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On the Trot I By MORRIE KURLANSKY 1 Run Tra n sci m erica Series Tonight Favor Haughton Duo in First End Belle Acton Gets Call in Second SPORTSMANS PARK, Cicero, 111., June 20. — The Transamerica Series for four-year-old pacers and those five-year-olds that that did did not not win win 0,- that that did did not not win win 0,- 0,-000 in 1956 has proved a huge success with all participating member tracks of the HTA, sponsors of this unique harness racing event. On Ifriday night the travelling ambassadors for the sulky sport will show, their wares at Sportsmans Park where the Fox Valley Trotting Trotting Club Club current- Trotting Trotting Club Club current- current-ly is conducting a 30-night meeting. Chi-cagoland harness fans are not unfamiliar with the actors, both human and equine, in this harness racing road company as they had opportunity to applaud the great heroine Belle Acton and the quasi villain Honest Jerry as well as most other members of this distinguished cast in brilliant performances at Maywood Park a few weeks ago. In the meantime, this great ensemble has played before record audiences at the Ohio half-milers of Lebanon and Hilliards. The stage now has been set at the Cicero oval for another scene in this exciting sulky drama that will be climaxed next month at Yonkers Raceway, New York. While the total purse distribution of 1,500 on Friday night in the three different heats, or possibly four, of the Transamerica, is substantial enough, the battle for points to gain eligibility for the 0,000 Yonkers spring final will stamp Fridays series. Prior to the Fox Valley Transamerica Pace, Maywood-owned Ozark Chief, never worse than third in the previous six races, leads the pack with a total of 50 points. He is followed by Steamin Demon, a double victor in the series, who will not start here but will rest this week as his 46 points virtually assures him of a Yonkers starting berth. In third place is Widower Creed with 35 points followed by Belle Acton and Bachelor Hanover with 34 points each. While these five pacers already have secured themselves the right to participate at Yonkers, it will depend to a great degree on their respective placings on Friday night whether Knight Patrol, Honest Jerry, Hundred Proof, lobbys Boy, Noble Adios can keep Canny Scot, Gold Worthy and Grand R. Volo out of the New York race. The Fox Valley Transamerica Pace, contrary to the series conducted at other tracks, will be raced in two elimination heats out of which the first five horses will be eligible for a final heat. In case there are three different heat winners, these three horses will come back for a fourth heat to decide the ultimate victor of the Fox Valley Transamerica. Post position for Fridays final dash will be drawn by lot in that the two winners will draw for first and second position in the final, the two second finishers for third and fourth position, and so on. Seven horses, including the William Haughton stable entry of Grand R.Volo and Bachelor Hanover, will start in the first elimination heat, while eight starters including the Harry Fitzpatrick stable entry of Sea Eagle and Scotchlite, will compete in the second elimination heat. With the exception of Grand R. Volo, who never raced in Chicago before, and Gold Worthy, who only recently made his seasonal debut, the rest of the Transamerica aces have started either at May-wood or here this spring. Returning to the first elimination,, the Haughton entry looms a short-priced favorite as either Grand R. Volo or Bachelor Hanover most likely would be the public choice if racing without stablemates. The High Volo colt won the Lebanon Transamerica over a muddy track and prior to that triumph was successful in four fast class events at Rosecroft and Yonkers, respectively. Bachelor Hanover concentrated exclusively on the Transamerica so far this season and was three times second and once third. The small chestnut colt will have the sulky services of the nations champion driver Billy Haughton while Grand R. Volo will be entrusted to Stan Stucker. Widower Creed, victorious hi the Northville Downs Transamerica, might be the most formidable rival of the Haughton pair but Noble Adios and Libbys Boy with one of their better efforts could upset pre-race calculations. In the second elimination heat it is almost impossible to go against Belle Acton, lone member of the female sex to oppose the colts, stallions and geldings. The great filly, and we use this appellation advisedly, a brilliant stakes winner at two, three and now four, already has secured herself in harness racings hall of fame. A ,200 yearling, Belle Acton is .the second ranking money-