 CHEERFUL MOOD wb113 9 5 •» W 11 11 N Cox 5000 E K Bryson 59 20 Time. :23*,5. :48*5. 1:01 %. Track fast. Mutuels Paid Odds to Official Program Numbers* - — , r — ■ _•* v 1 -» , t 10-STARWARD BOUND 1000 5.80 4.00 4.00 1.90 1.00 Mutuel Prices? 2-royal spat 30.W 13.00 * 14.40 550 l 7-MONTEGO BAY 10.60 4.30 Winner— B. f, by Northern Star— Blue Ensign, by Blue Larkspur, trained by W. G. Christmas; bred by Mrs. G. Smith. IN GATE-3:00. OFF AT 3:00 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. STARWARD BOUND attained command at once. increased her advantage steadily and was under intermittent urging in the late stages. ROYAL SPAT failed to menace the winner. MONTEGO BAY rallied from far back. ITS AN IMPULSE gave way after chasinq the early leader. PIPUjIG TIMES could not keep pace. GRAY GAMBLER failed to reach contention. CHEERFUL MOOD stopped to a walk. Scratched— Weeping Princess, 111; Laddette., 111. Overweight— Starward Bound, t pound; Piping Times. 2. Bonnie Heaton. 1; Cheerful Mocd, 2. FOURTH RACE 5 FURLONGS. Westward Ho. May 19. 1954— :59-2— 120. Purse ,000. 2 year-1 m -i r r olds. Claiming. Weight, 119 lbs. Non-winners of two races allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, I 4 / U J 5 lbs. Claiming price. ,000; if for less. 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Mav 13-57 — Pim Net value to winner ,950; second 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool. 8.326. index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St , 3a Str Fm Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 128021 NAUGHTY KATIE w 105 9 3 1 15 1 13l~A~Schwizer 7000 Mrs C M Petro 4.40 13974* BETSY CEE wb111 5 1 2* 22 23 2«| E Nelson 8000 E K Bryson 2.20 140903 SUEZ w114 6 2 3 32 32 33; F Burrows 8000 Auburn Farm 12.10 12518 ALSTAR wb114 2 5 5 4J 43 4* J Culmone 8000 Almoy Stable 9.90 13849 RIVERSDALE w 106 3 4 6h 7h 72 5"° A Catalano 7000 L T McDonald 164.60 NOBLE JET w101 4 8 7. 62 62 6 J Reiis 7000 I Prickett 55 40 127943 BULLY DAM wb110 16 4 5* 5* 7* R Lawless 7500 P A Rothfuss 5 00 118873 DANCING ROMAN w112 8 9 95 9* 8 83 V Bush 8000 Mrs D L Reynolds 2 70 13539 FOOFY w 101 7 7 * 82 95 93 T R Roots 7000 D Silber 183 60 14242 HAWTIG wb 114 10 10 10 10 10 10 J C Vogel 8000 G G Waugh 8680 Time. :23. :47*s. 1:00*s. Track fast. Official Program Numbers r- Mutuels Paid — , r— Odds to - in* I 9-NAUGHTY KATIE 1080 5.00 4.40 4.40 1.50 1.20 MutUel PriCeSJ 5-BETSY CEE 4.OO 3.60 1.C0 ,80 Winner— Ch f by New Moon— Lady Ligonier. by Sir Walter, trained by H. F. LangleV; bred by S 0 Graham. IN GATE-3:25 OFF AT 3:25 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. NAUGHTY KATIE, hustled early to wrest command from BETSY CEE, was mildly roused to retain a commanding advantage over that rival. BETSY CEE. in front briefly along the backstretch, was no match for the winner. SUEZ raced evenly, as did ALSTAR. BULLY DAM gave way early and broke down badly just after the finish. DANCING ROMAN was outrun. Scratched— Seven Ways, 106; Flyers Luck. 109. Overweight— Dancing .Roman, 1 pound. FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES turf course. Old Glendale May 10. 