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UNITED PRESS NEWS BRIEFS NATIONAL: Approve Added Postal Funds WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20.— The House Appropriations Committee today voted the Post Office Department most of the extra funds it wanted to maintain normal service. But tlie committee called for new postal economies, including a cutback in Saturday service. The committee approved and sent to the House a supplemental 133 million dollar money bill that would bring to ,325,000,000 total funds available to finance postal service in the 12 months starting July 1. AEC Issues Pre-BIast Warning LAS VEGAS, Nev., June 20. — The Atomic Energy Commission has issued a special pre-blast advisory warning in connection with a scheduled major nuclear detonation next Thursday. The advisory was issued yesterday after the AEC revealed that two women suffered temporary eye damage from watching Tuesdays nuclear explosion. [The warning indicated th£t next weeks atomic blast might be the most powerful detonation ever fired in this country. House Passes Reduced Public Works Bill WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20.— The House has passed an 14,813,023 public works bill containing funds for 285 rivers, harbors, flood control and reclamation projects. The appropriation — passed by a voice vote yesterday and sent to the Senate — was 1,638,977 less than President Eisenhower asked. The only amendments offered on the House floor would have cut the bill further. But the House, sticking precisely to the appropriations committees recommendations, rejected all of them. Claim United States Winning Arms Race CARLISLE BARRACKS, Pa.,* June 20.— Army Secretary Wilber M. Brucker said today American military experts believe the United States is pulling ahead of Russia in the race to develop modern weapons. "We fully believe," he said in an address prepared for the Army War College graduation exercises, "that the progress we are making is resulting in outdistancing the Soviet in tHis respect." The secretary did not elaborate. Ask Reversal of Girard Ruling . WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20.— The government appealed directly to the Supreme Court today to reverse a court order preventing it from surrendering GI William S. Girard to Japanese authorities for a manslaughter trial. A petition filed with the court by Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. asked the court to reverse last Tuesdays decision by Federal Judge Joseph C. McGarraghy. McGarraghy had ruled that a Japanese trial for Girard would violate his constitutional rights. FOREIGN: Israel Seeks United States Anti-Sub Arms JERUSALEM, Israel, June 20. — Israel will ask the United States for anti-submarine weapons to protect its shipping in the Gulf of Aqaba and other areas from recently acquired Egyptian_submarines, formed sources said today. Israel will not [attempt to acquire its own submarines to ! offset those delivered to Egypt by the Soviet Union, the sources said, since submarines are primarily an aggressive weapon. French Line Still Strike-Bound LE HAVRE, France, June 20. — The French Line said today all its efforts to settle a walkout of its engineering officers #,nd mechanics had failed. The state-owned company has laid up all its big steamers on the Atlantic run for an "indefinite period," disrupting the sailing schedules of thousands of American and other tourists. The company, backed by privately-owned shipping companies, stood firm against the strikers demand for a "qualification bonus" calling for a 10 to 15 per cent wage raise. v Adenauer Confined With influenza BONN, Germany, June 20.— West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer has been confined to his home with influenza, his aides disclosed today. The 81-year-old chancellor, now fighting his third postwar election campaign, was seriously ill with bronchial pneumonia late in 1955 and took [several months to recover. Adenauers household said yesterday he did not go to his government office in Bonn because of a slight cold contracted during a visit to Vienna last week. Discuss Palestine Refugee Issue in Secret NICOSIA, Cyprus, June 20. — Secret Arab-Israeli talks on the explosive Palestine refugee problem are now going on in [New York and Rome with the United States acting as mediator, a high diplomatic source reported today. The source 1 said the quiet contacts between Israeli rep- resentatives and "some" of the Arab states have been in progress now for about two I months.