untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-20


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Every Turf Follower should have this great new book /to the NEW 1949 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL v NOW ON SALE "" * - - You know THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL. Yon know its the first and last word on alt turf dojngs in America, Canada and Mexico. In fact, authorities " - agree its the "Encyclopedia of the Turf." And now, the great New 1949 edition is here! BEST YET ... Heres everything you want to know about racing. Compiled and published by Daily Racing Form, the New 1949 edition of THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL is more than 1,000 pages from coyer to coyer. Gives you the 1948 records of horses, owners, trainers, jockeys, breeders, stallions, yearling sales and stakes. Also, track diagrams, track records, complete performances of outstanding horses, a review of American racing last year, and many other exclusive facts and figures. Nothing else like it anywhere! Supply Limited ... Order Yours NOW! A limited quantity of this great new book is available. So dont delay, .order your copy now. Simply fill in coupon below. r - MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY- DAILY RACING FORM, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, Illinois | Enclosed find .50 check or money order which includes postage. Kindly - send me a copy ol the NEW 1949 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL. | I Name I I Address ... ■ 9 City Zone... State. M a m m m m m~m PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH OR STAMPS • •

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1949052001/drf1949052001_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1949052001_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800