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It NARRAGANSETT TURF N0TESj With Jerome H. Louchheims great colt, Pompoon, listed as a certain starter in the j New England .Futurity, at Narragansett I Park, on October 28, public opinion has I already installed the son of Pompey a firm : favorite. But the disappointing perform- ance of such juvenile stars at Jewell Dorsett and Lady Bewithus at Rockingham last Monday, when they were sent over the one ; mile distance for the first time, indicates that many revisions of form estimates will be necessary when two-year-olds are asked to travel i over a distance of ground. The Futurity dis-i tance is one mile and seventy yards. I Condition books and the stake nomina-J tions book for Narragansetts fall meeting,, were mailed to horsemen Tuesday morning, ; by racing secretary Pat Hogan. The condi- i tion book covers the first ten days of the I seventeen-day meeting, which opens on Friday, October 23 and as usual the minimum purse is ,000. While the racing is maintained at a high level, plenty of opportunities are afforded the cheaper horses and several of the two-year-old races have been extended to one mile. Once again the barns at Narragansett will be filled to overflowing with horses ready to run at the fall meeting, October 23 to Novem-! ber 11. Over 200 head are already on the i grounds and shipments from Canada, Chl-j cago. New York, Maryland and Kentucky I are arriving daily. Asa J. and J. W. Patterson, Jr., arc due in from Chicago this afternoon with nine head, ; including Little Actor, Atta Knight, Lena J. jand Air Force. On the" same train will be i James Eveman with nine head. Belmont Evans is shipping seven from Laurel and from the same place are due three, including R. Pinchot and Zowie, the property of B. A. Langmuir. A. Gaignard is bringing five from j Covington, Ky., and in the same shipment I will be eight horses, the property of Mrs. :A. R. Stuart. The many friends of Ben Holmes, racing secretary of Suffolk Downs, will be glad to learn the veteran official has successfully undergone a serious operation at the South i Baltimore General Hospital. Walter E. OHara, president of Nark gansctt Park, has visited New York and Maryland over the holidays and is expected back at his desk here Wednesday morning with important news for New England racing fans.