1955-1:43Vs— 4— 114. Purse -j f * ,300. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of two races at a mile or 1i 4 / U O over since February 16 allowed 3 lbs.: one such race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; May 13-57 — Pim if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner .145; second, 60; third. 30; fourth, 65. Mutuel Pool. 2,761. Index Horses ~Eqt A Wt PP St jj V2 V* StrTiiT" Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds~to 14091 GOLD PRIZE" wb 116 2 1 2 22 21 |l» 1 ~S Paiumbo" 40CO Tm LichtenbergT 750 138482 HI-PINE " wb 112 4 6 6 7 41 48 2 E Nelson 3500 R B Archer a-2.60 13975 ELSING GREEN w 111 6 3 12 11 1 2 32 R Lawless 4000 T E Gilman 250 13848 CLONTOO wb 112 9 8 * 6 3« 32 43 w Balzetti 3500 Miss G Taylor 17.30 12610 SUN DOG w112 3 7 4* 51 8 52 5 * N Cox 3500 Mrs J M Fisher 470 13424 MAIA w 113 7 5 81 82 6 6» 6° 0 Cutshaw 4000 H C Erb 4.20 13972 SANCTIMONIOUS wb 107 1 9 9 9 9 9 7J A Catalano 3500 L E Torreyson 84.70 13678 LITTLE WEEPER w 116 5 2 3 4 7 7 82 M Rodrig z 4000 C L Creswell a 2.60 069552 SAHGAL wb 111 8 4 5* 3 53 8 9 A Russo 3500 Mrs C R Lewi, 28 80 a-Coupled. Hi-Pine and Little Weeper. Time. :24. :482/S- 1 : 1 3 5 . 1:403/5. 1:475. Track hard. Official Program Numbers - J2 Mutuels Paid -» 4 Oddi to n • I 3-GOLD PRIZE 17.00 7.20 4.20 7.50 2.60 1.10 Ml UtUel PriCeSi 1-HI-PINE a-Entry 4.20 2.40 1.10 .20 i 5-ELSING GREEN 2.80 .40 Winner— Br. c. by Golden Bull— Good Gray, by Firethorn, trained by V. Wisner: bred by J. H. Lichtenberg. IN GATE-3:49. OFF AT 3:49 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. GOLD PRIZE raced m close attendance to the pace without being hurried and responded well to hold HI-PINE safe. The latter rallied from well off the pace but could not overtake the top one. ELSING GREEN gave way after having been rated in front. CLONTOO rallied from far back to engage the leaders from the inside, then weakened. MAIA showed nothing. LITTLE WEEPER flattened out. Scratched— 13075 Lots. 119. Overweight— Maia. 2 pounds; Sahgal, 4. SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Squared Away. May 16. 1953-1:04*5-8— 121. Purse ,500. -i f% -j 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-winners of two races. Weight. 121 lbs. Non-4 Iyj / U / winners of ,600 allowed 3 lbs.; maidens. 6 lbs. May 13-57 — Pim Net value to winner ,275; second. C0: third. 50: fourth. ST75. Mutuel Pool, 7.676. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V2 Sir Fin "Jockeys Owners Odds to 138513 MORN AGAIN "w 113 3 1 1 1 12 12 C Gamd"laand Nydrie Stable 2.20 13851 ROCKIE CREEK wb118 4 4 6 3- 2 23 V Busht I Prickett 50.70 13851 WATER LILY wb115 2 2 2!~ 2 3 ; A Schwizr3 Brookmeade Stable 11.40 13851 JANE GESS w116 1 3 3 42 42 42; J Ruane* D and H Stable 7.50 13351* HOME TO MAMA w118 6 6 5 5 5 5 E Nelson Christiana Stable 8.40 12105 ARZILLA w 118 5 5 4 6 6 6 0 Cutshaw Calumet Farm .90 Time, :2325. :47* s, 1:06*5. Track fast. » Official Program Numbers 1 *- Mutuels Paid — , Odds to i n • t 3-MORN AGAIN 6.40 4.00 3.60 2.20 1.00 .80 Ml UtUel PriCeS? 