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BAY MEADOWS SAN MATEO, CALIF., TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1935.-Bay Meadows 1 mile. Nineteenth day. Calffornia Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 29 days, Puett Starting Gate used. Weather cloudy. -a,1,ornia rDr,UteWfd Pe""tinS California Horse Racing Board, J. K. Macomber. Presiding Steward, C. J. Fitz- Ew AcV0CateStMar P- Car Slac,nS JudScs C- J- KtzGerald, Jr., M. H Morrison and W A. Quigley. Starter, H. Mornssey. Racing Secretary, W. P. Kyne. V in nSfnf ftSii3t -1:50nP ChicaP time 3:50 P- m-- W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures rriJ f?llowinS th4? d,st,ance f e-1 indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse mid weight weigm carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Black Board, Dec. 4, 19341:105105 Purse 08779 I600 3"ar;Iils,land uPward- Maidens. Foaled in California. ciaiminff. ADr3.BM year-olds, 105 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Claiming price, 00. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Sir Fin Jockoy8 Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 08684:BANKER CONARD wb 3 105 13 1" 21 ll l1 MauroF A Gibonev lininn Mfi2?wn WB 5 JJ2 I I 5 5 3 ColpittsR F A Sharkey 380-100 SSK iMmF mvp-Q WB5J1S ? ? I 6 45 Gri,finM Mrs A s Rosekn 1780-100 08684 WILLAIDE wb 3 100 6 2 o 2" 4 4s 5 RavW F S TWmn mnn 91 GGianninT - S 9M09S?!iS,? WS2nJ? 71 22 nwflnmiSAfr W5JSJ12 6 105 8 7i HaasL P S Smith 5480-100 . 08To5 ?ESPER ""SSS !,? ,f 1 3i 8 LongdenJ Vine Hill Farm Stable 22?0-100 SJSfi ?SpI Jpoqp W"n i11. 12105 102 9s McCownD F. Marsh 3670-100 S2J?SiS SS??r. WJ2SU 5 71 ll1 ll5 ll4 SavageP M J Slieehan 13610-100. 05427 JANE O MINE w 3 100 710 11 12 12 12 GrayA R Patterson 9310-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:13. Track fast. BANKER COWARD T? PAP 1 OFT1CIAZ BOOKING ODDS s REGrIrtam ,2 -20 80 110-100 60-100 40-UHI BERNARD 1740 J"" 00 230-100 IpSr enterlrtimt1 A. WENT TO POST 2:02. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BANKER CONARD set the early pace, continued well after being headed by RUNSALZ and, saving ground on the stretch turn again took command and held REGREBTAN. The latter raced dose up hroughout and WAVfTV"11 l0, lhC finlShJ BiS?aS UtrUn Carly but c,osed muc1 Sround in the stretch WILD-JJAVES also made up . ground EDDYSTONE was pinched off at the start. RUNSALZ had early speed, but .tired, as if short. WILLAIDE was done after racing a half mile. Overweight Eddystone, pound; Colonel S., 2. Corrected weight Eddystone, 105. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Alviso, Dec. 7, 1934-1 :05-2 110. Purse 00. 4-0878 ft year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of 25 in 1935. Weight, "rS-35-B5 apprentice aUowaHcef " 8 lbS C,aiminS priC6 ?m N Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt SS5AUP "ll111, 1A 65 4 11 RaW AMacMaster 5940-100 SSSAm ,V4,6 t 5 21 21 2" 21 GraA Mrs W T Westrop, 620-100 220Iffi SAGE w 4 111 3 4 11 11 1 3" SimmonsH R Sage 1280-100 08716-CHAZZAN wsb.6 111 19- 5 45 3" 41 ColpittsR P Breuer nim 01323FRONT MAN wb 7 111 6 10 7 V 6 5 SmithG J Pe cr SoiS SySfi rSf WSBJJSiJ ? 6 5 7 7h HcasL Mrs O L Brown 820100 SSwmmtw WBS5fl2 11 11 8 8 SmithFC Mrs J F Burns 1420-100 2 WB5S? 2 o 2 miS CarterT L B Wickersheim 2640-100 s?s wsb n 8 10 11 10 wnsonL Mrs l p " 32i-io 05870 ENABO wb 5 c 109 5 6 3 9 9 11 HooperC Mrs E V Winters 4670-100 Time, :23, :46, :59. 