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DETROIT STAFF COMPLETED Frank Otis Signed as Patrol Judge for Motor City Meeting Surfacing for Track. ARLINGTON, Texas, April 2. Joseph A Murphy, director of racing of the Detroit Racing Association, today announced that the official staff had been completed with the selection of Frank Otis as patrol judge. Otis, a former successful race rider, brings to his new position years of experience, and is accepted as one of the most competent patrol judges of the United States. He is at present serving at Arlington Downs. In a letter received from Clarence E. Lehr, general manager, the information was given that things were commencing to hum in a racing way in the Motor City. The stake blanks have been delivered by the printer and will be distributed in the next few days to all racing points in the United States. Norman Miller, the track superintendent, has placed two inches of sand on the track, and- it will be ready for horses in the next two weeks. IOn the next few days, Mr. Lehr stated, work would be started in painting the stand and seats, and a general dolling up of the entire plant. The situation in Detroit, from an economic viewpoint, is rapidly improving, and a most successful meeting is predicted when the plant opens on May 23.