4-ROCK!E CREEK 18S0 740 8.40 2 70 i 2-WATER LILY 5.80 190 Winner— Ch. f, by Sun Again— Morning, by American Flag, trained by J. P. Jones: bred by Nydrie Stud. IN GATE— 4:16. OFF AT 4:16 EASTERN DAYLIGHT T4ME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. MORN AGAIN set the pace under rating and increased her advantage when roused mildly through the stretch. ROCKIE CREEK could not reach -the winner but held the others safe. WATER LILY challenged from the inside on the turn and weakened. JANE GESS could not keep pace. HOME TO MAMA lacked a response. ARZILLA displayed brief speed and gave way in a dull effort. SPECIAL RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Noble Impulse, May 9. 1949-1-42-3—119. PREAKNESS PREP. 7 A 7 l Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Weight. 124 lbs. Non-winners of 5.CO0 at 1i 4 / U / /2 a mile or over allowed 4 lbs.; S10.0C0 twice. 7 lbs. May 13-57 — Pim Net value to winner .900: second. .200: third. 00. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V2 Va Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to S 13141* BOLD RULER wb 124 3 1 23 12 1b ih 11 E~Aracro " Wheatley Stable 12282 INSWEPT wb 120 13 3 2 26 28 22 J Culmone Roslyn Farm 13976* CONVOY wb 117 2 2 12 3 3 3 3 N Cox Mrs J Fisher Jr Time. :231/5, :46*5. 1:11, 1:37. 1:43%. Track fast. NO WAGERING IN GATE— 5:07. OFF AT 5:07 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won cleverly; second and third driving. BOLD RULER attained command when ready along Ike backstretch, was not hurried when engaged by INSWEPT, was roused when straightened into the stretch, then appeared to have his rival measured through the final furloi g. INSWEPT joined BOLD RULER from the outside on the final bend, made a strong effort to displace the leader, then weakened slightly through the stretch while under strong pressure. COWBOY was in front briefly in tUe early stages and stopped badly. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Noble Impulse. May 9. 1949 — 1:42 — 3—119. Purse ,500. 4-year- ~7 Q olcls anc* upward! Claiming. Weight. 123 Ids. Npn-winners of two races at a mile or 1A 4 / U O over since April 10 allowed 3 lbs.; one such race. 6 lbs. Claiming price. ,000. May 13-57 — Pim Net value to winner ,275; second. 00; third. 50; fourth. 75. Mutuel Pool. 9.971. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % V2 3/a Str Fin Jockeys CI g Pr. Owners Odds to 12798 SHOW BRIDGE" wb4 117 1 4 13 15 15 13 M Rodrigz 6000 - R B Archer 6.40 11360 NORTHQUEST wb5117 4 7 7 72 45 22 23 A Russo 60C0 M Polinger a-2.90 13854 P. 0 ANNEX wb4117 3 8 51 3* 32 3 3*J R F Bright 6000 C Moorefield 8.90 13850 CANYON wb5114 S 3 IP Z 2* 4* 4J A Schwz 3 6000 Brookmeade Stable 4.20 13680 NEREO wb5120 9 6 9 9 7 9* 5* E Nelson 6000 J F Siccardi 6.20 12614 ADAROSE w4117 7 2 9* 4 51 62 6 F Zehr 6000 W W Waters b-3.30 13854 ALLORA w5114 2 1 4h 61 8 8 7-" J Culmone 6000 E A Nicodemus 10.10 136802 SCINTILLA w5115 8 5 6* P« 63 7 83 S Palumbo 6000 Mrs E S Hacker a-2.90 13854 BEA MARONY w 8 113 5 9 8* 83 9 9 9 a Kirkland 6000 W W Waters b-3 30 a-Coupled. Northquest and Scintilla: b-Adarose and Bea Marony. Time. :23, M%, 1:11%. 