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April Issue Now on Sale Monthly Chart Book PublisW by DAILY RACING FORM _ :t CONTAINS COMPLETE, OFFICIAL CHARTS OF ALL RACES RUN AT RECOGNIZED NORTH AMERICAN TRACKS DURING MONTH OF ISSUE Tt»i$ authoritative record of racing in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Cuba has an attractive Hard cover, is durably bound and costs only .00, including tfte postage. 5cm/ for k Today! SENO G+i£CK OR MONEY ORDER. PLEAS€ DO HOT" SEND STAMfS OR CURRENCY. DAILY RACING FORM, 731 Plymouth Ct.", Chicago 5, HI. Gafladian buyers may Jend payment directly to OaHy Racing Form, 50 Richmond Street, Ecrt, To-nnH 1, Ontario. Price .60 percopy, Postpaid. Yearly Subscription— 12 Issues— 6.00 Pest?«*4.