Picture Card Garners First Purse of Year: Three Pay-Offs in Daily Double When Two Horses Are Withdrawn, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-20


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Picture Card Garners First Purse of Year Three Pay-Offs in Daily Double When Two Horses Are Withdrawn GARDEN STATE PARK, Camden, N. J., May 19. — Picture Card, a homebred four-year-old gelded son of Knave High — Beach Bonnet, who races for Amory Haskells Woodland Farm, earned his first purse of the season in todays featured sixth race, a dash of six furlr ngs. Using a change in tactics, Picture Card was rated just off the pace this afternoon and responded to the urging of Willie Saunders, who was completing a double, to score by a half length in 1:11%. Grant Thorns Andy Handy, who is always close but fails to earn the main share of his purses, was almost a length clear of Bayard Sharps Tide Rips, stakes winning Battleship horse, who was launching his 1949 campaign. Picture Card was well supported by the 13,242 fans and paid .60. Greek Warrior, who races for Mrs. W. G. Helis, made his first start of the year in todays top event and set a sizzling pace for more than five furlongs. Although he still held the advantage at the furlong pole, the seven-year-old Mahmoud faltered badly and trailed at the finish. The afternoons second race took on the appearance of a rodeo and narrowly missed ending on a disastrous note when jockey Bobby Strange escaped serious injury when unseated from Call Shot during the running of the event. Prior to the start, two other horses, Sellep and Nora T., had been scratched by the stewards after having thrown their riders and galloped off on unescorted jaunts. The winner of the race was J. M. Gross Raw Cord, .40 chance who paid 25.80 in the Double for those fans who had coupled her with Carolyn K Stables Jersey Queen, first race winner. Two consolation Doubles were paid, tickets on Jersey Queen and Nora T. being worth 1 and holders of ducats coupling Jersey Queen and Sellep receiving 6.40.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1949052001/drf1949052001_39_2
Local Identifier: drf1949052001_39_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800