1:31%, 1:45. Track fast. Official Program Numbers r- Mutuels Paid — r- Odds to . B • 3-SHOW BRIDGE 14 80 7.20 5.20 6 40 2.60 1.60 Ml UtUel PriCeS? 1-N0RTHQUEST a-Entry 4O0 2.60 1.00 .30 I 5-P. 0. ANNEX 5.00 1.50 Winner— B. g, by Amphitheatre — Bidseven, by Grand Slam, trained by R. B. Archer; bred by Mereworth Farm. IN GATE-4:46. OFF AT 4:46 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. SHOW BRIDGE held a commanding advantage throughout but was placed to intermittent pressure through the final furlong. NORTHQUEST responded willingly but failed to menace the winner. P. 0. ANNEX was best of the others. CANYON gave way after racinq closest to the pace. NEREO wore down tired horses. ADAR7SE could not keep pace, nor could ALLORA. SCINTILLA showed nothing. BEA MARONEY was badly outrun. Overweight— Allora. 2 pounds; Bea Marony, 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Noble Impulse. May 9. 1949—1:42-3—119. Purse ,800. 4-year- 7 A A olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice since April 1 allowed 1i 4 / U 7 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price. ,000. May 13-57 — Pim Net value to winner ,820; second. 60; third. " 80: fourth. 40 Mutuel Pool. 19.010. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V2 3,k Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds "to 135382 PAVION wb5 114 2 2 3h 3 2 1 1* C GamdlaS 3000 R N Webster 3.20 134273 BON-RU-MAR wb5111 7 4 4* 51 62 41 2J E Nelson 3000 Hopedale Stable 3.10 13847 HOCKESSIN wb4 116 8 8 7h Ah 1 2 33 S Palumbo 3000 Mrs R T Taylor 7.50 14088 FLEET CHIEF wb4111 6 9 91 82 41 32 4» T R Roots 3000 Old Bay Farm 11.60 04516 FREMARCTON wb5111 9 6 »■ * 8 6h 52 J Holland5 3COO R Douglas 89.60 12710 FIRST QUESTION wb 4 116 5 1 23 2 5 72 6 E Phelps 30C0 A F Denest 26.70 140892 LOVES ETERNAL w4116 1 3 11 11 3 53 7*1 A Catalano 3000 V J Jeppi 3.90 13427 DOCTOR LEO w 4 111 11 11 11 10i103 8 P* J RuaneS 3000 L G Robinson 52.40 13675 JOHN J. JR. wb7 122 4 7 5h 71 9? 105 S M Rodrigez 3Hi R Smith 6 60 14069 BROWN POPPY wb4116 3 5 62 62 71 9» 102 W Balzetti 3000 A J Bullock 51.70 13428 MYSTERY NIGHT w 4 116 10 10 UK 11 11 11 11 N Cox 30CO E Lombard. 20.50 Time, :23%. :48. 1:13%. 1:41i5. 1:48. Track fast. Official Program Numbers f Mutuels Paid — , , — Odds to n • i 2-PAVION 8.40 4.80 3.80 3.20 1.40 .90 Ml utuel Prices? 7-bon-ru-mar 520 4.00 i.w 100 -l 8-HOCKESSIN 5.60 180 Winner— Dk. ch. h, by Pavot — Artistic Rose, by Challenger II.. trained by L Laurin; bred by I Drymon. IN GATE— 5:32. OFF AT 5:32 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good Won ridden out; second and third driving. PAVION. under restraint while close to the pace, was unhurried when HOCKESSIN moved to the fore, then needed only mild urging to wear down that one and increase his advantage. BON-RU-MAR rallied only mildly. HOCKESSIN moved through along the inside to attain command, then gave way. FLEET CHIEF moved menacingly into the stretch and weakened. FIRST QUESTION flattened out badly. LOVES ETERNAL set the pace and faltered. Scratched— 13675 Blue King. 116: 142692 Corpy. 111: 14269 Ramp 116: 14265 Tarzan. 119: 14089 Powder Flask. 119 Attendance, 9,229; Total Mutuel Pool, 21,174.