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DIRECT FROM SCENE OF ACTION J "WOWI" WHAT A -UP CHEERUS 4.40, WON CHIEFS PRIDE 1.40, WON AVas my parlay yesterday, and my advice to all my followers was to send it in till the cows come home. Am handling two more winners today from the same ource $ $. PARLAY TERMS, DAILY Out-of-towners, WIRE IN your subscription by Postal Telegraph or Western Union. City players, call at offic or phone DEARBORN 3610-3629 and receive parlay by FAST MESSENGER. "CLOCKER" SAM CLARK 127 N. Dearborn St., Suite 1435-37 Chicago, II. Write for sample copy of my booklet HERE IS THAT BIG ADVERTISED 00 FREE CODE: ARLINGTON March-25-12-5-1 This if the one we have been "RAVING" ABOUT. The one our CHIEF TRACKMAN dug up at a great expense to this organization. Comes from the same source that gave us that long shot book winner: DARK SEEKER, 7.00, WON So rush right out to your nearest newsdealer; get a copy of the current issue of Supreme Flash Turf Weekly, 35 cents per copy, and see page 2 for key to the above code. DONT MISS IT GO GET YOURS TODAYS BOWIE MEETING HORSE: LINCOLN 93-38-98-93. SUPREME FLASH 799 BROADWAY SUITE 407 NEW YORK CITY CLOCKERS REVIEW 26th YEAR 35 CENTS THE COPY SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAY THAT ADVERTISED 20-1 FREE CODE GOES TO THE POST RAIN OR SHINE HERE IT IS: BOWIE Noblest-13-9 Connections have been hiding this horse all winter for this particular race. A good jockey has been engaged to ride and positively no mistakes will be made. Every angle has been figured carefully for an easy win. This 20-1 shot is yours absolutely free. Just rush to your newsdealer now and get a copy of Clockers Review Americas fastest selling, weekly for only 35 cents. Turn to page 2 and decipher the above 20-1 free code Bowie winner. Absolutely the best in years. GO GET IT NOW. DONT DELAY TODAYS DURANTE PARLAY: B0 WI E Pu rple-26-1 4 BOWI E Yellow-1 3-1 1 -1 9-5 Five dollars pays for a code card good for six days. Will telegraph todays limit win parlay on request. Code card will follow by mail, good for six days. CLOCKERS REVIEW 41 Union Square, Suite 1011 New York City AT ALL STANDS EVERY WEEK 35 CENTS Turf Gossip Free Code: BOWIE May-43-51 -44-53. Clockers Tips Free Codes: ARLINGTON Grey-72-68-. 66-76 and ARLINGTON Gold-66-76-80-81. MONDAYS TURFXOSSIP FREE CODE: MANTAGNA, .80, WON MONDAYS CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE: DARK SEEKER, .30, WON WIN 0 PER WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the races we will put you next to a little trainer aecret that should place you above want aa long aa you live. No obligation. Jut send your name and address to SECO.R PUB. CO. AURORA, ILL. STEADY- INCOME AS LONG AS RACES RUN Positive proof that my system wins on a flat bet will be sent to you promptly upon request. No obligations. Mail name and address. W. A. LOUIS, 6053 Camac Street, Philadelphia, Pa. wSY MAN O WAR "yS" FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON Boot-12-31-18-30. Todays Code Parlay: BOWIE Albert-59-25-43-21 and ARLINGTON Sidney-63-61-23.17. Todays Trackman Code: KING Black-41 -42-42-40. Todays Bowie Meeting Horse: BOWIE Sue-48-84-36-80. TRACK CRACKS RACING WEEKLY "The Truth If It Breaks Us" On All Stands, 15c Todays Code Parlay: ARLINGTON Young-1-17-3-52 and ARLINGTON Wright-26-3-21-77. Todays Bowie Code Special: BIN 3-15-6-37. Todays Track Crack Free Code: ARLINGTON Tie-12-4-20-24. 