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i HITLER IN DANGEROUS I ! FRAME OF MIND * ■■ 4 PARIS, France, April 27.— Reportedly advised that Chancellor Hitler is in a dangerous frame of mind, the French government quietly has taken unusual precautions against any eventualities tomorrow, the day of Hitlers Reichstag speech, it was understood today. The alarming message regarding the Fuehrer came from Grigore Gafencu, Rumanian foreign minister, according to information. Gafencu talked with Hitler in Berlin last week and transmitted his impressions to French Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet in Paris today. Gafencu, it was asserted, told Bonnet that as a result of his visit to Hitler, he entertained the gravest anxieties regarding Hitlers present dang-r-ous frame of mind. The Rumanian foreign minister reportedly said the Fuehrers mood is such that anything might be expected. No move on the part of Hitler tomorrow, or in the next few days, would be too extreme to surprise, him, Gafencu was reported as saying. Precautionary measures taken by the French government cannot be revealed in detail, because of the ban on distributing news of a military nature. However, it was reported that a battalion of French foreign legion troops has been stationed in Paris for the first time since the World War.