Allot 176 Days of Racing for 1953-54 Florida Season, Daily Racing Form, 1953-05-18


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► - ■ ~ „ t w*v *~AIJfit 7 7d" Dbys+of Racing RokJ9S354folrida Season P*" MIAMI, Fla -MaTl6.— The Florida *0 UWKacing Commission today ap- purrcd;. racings dates for the coming Hunter season.. As usual, the season • wjjlggin at Tropical Park, with the opening day set for November 30. **— -Tallowing is the schedule approved — -Urahe state commission : xroptcal Park- 42 days, Monday, 3pwfcW 30 through Saturday, Jan- mw Jliateah Tark 42 days, Monday, "fffilttfcry 18 through Saturday, March 6. rT"rfiUl5t""" Park 41 days, Monday, M r TT « through Friday, AprU 23. .•» lfoshine Park 51 days, Friday. JsifflhV15 through Monday, March 15. AJihough only 41 days was assigned Gulfstreani Park, it was explained that the * track could apply for another scholarship day, ending the season Saturday, April 24. The 42 -day assignments for both Tropical and Jliateah Parks include two days for scdrship funds. i M

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