How to Read Past Performance, Daily Racing Form, 1957-06-01

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HOW TO READ PAST PERFORMANCES I j I WHAT ARE PAST PERFORMANCES? DAILY RACING FORM past performances are a transposition of DAILY indicate his virtues and his faults; will tell you the distance he prefers; the RACING FORM charts. Every past performance line tells the story of how track condition he favors; his recent workouts EVERYTHING of import- the particular horse you are interested in ran on a particular day. Every- .ance in evaluating form. All racing secretaries and handicappers MUST thing you need to determine the probable result of a race is included in each analyze past performances before they draw conclusions. The line below, thoroughbreds past performances. A brief study of each horses record will from Elbas record, clearly reveals how he performed in his last race. . EXAMPLE OF PAST PERFORMANCES AN EXAMPLE OF PAST PERFORMANCES AS THEY APPEAR IN . V c liJO Runner. X vr Good Jkll,. Mud Runner. . cnAr:nr Superior Mud uiIfl Runner Runner. DAILY RACING FORM Elba X 1 1 Q B. g, 4, by Arbiel Alicia Tee, by Sempronius. ELBA X 11and B g,4, by Arblel Alicia Tee, by Sempronius "it M 1 3 385 " 1 1 Breeder. W. LrWall. 1956.. 3 1 1 ,450 Owner, J. N. Croft. Trainer, J. Strong. ,060 1955.. 12 M 1 3 ,385 ,000 wFeb 7-56tS.A 6f1:10Hft 3eM20 4J 32J 2h ino stout Jip cOMO 91 Wherrie 114 Zacawon112 FoneMe12 Feb 3-5G3S.A 7 f1:23ft 2i 115 125J 6L 47J 48S NadeauG? Alw 82 Yutu 114 JimsTown117 Pops Pal 10 S Jan28-563S.A 7M:23ysft 7 115 81 7f 45 j 33J JohnsonTa AIw87 Roaming0scY113 HighDrift1G8 Jonesy 12 , Dec28-553S.A lc7f1:26Vsfm 10 118 Bio 54 A 3U NadeauG Alw 102 Vigor 109 Light Jean 111 Big Question, j; 2 5 No9-55SJam 11:45V6ff 5 120 23 53 58 BtS Fi Alw 71 BnaiBrith 111 WliirlsBell 119 BigFlt 9 t . e " E 1L . Nov. 9, 1955-Daily Racing Form Time. 1:44 Vs, fast. S - S s 2- -g PAMf! JMiJf? I i 52 g3 TO 5r -EffioltWi HcP0 84Jacktown118 LeeMor118 BelovedMiss 12 a Z s f S- 3 ? -,- I fepl?"Ie! JffiM J JJ? 11 1? Hi 3"k ElliottWS AlwM89JuneJ115 MyHonyBee115 Bubb!estm12 E E 5x 3 I 8 sS E Sep2l-55Bd 1 A 1:4455ft ,74 114 41 3 12 2h GonlezL? Mdn 86Tordar 112 HotChocotate 114 OurGift 12 S 2 5 i Q -S C, S Imh Feb 7 SA 3-8 ft :36Jsh - Feb 2 SA 1-2 ft :47h Jan 29 SA 1m si 1:44b - Tlie earnings line, giylng each horses racing record for the current and preceding year, is an important part of the complete part performances. In addition to the records themselves, It furnishes clue to the class of races which the horse has been running and reveals whether his earning capacity has increased or diminished in the years coverage. "M" in the record column indicates maiden. A "maiden" is a horse who at the time of starting, has never won a race on the flat in any country. A "maiden jumper" is one who has never won a steeplechase or hurdle race. MEANING OF EACH PAST PERFORMANCE CALL I 1 "5 c ORDER OF FINISH WITH WEIGHT - w rt ,. iz j "Vi is -- n " 2? . ji Si f finish shows horse won, second, third and g S"S f, -s " s fourth horses are given. - 5 . - f s 2 - 3 o If second, first, third and fourth horses are 2 5 ra 5 -a w "-a Sff S 5 u. Shown. TL w g o S . "go g g S"i S-E -so sg -1 If third, first, second and fourth horses are " S 2 S -I s .... " gL?. S.--3 S. . o s . S snown shown. I"5 -S - S - 1 ?s -S rf I :E S .1 1 8 5 "1 !S 5 5 I" ia If unplaced, first, second and third horses are e Q C t- a u. o oS q 5: uj Se ni43i Eu uJ Ui o G S" S 2 shown. g Feb? S.A 6f 1.1054 ft 3e 120 43 32i 2 . 1 Stout J 19 cWOO 91 Wherrie 114 Zacawon 112 Fone Me 12 VARIOUS ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PAST PERFORMANCES eSandS SflandglVSl rfS CwJSrIc" ""a raSch each horse enured be daimed for a desig- - ard he is credited, with rating of 100. For each one-fifth of a second slowei - than that rewrd one ?hv !LK,C4 ni i0nformily t0 the condltlons of the race- ln point is deducted. Thus, for a horse running the distance two and two-fifths seconds slower than the 58.000.; record, the speed rating is. 88 100 minus. 12. If a horse breaks the record his speed rating will exceed Handicap HcpO An event in which weights are assigned by the track handicap- ioo. A speed rating of 102 would indicate that a horse bettered the track standard by two-fifths of a per for the purpose of giving each horse an equal opportunity secona. To determine the final time of a horse other than the winner add one-fifth of a second for of winning. Horses are not subject to be claimed. SuflPtffJSS andandiSand M"SA,, AlwM A ; race : res jrtcte d t o non-winners with a weight allowance pro- es where The Racing Form adds a footnote listing , a Zrting Itel vBSwlfftt! ; tSLS! 9 nAiiv Dr.1?!.11 comPuted wi the official track time and not the time taken by the .... . .... . y "0rS6S not SUbjecl to be C,a,med- DALY RACING FORM. - Maidens, Special c Weighis Mdn tfJ For non-winners carrying special weight or weights as stated , i"T- r to December 1, 1955 when a track record was broken the new time standard was used in conditions of race. Horses not subject to be claimed. abJvea ar!5i5 romnir1 i-ftlr3" JLowevr ,uner