4 WEST 15TH ST. NEW YORK CITY Bowie Free Code: Ten-Hat-Ivy-Dog-Gag Arlington Downs Free Code: Tax-Gag-Bab-Ice-Gag OCCASIONAL CODE: ARLINGTON DOWNS Tip-Era-Hit-Fee-Cat BUT NOW ONLY 10 CENTS Four Spot, 9.80, Won Tropical Park Clockers Special Eighth Pole, 9.20, Won Bassetts Bay Meadows Special You have been warned time and again to watch every column of the "Pink Sheet" closely. Have you heeded that warning? If you did, then you had FOUR SPOT at Tropical Park for a getaway day special. It was certainly easy money to get a winner which paid off in figures like that. Bassett gave his army of followers something to cheer about, too, when his Special at Bay Meadows romped home the winner at odds of better" than andy2 to 1. The following Pointed-Out Horses went over the same day: Regrens Arlington Downs Standout, Bassetts Bay Meadows Special, Bassetts Tropical Park Special and Regrens Tropical Park Standout. McCarty gave five winners at Tropical Park, including the winning combination for the "Daily Double which paid 0.00 for each ticket. This same handicapper also was successful in selecting the "Daily Double" combination at Arlington Downs, this one paying 9.10 for . Regren released three winners at Arlington Downs Monday and a like number at Agua Caliente Sunday, while Bassett also pointed out three winners at Tropical Park. Take a Look at Some More of the Outstanding Winners in Mondays "Pink Sheet:" STARFERENCE, Regren-Bassett Tip, 4.80, WON LAMPORTE, McCarty Arlington Downs Tip, 13.70, WON SUITOR, Bassett-McCarty Agua Caliente Tip, 9.40, WON THUNDERTONE, McCarty Tropical Park Tip, 9.40, WON SNOBEEDO, Regren Arlington Downs Tip, 9.30, WON RENAISSANCE, McCarty Arlington Downs Tip, 8.60, WON CHIEF A.. Bassetts Tropical Park Special. 8.50, WON COTTlNGHAM, Regren-Bassett Agua Caliente Tip, 8.20, WON JOBIOSO, Regren Agua Caliente Tip, 7.80, WON To list all the winners given in Mondays "Pink" would require another column. You can see for yourself that the "Pink Sheet" comes through with the winners. Dont be without this paper for a single day. WEDNESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: BOWIE Tan-53-49-39 ARLINGTON DOWNS Brown-49-38-39 To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ELL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mall Free! Free! Free! One of the greatest books on System Play ever written is yours for the asking. It has never sold for less than yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, in Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSD3LE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscription to POST TIME. The price, for twelve issues of POST TIME is .50. When the 750 copies of the book are exhausted there will be none available at any price, so get yours today, while there is still time. SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YOUR YEARS SUBSCRIPTION, AND MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE S5 BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND, WILL BE MAILED PREPAID TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 CHICAGO. ELL. HORSEMANS S WEEK LY3sff ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE. 35 CENTS Todays Free Code: BOWIE September-1 9-25-33-31 SECRET FLASH CODES: BOWIE Vermont-42-51-43-52 ARLINGTON DOWNS Ohio-31-55-49-47 TURF LIGHT " St Use Issue of April 6 for Code. April-Bowie-Anchor-Astound-Arcade-Abroad .00 Bi-Monthly Code Card. Ask Dealer or Box 66, General Postoffice, New York City TODAYS FREE CODE: 5th Race Texas 17-10-17-2 LAST FREE CODE: DARK WAR, 10.60, WON THORP RACING WEEKLY Only 15 Cents a Copy All Stands Have It Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON Yellow-44-42. Todays "Chips" McManus Special: ARLINGTON Bos-tori-Arnold-Sol. Todays Thorps Daily Double 1 BOWIE Window-58-76 and ARLINGTON Table-54-1 54. RAY THORP 63 PARK ROW NEW YORK CITY 1 if TV TV Tv DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR WEDNESDAY: BOWIE G-11-12-3-24 ARLINGTON DOWNS G-20-19-24-10 WEDNESDAYS CODE RELEASE: CAPTAIN ARGO, 4.10, WON THURSDAYS CODE RELEASE: ERIN LAD, 3.30, WON FRIDAYS CODE RELEASE: DEADEYE DICK, 5.30, WON SATURDAYS CODE RELEASE: FURFIBER, 3.30, WON WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 1 Amazing new method wins steady income. Thirty-five .dollars daily should be easy. Works anywhere. Simplicity itself. Complete method sent FREE OF CHARGE. Nothing to buy or sell, ho wires. Rush name and address. Please write very plainly. 0. JENSEN, Box 2, Station C, Brooklyn, N. Y.