untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1957-05-14


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AMERICAS TURf AUTHORITY rOUMIKII IN 18TM Official Newspaper of ilir National Association of Stat* Itnrlng CommisMonrra Published dally, except Sunilaj, uj TltlANUI K IlIUI.U ATIONS. Inc. DAILY noma FOKM J. Samuel Tollman Editor and rublisber T nn Ijrons Chief Turf Krtitor ASSOCIATED PAPERS: 731 Plymouth Court Chicaco S. IHIdoIs .V-J West :Cnd Street New York 19, New Xork 15 W N. Vermont Amine loi Aagelea *l. Calif. SO Richmond St.. Ka»t. .. .Toronto 1. Ont.. Canada 41.13 University Way Seattle B. Waslilncton 21.14 N. W. Miami Conrt Miami S7 riorMa KKNiUCKl BUKKAU 14S anda*t High Street Leiington. Kent inky Entered as second clssa matter, tlay 2ft. 19l.~ . at the post office at Chicago, 111., under the Act of Marc* 3. 1879. Member of Audit Bureau of Circnlaiions 6UBSCRIPTIOM BATES One Month One Tear Second Class f 11.00 |132.00 JTirfct Class 14.90 178.80 Air Mail 18.80 225.00 Minimnm subscription period Is 1 month of 2tf lvsne« Back number, single copy price. 50 cent a. Address all communications, mala all remit-fauces and send all manuscript* to DATLT RACING 1011H W rijroouih Court, Chicago 6. 111. Telephone: W Abash 2-0366 Herbert a. Kamia. Business Manager Chart number of first raca la 1957 was aWM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957051401/drf1957051401_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1957051401_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800