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workouts zandandl I Date at left of horses name ia last workout. Letters -following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; all out; s, sulked; n, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Showa in Black Face Type TUESDAY, APRIL 2 BAY MEADOWS. "Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-1 Chosen Pal.. :37b 1-25 Nubs :35b 3-26 Eviction ... :36 b 3-30 Panic Blues. :37b 3-30 Lily May.... :35b Release .... :36b 3-30 Liqueur :37b 3-23 Rosemaid .. :35d Magnanimous :37b Toro Prome :37b One-Half Mile. Coalizer .... :54b 3-17 Piety :50b 3-30 Ethel Mae... :49b 3-26 Red Coract.. :50b 3-30 Enigmatic ..:50 b 3-20"Rainstar ... :50 b 2- 5 Fancy Flight :49b Rap Doon.. :49 h 3- 28 Hermacita . . :49b 3-21 Take It Easy :48h Maid of Perth :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-29 Frisky Matn1:004h 2-28 Sun Thorn. .l:03b 3-28 Instigator ..1:03 b 3-26 Velociter ....l:04b Three-Quarters Mile. 3-30 Happy Helenl:15b 3-18 Risky Miss.. 1:1 5b 3-17 High Sun...l:16b 3-26 Uncle Hyde. 1:17 b One Mile. 2- 24 Miss Moo...l:46b 4-1 Top Row....1:41e 3- 31 Thomasville l:45b 4-1 Teralice ....l:41h Chosen Pal and Liqueur went together on even terms. Eviction broke from the gate. Nubs stayed in on the turn. He -wore blinkers. Magnanimous and Toro Prodrome went together evenly. Rosemaid was slightly urged. Take It Easy and Maid of Perth were re-stained slightly. Piety was well in hand. Ethel Mae could have gone faster. Red Comet was more kind in his work than usual. Instigator was only cantering. Frisky Matron was very hard held. Sun Thorn was under wraps. Happy Helen was snugged throughout. I Risky Miss broke from the gate well in hand. High Sun, wearing blinkers, broke from the gate. Teralice was well in hand all the way. Top Row was waved down by his trainer and pulled up sound. Thomasville was only cantering. CHTJRCHHX DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 3-17 Bluebeard .. :37b Pierre Andre :43 b Lunsford ... :43 b Squeeze .... :40 b One-Half Mile. 2-22 Bart g Kate. :54b 2-9 Infinitate .. :54 b Clean Out.. :55 b Lynvete :57 b 2-6 Captain Joy. 5 b 1-17 Little Cynic. :51h Dick Star. . . :57 b 3-15 Semaphore . :55 b 2-7 Funderburg . :54b 2-13 Secret Tryst :55 b 2- 3 Gamaliel ... :54 b 2-15 Vanished .. :52 b Five-Eiahths Mile. Babeson ...l:10b Homer I 1:09b Chauvenet .1:11 b Ping 1:14 b Cthia Grey.l:10b Riff l:llb Three-Quarters Mile. Byrdine ...124 b Sph Babe..l:24b Hour Zev...l:28 b Tormy B...l:29 b Bluebeard was eager to run. Vanished was hard held. Spanish Babe looks good. Secret Tryst and Captain Joy breezed together. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 28 Billy Champ :39h 3-28 Gin Buck... :36h 3-27 IMind Gdian :36h 3-27 Hasty Glance :34h 3-30 ;lrode .. :36h 2-24 Indian- Boy. 38 h 3-25 Chance Line :37b 3-30 Impl Bunty :39 h 3-27Cines Tango :38 h Ident Boy.. :38h 2- 24Cned Head. :39 h 3-29 John Bane.. :40h Delano Rose :36h 3-30 Lady B. Bud :37h 3- 29 Enro :40h 3-31 Lucky Child :39h 3-29 Empty Btle :36h 3-28 Magenta ... :36h 3-4 Eskimo :39b Miss Ritz... :38h Freebg .Boy :38h 3-30 Mks Time. . :39b 3 29Fever Yrs. :35h 3-30 Marmara ... :35h Miss Sation :38h 3-29 Scen Maid. :41 b 3-28Marson .... :35h 4-1 Sister Mary. :40 b 3-30 Ouray :38h 3-27 Thatch .... :37b 3-27 Pous Genie :36 h 3-30 Texas Pal. . . :37h 3-28 Play Hooky. :38 h 3-26 Uncn Gold. :38b 3-28 Richstrike .. :35h 3-19 Whizzaway . :40 b One-Half Mile. 3-27 BVie Dream :497sh 3-27 Mter Buck. :52b 3-26 Bonnie Pan. :49b Out Put.... :49 h 3-30 Come On... :51 b 3-29 Our Patty.. :49 h 3-30 Croon :49b 3-30 Olive O :51 h 3-25Chico Boy. :49h 3-50 Overshoes .. :49h Chihvee .... :51 h 3-29 Pcess Bebe. :52 h 3-30Eblis :51b 3-30 Pce Charlo. :50 h 3-26 Gia Mcedes :49 d 3-24 Phalamo ... :5GAb 3-27Gald Maid. :49 h 3-31 Pantaur .... :49 h 3-31 Genteel Lady :51 b 4-1 Radiator . . . :49andh Govcor Bill. :50h Sally Forth.. :53h 3-28 Gov. Sholtz. :49 h 3-26 Sure Gamble :50 h 3- 14 Hvy Sugar. :50 b 3-28 Sweepogan . :54b 4- 1 Irish Cutie.. :49h 3-30 Tracker .... :49h 3-29 Lugen Lage :51 h 3-26 Viola C :55 b Lace Keys.. :49h 3-30 Vin Noir. . . . :51 h 3-29 Miss Cficato :50h 3-31 Waltz King. :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-18 Beckoned ..1:03 h 3-9 Pharatime ..1:03 h 3-30 Bien Fait...1:00h 3-28 Penncote ...l:04b 3-29 Cogay 1.-05 b 3-30 Parties lK5h 3-30 Clarify l:02andb 3-30 Respect ....l:04h 3-7 Donee 1:05 h 3-28 Silver Blue. .1:03 d 3-27 Dusky Lass.l:01h 3-27 Sheratan ...l:05h 3-4 H. Hand 11.1:11 b 3-23 Vanita lMh 3-29 Luckv Buck.lK35 b 3-27 White Legs.. 1:05 h 3-26 My S"urprise.l:05 b 3-51 Wise Player .l:04b 3-28 No More.... l:05b 3-50 Westys Fox.l:02b Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 27 Balancer ...l:17h 3-30 Hokuao ....1:27 b 4- 1 Blue Armor.l:15h 4-1 Lovito l:20h 3-30 Blcsd Eventl:16h 3-29 Noahs Pridel.l8b 3-28Bissagos ...1:24 b 3-27 Snaplock ...l:18b 3-17 Coll Melus. .1-20 b 3-29 Towson ....l:18h 3- 31 Crout au Potl:16b 3-29 Well Built. .l:17h 4- 1 Hold Fire...l:15h 4-1 Whiskolo ...l:15h One Mile. 3-30 Single Raganl:42 h Hasty Glance showed a high turn of speed. Empty Bottle was breezing. Marson and Marmara showed speed together. Clarify and Westys Fox worked well in hand together. Bien Fait did a good work from the barrier and looks and acts well. Penncote was breezing. Crout au Pot was going easily. Snaplock and Noahs Pride were breezing in company. BOWIE. Weather foggy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. Aga Ray.... :38 h 3-31 Miss Teenie. :37d 3-31 Blue Zip.... :36 d 4-1 Night Sprite. :37h 3-30Borsa :39h Royal Ballad :40 h 3-29Boocord ... :38 h 3-28 Starogan ;37h 3-15 Cristate .... :37h 3-30 Stone Martin :39 h 3-31 Hapy Easter :37 h 3-30 Wahoo :38 h One-Half Mile. 3-31 Jubilargo :51 d 3-30 Sang Froid.. :53h 3-31 Onward .... 1 d Spell :54 h 3-25 Quickly :52 h Winter Sport :54 h 3-15 Stand Pat.. :52 h Five-Eiqhths Mile-3-28 Hurdy Gurdyl:09 h 3-28 Tulies Wandl:09 h 3-30 Kalola..... 1:08 b Three-Quarters Mile. Copper .....1:24 h 3-30 Ottawa 1:19 "d Cora Kay... 1:24 h 3-23 Port Lane..l:21h 3-30 Dont Blush.l:19 d 3-30 Ross 1:19 d 3-28Easr Heraldl:21h Strt Guide.. 1:20 h Fly On 1:24 h Tambourine 1:24 h One Mile. 3-28 Brad 1:54 d 3-30 Polo Bar.... 1:54 h 3-31 Lofty Lady. .1:48 h Night Sprite and Starogan went handily together. Lofty Lady was under restraint. Blue Zip liked the going. Stand Pat went handily. Cristate liked the going. Onward and Jubilargo worked together.