lhe,-new meHl0d as explained Optional Claiming Races A race restricted to horses running for a claiming price or P r " Entered NOT to be claimed who Price! b" in,, " oaooo have previously run for a claiming The term -rl-HTfr , , Entered to BE claimed 80000 TI0NAL CLAIMING means just what the name implies, the i. 1 r x. rses P.a?1 Penopances shows t his latest workouts, including the track over owner having the option of entering his horse for a price eli- Zhh ffc-ii e- l!1,0" tLthe, track, the date of the trial, the time, and the manner in gible to be claimed or not entering his horse for a price not nlii accomplished. The track abbreviations used are the same as those used in the - eligible to be claimed. If an owner does not want to enter his nf S. iSu SSS iCT t -h-e leAters, W fo low. the track abbreviation they indicate that the work- horse to be claimed, his horse must meet the "optional" con- n.. rS?3f erM?e .""S track. All workouts are on the main track unless otherwise designated. ditions set down by the racing secretary in order to be eligible hhlnriii! ln? ?.re usSd toudcr,be howealch hr,se worked: b-breezing, e-easily, to compete. These conditions appear in the past performances in"B ihai thl h;;aiLl";e,a-se.dipi. w.ere,a smf "9" follows one of the abbreviations it . , . " preceding each race. AlUhorses who race in optional claimers. indicates that the horse began his trial by breaking from the starting gate. - - , ... but are not entered to be claimed, must have raced at some DISTANCE time for a specified claiming price to obtain a classification, , ? AV1"1 srown b5fore distance indicates distance of race k "about" and not exact - , - , and they must again race for a claiming price if the owner tc Shown before distance indicates race was run on the turf grass course. - V 3 wishes to reclassify his horse in a lower category. Also, winners TRACK CONDITIONS -. - of optional claiming races when entered NOT to be claimed, can Main Course: ft fast, gd good, sy sloppy, I slow, m muddy hy heavv - ot be eligible for the same class of race next time out unless Turf Course: hd hard, fm firm, sf soft. - -entered eligible to be claimed, APPROXIMATE FINAL ODDS - Starter Allowance A8000 An event run under allowance conditions restricted to horses e When shown after odds indicates horse was a member of a stable entry, coupled in the wagering . h have Previously started for the designated claiming price f Denotes horse was a member of the mutuel field. qr less stated in Jhe conditions of the race. In this case the Indicates horse was favorite. , horse must have previously run for a claiming price of 000 APPRENTICE ALLOWANCES or less. Horses in "Starter Races" are not subject to be claimed. lowXgbSs will SSS a" aff0WanCe haS b"n CaIfned ne f the f01 Starltr HandICafi " H800 cSoanmditioans.abOVe- ny W3S CnleSled "Handicap" indicates a 2 or 3 pound weight allowance has been claimed this allowance varies In different w7i slates: ".5-pound allowance: S 7-pound allowance; 10-pound allowance. Special w.!m Weight SpfW e m A race in which L. the weights are fixed by the racing secretary. DEAD-HEATS AND DISQUALIFICATIONS Tnese weights are not necessarily scale weights. f I?lflf!!? a-ru-orse f110?.,1 a dead-feal or Is disqualifiecf, a dagger t will precede the Jockeys Starter Special Weight S8000 A starter race as defined above, only run under "Soecial " ra"lv JJl,.!mbl Wl 1 be reDat beneath the past performance line for that date followed by Weights" conditions. Where no claiming price is specified In CLAwtSoSt OfSI1 CCUrrWl - i:Sl conditions-thePraci S open to Ss who MrfJ mIm- have Previously started for a claiming price of any amount- aTm SIS Allowance. ffill 85BS? ISS? 1 to to SplW Special Weight SpwS Special Weigh! T Stake. - STAKE RACES - and season of the year, less sex allowances. Mtch Match Race. -n, jv Amount for was entered to be claimed is indicated by figures printed after Jockeys staSe JSPta afneral stlLCs0ULMnno Vhih VcaLlenScS,i9ht!y according to the rules of different name. Optional claiming races are indicated by a superior "o" immediately preceding or following the SnaanM which a S 2re l2 b?.Puut-,uP V the owners of the claiming price. Before claiming price V denotes horse was not entered to be claimed, "o" after claim- advance of the Snff to iT u K .t X la! oe added, and which closes at least 72 hours in mg price indicates horse WAS entered to be claimed. A small "c" before claiming p ice denotes horse fc"i?m.R L Sm ta S fholn1 a cont?sttas a stakes race; the was claimed out of that particular race. Where the capital letter "A," "H" or "S" precedes a claiming 9 amdLJ n inVnrmtnJ?ai l-?",?rs -of hoJuSes .nom"ated. This type of race price a "Starter Race" is indicated. A detailed explanation of the iarious type races follows: Jh ff ? meand0TS"Sl SiTO the abbreviation of the conditions under Tymrtbm n wnicn it was contesteo. MaKe races are contested under the fo owlnq conditions Al owanrp ,Aiw; "aimed. peted over the steeplechase course. Hurdle races are denoted by a single bracketed "CH."

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