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raw m New England Notebook By JOE HIRSCH Million Mark Reached Second Time Rockingham Averaging 19,042 Noble Creek at Pricketts Farm ROCKINGHAM PARK, Salem, N. H., June 23.- Business perked up a bit over the week end at this verdant oval where an Informal air graces all 1 phases phases of of the the racing racing 1 phases phases of of the the racing racing operation. Unfortunately this informality has been extended -to tlie mutuel windows by the racing public this season with a resulting dip in play. However, Lou Simth sees the handle improving in July and the million dollar mark, was reached reached on on Saturday Saturday raw m reached reached on on Saturday Saturday for the second time in 24 days. The daily average now stands at 19,042, which is encouraging despite a comparison with last years figures of 62,258 for a similar period. A successful Fourth of July program should -hep the overall total and an attractive card is In the making. Phil Bie-ber majr ship Conty Bay and Bicarb up from NewYork for the ,500 Independence Day feature to compete against the best of the local handicap horses and other invaders may follow suit. The consistent efforts of Mclver and Isaac Pricketts Dr. Hab this season have served to point up the qualities of the three -year-olds sire Noble Creek, a strong campaigner several years ago for the Cain Hoy Stable of Capt. Harry Guggenheim. Their neighbor and close friend, Max Hirsch, served as a go-between in bringing Noble Creek to the Pricketts breeding farm at Ft. Motte, South Carolina, and has often given valuable suggestions and advice to his hunting companions. The brothers place is fairly large over 1,000 acres and includes a pair of cement-block barns that can accommodate 40 head. There is also additional space for 20 more thoroughbreds plus a training track of five-eighths of a mile, excellent pasturage and good water. Mclver remains at the farm the year round while Ike races the string, and the brothers colors have appeared in Maryland, Ohio and Michigan as well as New England for the past several seasons. In addition to Noble Creek, the Pricketts also stand Introvert and the pair of sires enjoyed a notable day here last October when their get, Hat Box and Dr. Hab, raced to a dead heat. There are also 25 broodmares on the farm but none according to Prick-ett, are of exceptional note. The brothers have been active in racing about 15 years and got their start oh the turf in an interesting manner. They raised cotton and beagle dogs for quite a while and participated in week end racing at the half-mile tracks in the area St. Matthews and Camden. It was more of a social affair and the jockeys often included relatives youngsters of nine and 10. After the cotton market dropped, the Pricketts gradually drifted into breeding and racing and have been at it ever since. In speaking of their farm, the other day, Ike was particularly enthusiastic about the introduction of coastal Bermuda grass in that area and hailed it as a great boon to the South. He says the grass offers horses as much protein as does alfalfa and is hardy enough to withstand the rigors of the southern dry spells. Prickett also had some interesting comments about apprentice riders but more of that another day. Around the Track: Jockey Vernon Bush,, still troubled by a recent back injury, has returned to his Covington, Ky. home for a few days but will be on hand this week end to pilot Boston Doge in the Juvenile Handicap . Owner-trainer Sid Bernstein is back on the job after a virus attack laid him low for several days . . Cant Please, the three-year-old colt whom J. Wimpf-heimer recently purchased from Murlogg Farm, is being prepped by Woody Sedla-cek . . Mrs. Lou Smith is readying her annual Crippled Childrens luncheon to be held at Rockingham Park on July 25. Archbishop Richard Cushing, of Boston, will be the guest of honor Vernon Smith took ill this morning and canceled his mounts for the day.