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I ■ — — • Official Racing Charts— t Monmouth Park ■ ~" Convrielit. 1957. by Trianele rubUcations. Inc. ~ OCEANPORT, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1957-MONMOUTH PARK 1 MILE. Ninth day of fifty-day meeting June 11 to August 7. Monmouth Park Jockey Club. American Totalisator. Puett Starting Gate. * Film Patrol. Weather clear. Steward representing New Jersey Racing Commission, E. S. Potter. Stewards, William Shewbridge, K. H» Lennox and J. P. Turner, Sr. Associate Stewards, Harold Plum, W. V. Mullin. C. Harrison and. Jimmy Stout. Placing Judges, J. J. Brennan, H. 1. Carroll and W. B. Trundle. Paddock Judge, Vincent Mara. Clerk of Scales, A. Bonagura. Starter, Edward Blind. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. P. Turner, Jr. Assistant Racing Secretary, T. A. Steele. ■ j Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting * 1956, .36; current meeting, .23. Percentage of favorites in the money, .67. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. Mutuel take, 13 per cent State 7, track 6 up to 0,000,000, over 0,000,000 State 8, track 5. Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Jones Precision Photo Finish, Inc. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 990 feet. FIRST RACE* 6 FURLONGS out of chute. Decathlon, June 11, 1957— 1:08%— 4— 130. Purse 1Q A A K 53,500. 3-year-o!ds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since May 25 allowed T7 •+ •+ D 3 lbs.; since April *30, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June 20-57— Mth Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 27846. • Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt y* /a Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 188722 JIOUENETTA wb115 7 7 4J 3i 3J 1™ J Culmone 4000 Modan Stable 4.20 17462 RAG APPLE -VH09 3 9 9 71 54 24 M Rodrigez 4000 H W Shaffer 15.90 165381 KIKI K. w 108 4 2 2 42 41 3"° R J Moran? 4000 A Fichera 4.70 18665 FLIGHT MASTER wb.107 8 4 5h 22 12 44 E Monacli7 4000 J J Colando 10.30 18865 LORD THOMPSON vvb.114 9 6 6i 5 6* 5"° J Higley 4000 Puckety Farm 3.80 186684 HURRICANE LADY w 105 1 5 3 62 72 6J L LefebvreS 4000 D E Loveman 5.30 17313 CRY HAVOC wb 114 2 3 14 1h 2 72 W Blum 4000 Elmendorf 4.50 190522 LEZAH wb 109 5 8 10 9« 9« 8* A F Mtinez 3000 Reiber and Forney 25.90 05899 JETPASSAGE wb 114 6 10 8" 82 91 910 L Risley 4000 Jeff-Lin Stable 31.00 MOOS ALIBI wb 114 10 1 7J 10 10 10 0 Scurlock 4000 Mrs C Durso 34.10 Time, :22?5, :47, 1:1 3%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid— , Odds to Mm. in* f 7-JI0UENETTA 10.40 5.80 4.00 4.20 1.90 1.00 utuel PricesJ 3-rag apple •. 13.40 720 5.70 2.60 i 4-KIKIX 4.00 1.00 Winner— Br. f, by Hypnotist II.— Lebanon Lass, by Tiger, trained by L. H. Silver; bred by W. G. Talbot. IN GATE— 2:32. OFF AT 2:32J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. JIOUENETTA was well placed and unhurried until settled into the stretch, then responded to take command and staved off RAG APPLE. The latter raced between horses while lacking speed, came to the outside for rcfom at the head of the stretch and finished fastest. KIKI, K. couldnot keep up while rounding the turns but saved ground and finished well. FLIGHT MASTER easily raced to the front on the turn in the last furloncr. LORD THOMPSON was not a serious factor. HURRICANE LADY had no mishap. CRY HAVOC gave way early. Scratched— 18868 Isawhiz, 109. Overweight— Hurricane. Lady, 1 pound. SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS , out of chute. Decathlon, June 11, 1957— 1-08%— 4— 130. Purse j j / ,500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since May 25 allowed 1q 7 Hr 4 O 3 lbs.; since April 30, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June 20-57 — Mth Net value to winner ,275; secend, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 1,966. Index . Horses Egt A Wt PP St Va Vz Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 17217 LUCKY ME wb114 15 U 15 15 12 h Keene 4000 Bramac Stable 4.40 18685 RASCAL YOU wb 109. 