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By Subscribing NOW for Twelve Issues Monthly Chart Be ok Single Copy Price . . . .00, Postpaid One-Year Subscription . . 0.00, Postpaid 11% Issues] Complete Charts of All Races Run at All Recognized North American Courses During the Month of Issue Also: An alphabetical index of all starters since January 1/ 1956; showing pedigree, breeder, firsts, seconds, thirds and fourths; American, Canadian, Mexican and Cuban jockey records, leading money-winning horses and owners, track records, lists of stakes winners from first of jear, racing calendar showing dates of all meetings scheduled two months in advance, scale of weights, other inyaluable data. MHII, THIS COUPON TODMY? j DAILY RACING FORM, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, Illinois. I Enclosed find 0.00 for Daily Racing Form Chart Book yearly subscription, for 12 Chart Books, beginning with th« issue. NAM£ *. | A-DDR€.. ; | CITY , .ZONE NO STATE j Plcoso Mak« Check or Money Order Payable to TRIANGLE PUBLICATIONS, Inc. j I PLEASE DO NOT SEND STAMPS OR CURRENCY j I Canadian buyers may send payment directly to DoHy Racing Form, 50 Richmond Street, I J East Toronto 1, Ontario. Price .60 per copy, Postpaid. Yearly Subscription— 12 Issues— | I 6.00, Postpaid. j