1:05. Track fast. IIP 2onMUTHS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . Ir-rFMA 20-80 3-20 527.80 6940-100 2060-100 1290-100 nevada sage-::::;:::::::::;:::;: 100 .g 440-100 gjtjjj Winntre7ed-toCbeycla"Ledt SM by J" Mrar; bred WENT TO POST 2:34. AT POST 1 minutes. t Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SEVEN UP dropped to the rear soon after the start, but came very fast after going half the trip to .find an opening in the s retch and won going away. ALTENA followed NEVADA SAGE closely in the early Ci1a-,rfererwAnd- ?EVADA SAGE 0pcned UP a Sood ld while setting the pace, but ired in the last 1, CHAZZAN saved around ground the stretch turn, but was in close quarters next to WAV? tired W3S - 3 P0CkCt " lhC b3ck M and "ous0. Scratched 08763i De Swasey, 111. Ovcrvvcight Royal Chef, pound. THIRD RACE 1 1-16 MILES." Top Row, Dec. 8, 1934.-1:423109. Purse 00. 4-year-ftandTI ,,!ds .nd uPward- Claiming. Non-winners of 25 in 1935. Weight, 112 lbS ClaiminS P"Ce, 00. Anr 9 VI R M p 3C,IY Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses EgtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners BqniT. Odds Strt 08657CHICA WB 4 102 4 2 ll l1 V V ll RayW W K Wolf 180-100 SfTnpYcULIAN w 11 107 2 6 6V 4 4 2- 2- ColpittsR Mrs L Copenhsver 290-100 02864 JOE SAM wb 4 112 5 8 8 8 7J5 31 SmithG C W Shelton 5320-100 08553 SAM GILMORE wb 7 112 1 1 2i 3J 2 31 4 RobtsonW J Dowell 760-1M K.ERANT0 wb4107..6 5 31 2 3J 4J 5 MauroF L Molasky MO-lS 08632CRY BABY w 10 102 8 3 5" 1 8 T 6J GrayA J S McDaniel 690-100 0775TIRISH PEER w 5 107 7 4 4 5" 63 8 7 DudleyH E Rice 2460-100 08590KISLAV wb 6 112 3 7 7 6s 51 6" 8 SimmonsH C J Hanson 1120-100 Time, :25y5, :E0, 1:14, V.WS, 1:46. Track fast. rutPA T2.MUTiTE1S FAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s rSvaI .iiVrAM N S560 An S3-20 18-100 50-100 60-100 320 3-00 60-100 JOE mr SAM cam 980 390100 li.Wln"?rCh- fay Ormont Sister Susio, by Galveston trained by W. K. Wolf; bred by Miss E. Bennett. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:04. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. CHICA stumbled at the start but recovered quickly and, saving ground around the first turn, took a short lead; was given a breathing spell until challenged midway of the back stretch, then drew out and turned for home with a good advantage, but quit badly in the last fifty yards and would have been beaten in a few more strides. ROYAL JULIAN saved ground around the stretch turn and, coming strongly in the last eighth, was gaining rapidly. JOE SAM, outrun early, closed fastest of all. SAM GILMORE and ESPERANTO were used up chasing the winner and had little left. The others were never daneerous Scratched 08187 Orrin, 107. Corrected weight Esperanto, 107. , FOURTH RACE 1-2 MILE. Morclass, March 29, 1935 :47 2 105. Purse 00. 2-year- olds" AIowances 08782 Apr.-2-35-B.M Net value t0 winner 25; second 00. thirdj 550 ; fourth 525. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 08628INA DEAR wb 112 11 1 lJ p BurnsG F S Devoin 800-100 08628 -CALAVERAS wb 115 2 2, 21 21 21 MaibenJ Oakhurst Stable 760-100 07588 SOUTHERN WAY wb 115 4 3 3" 33 34 MauroF W F Axton 320-100 08628 VALIANT FOX wb 110 5 4 51 5J 4l SmithG Northway Stable 850-100 08025TOTNESS wb 112 6 6 41 4J 5 TurkC Pasadena Stable 140100 08628JSANTA ANITA w 112 7 7 6 66 63 LongdenJ P M Pike 860-100 08685KOOTENAY BELLE w 112 3 5 7 7 7 SimmnsH J W Marchbank 2640-100 Time, :2Z, :46?s new track record. Track fast. T-?2 MUTUEIS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , INA DEAR .8.00 .80 $ 4.00 800100 290100 100100 cn.LXIoA,s,,;; 10.40 5.00 420-100 150-100 SOUTHERN WAY 3.00 50100 Winner Br. f, by Rip Rap Betty ONeal, by Honeywood trained by L. Horning; bred by Mr. T. Horning. WENT TO POST 3:34. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. INA DEAR broke quickly from an inside post position and, taking a good lead early, saved ground thereafter and held CALAVERAS safe under hard urging. CALAVERAS was always closest to the winner and gained steadily in the stretch to be beaten narrowly. SOUTHERN WAY found an opening on the stretch turn io reach contention, but did not threaten the first two. VALIANT FOX showed an improved effort. TOT-NESS raced wide and tired. The others had no excuse. Scratched 08451 Charming Miss, 112. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Black Board, Dec. 4, 19341:105105. Purse OQTftQ , 3-ycar-!!s and uPward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 118 o,c P.. ,bs Non-winners of three races in 1935 allowed 4 lbs.; tAvo races, 8 lbs. Apr.-2-35-B.M Claiming price, ,200. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt C8658GERARD wsb 10 113 8 1 3" 21 1" 1J HowellR Mrs C B Irwin 90-100 086901GOLD CLASP wb4 1 05 5 5 ll 13 23 2" ColpittsR Mrs M Elsenius 290-100 08608 IKARD wb 6 114 3 8 2" 31 31 3" MauroF Mrs L F OLeary 650-100 K,8lBATTLING knIGHTwb 6109 2 3. 5i 61 51 41 GriffinM Spring Hill Stablt 1710-100 SSFAREFDL KITTY w 5 1051 7 2 4 4J 41 5 LongdenJ F Rowe 790-100 SLB.,NAGAI wb410S 4 7 64511 6 MThorntonC R E Cooper 1620-100 S2AS?AJARA w4 108 1 4 7 4 7 8 71 RayW C Farrell 690-100 08559RUNNING HEEL . w. 4 105 6 6 8 8 7" 8 GrayA C Putnam 4380-100 Time, :22, :46, 1:11 J. Track fast. rrDADn r MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , " 5 380 5 340 2M 90-100 70-100 40-100 ii?ADn rmn riAcn ASP 500 380 150-100 90-100 IKARp. 4.00 100100 ,., n,ner B- s by Ambassador IV. Crepuscule, by Meddler trained by T. Smith; bred by Mr. G. D. Widener. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 4:06J. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GERARD, off well, followed the pace of GOLD CLASP closely to the stretch, then went to the front and drew out easily near the end. GOLD CLASP opened up a good lead while setting the pace and held on fairly well after being headed by the winner. IKARD showed improvement and was racing gamely at the end. BATTLING KNIGHT was in close quarters early when racing on the inside and dropped back, but came again in the stretch. CAREFUL KITTY was in close quarters on the far turn. TASSAJARA was badly outrun, Overweight Careful Kitty, pound. SIXTH RACE BAY MEADOWS 3-4 Mile Number Win 2 Place Show Winner ....... 1 E0 $ ? Second 2 Mam BJ 00 Third 3 SB-EKD Final Time: D lfil Off Time: HiBHVz The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered In the race indicate the order in which they finished. WH The Bailiff BCuyamaca E The Triumvir E Gateway B Strait Jacket EI Jazz Band I Camino Real B Gene D. H Chief Almgren IBS Home Loan SCRATCHED Chief Almgren. SEVENTH RACE BAY MEADOWS 1 Mile Number Win Place Show Winner 1 SBISISH SKIEDQ SlHSa Second ........ 2 HB-Bm 0.HH Third ......... 3 H.EH Final Time: U BS El Off Time: HflHVa The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate the order in which they finished. El Watonga EI Behemoth E High Man KMarition E Deer Fly E Light Brook I Easter Tommy EIGHTH RACE BAY MEADOWS 1 Mile Number Win Place Show Winner . 1 SHKJEI3 BH SID EH Second 2 EUEEI 80 00 Third......... 3 msmm Final Time: a a0 E3 Off Time: EhHB The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate th order in which they finished. BAthoI ECanEle 01Puako EWestire E Durango HJeannetteK. 1 Brown Wisdom R Platinum Blonde