5 1 3h 2h 23 28. H Grants ?G00 L Lazare 2.70 190514 MISS MACAW wb 109 2 4 " 24 33 33 3n0 A F Mtinez 4000 W W Carroll 7.20 18868 ARROWETTE " wb 109 6 2 4h "5! 53 42 S Boulmetis 4000 Cabein Stable 3.60 188654 Ml MODEL - w 110 8 3 52 44 44 54J J*Cuffar5 4000 Anita C Heard 2.50 14913 YOU BETTER WIN wb114 7 6 6« 6* *6S 63J J DelVchio 4000 J Ross 26.30 16865 NORTH ONE w 104 4 7 71 75 74 74 E Capes 4000 Tillie Newsom 6120 HAYCOCK wb 114 3 8v. 8 8 8 8 G Gross " 4000 T J Arkinson 31.80 Time, :22*/s, :45y5, 1:11%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , , — -Odds to in* 1 -LUCKY ME 10.80 5.80 5.20 4.40 1.30 1.60 M. uruei PricesJ 5-rascal you 4.20 3.40 1.10 .70 v 2-MISS MACAW 4.80 1.40 Winner— B. g, by Johns Joy— Tav, by Tjntagel, trained by K, Noe; bred by Bwamazon Farm, Inc. IN GATE-3:02. OFF AT 3:02 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. - Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. LUCKY ME saved ground racing to the front after the opening furlong, steadily increased his advantage and lasted in a drive to hold RASCAL YOU safe. The latter, away alertly, could not stay with the winner on the turns, but closed gamely in the stretch run. MISS MACAW was a forward factor and tired. ARROWETTE was pinched back from between horses at the far turn. Ml MODEL could not reach the pace under punishment early and tired. HAYCOCK broke slowly. Scratched— 18872 Faultina, 109; 18865 Dccscna, 109. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 36.00— Double Pool, 30,876. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS. Gaudeamus, June 12, 1956— :58— 2— 119. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. 1Q A A "7 Maidens. FoaletT in New Jersey. Special weights. Weight, 120 lbs. Net value to winner ,600; second, S8C0; third, 0h-fourth, 00. June 20-57— Mth Mutuel Pool, 28,641. Injiex Horses EqtAWtPPSt -,y 3/s Str Fin- Jockeys . Owners OddstoTl WISE GUY wb120 1 7 64 and 13 1 G Hettinger Chal-Mar Farm lolo 13296 VITRIFIED wb120 5 9 7| 73 2 24 J Culmone G F Kohn 5.00 PHILOMINUS w120 6 1 5* 62 44 3nk W M Cook W G Helis Jr a-4.20 186823 MY WARRIOR wb120 9 6 42 4J 3h 43J J DelVchio Mrs W E Snell 2.30 MOSTEST HOSTESS w 112 2 5 3 Ij. 53 5 J PolionS Llangollen Farm 6.60 18258 ADMIRAL KEN w 115 8 8 " 83 8* 6h 62 H Grants D 0 Evans 1190 182S8 GREEK LADDIE w 120 T3 2h 3h 72 71 S Boulmetis W G Helis Jr a-4.20 16378 SENORILLA w 117 10 10 10 94 910 84 F A Smith Cavicchia and Carson 73.80 18393 COUNTRY AIR wb117 4 2 1l 51 82 910 W Blum J M Roebling 480 13808 PICK TIME w 120 7 4. 94 10 10 10 H B Wilson M R Schneider 70i30 a-Coupled, Philominus and Greek Laddie. Time, :23, :47and :59and. Track fast. Official Program Numbers Mutuels Paid r-— Odds to ..•... * I ~ 2-WISE GUY ■ 22-20 ™M 7-W 10.10 4.20 2.50 M utuel Prices? s-vitrified 6.60 4.40 2.30 1.20 i 1A-PHIL0MINUS a-Entry 3.40 .70 Winner— B. c, by Market Wise— Carry Over, by Carrier Pigeon, trained by W. H. Foales; bred by Jay Cee Fm. IN GATE-3:32. OFF AT 3:32 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. .Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. WISE GUY slipped through an opening next to the rail at the head of the stretch and rapidly opened a commanding lead, then held on well to best VITRIFIED. The latter raced very wide throughout and finished fast in the middle of the track. PHILOMINUS could not keep up racing on the .outside after a good beginning, came batween horses in the drive and finishd well. MY WARRIOR lost some ground racing outside the first flight and lacked a rally. ADMIRAL KEN lugged in through the stretch run. GREEK LADDIE weakened after a half-mile. COUNTRY AIR was done early. FOURTH RACE 1 1-16. MILES turf course. Danger Ahead, July 25, 1950— 1:43%— 4— 107. Purse A A Q ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since June 8 1Q 7 4 4 O allowed 3 lbs.; since May 14, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June 20-57— Mth Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 31,956. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St V* Vz % Str Fin . Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 186842 LIGHT STEP wb7116 3 3 33 2$ 4 13 13± h Keene 5000 W H Bishop Stable Inc Z40 "JSSS? K,D wb6119 5 2 23 32 2*i 23 23 R Lawless 5000 Mrs H Cantor 5.40 170231 TONNIA w4 107 2 7 6h 52 54 3fi 3 R J Moran? 5000 Mrs N J Moran 6.20 18265 FURNISH wb4116 1 5 4h 42 4J 42 45 L Batchellr 5000-Bicada Stable . 16.60 185314 HOPE MARIE wb 4 111 4 6 7 62 63 62 51 G Hettinger 5000 Mrs and M Cudone 33.50 18397 WESTRAY wb4116 7 4 54 7 7 7 64J J DelVhioS 5000 C M Kline 120 18397 KIDNAP w4 114 6 1 14 13 32 52 7 E Capes 5000 E L and E L Olt 4.70 Time, 1:46%. Track hard. Official Program Numbers** — Mutuels Paid- , Odds to . Mj. 1 D • 3-LIGHT STEP 6.80 4.40 ?80 240 1 20 40 utuel Prices s-aldo kid 5:20 S ]fo 70 I 2-TONNIA 3.80 • go Winner-Ch. g, by Sun Again-Ballet Slipper, by Sickle, trained by W. H. Bishop; bred by E. K. Thomas. * • IN GATE— 4:01. OFF AT 4:04 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good for all but TONNIA and HOPE MARIE. Won ridden out; second and third driving. LIGHT STEP was never far back and drew out under steady handling. ALDO KID raced evenly and was clearly best of the others. TONNIA went in the air and broke poorly, made a good run into serious contention on the final turn, but then tired. FURNISH failed to respond for the drive. HOPE MARIE went in the air at the start. WESTRAY bore out badly throughout. KIDNAP stopped after five furlongs. Continued on f agc Twcnlf-SeftH MONMOUTH PARK _ j - Continued from Page Nine * FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES turf course. Danger Ahead, July 25, 1950-1:43?£-4-4b7. Purse 4 1 Q • A A Q 53,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since June 8 ■ I V H- V allowed 3 lbs.; since May 14, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. ; June 20-57 — Mlh Net value to winner ,275; second, 00f ihird, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 41,461. : Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 186843 BAN w4111 1 4 42 34 34 1h 1nk E MonelliS 5000 M H Schlosberg 4.00 160932 NEW CUT wb4114 5 2 14 24 1h 22 22J H Grants 5000 Carolyn K Stable 9.20 ! 183974 GAY STREET wb6116 4 6 54 5| 4 4 43 33J W Blum 5000 Mrs W E Snell 1.50; 15498 NECKTIE - wb81l£ 6 5 23 1i 2h and 43J J Culmone 5000 Kilkare Farm 10.30 187991 WARIC - wb51222 7 64 68 52 53 5* S Boulmetis 5000 G Hammerschmidt 5.80 I 185362 QUEEN YVONNE wb4106 7 1 34 41 6« 62 - 6no J Cuffa/i5 5000 Sacco and Corcione 8.20 182654 BROADCASTER w4116 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 L Batchellr 50CO Mrs B Cohen 6.90, Time, 1:46%. Track hard. Official Program Numbers ,— Mutuels Paid — , , Odd$ lo k ! I n * 1"BAN 10-°9 60" 300 4.00 2.00 .50 Ms. utuel rricesj 5-new cut 7.80 3.80 2.90 ,9b" l 4-GAY STREET 2.60 .30 Winner— Dk. br. g, by Haltal— Nell K„ by Crowfoot, trained by B. P. Bond; bred by J. D. Norris. IN GATE-4:31. OFF AT 4:31 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. V/on driving; second and third the same. BAN, confidently rated within striking distance, responded when called upon near the end and bested NEW CUT. The, latter saved ground, had speed under rating and held on well. GAY STREET lacked a final rally. NECKTIE was under pressure showing speed and faltered. WARIC was outrun. - _ , SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Skipper Bill, June 27, 1956—1:41-6—124. