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Happy East Choice Today In Oxrod at Fort Miami Ryan Veteran Charged Home in Cincinnati Handicap Saturday By A. L. SHIELDS HAMILTON, Ohio, May 13.— The Oxrod, a test for four-year-olds and upward, will headline a good card of eight races Tuesday. It will be over one and one -eighth miles, longest distance run over this course during the current session. Eight are entered, including Danny Ryans Happy East, who won Saturdays Cincinnati Handicap, defeating Lalou and Jauntstown in the last stride, to be best by the merest snip of a nose. This ten-year-old son of Mont Blanc is a strong stretch runner who does his best when coming off the pace. Saturdays victory was his second of the meeting. His first score occurred last Tueday when he beat Gal Proof and Labess. The good account he gave of himself in the big one , Saturday now establishes him as the favorite Tuesday. The fans will not soon [ forget the charge in his last he made down the stretch. Coming to the eighth pole he didnt have a horse beaten. At the wire he had headed all in the closest finish yet registered here. Three noses showed in the photo, Happy East, Lalou and Jauntstown. The added distance will suit him tomorrow. T. R. Diengers Adrastus, who is trained by the former good race rider, Clarence Wright, comes off a win to oppose Happy East, and if the Adaris — Ma-Minnie gelding runs back to that one the Danny Ryan hopeful will certainly have need of his running shoes. Others in the field include the D. Lock-ner-Miss B. Munroe entry of Powertown and Jakes Julep; Joe Ryans My Suzy Belle; H. H. Morris and J. C. Morris Gizeh: C. and E. Estridge and B. W. Jones Prairie Pearli. and Myers and Martins America!.