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds 1 Q A O and uPward- Allowances. Non-winners of ,950 twice other than optional, starter or I ✓ ** J J claiming in 1957. Weight, 124 lbs. Non-winners of two races since June 4 allowed June 20-57 — Mth 3 lbs.; ,000 in 1957 or two races since May 18, 6 lbs.; ,900 in 1957 or two races since April 27, 9 lbs.; two races since January 17, 12 lbs. claiming and starter races not considered. Net value to winner ,900; second, ,200; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 48,069. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V2 *A . Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 17022 CEDRUS wb 4-121 3- 6 6 6 54 14 11 J Culmone Cedar Farm 1.EO 185352 BEAU FOND wb4107 2 3 ,34 4h ih 2h 22* H Grants Mrs H H Hecht 1.60 17007 SOL-HI "w4112 6 1 56 54 2h 34 32J S Boulmetis W G Helis Jr 8.30 18264 SEVEN CHANCES wb 5 118 5 5 4h 3J 3h 4i 4 G Hettinger Chal-Mar Farm 11.50 18264 RACETRACKER w4118 1 2 -Ih 2J 6 6 53 H Keene W H Bishop Stable Inc 10.10 18264 -FLYING CHIEF wb5118 4 4 24 11 44 5* 6 G L Smith - Ruffalo Bros 7.10 Time, :22ft :46, 1:11, 1:36ft 1:43. Track fast. Official Program Numbers Jv / — Mutuels Paid — , / Odds lo %U D*:~ 3-CEDRUS 5.20 2.80 2.40 1.60 .40 M- M.. utuel r rices 2-beau fond 2.»o 2.60 .40 30 C 6-S0L-HI 3.00 :50 Winner— Ch. c, by Warlock— Cedar Lady, by Pompey, trained by F. A. Bonsai- bred by J. Bromley. IN GATE-5:01." OFF AT 5:01 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won handily; second and third driving. CEDRUS was under steady and strong hand urging while racing with head low and being outdistanced early, steadily made up ground after settling into the backstretch and circled into command with a rush in the upper stretch, then was allowed to ease up near the end. BEAU FOND was rated along between horses, could not respond quickly enough to match the winners bid in the early stretch, but was closing well at the end. SOL-HI raced prominently placed on the outside and weakened slightly: SEVEN CHANCES did not respond when called upon. RACETRACKER and FLYING CHIEF faltered. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Skipper Bill, June 27, 1956—1:41-6—124. Purse ,000. 4-year-ofds 1 Q A K 1 and "Pward- Claiming. Weight, 122*lbs. Non-winners since June 8 allowed 3 lbs.; since I y ** J l May 18, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. June 20-57 — Mth Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 41,806. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Ya Vtl Va Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 18537 TRICO wb4114 1 5 11 35 12 J4 1 | H Grants 7500 Witt and Blau 2LK 18537 FALCULA w5 111 6 6 6h 7 5h 4h 2fc W M Cook 7500 Lucky V I Stable 560 188714 SIDE LIGHT w5 116 2 4 32 Ih 2h 21 3h J Culmone 7500 J B Watriss 800 19025 LADYTATULA w 4 111 7 2 7 6h 63 54 42 R Lawless 7500 J E McAuliffe 18.00 18537 BLAZING. HOME wb7116 3 3 24 2J 34 32 54 S Boultist 7500 Mrs J F Purdey 1.60 18871 THREE OUBS wb6 112 4 7 4J 51 7 7 6h G Hettinger 7000 Bertrando Bros 12.20 17737 MACBIG wb41.11 5 1 51 4* 4h 63 7 L LefebvreS 7500 G R Watkins 1490 Time, :23ft :47ft 1:11ft 1:37ft 1:44 Track fast. Official Program Numbers Jx , — Mutuels Paid — N ,— —Odds lo . Vk x. ID* 1-TRICO 6.20 4.00 3.20 2.10 1.00 .60 - Mutuel rnces] 6-falcula , 5.40 3.60 1.70 w I 2-SIDE LIGHT 3.60 .80 Winner— B. c, by Sir Damion— Sis Tartan, by Port au Prince, trained by K. Noe; bred by J. J. Gavin Jr. IN GATE-5:31. OFF AT 5:34 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. . Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. TRICO went to the front shortly after the start, relinquished the lead briefly passing the half-mile grounds, regained it through the final turn and pulled out in the early stretch to win with speed "to spare. FALCULA, well back early, rallied on the final turn and made up ground through the stretch. SIDE LIGHT held on well after being displaced but weakened slightly in the final strides. LADY TATULA passed tired horses. BLAZING HOME pressed the early pace and weakened. THREE CUBS and MACBIG had no.excuses. . Trico claimed by W. H. Bishop Stables, Inc., Irainer W. H. Bishcp. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Skipper Bill, June 27, 1956-1:41-6—124. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. 1 Q A K O Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since May 14 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; one 1 ■+ J A race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June 20-57 — Mth Net value to winner ,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 53,529. Index Horses Jzqt A Wt PP St % Yi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 18260 ART OF LIVING w119 9 4 42 3h 24 12 14 W Blum 5000 E Constantin Jr 2.50 18391 QUEENS FLIGHT wb 106 6 10 93 71 62 54 2h J p0|ion5 5000 Mrs J Gomez 75 50 183912 FIRM RULER wb 114 5 2 14 13 H 24 3J H Grants 5000 J R Linsky Z90 183913 WELL SEASONED wm 39 83 73 64 4nlc F A Smith 5000 Martha Pellicane 710 15969 ODYSSEUS w 116 10 5 22 2| 3h 3h 5? R Lawlesst 5000 G S Smith 8.90 18226 JOE NIGHT w 111 12 11 112 106 82 83 63£ L LefebvreS 5000 Mrs G R Watkins 1050 18391 1 EDSPET w114 8 3 5M4 44 4| 71 G Hettinger 5000 Mrs W G Christmas 5.90 18865 TEMPTIN DISH wb 111 7 6 62 5h 5| 7* 81 K Korte 5000 F J Uncle 29 20 18685 POLISHED BRASS wb116 1 1 3h 6* 94 and 910 S Boulmetis 5000 G S Moore 1120 18872 JOANIES FIRST wb 109 4 7 71 94101010101010 R j Moran? 5000 P DeLorenzo 9690 004523 ILL BEATEM wb113 1112 12 12 12 12 115 J Keegan 5000 C S Moses 62X0 18685 VERO SHOT wb 106 2 8 10h 113 113 14 12 q Gross? 5000 S D Murphy 142.20 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :22ft :46ft 1:12, 1:39ft 1:45ft Track, fast. Official Program Numbers if , — Mutuels Paid — 4 , Odds to , , id* 9-ART OF LIVING 7.00 5.00 3.40 2.50 1.50 70 M U.tUel Prices 6-QUEENS. FLIGHT 48.60 14J30 23 30 630 C 5-FIRM RULER 3.8O iso Winner— B. g, by Cosmic Bomb— Easy Living, by Heliopolis, trained by S. T. Greene, Jr.; bred by Nuckols Bros IN GATE-6:02. OFF AT 6:02 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good for all but ILL BEATEM and JOE NIGHT. Won easily; second and third driving. ART OF LIVING willingly settled into a contending position early and "easily drew away from the field through Ihe stretch run. QUEENS FLIGHT was vigorously ridden, gradually improving, position on the outside from a slow beginning, and finished well. FIRM RULER was only lightly steadied while setting the pace and held on fairly well. WELL SEASONED made up some ground late. ODYSSEUS weakened in the stretch drive. JOE NIGHT broke poorly and raced on the outside. EDSPET weakened suddenly in the drive. ILL BEATEM went in the air at the break, losing all chance. Scratched— 19051 Re Joli, 116; 18391 Star Orbit, 111. Overweight— Ill Beatem, 2 pounds; Vero Shot, 2. Attendance, 13,047; Total Mutuel Pool, ,141,150.